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Standards, Scope & Teachability – part 1

There’s a superb interview of Jeff Bezof, founder of Amazon, where he discussed excellent pointers for excellence.

He emphasizes the importance of recognizing high standards and understanding the effort required to achieve them. To illustrate this, he shares a story about a friend learning to do a perfect handstand. Initially, she thought it would take a few weeks, but her coach corrected her, saying it would take about six months of daily practice. This example underscores the need for realistic expectations.

At Amazon, this principle is applied through their unique approach to meetings. Instead of using PowerPoint, they write detailed six-page memos. Not too many do that, do they?

Bezos says that achieving high standards is not just about recognizing excellence but also about realistic expectations. Understanding the time and effort required to produce high-quality work, like a perfect handstand or a detailed memo, is essential for success.

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