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So sweet

At a recent social function, a cute little kid was ravenous. So much so that as soon as the dinner counters opened, she went straight for the ice cream.

The happiness on her little face was telling, while a few adults joked about beginning the course with dessert instead of appetizers.

But funnily enough, a post (link) I came across today mentioned that in Indian culinary/medical tradition aka Ayurveda, there is a set sequence of what types of food one must ingest.

No prizes for guessing, that “sweet” comes right up top! Apparently sweet foods are the easiest to break down and hence eating them first is best. If they are eaten last however, just like most “modern and sophisticated” people tend to do, they get stuck waiting in line for other harder-to-digest appetizers and main courses to digest. The sweet food hangs around for long and then turns toxic.

Quite interesting I’d say, and it’s probably worth starting with a sweet, just like the kid!

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