Rich industrialist, or poor farmer. We didn’t choose the family we were born into.
It must be pure chance – an arbitrary allocation.
But if so, would we be happy with such a code of justice, when applied to all aspects of our lives? Surely we do not want the results of our hard work to be arbitrarily assigned to someone else.
The ancients teach us, that life works on the principle of karma.
Karma is any (and every) action. Karmic law is action = reaction, i.e. a balance.
The pleasures we enjoy today – good health, a job, business, money, house, family, food, education – did we really do enough in this life itself to deserve any of them?
We are constantly taking. But it is giving that will (begin to) restore the balance.
The best things we can give? Our time, our wisdom (if any!) and our love. And none of them even cost anything 🙂
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