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Tag: Chanakya Neeti

Machiavelli Neeti

You must have heard of Chanakya Neeti. It is extremely famous in India at least. Chanakya was easily the best kingmaker ever.

All of his laws, rules, suggestions, principles – call them what you will, have been codified into what is called Chanakya Neeti.

There are plenty of books available on the topic. His thought process is truly marvellous.

I happened to be in a restaurant recently that also had a small library. One of the books there was Chanakya Neeti.

I picked it up, but was distraught at the title. Okay not that upset or anything, but it was funny, bordering on silly. It said this bright and bold, up on the cover page itself. “The Machiavelli of India.” Wait, What?!

I quickly did a Google search. Just as expected, Machiavelli was born in the 1400s, while Chanakya was born in 375 BC!

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Chanakya Neeti – part 3 of 3

Some more awesome words from Chanakya to close out this 3 part series:

  1. A moneyless man is not poor if he has the knowledge. There is no doubt that brain power is the mightiest power.
  2. Separation from one another should not be turned into a life long sorrow. Give due respect to the law of nature.
  3. Kith and kin get pleased with good food, while the learned ones only require a few good words to be satisfied.
  4. People who are polite and gentle to their near and dear ones, who are compassionate to the deserving, who show no mercy to bad people, who are respectful to scholars, who bravely face the powerful, who display reverence to gurus, parents and spiritual teachers, control the new development.
  5. Mercy and compassion are the mothers of all religions, hence a person having such feelings becomes religious.
  6. A teacher who introduces his pupil to God, leaves an unpayable debt on his disciple.

So amazing isn’t it?

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Chanakya Neeti – part 2 of 3

Some more superb takeaways from Chanakya:

  1. In this universe, everyone wants something because no one is satisfied with his present position.
  2. All faiths are supposed to lead us to our Creator. This undying wish to reach God will survive everything. The only thing that is permanent in this world is faith.
  3. Money buys almost everything, hence it is the real power. The friends and family of a rich person neglect all his shortcomings because of his money. Time is the mightiest of all.
  4. Contentment is the purest form of happiness. Greed is the driving force of sin.
  5. The student, the servant, the traveler, the starving person and the guard should be woken up immediately if found sleeping at the time of work.

What clarity no? Concluded tomorrow!

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Chanakya Neeti – part 1 of 3

Just a few lovely takeaways from The Real Chanakya! (a book published by a Dheeraj Publications, and it does not name an author)

  1. The tongue is the greatest war monger. Silence is another name for tolerance, and a guarantee for peace.
  2. There is no question of putting faith in a bad friend. Even a good friend should be kept away from your personal and business secrets. These secrets can be used against you anytime.
  3. One must always assess oneself frequently. This practice will help the person take corrective actions in time to avoid any crisis.
  4. Troubles should be feared till they don’t come in front of us. Make efforts to avert them. But if they come, forget fear, and fight instead.
  5. A frank person can’t be a cheat because cheating needs secrecy and double talk. Polite talking needs cleverness cultivated through education.

Some more brilliant Chanakya thoughts tomorrow!

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