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Dead Horse Dilemma

The “dead horse theory,” passed down by the Dakota Indians, offers a simple yet important lesson: “When you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.” Too funny, isn’t it?

This wisdom, circulating as a WhatsApp meme, humorously critiques modern approaches in business, government, and education.

Instead of accepting the obvious solution, many employ complex strategies to revive the metaphorical dead horse. These include buying a stronger whip, changing the riders, and even threatening the horse with termination.

Some go further by hiring outside contractors or appointing committees to study the problem. Others might provide additional funding and training, hoping to boost the dead horse’s performance.

In a global twist, visits to other countries are arranged to observe how they manage their dead horses, all while avoiding the simple truth!

The takeaway? Sometimes, the simplest solution is the most effective. Let go of what’s not working and seek new paths for genuine progress.

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