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Highness Youness

Who’s the king of the world?

Okay not Jack from Titanic.

But the king of the world would seem to be the one with the most money, right?

Well king is only figurative. I mean, anyone with a lot of money today has an extraordinary degree of freedom, and thereby probably happiness.

How to get money though, by just doing a 9 to 5?

Hardly possible. And with the advent of AI, is there any guarantee that even a 9 to 5 will work? How do you know AI isn’t writing this very post?! It can certainly already do much cooler things!

While AI can automate and replicate most things, I suppose one thing it cannot do, is to replace YOU. You are the brand. You are all that matters. You are everything. You have everything. You are complete. Spirituality will quite like this thought process!

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