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Only Bhavani

Shankaracharya’s Bhavani Ashtakam resonates with anyone seeking solace in the divine. The line “Gathistvam gathistvam tvam ekaa Bhavani” is hair raising and encapsulates the essence of his devotion. It reflects that amidst all of life’s uncertainties, Bhavani remains his sole sanctuary.

The verse “Na tato na mata na bandhur na data, Na putro na putri na brityo na bharta” profoundly explains his realization that earthly relationships and attachments are transient.

By declaring, “Na Jnanam na chavairagyam na shilpam na sa vidya, Na shasram naiva cha kriya na bhaktir mamaivacha,” Shankaracharya acknowledges that neither intellectual pursuits nor spiritual practices alone can bring him peace.

I don’t understand these verses much. But every line is similar. It highlights a variety of things, and then concludes by saying that I know nothing to the exclusion of Bhavani.

Such outstanding devotion!

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