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Mental Q&A

Some question and answer gems from Osho, although paraphrased.

Q: What’s the mind’s real purpose?
The mind is a tool to navigate the unknown, like a safety guard. It’s not meant to make us happy, though many mistakenly try.

Q: Why are those who rely on the mind often unhappy?
Those who identify with the mind too much often find misery. The mind should be used when needed and set aside when not.

Q: How has this affected us?
The mind, once a servant, has become our master. We’ve lost touch with our true selves.

Q: How can we find happiness?
Perhaps we should feel more and think less. Nature is happier because it isn’t ruled by the mind.

Q: What’s the key to using the mind effectively?
Treat the mind like a car—use it when needed, but don’t let it control you. Stay in the driver’s seat.

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