In chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna provides an interesting break-up of karma yoga.
This comes in verse 30. Here is how we could break it down for daily application:
1. “Renounce everything to the Lord” = make spirituality a priority in life, which will make life peaceful and content. Let it not just be a 5 minute activity, but the substratum of every waking moment.
2. “Quality matters” = Work in the best way possible; treating it like worship, with the knowledge that this is the highest offering there is. The benefit? We wont slack off or cut corners, irrespective of whether someone is inspecting or not.
3. Niraashi = no aasha, no expectation or hope of a specific outcome = receive the result with grace.
4. Nirmama = no mamakaar = no ‘i’ness = work with the attitude of custodianship; i.e. none of my achievements are possible without the support of those around me.
5. vigata-jJwara = “without fever” = this is not body temperature, but the fever of the mind, i.e. stress and anxiety, which can be eradicated if the above points are followed.
Such a nice and implementable way to live, isn’t it?
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