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A&Q – part 2

In his research and teaching at MIT and Duke, Dan Ariely discovered an effective technique for changing opinions: asking key questions. Instead of bombarding people with information, he suggests three types of questions.

First, ask questions to reduce confidence. For example, “How well do you think you understand the stock market?” Then challenge their understanding by asking how they would explain complex concepts like derivatives. This approach helps people realize the limits of their knowledge.

Second, slow people down by asking for more detailed responses. Encourage them to think deeply and provide complex answers to issues they care about. This can lead to a more thoughtful and productive discussion.

Third, use empathetic questions to shift perspectives and foster problem-solving together. Ask questions that put people into the perspective of those most affected by the situation. By changing the tone and opening the conversation, Ariely believes we can find common ground more effectively.

Absolutely worth trying!

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