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Loss is gain

In Vedic astrology, the 12th house is a feared one.


Because it generally shows losses of various kinds. Loss of wealth, giving up of things, leaving one’s home, being hospitalized for long, going to jail etc etc.

As you can see, not a lot of good stuff.

Ketu happens to be a planet that signifies giving up things as well.

So when Ketu is in the 12th house in the native’s chart, it might seem like a deadly combination of an expurging planet in an expurging house!

But what’s bad for materialism is often spectacular for spirituality.

So much so that if one has Ketu in the 12th house, it signifies giving up of everything, including one’s ego. If that sounds familiar, then that it is because it is nothing but moksha or liberation!

Every cloud has a silver lining.

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