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Medical herosim

A 90-year-old gynecologist who, despite her limited time left on the planet, was utterly dedicated to ensuring every baby she delivered was healthy. If that isn’t selflessness, then what is?

Similarly, an elderly oncologist, battling cancer himself, continues to work tirelessly to save his patients, embodying resilience. His commitment to his patients’ well-being, despite his personal struggles, speaks volumes about his character.

An aged cardiologist with a heart condition still oversees life-saving surgeries, reflecting true dedication. His unwavering focus on saving lives, even while managing his own health issues, highlights his exceptional commitment to medicine.

A retired pediatrician, despite suffering from arthritis, volunteers to care for sick children, showing profound compassion. Her willingness to endure physical pain to ensure the well-being of young patients illustrates a deep sense of empathy and love for her work.

Such amazing selflessness, I can only hope to have some day…

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