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CEO Love – part 4

Transforming PG&E required a shift from traditional corporate practices to a culture infused with love and empathy. Patty built a new leadership team, choosing individuals who shared her vision. She believed a compassionate team was crucial for meaningful change.

One specific initiative she introduced was the “Safety Stand-Down,” a day when all operations halted to focus solely on safety practices and open dialogue. This initiative was not just about policies but fostering a culture where every employee felt responsible for each other’s safety and well-being.

Patty also implemented “Listening Tours,” visiting various field sites to hear directly from employees. This wasn’t just a formality; it was about understanding their concerns and making them feel seen and heard. She believed this approach empowered employees, making them feel part of the company’s transformation.

Under Patty’s leadership, PG&E began to emerge from its crisis, focusing not just on operational success but on rebuilding trust and community. Through these initiatives, Patty showed that leading with love could drive both business results and human connection.

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