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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 12b of 12

Arrow Maker: Focus and Precision (Guru 23)
An arrow maker, engrossed in his craft, ignores everything around him, even a king passing by.

Dattatreya learned from him the power of focus and single-minded dedication.

Wasp: Transformation through Focus (Guru 24)
A wasp transforms a caterpillar into its likeness through constant presence.

From it, Dattatreya learned that focused contemplation leads to profound transformation.

Conclusion: The 25th (bonus!) Guru
The body itself, though perishable, is a valuable teacher. Dattatreya realized its importance as a vehicle for liberation.

Swami Tejomayananda beautifully concludes: “Dattatreya’s 24 gurus are none other than his own mind’s openness to learning.”

When we are ready to learn, life becomes a teacher. The Avadhuta inspires us to find wisdom everywhere and live a liberated, joyful life.

Thank you for joining me on this amazing 24-guru journey over the past few days!

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