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Tag: now

Meld and forget

Take all the gold mined in the entire world. Including gold bars, gold coins, gold nuggets, gold jewellery etc. Now melt and meld all of it into a cube. That cube would measure just 20 meters each side.

Take all our life’s worst problems. Including loved one passed away, job lost, got divorced, promotion denied, pet died, real-estate investment gone bust etc. etc. etc. All of these will fit into less than one calendar month of 20 days.

But in a life of 100 years or 36,500 days, we replay these 20 problem days over and over and over – so much so that all 36,500 days become problem days.

The problem is not with the problem days. The problem is in our minds. We must forget the past, and the future, and instead learn to embrace the now.

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Lifelong vacation

Oh that awesome vacation I had planned. Pristine beaches. Stunning landscapes. Yummy food. Alas, COVID19 threw my plans into disarray. Surely a lot of us have heard of or experienced this in the last few months.

We all love vacations.

Especially the first 2 of the 5 days. Aren’t they just the best!

Day 3 is spent partially enjoying, and partially thinking about getting back to work. Day 4 has a lot more office thoughts, and lot less vacation. Day 5 is practically a write-off.

Why are only days 1 and 2 the best?

Because that is when we are completely immersed in the moment. There is no thinking about anything else.

But downhill begins therefrom.

What if we could live every single day like day 1 of our vacations? Not think one minute about the future or one minute about the past. But to consciously train our minds to live in the now.

Difficult? Perhaps. But it took us ~50,000 attempts to sit upright as kids or learn to speak or learn to put food in our mouths. All very difficult tasks for a toddler. We did not give up then. We would likely need way lesser attempts now.

A lifelong vacation beckons.

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The right time

A Guru was sitting on a rock on the banks of a river. As he stared intently into the flowing water, a few disciples came to him and asked “Guru ji, you have been staring at the river for hours. What are you upto?”. The Guru replied, “I am waiting for all the water to finish flowing through so that I may cross over to the other side.”. The disciples mocked him “Don’t you know that will never happen? How can you be so silly? You need to swim right now if you want to reach the other side!”. The Guru exclaimed, “Exactly, my dear students, think about that, when each day of your lives, you postpone the important, and focus on the unneccesary”. The disciples understood their lesson.

We cannot change the past, nor the future. We can only influence the now. Let us do now, what we have always wanted to, but never did.

There is no need to search or wait for ‘the right time’ to come to us. The right time is now.

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