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Thinking of me

Here’s some incredible advice from the incredible “@naval”:

First of all, I don't think of myself. I just want to be clear on that. And that's not a rule. It's just a habit I've kind of developed because I found that thinking about yourself is a source of all unhappiness and misery.

Self obsession is the root of all unhappiness.

What did Buddha do? Conquer the self. What does that mean? Means that he saw through the illusion of the separate self.

Did Buddha think about himself? Not for an instant. Anyone that you think of as an enlightened being does not think about themselves for an instant.

The happiest people in life when people are at their best is because they love something more than they love themselves. They love their children, they love God, they love their mission, what have you.

And all misery comes from rumination, from sitting around, being depressed, going in circles in your own head about me, me, me, me, me. Me is a disease.

And you need a concept of a me to be effective and to keep track of things. You have a memory, you have certain predilections, you have personality patterns. But the more you self obsess, the less happy you're going to be. I guarantee you that.
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