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Leading with style

Intriguingly, even leadership styles can be compared to the three Gunas in Indian philosophy: Tamasik, Rajasik, and Sattvik.

Let’s start with Tamasik leadership. This passive, demotivating, and often egoistic style can create confusion and stifle progress. Leaders with this approach may struggle to inspire their teams, leading to a lack of direction and low morale.

Next, we have Rajasik leadership, which is transactional and driven by ambition and action. These leaders focus on goals and rewards, using clear structures and performance metrics. While this can boost productivity, it can also lead to stress and burnout if not balanced.

Finally, Sattvik leadership embodies transformative qualities. These leaders are wise, selfless, and aim for higher goals. They inspire and uplift their teams, fostering growth and harmony. Sattvik leaders create environments where everyone can thrive, balancing ambition with mindfulness.

By understanding these styles, leaders can strive to cultivate Sattvik qualities, promoting a more enlightened and effective approach to leadership.

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