Everyone wants to do the right thing. But nobody knows what’s right. Because everyone’s definition of right is different. At least in life.
But what if ‘right’ is pre-defined. Would it help in doing the right thing? It should, in theory, right (pun unintended)?
Let’s take investing as an example. How does one make money from investing? Simple, buy low, sell high. Couldn’t be an easier formula.
But then why isn’t everyone around us rich?
Because while the formula is ‘right’, we aren’t. When the price is 10, isn’t that nice and low? It’s low, but what if it goes to 9 or 8 tomorrow? Or 5? Wow, wouldn’t I like to invest 50% cheaper? And so the buy never happens. Similar story for the “sell high”, as our minds conjure up utopian futures that seem all too obvious to get.
So, is it easy to do the right thing, even if it’s pre-defined?