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Category: happiness


Everyone’s raving about the new Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj movie called Chhaava. I haven’t had the chance to see it myself yet, but have gone through enough reviews to get the gist.

One man was willing to go to any lengths to uphold Dharma.

Even if it meant getting his nails ripped off, his eyes gouged out, his skin peeled off and what not. It’s difficult for me to even just type this.

In contrast, the lives that most of us live are nothing but pure luxury. And yet we (me for sure!) find so many reasons to complain. For all the silliest of things that too.

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Discipline Made Easy: Part 3 of 3

Imagine financial discipline. Shifting focus from “what” (saving) to “why” (providing for loved ones) makes the effort feel deeply rewarding and sustainable.

Even in relationships, purpose makes a difference. Acts of care feel less like obligations and more like intentional efforts to nurture bonds.

Spiritual growth also benefits from purpose. Rather than seeing meditation or prayer as routine, connecting it to inner peace or self-awareness makes it transformative.

Purpose turns the mundane into meaningful. It transforms challenges into opportunities, building resilience and creating joy in everyday tasks.

Let us ask ourselves, “Why?” Purpose is the key to lasting self-discipline and a life of fulfillment.

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Discipline made easy – part 2 of 3

Consider exercise. Focusing on the “what” (working out) feels repetitive. But focusing on “why” (staying healthy for loved ones) provides lasting motivation.

For parents, the “why” could be staying fit to play with their children or setting an inspiring example. This makes every effort feel worthwhile.

Others might focus on aging gracefully or avoiding illness. A powerful “why” helps turn even the hardest tasks into purposeful, meaningful actions.

Purpose bridges short-term struggles with long-term goals, making self-discipline feel less like work and more like an act of love.

Concluded tomorrow!

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Discipline made easy – part 1 of 3

Maintaining self-discipline is hard. Exercise routines, diets, or even daily goals often feel overwhelming, leading to frustration and a loss of motivation.

Most focus on the “what” and “how” – working out, eating clean, or waking early. These tasks often feel tedious and uninspiring over time.

The issue lies in ignoring the deeper “why.” Actions without purpose become chores, draining enthusiasm and making discipline feel like an impossible task.

Simon Sinek’s “start with why” approach offers a way out. Purpose breathes life into routines, transforming them into meaningful and fulfilling efforts.

Continued tomorrow.

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Advisory licence

Everyone loves to give advice.

But what about receiving advice?

Are we as cool about it?


And even when we do, we only want advice that we like.

If your buddy advises you to work out daily and cut out sugar in order to get visible abs… Naah, crappy advice.

But if another buddy simply asks you to wear a scammy and pulsating belt around your waist that will magically vibrate and make your abs appear… Now that is really endearing advice!

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Banana peel – part 2 of 2

Why the did room fall silent after 5 minutes?

Perhaps they felt sorry for the speaker. Or they thought that Gurudev had forgotten his speech.

But of course that wasn’t true.

Gurudev’s speech was as short as it was impactful.

He simply said, “Everything that the world is fighting about – religions, holy books and all that – is nothing more than the peel of a banana. People have thrown away the banana, which is the essence of spirituality, and are instead fighting over the banana peel. Does that make sense?”

How profound, isn’t it?

It would be discussed later at the same conference, how among 100s of spiritual leaders and their speeches, this specific one stood out!

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Banana peel – part 1 of 2

Heard an interesting anecdote recently about Sri Sri Ravishankar ji.

Gurudev, as he is fondly known by his disciples, was invited to speak at a global forum.

Several other spiritual and religious leaders were invited as well.

The grand convention hall was packed with spectators, and it was a noisy place.

When Gurudev was invited to the dias, the din was so loud, that he decided to simply wait.

He could have broken in, asking everyone to be silent. But he just waited. For 1, 2, 3, 4… 5 full minutes, outnif the 10 minutes assigned to him. At the 5 minute mark, there was finally pin drop silence in the hall.

What happened next? Concluded tomorrow!

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Desired chain

Desire is the root of all suffering – a restless wave in the mind.

Every craving starts as a single thought.

Left unchecked, it multiplies, pulling us into an endless loop of wanting, chasing, and inevitable disappointment.

The key isn’t to battle every desire, but to stop the first one itself in its very tracks. Before it grows, before it controls us.

Master the mind at the source, and the cycle of longing and sorrow fades on its own.

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Emotional moksha

Moksha isn’t about physical liberation or escaping gravity.

It’s far more profound – a release from the limitations imposed by our mind, body, and the world.

True freedom lies in emotional liberation. No regrets about the past, no anxiety about the future. Just peace.

Yet, how often do we let others’ words disturb us? Their opinions create storms within, shaking our inner calm.

Moksha is mastering this. To remain unshaken, untangled, truly free, no matter the external noise.

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Priceless tag

In obs-gyn Dr. Sangita’s newly released book called “Project Me” (Amazon link), she shares a fascinating observation, intimately linked to her profession of delivering babies.

She asks a pertinent question. When the baby has just been delivered, what is the value attached to the baby?

Surely you can’t assign a price to your baby. Every baby is most certainly priceless!

Imagine that! A baby, which cannot walk or talk or do anything else except cry, is priceless!

So Dr Sangita proceeds to ask us – why then do we as adults perceive ourselves and others to be of little value?

We have added so many skills to our repertoires as we’ve grown, and yet our price tags have eroded? Doesn’t make sense, does it!?

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Perfect worship

We naturally value those we love – through actions and appreciation.

If we truly love God, our worship must reflect it. But what’s the best form of worship?

Not grand rituals or ashwamedha yagnas. The greatest offering is living our swadharma—our unique duties—with sincerity and gratitude.

When we approach our daily responsibilities as acts of devotion, every moment becomes sacred.

Worship isn’t separate; it’s in how we live, love, and serve with gratitude.

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Blessed impossibility

Why should we pray?

Is anything truly in our control?

As any realized soul would agree, without the blessings of the Lord, nothing is possible.

And on the contrary, with the blessings of the Lord, nothing is impossible!

So why not pray?!

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Driver joy – part 2 of 2

What keeps him so fulfilled? It’s simple.

He sees every journey as an adventure, a chance to explore, to learn.

He’s grateful that his earnings educate his children.

He marvels at Google Maps, guiding him effortlessly to places once known only to locals.

Where others see hardship, he sees opportunity.

And  that’s the real secret as we already know – happiness isn’t in circumstances, but in how we choose to see them.

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Driver joy – part 1 of 2

A driver we engaged recently for a short trip, has no fixed home – his journey never stops.

From one city to another, across states, through highways and narrow lanes, he keeps driving.

His job isn’t easy. Long hours, modest pay, and precious little time with his young family. He sees them only once in a few months. Most would call this a tough life.

And yet, he radiates happiness. No complaints, no regrets – just a quiet contentment that’s rare to find.

How? Concluded tomorrow!

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Clarity of desire

Between moksha and luxury, what would one choose? What should one choose?

Had the chance to visit an ancient Sukra (Venus) temple near Kumbakonam recently.

Well, it’s not really a Venus temple, but an Agneeswarar temple, which is a form of Lord Shiva.

And there’s a Devi idol as well, Shiva’s consort.

Interestingly, the Shiva lingam had no takers. Zero queue, zero push.

But the Shukra deity? Oh that was full, with people thronging and jostling for a quick view.

Why? Because Venus is the planet of luxuries and wealth. People are clear about their choice of desires!

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God resides in everyone – this changes how we act, or at least it should!

When we serve a parent, child, or friend, it’s not for them but for the Divinity within them. Each action then becomes sacred.

The beauty? No expectations. Even if they fail to notice or appreciate, it doesn’t matter. It was never about them.

Recognizing Ishwara in all, frees us from disappointment. Every act becomes worship, every person a temple. This little shift transforms life into a joyful offering.

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Mindful yoga

Here’s another gem today from my online yoga teacher.

He said that yoga is hardly about the exercises and poses we do.

Really? Wow!

So what is yoga about then?

It’s about mindfulness.

How aware are we, when we are doing said poses?

Where is our mind and attention focused?

On the poses, on our breathing? Or on the other routine troubles of our daily lives?

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The wise act

Modern man listens more to witnesses than teachers. St. Paul VI put it perfectly—if we follow a teacher, it’s because they are a witness.

Sanatan Dharma emphasizes this too. The Bhagavad Gita says, “Great people inspire others by example.” Krishna didn’t just preach; he acted as Arjuna’s charioteer, showing leadership and humility.

Rama lived dharma, balancing justice with compassion. His actions shaped ideals for generations.

Even sages like Valmiki transformed by living their teachings, inspiring trust.

In today’s noisy world, true wisdom shines through action, not words.

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Temple thanks

Temples are more than stone and rituals—they hold miracles for those who truly see.

What seems like coincidence is often divine orchestration. The energy of the deity, the unspoken prayers, and the overwhelming gratitude—sometimes, it all flows into tears at His/Her feet.

Do we even deserve to stand there, in that sacred space?

And yet, we were granted this rare chance. Do we ask why?

If we received such a gift, how much more gratitude should fill our hearts?

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Powerful give up – part 3

Continuing on the awesomeness of 18.53.

How to give up arrogance and power?

Simple. By doing more seva. When we go to serve others, there’s no question of being CEO or MD.

Everyone is at the same level when performing Seva.

How to be unattached to one’s possessions? Seva helps of course, because it helps emulate conditions devoid of said possessions.

And daana helps too, because what better than give what matters to us, to those in need?!

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Powerful give up – part 2

Shloka 18.53 talks a big game.

Surely it’s not easy to give up ego and arrogance and violence and lust and anger and possessions just like that, is it?

Not at all.

But there’s definitely a path through the purgatory madness.

Want to give up ego? Practise more gratitude. It will require us to accept the reality that we have not got to where we are today, all alone. Nothing is possible all alone.

Continued and concluded tomorrow!

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Powerful give up – part 1

The 53rd shloka of the Gita’s chapter 18 is an ultra powerful one.

It says, “Having given up, egotism, violence, arrogance, lust, anger and possessions, devoid of feeling of I and mine, peaceful, becomes qualified for Brahmic bliss.

If followed, it can provide the spiritual seeker with anything!

But the contra query would be – if a seeker is truly spiritual and follows this, s/he would want nothing anymore!

So how can this shloka help us?

Continued tomorrow!

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Happy baby

In our usual yoga class, the final few daily routine sequences involve a flow from pawanmuktasana to bridge pose and then to suptakapotasana (inverted pigeon).

But today, the yoga teacher went from pawanmuktasana to anandabalasana, which is better known as Happy Baby.

And what he said next was super.

  1. That we all always need to keep our inner child alive.
  2. But how?
  3. Simple. Just smile. Smile for no reason at all. It is the easiest medicine and will automatically bring out the inner child!
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Years ago, Bell Labs noticed some researchers outshining others, producing far more patents. What set them apart?

Executives explored everything—education, roles, experience—but found no answers. Then, they uncovered a pattern. The most productive ones often shared meals with Harry Nyquist, an electrical engineer.

Nyquist wasn’t just a brilliant contributor to communications theory. He listened deeply, asked insightful questions, and inspired solutions.

His true genius lay in being an “Illuminator,” someone who brings out the best in others – as described in the book How to Know a Person by David Brooks.

Proof that impact goes beyond individual brilliance.

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In our careers, we chase titles—analyst, VP, director, MD—each promising progress and recognition. But what do these roles truly signify?

They reflect effort, skill, and growth over time. Yet, when it comes to spirituality, do we invest the same focus on progress?

Are we moving from seeker to practitioner, from mindfulness to self-realization? Or are we stagnant, content with labels alone?

True spiritual advancement, like career growth, demands consistent effort, introspection, and dedication to our inner path.

And most likely, the greatest spiritual growth will happen unbeknownst to the outside world.

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Resolutions formula

Came across one post on LinkedIn by a CA Nitesh Buddhadev on resolutions via an intriguing formula:

KC² + FaFI²

KC²: Karma, Consistency, Compounding

  • Karma: What you give shapes your world.
  • Consistency: Small actions turn dreams into reality.
  • Compounding: Growth from staying consistent.

FaFI²: Family, Finance, Fitness

  1. Family: Anchor of joy and purpose.
  2. Finance: Fuel for freedom and growth.
  3. Fitness: Foundation of energy and health.

Interesting, isn’t it?!

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New thoughts

What if lasting joy is shaped by the thoughts we choose?

Both ancient wisdom and science agree: the mind is our ally or enemy, as the Gita says. A single negative thought can disrupt our body and peace.

The Gita also teaches that bliss is our natural state. With ~60,000 thoughts occurring daily, we must focus on the positive to retrain the mind.

Even death, life’s greatest fear, can be seen with grace. It’s not ignoring challenges but embracing new perspectives.

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Contributor not controller

What if we can offer every action to the Lord—an act of surrender, not control?

Our efforts contribute to outcomes, but never entirely decide them. Unknown factors, beyond our grasp, play a role.

Consider this: one avoids smoking yet faces illness, while another indulges and remains unaffected. Ishwara oversees karma’s intricate web.

What are we asked to do? Give your 100% to the action, but detach from the result. Accept it as His will. We are contributors, not controllers. True freedom lies in embracing this with grace.

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Life’s greatest treasure!

Happiness is simpler than we think—it’s just freedom from pain.

We complicate life with endless wants, forgetting that health itself is a blessing. Only when illness strikes do we realize its value.

A day without discomfort is extraordinary, yet we take it for granted. The absence of pain is itself a quiet, profound joy. But are we truly conscious of it?

While disease may have explanations, health remains a gift. Every pain-free moment is a chance to appreciate life’s greatest treasure.

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Generalization errors

A lovely piece by famed Russian author Leo Tolstoy:

One of the commonest and most generally accepted delusions is that every man can be qualified in some particular way — said to be kind, wicked, stupid, energetic, apathetic and so on. People are not like that. We may say of a man that he is more often kind than cruel, more often wise than stupid, more often energetic than apathetic or vice versa; but it could never be true to say of one man that he is kind or wise, and of another that he is wicked or stupid. Yet we are always classifying mankind in this way. And it is wrong. Human beings are like rivers; the water is one and the same in all of them but every river is narrow in some places, flows swifter in others; here it is broad, there still, or clear, or cold, or muddy or warm. It is the same with men. Every man bears within him the germs of every human quality, and now manifests one, now another, and frequently he is quite unlike himself, while still remaining the same man.

Worth remembering, before quickly bucketing someone into one or the other type.

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Have to get to

Here is Elon Musk’s mantra for consistency and discipline, and therefore success.


By simply turning a “have to” into “get to”. And that changes everything.

When we say “have to,” it feels like a burden. But “get to” reframes it as an opportunity.

For instance, “We have to work” becomes “We get to build the future.” “We have to solve problems” transforms into “We get to innovate.”

This simple shift helps us see challenges differently, making them privileges that inspire growth and purpose.

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Swadharma def

Here’s a lovely definition of swadharma that I came across today.

Swadharma = doing dharma as per one’s swabhaava.

So simplistic, isn’t it?

It’s not about comparing ourselves to others but embracing what aligns with our nature. A teacher’s dharma is to educate, a farmer’s to nurture the land, and a parent’s to guide their child.

When we follow our swadharma, life flows effortlessly, like a river finding its course.

True fulfillment, it is said, by Lord Krishna no less, comes not from chasing another’s path, but from honoring our own, with sincerity and gratitude.

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“Krishnarpanam”—offering all to Krishna—is deeper than it seems.

We’re quick to surrender our mistakes, thinking it frees us from guilt. But Krishna asks for more—our good deeds too, to truly surrender it all.

Why? The ego clings to the good, fueling pride. “I helped, I achieved, I deserve.” This binds us as much as sin.

By offering both, we free ourselves entirely. No guilt, no pride, just surrender. True liberation comes when even the good isn’t ours to claim.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 12b of 12

Arrow Maker: Focus and Precision (Guru 23)
An arrow maker, engrossed in his craft, ignores everything around him, even a king passing by.

Dattatreya learned from him the power of focus and single-minded dedication.

Wasp: Transformation through Focus (Guru 24)
A wasp transforms a caterpillar into its likeness through constant presence.

From it, Dattatreya learned that focused contemplation leads to profound transformation.

Conclusion: The 25th (bonus!) Guru
The body itself, though perishable, is a valuable teacher. Dattatreya realized its importance as a vehicle for liberation.

Swami Tejomayananda beautifully concludes: “Dattatreya’s 24 gurus are none other than his own mind’s openness to learning.”

When we are ready to learn, life becomes a teacher. The Avadhuta inspires us to find wisdom everywhere and live a liberated, joyful life.

Thank you for joining me on this amazing 24-guru journey over the past few days!

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 12a of 12

Snake: Simplicity and Detachment (Guru 21)
The snake lives alone, shedding attachments and leaving no permanent home.

Dattatreya learned to live simply, unattached to possessions or permanence.

Spider: Creation and Dissolution (Guru 22)
The spider weaves its web and absorbs it back, symbolizing life’s cycles.

In the final post tomorrow, we’ll conclude with the last two gurus and a reflection on Dattatreya’s ultimate teaching.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 11 of 12

Child: Innocence and Presence (Guru 19)
A child lives free of past worries or future anxieties.

From children, Dattatreya learned the joy of living fully in the present moment.

Maiden: The Value of Silence (Guru 20)
A maiden removes her noisy bangles, leaving only one to work quietly, choosing silence.

Dattatreya learned that solitude and silence enhance clarity and peace.

In the final part, we’ll conclude with lessons from the snake, spider, and wasp.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 10 of 12

Pingala: Freedom through Detachment (Guru 17)
A courtesan, Pingala, finds peace when she lets go of expectations.

From her, Dattatreya learned that surrendering desires brings liberation.

Osprey: Letting Go (Guru 18)
An osprey (smaller bird compared to larger eagles) drops its prey to escape attackers, finding peace.

Dattatreya learned the importance of renouncing attachments for tranquility.

Next, we’ll meet the child, the maiden, and their profound simplicity.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 9 of 12

Deer: Distraction’s Cost (Guru 15)
A deer, captivated by music, is trapped by hunters.

From the deer, Dattatreya learned to avoid distractions that lead to suffering.

Fish: Craving’s Peril (Guru 16)
A fish, tempted by bait, gets caught. Cravings often lead to harm.

Dattatreya learned to control appetites, steering clear of self-destructive desires.

Next, we’ll learn from Pingala and the osprey about freedom and renunciation.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 8 of 12

Elephant: The Trap of Lust (Guru 13)
An elephant, lured by desire, falls into hunters’ traps.

Dattatreya learned the importance of mastering desires to avoid life’s snares.

Honey Gatherer: Futility of Hoarding (Guru 14)
Honeybees collect honey laboriously, but others (honey gatherer) enjoy their spoils.

Dattatreya learned the futility of hoarding, focusing instead on generosity.

Next, we’ll explore the deer, the fish, and their cautionary tales.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 7 of 12

Moth: The Danger of Desire (Guru 11)
The moth is drawn to a flame and destroys itself, teaching the peril of unchecked desires.

Dattatreya learned to control his senses and avoid temptations that could lead to harm.

Honeybee: Gathering Wisdom (Guru 12)
The honeybee collects nectar without harming flowers, symbolizing balance and selectivity.

Dattatreya learned to gather the best from everyone while remaining unattached.

Next, we’ll learn from the elephant’s folly and the honey gatherer’s lesson.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 6 of 12

Python: Contentment (Guru 9)
The python eats whatever comes its way and rests peacefully, teaching contentment and trust in life.

Dattatreya learned to avoid unnecessary striving, accepting life’s offerings with gratitude.

Ocean: Equanimity (Guru 10)
The ocean receives countless rivers yet remains calm, symbolizing emotional balance.

From the ocean, Dattatreya learned to stay undisturbed by life’s highs and lows, and to stay focused on the inner depths.

Next, we’ll meet the moth, the honeybee, and their surprising lessons.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 5 of 12

Sun: Selfless Giving (Guru 7)
The Sun provides light and warmth to all, expecting nothing in return.

From the Sun, Dattatreya learned the joy of selfless giving and impartiality.

Pigeon: Attachment’s Trap (Guru 8)
A pigeon, overly attached to its family, gets caught in a hunter’s net. Excessive attachment leads to suffering.

Dattatreya learned to love without clinging, freeing himself from bondage.

Next, we’ll learn from the python’s contentment and the ocean’s calm.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 4 of 12

Fire: Purification and Clarity (Guru 5)
Fire burns impurities, remaining untainted by them. It rises upwards, symbolizing nobility.

From fire, Dattatreya learned to use challenges as opportunities for growth and refinement.

Moon: Constancy Amid Change (Guru 6)
The Moon wanes and waxes, yet its essence remains unchanged. It symbolizes steadiness amid life’s fluctuations.

Dattatreya learned to remain anchored, unaffected by life’s inevitable changes.

In the next part, we’ll see how the Sun and a pigeon inspired Dattatreya’s wisdom.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 3 of 12

Space: Vastness and Detachment (Guru 3)
Space accommodates everything—stars, storms, and galaxies—yet stays untouched. Its vastness teaches magnanimity.

From space, Dattatreya learned to let go of grudges and make room for others in his heart.

Water: Purity and Service (Guru 4)
Water refreshes, cleanses, and flows freely, nurturing all it meets.

From water, Dattatreya learned humility, fluidity, and generosity, serving all without discrimination.

Next, we’ll explore fire and the Moon, each with their unique teachings.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 2 of 12

The First Guru: Earth
Earth patiently bears all burdens—storms, footsteps, even wars—without complaint.

From Earth, Dattatreya learned patience, forgiveness, and selfless service.

Mountains and trees, extensions of Earth, live solely for others’ benefit. They inspired Dattatreya to serve selflessly too.

Air: The Second Guru
Air flows everywhere, touching all but remaining unattached. Its purity refreshes everything it meets.

Dattatreya learned from air to bring joy to others while staying detached from outcomes.

Next, we’ll meet gurus like space and water, with profound lessons.

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Lessons from the Avadhuta: Life’s Greatest Teachers – Part 1 of 12

In the Srimad Bhagavadam, chapter 11.17, there’s an outstanding Avadhuta Gita.

An Avadhuta is a realized saint, free from worldly concerns. Such a person will embody pure consciousness and transcend norms, living joyfully in detachment.

Dattatreya, a revered Avadhuta, roamed carefree and blissful. King Yadu, amazed by his happiness despite having nothing, asks him for the secret.

Dattatreya replies, “I learned from 24 gurus around me.” These teachers ranged from Mother Earth and water to a spider and a wasp.

Over the next few posts, we’ll explore these 24 gurus, their lessons, and how they apply to modern life.

A fascinating journey lies ahead!

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Wealth solver

Does wealth solve all problems?

An article by one Joshua Brown, the CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management had some thought-provoking insights about wealth, that I’m paraphrasing below:

Money magnifies small problems into big ones.

Wealth reveals your true nature—anxiety, generosity, or arrogance.

Relationships can strain as wealth changes your social dynamics.

Even your closest circle may envy you, despite your good intentions.

True joy often comes from simple, mundane activities, not material indulgences.

Wealth isn’t a magic cure—it brings challenges and clarity. So the suggestion would be to strive for balance and awareness, not just riches.

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Foundations of Creation

Every science digs deeper:

Medicine stems from biology—how life functions.

Biology itself arises from chemistry—molecular interactions.

Chemistry in turn relies on physics—the forces shaping matter.

But beneath physics, ancient wisdom suggests, is consciousness itself. Spirituality explores this consciousness—not just the “how” of existence, but the “what” and “why.”

Why does life exist? What connects all beings? Spirituality doesn’t replace science; it complements it, addressing questions science leaves unanswered.

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Attentive healing

In a world drowning in distractions, true attention is rare. A therapist once said, “Paying attention is the purest form of love.”

Solutions aren’t always what people need, even from therapists! Often, the solution, is simply undivided attention—listening without judgment.

But attention is fading. Social media, notifications, endless multitasking—they steal our focus and relationships suffer.

Let’s reclaim this gift.

Giving someone our full attention isn’t just love; it’s healing for both.

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Apparently this happened with one very humble politician (yes, they do exist, apparently!). Note the two apparentlys in the same sentence!

So said politician was invited to an important function.

Instead of sitting in the first row, which he could have, he and his family went and sat in the last row instead.

The event organizer realized this in some time, and came huffing and puffing to said politician.

“Sir! How can someone as distinguished as yourself, be sitting so far behind, that too on the last row?! Please come with me, and I’ll put you on the first row.”

The down-to-earth politician replied, “Not needed at all, I’m perfectly fine here. At the very least, being in the last row already means you won’t need me to move further behind to make space for more important people!”

Humility + humor is a deadly combo!

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Courting food

Went to a food court at a mall this past weekend.

It was so incredibly crowded that it wasn’t funny.

Every single food joint was packed – whether burgers, Mexican, pizza, ice creams, milk shakes, street food – you name it.

But one specific counter was empty as it could be.

Which one, you ask?

“Natural fruit juices”

Sincerely hope we all live to be healthy and well in the coming decades!

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2025 ahoy!

With the new year at hand, what is it that we should be wishing for? What should we pray for the most? What should we be focused on working towards?

Perhaps for once, let us not waste spiritual energy and prayers on fleeting desires like $100m, a dream job, or a Paris getaway. Human life is meant for a higher purpose, beyond ordinary wish fulfillment.

Instead, let us manifest what truly matters: good health, mental peace, and unshakable confidence. These timeless treasures remain valuable in any era or place.

And with these treasures, we can not just navigate life’s challenges and triumph gracefully but also achieve whatever mundane pleasures we may seek.

Let’s use 2025 to rise above the superficial and focus on what truly matters.

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Here’s a super quote from Jerry Seinfeld:

The secret of life is to waste time in ways that you like! 

If that isn’t a lovely 2025 resolution, then what is!

Happy new year folks, and best wishes to your and loved ones.

Praying the year brings unprecedented happiness, harmony and health to each of you!

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Doing the do – part 2 of 2

What needs to be done, needs to be done. “Just do it.”

Is a simple adage. But so hard to follow.

Everyone knows they must do the right thing.

Yet doing it is so difficult.


Maybe because of the want of a better solution. A more sophisticated solution. A dazzling answer. A cool answer.

Not the simple stuff in the Gita.

The more complex it looks, the better it might be?

Hardly the case with spirituality!

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Doing the do – part 1 of 2

There’s one very common question from spiritual seekers.

That they know what’s good and what’s not.

That they know exactly what they are supposed to do.

They know they need to practise self-discipline, truthfulness, austerity, sacrifice, charity – you name it.

And yet, they just aren’t able to do this.

What’s the solution, they ask! And here, they = me!

Funny question no?

And still, here it is. Why? Concluded tomorrow!

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Where does true religion begin? – part 2 of 2

Is religion then just about chanting mantras and performing homas?

Can’t be, can it? Else everyone performing these would have attained spiritual greatness already.

So what then is religion? According to Swami Sivananda:

"Religion is life. And life is sacrifice."


 "Real religion is the religion of the heart. The heart must be purified first. Religion is in the living, not speaking or showing."
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Where does true religion begin? – part 1 of 2

Is it at the altar at home?

Is it at the feet of the deity at the neighborhood temple?

Or is it at the hilltop of Tirumala?

Surely it has to be one of these?!

Swami Sivananda says sublimely, “True religion begins where the intellect ends!”

What more is there to say, except to nod in amazement!

But wait, that isn’t all.

Concluded tomorrow!

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Greatest yajna

We may all be sacrificing something or the other for someone or the other.

Like sacrificing some of our time or money or knowledge for our parents, siblings, kids, relatives, friends, colleagues and so on.

And some of these may be great sacrifices.

But you know who owns the title of the greatest yajna?

None other than the Creator Himself.

Because he has given Himself to create each one of us, as well as everything around us. And he’s constantly ensuring that everything works to perfection.

Nothing else can ever come close to being the greatest yajna!

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Foodle search

A very nice incident narrated by Swami Tejomayananda ji:

A boy once approached me and asked, “Swami-ji, I have heard that those who went in search of God left all their worldly worries behind. They never thought about where they would get food or drink. They simply kept going, and somehow, they always found something to eat and drink. Is this true?”
I replied, “It is absolutely true.”
He then asked, “So, if I go in search of God, will I get food?”
I said, “No.”
When he asked why, I explained, “Because you are going in search of food, not God. You are already worried about whether or not you will get food and drink if you leave.”

Lovely logic, isn’t it?

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Body shaming

So much of body shaming happens to so many people at so many levels.

Is it even warranted?

Why are people so shallow?

When we view the body from a deeper perspective,
We realize there’s nothing worthy of attachment.
It’s made up of blood, flesh, and waste—
None of which are pure or beautiful, simply necessary.
But the outer appearance deceives us

And is perhaps the root cause of much evil.

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Future point

The great Swami Chinmayananda once said:

"Disappointment comes to those who make appointments with the future!" 

Outstanding quote, isn’t it?

If we’re forever focused on the future, brimful of desires, of course we can never enjoy the present.

Which also means, the future is likely to be quite disappointing!

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Humble future

True wisdom demands humility. Arrogance blinds us, while openness reveals profound truths.

As one Sanskrit saying goes, Prajna vinamrast—wisdom is humble.

Defeated on the battlefield, Ravan’s wisdom still shone. Ram, embodying humility, sent Laxman to learn from him, showing that wisdom knows no boundaries—not even enmity.

Wisdom is foresight, rooted in humility. A farmer respects nature’s cycles and plants before the rains; a sailor bows to the wind’s power and steers carefully. Their success lies in surrendering ego to higher forces.

The essence of wisdom lies in transcending ego and embracing the truth, no matter the source.

Only by seeking with humility can we unlock its infinite depths.

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Just patience?

Patience is awesome, and totally needed.

Every successful person talks of needing patience.

Of putting in the effort for incredibly long periods of time, before even faintly tasting anything remotely close to success.

But from a spiritual point of view, it’s not success in the material realm that’s really important.

What matters more, is our behaviour during the period of patience.

Are we level headed in this tough period of full effort and no result? Or are we shattered and frustrated, and desperate to get to the end of the tunnel?

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The greatest donation

Many boast of charity, yet remain bound by ego.

Donations of wealth may soothe, but seldom transform.

Judging others for giving less reveals one’s own smallness.

True charity begins with dissolving ignorance within oneself.

Self-realization uplifts not just one life, but all around.

The greatest gift isn’t gold, but rather awakening to the Gold within.

In that awakening, even creation’s deepest needs are met.

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Multi Guru

Should one have only one Guru? Or multiple Gurus?

There’s plenty of Gurus out there today.

Some are genuine, and some are scamsters.

And of course many Gurus for various arts and sciences.

Theoretically, anyone who teaches us anything is a Guru in that field.

But the true Guru?

Can only be one.

Because s/he will be the one that dispels the veil of ignorance, and helps us on the path to moksha.

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True beauty

Came across this deadly line, from purportedly the great Swami Vivekananda.

"And if this Maya is so beautiful, think of the wondrous beauty of the Reality behind it!"

What more to say?!

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Pleasurable rise

Is there merit to rising beyond pleasures?

Pleasure begins with the senses—raw and primal, like an animal savoring its meal.

As intellect awakens, sensory pleasures fade, replaced by the joys of thought.

The higher one ascends, the subtler the delights are said to become—intellectual pursuits overtake base instincts.

Yet, even intellect is eclipsed when spirituality dawns, revealing bliss incomparable to all else.

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Every new spiritual aspirant’s dream is to get mantra deeksha. Meaning, their Guru initiates them into some specific mantra, which they chant, and then get magical superpowers, levitation and stuff!

Although these may be popularized in various tales, none of this is necessary, nor sufficient, for the true goal, ie moksha.

Here’s what Swami Sivananda ji says in his outstanding book called “Bliss Divine”:

Initiation does not mean reciting a Mantra into another's ears. If Rama is influenced by the thoughts of Krishna, the former has got initiation already from the latter. If an aspirant treads the path of truth after studying the books written by a saint, and imbibes his teachings, that saint has already become his Guru.
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Death and access

Everything is uncertain in life except death and taxes. We all know this aphorism.

But what if death itself really is access. Access to the next stage of evolution of the soul.

This is what our scriptures tell us.

Death is not the end point. It is simply a pit-stop on the way to the ultimate finish, ie Moksha.

If we do good stuff in this life, we get to move up the proverbial ladder.

At some point in time, with the grace of the Divine, we will find that the soul merges with the Brahman.

Then there’s no more Maya and confusion and suffering. Only bliss. Is what the realized souls tell us.

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Sleepy spirit

What would we do if we are really sleepy during the day?

Sleep, right? But then sleep at night would get impacted.

So we then try to delay the sleep during the day, just so that we can get a full night’s rest.

But interestingly, this doesn’t work for babies. Restricting their sleep during the day doesn’t mean they will sleep for hours and hours at night. They actually end up getting crankier and overstimulated without timely and periodic sleep intervals.

Almost like spirituality is to grown ups. There’s no chance that spirituality works “at the end”, “once and for all”.

It needs timely and periodic practice.

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Best inputs

Came across this awesome post on X.

The best "energy drink" is 3L of water.
The best "focus drug" is 8 hours of sleep.
The best "antidepressant" is 45 minutes of exercise.

Nothing to add!

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Defective part

What is the Guru needed for?

Only to indicate the way to liberation?

Is this some magic road?

A pointer to a coiled snake in the mooladhara?

Jumpstarting the kundalini to the upper echelons?

Or is it mainly to hack away at our defects?

Deep down, we are all Pure Consciousness.

So who better than the Guru, to remove the defective layers on top?!

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Focused paths

Life is not a linear path but a rhythmic dance of cycles.

Like waves, it transforms with every stroke, always in motion.

The sun meets the sea daily, no matter the storm or calm.

Success isn’t foreseen; it’s built, step by step.

And then it looks like great achievements, but only in hindsight.

Each day, we reflect on our progress—small acts to build great legacies.

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Essential guide to the forest of life

Came across the life story of a Mira Kulkarni today.

Maybe you haven’t heard of her. Neither had I.

But the billion dollar luxury ayurveda brand she created, called Forest Essentials, surely is ubiquitous!

Did success come easy for her? Not at all.

At 28, she lost both parents, and her marriage failed, and she was left alone to look after and raise two young kids.

From there, it was pure grit and gumption.

The takeaway is, that if we are pushed hard and our backs are against the wall, that may not be a bad thing after all. As long as we are able to take it positively.

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Desired death

A man free of desires never fears death.

For he clings to nothing, bound by no chains.

His soul embraces the eternal, untouched by time.

Death holds no power over the one unattached.

In desirelessness lies liberation, the truest life.

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Science and spirituality aren’t that different.

Dig deeper, and richer truths reveal themselves.

A true seeker, whether spiritualist or scientist, never rests, always goaded and guided by inner fire.

Because each discovery whispers of an even greater one.

At some esoteric level, perhaps both science and spirituality are the same.

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The math prodigy Ramanujan claimed he saw various equations and formulae in his sleep.

And said that the Divine Mother revealed these to him.

And that none of it was his own creation.

Should we believe him?

Well apparently even till today, many of his theorems have not been solved.

Despite being in the age of AI.

Do we know everything about this world and universe we inhabit?

If we don’t, then why can’t what Ramanujan said be true?

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Worth it

Jamie Dimon once said, “Being fired impacted my net worth, but not my self-worth.”

This came after his ousting from Citigroup, a moment most would call catastrophic.

Yet, Dimon saw it as a new beginning.

True worth isn’t tied to a paycheck or title.

It lies in resilience and self-belief.

Life’s setbacks are often setups for greater comebacks.

We must hold onto our self worth, no matter the storm.

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Sole free soul

Who wants to be an Entrepreneur? Everyone, especially after watching a few episodes of Shark Tank!

And why?

Just for the sake of perceived freedom!

No one wants to work for a boss. But it is delayed realization that even an entrepreneur has a boss. If not his shareholders, then his customers for sure!

Why do we all crave this freedom?

Because deep down, we are all Atman. The Atman is the inner ruler, as well as the fulcrum and source for the entire universe.

Of course it craves freedom!

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Warring reality

Life mirrors the Mahabharata battlefield, a war waged within.

Ignorance, like Dhritarashtra, blinds us, while the soul, as Arjuna, struggles to act.

Our body is the chariot, senses the restless horses, often misled by cravings.

Enemies like lust, pride, and greed challenge our inner equilibrium constantly.

Krishna, is not just a Hindu god, but symbolizes the Inner Reality guiding us beyond duality.

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Everyone’s a foodie today. Especially on Instagram.

And it’s considered super cool to stack photos upon photos of food of all kinds.

But what is this food doing to us really?

What we eat, is quite literally, what we become.

So by eating junk, what do we become?

Weirdly enough, more and more people are dying from overeating (leading to various complications), rather than because of starvation!

The wrong food is poison, but the right food can be medicine!

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Supply demand

God works on supply-demand dynamics. Truly want Him, and voilà!

No PhD or MBA (or AI prompt engineering quaki9these days!) needed—just faith, purity, and devotion.

The Divine connection needs zero tech and has infinite bandwidth, aka supply!

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Mystery man – part 3 of 3

He narrated to me that when he’d almost given up hope, one chap came out of nowhere, approached my uncle, and asked him why he was just sitting there.

My uncle recounted what had happened, to which the man said, “Oh don’t worry, I have exactly two blankets with me, one of which is for you!”

My uncle was shocked. But then the man proceeded to massage my uncle’s legs for some time, after which he started feeling much better.

The man also spent the night, right there, with my uncle. Next day morning? Of course, in the wee hours of dawn he was gone as quickly as he’d come by.

Who was this man? Surely not someone ordinary? For my uncle who has been a Sabarimala pilgrim for years, could it have been Lord Ayyappan himself – who comes to the rescue of his devotees?

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Mystery man – part 2 of 3

Now, suddenly, he was in pain, with cramps, couldn’t walk, and the rest of the group had gone way ahead.

To add to the confusion, there was some issue up ahead which led to the police barricading the road. So those who’d already gone ahead, could no way come back.

Night was falling, and my uncle didn’t have a change of clothes, or even a blanket, since he’d given off his luggage. And blankets are really important – everyone carries one – because the nights on the hill get really cold and windy.

There were a couple of shops nearby, but none of them had blankets. And my uncle couldn’t move much anyway due to the pain.

How did the Lord come to my uncle’s rescue? Concluded tomorrow!

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Mystery man – part 1 of 3

My uncle was relating his Sabarimala story to me recently. Fantastic, is an understatement!

He recently undertook the entire 7-8 hour journey, which meant going on foot, to climb the hill, and eventually reach the temple of Lord Ayyappan.

He was going with a group of people. A few hours later, my uncle’s legs started cramping. So much so that he was struggling to even take a few steps. So he signaled to his group to go ahead, so that he could rest a bit, and join them shortly.

A few mins before, as the cramping was setting in, he’d already given his bag and belongings to someone else in his group to transport by rickshaw, so that he could focus on the walk.

What happened next? Continued tomorrow!

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Fear full

Everyone fears something or the other.

Either a superior, or the future, or the law, or competition, or something else.

Fear comes from attachment. And more attachment breeds more fear… that the object of attachment may slip away!

Fear can vanish not from lesser fear. But through more courage.

Fear can vanish only from looking fear in the eye.

The mind will always play the victim card. And fear will jump to the fore.

The foolproof alternative is to submit to the feet of the Guru and the Lord. Fear will vanish forever.

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Love all, possible? – part 2 of 2

Ignoring our connection with others often breeds isolation, pride, and discontent.

Universal love isn’t a command but a realization—our unity with all.

As the Upanishads suggest, when we see our oneness, kindness becomes natural, not imposed.

Acts of compassion are then effortless, authentic, and reflective of our true selves.

This realization awakens us, offering lasting joy and a profound inner peace.

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Love all, possible? – part 1 of 2

We strive to protect ourselves without anger. Like when the teeth bite the tongue—there’s pain, but no resentment. We adjust, not resent.

In extending care and respect, we nurture ourselves and others, creating a ripple of harmony.

Acts of compassion and non-judgment bring joy, filling us with an inner satisfaction.

Through small, mindful acts, we experience universal love as a powerful reality, not a forced duty.

But does this lead to “love all”? Or is there another way to think about it?

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True freedom

What is true freedom?

Freedom from birth and death.

Freedom from irkings of the mind.

Freedom from fear.

Freedom from the bonds of karma.

Freedom from desires and attachments.

Freedom from ego.

True freedom, according to the wise ones, is attaining Brahman.

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Ahimsa is what – part 2 of 2

Perhaps most importantly, ahimsa includes all sorts of pain-causing activities. Including hurting people by the tongue. A cut to the skin may heal in weeks but the mental trauma of being abused may last a lifetime.

Ahimsa is not just physical non-violence. As one of the best spiritual tools, not causing any discomfort to any other being, either through thought, word or deed, is truly the mark of divinity.

And ahimsa cannot come from a place of weakness. It requires tremendous strength and courage to control one’s emotions, especially if one is at the receiving end of himsa (verbal or otherwise)!

Verbal control is quite easy too, once we’ve understood how lack of it makes us look. As they say, swearing is simply a sign of poverty of vocabulary!

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Ahimsa is what – part 1 of 2

Was reading an article about how some guys euthanized a pet squirrel that seemed to be fine otherwise, and how a huge hue and cry followed. I don’t know the details or the politics behind it (if any), but it did get me thinking about ahimsa or non-violence.

Lord Krishna talks of it in the Gita as one of the best qualities to have.

Is it simply non-violence against animals, the way staunch vegans and vegetarians cry hoarse about?

Surely it includes people as well – because no one practising ahimsa should be violent towards other humans.

What else? Continued tomorrow!

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Crappy world

A friend of mine constantly taunts me for believing in spirituality and religion. On how this is destroying our chances for development. And why we should focus on “Western Enlightenment” instead.

Here’s a relevant excerpt from a book by Swami Sivananda:

Life has become very artificial. There is physical, mental and moral degeneration. You do not find robust, sinewy, stalwart, healthy people. Longevity is unknown. People are short-lived. You see puny, stunted creatures with poor physique, dilapidated frame and sickly appearance. They cannot walk even a furlong. They want a rickshaw. Children beget children. People die like moths. They have become weaklings. They have become effeminate and impotent. How strong and healthy our forefathers were! They had a very long life. They could walk forty miles a day. They could swim across a big river during floods at the age of seventy. They could split fuel. They could carry heavy weights. They were strong and sinewy. They were living on simple fare. Even now, look at the Gurkha and Maharashtra labourers. They live on ordinary bread, salt and two chillies. Look at the tremendous work turned out by them! Look at their health and marvellous strength! Now, every one of you want Ovaltine, vitamin extracts, Allenbury Rusks, and oatmeal. The wife wants an exclusive servant and a cook. You want a servant to put on your shoes. The child wants an Ayah.

Now mind you, this book was first published in 1964 – exactly 60 years ago. And still every line above would ring true today. Perhaps Sivananda ji would be aghast at how much worse things have become since then.

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Love, the true substratum – part 2 of 2

Detachment? Love that lets others grow freely.

Humility? Love that elevates others by stepping back.

Forgiveness? Love that heals by letting go of pain.

Gratitude? Love that honors every gift received.

Honesty? Love that builds trust through truth.

Tolerance? Love that embraces all as they are.

Kindness? Love’s gentleness in every act.

Perseverance? Love’s enduring strength in action.

Love is truly the substratum for all virtues!

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Love, the true substratum – part 1 of 2

Love is at the heart of every virtue.

Ahimsa? Love that refrains from harming anyone.

Charity? Love, shown by lifting up those in need.

Austerity? Love that chooses less so others have more.

Sacrifice? Love that puts others’ joy above our own.

Desirelessness? Love that seeks fulfillment in giving, not getting.

Concluded tomorrow!

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In deep sleep, thoughts vanish—and with them, fear.

Awake, our minds turn shadows into monsters, exaggerating harmless things into threats.

Perception creates our fear.

Even real dangers can transform into exhilaration when framed differently.

By understanding fear, we diminish its hold.

But no matter how much we prepare, uncertainty remains—and that’s part of life’s rhythm.

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Intuitively so

Those flashes of the right answers, or the right way forward.

They come sometimes unasked, unknowingly.

But it’s not like the problems themselves come unsolicited.

Where are the solutions then really? In the air around us?

Or deep within, waiting to be unveiled?

The Brahman within knows All. How difficult would it be for Him to surmount our silly worries?

Intuition is not just our problem solver, but also the only way to realizing the Brahman.

And the intellect? Can it help? Nope, because it is part of the problem itself.

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Are we ready for moksha?

This is a question everyone has at some point.

The question isn’t particularly a comfortable one, and the answer sure isn’t.

Swami Sivananda makes it very clear:

As long as there is the least deha-adhyasa (identification with the body), so long you cannot expect self-realization. Exhibit undaunted spirit, intrepididty and manliness. Make a strong resolve," I will die or realize."
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Guru daana

You know who does the most charity in the world, nay the whole universe?

No it’s some billionaire giving off the money raised from auctioning a part of his art collection.

The biggest donor in the world is none other than the Guru.


Because the Guru alone imparts something that is priceless and invaluable.

Give someone food, and that person will be hungry for the very next meal. Give him some money, and it’ll last him a week, maybe less.

But when the Guru imparts Atma-gyaan… Phew, now if that isn’t the greatest charitable act ever, then what is?!

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Deathly gallows shallows

Is death painful? Would certainly seem so for one who is undergoing a terrible ailment or was involved in a major accident.

But here’s a very interesting take from a book called Bliss Divine that my Guruji has been urging everyone to read. It is by Swami Sivananda.

There is no pain at the time of death. Ignorant people have created much horror and terror regarding death. In the Garuda Purana and the Atma Purana, it is described that the pangs of death are tantamount to the pain caused by the stings of 72,000 scorpions. This is mentioned only to induce fear in the hearers and readers, and force them to work for Moksha. In spiritualism, there is the unanimous report from the enlightened spirits that there is not even a bit of pain during death. They clearly describe their experiences at death and state that they are relieved of a great burden by the dropping of this physical body, and that they enjoy perfect composure at the time of separation from the Physical body. Maya creates vain fear in the onlookers by inducing convulsive twitchings in the body That is her nature and habit. Do not be afraid of death pangs. You are immortal, Amara.

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Notion Promotion

Why does one get promoted at the workplace?

Is it because they are expected to take on higher responsibilities after said promotion? Not in the least!

Promotions are usually given only post-facto, ie, the person should have already demonstrated capabilities worthy of the promotion title.

Is it different from spirituality?

It shouldn’t be!

We are waiting for moksha, so that we may love a yogic life.

But shouldn’t the work come first?

Such as if we live like yogis, controlling our minds, and reducing desires and attachments.

The most important promotion ever will then come automatically perhaps.

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Processing peace

Now the world is a crazy place. Multiple wars, plenty of border conflicts, plenty of regional bouts… heck, there’s enough fights within every household too!

A very interesting podcast by William Ury, known as one of the best conflict negotiators in the world, threw up some super ideas.

Firstly, that conflict will never end.


Because conflicts are borne of change. And the world is constantly changing. AI, technology etc. etc. Plenty of changes, and hence conflicts will arise, large or small.

Importantly, peace is a process, not an outcome. It takes effort and time. And requires us to engage – both creatively and collaboratively, so that both parties feel they are moving forward.

Super advice, even if for resolving our day to day smaller conflicts no?

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Bhakti the great leveller

We’ve seen levellers here before on FHN – way back in April 2020 in fact!

Bhakti, aka sincere devotion, too is an outstanding leveller. Because the Lord doesn’t care who you or I are, as long as all we focus on is the Lord. Pure unadulterated Bhakti is all He needs. Take these few examples for reference:

Andal, a village girl; Kanakadasa and Sabari from humble castes; Kabir, a weaver; and Dhruva, an uneducated boy—all found divine love through bhakti. Valmiki, once a robber, and Vishwamitra, a king, reached God through repentance. Young Prahlada showed unwavering faith. Hanuman, a monkey, and Gajendra, an elephant, proved species and form are no barriers. True devotion transcends all.

We should be better off surely. Extraordinary, isn’t it?

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Celebrity status

People often ask how we can worship a God we have never seen or met.

The counter question would be, how do we worship so many TV and movie stars that we have never seen or met?

Sure we may have seen them playing certain roles in movies and shows, but that isn’t who they truly are!

And yet, in the company of other fans, especially the crazy ones, we too may get swept by the awe of the stars.

It’s not too different for the Lord either. If we surround ourselves with divine people, people on the spiritual path, and we listen to the glories of the Lord from realized Gurus and Saints, we too will find it very easy to worship the Lord, even if we haven’t seen Him so far. The best part? The more we glorify Him, the more we will see His presence around us all the time.

The Ultimate Celebrity will come with the Ultimate Celebration!

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Wealth hoarder

Everyone’s rushing to hoard more and more wealth. Multimillionaires are also unhappy because they haven’t reached billionaire status yet.

Billionaires have plenty of competition too. And then there’s their own safety to take care of.

Them billionaires have money, but they still don’t know everything, and need to constantly watch over their shoulders.

But one who is established in the Self, a stithapragyna? He worries about nothing.

He’s not bothered by the wealth around him. Nor does he care for bookish knowledge and seeming intelligent.

His knowledge of the Self far outweighs any other wealth or knowledge out there. And it can never be taken away from him either. It is imperishable. It can never reduce. It is permanent, and leads to the most amazing peace as well.

But is this the form of wealth we are all running after? Or do we want to become millionaires and billionaires first…

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Loneliness is a mess. The struggle to be with others. The struggle to fit in. The struggle to be seen to fit in.

Loneliness may even feel like a disease. A permanent weakness. A handicap.

But maybe it is simply an illusion—a veil over truth, maya.

Beneath the layers, we are interconnected, one with all existence.

Aloneness, if embraced, can perhaps guide us closer to the Divine. Because in silence, beyond distraction, all realized souls say, is where we glimpse our truest nature.

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15 no more

Came across a guy Andrew who sold all his possessions, keeping only 15 things. Everything he owns now fits into a single backpack.

He says he’s never felt freer. The simplicity, it turns out, was his path to peace.

We’d all wish we could be like him. But why’s that?

Maybe because it’s not about what we acquire but about what we let go of, and what we give off.

In clearing space, we let go of clutter— both physical and mental.

And in that space, we find room to breathe, to live, to truly be.

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Challenging the rise

Life’s challenges can overwhelm, but we’re asked to rise above them.

The journey ahead is sharp, demanding courage and resilience.

Transformation demands risk—there are no easy paths anymore. In this day and age of abundance of everything detrimental, taking the easy path is a sure shot method to get waylaid.

We walk this difficult road toward something greater—a new world, a new way of being.

Our true guide?

The Divine, always within.

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Winner loser destiny

All sorts of great astrologers predicted all sorts of things about today’s presidential elections.

Many of the great ones got it spectacularly wrong.

Does it mean astrology is a sham?

Not by a mile.

But astrologers? Some may indeed be genuine, with great skill at their craft. But the bottomline is that Divine Will and Grace matter more than one can imagine.

Also one’s own effort.

Nobody knows the future 100% accurately. Not even the best astrologers.

As Shri Krishna says in the Gita, your mind is your best friend, but can also be your worst enemy.

The choice is ours to put our best foot forward in everything. Free will does exist. Otherwise today’s blog post wouldn’t!

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Empathetic correction – part 2 of 2

What truly amazed the young man was that the teacher himself didn’t know. The teacher had also kept his eyes closed during the search. This act of compassion left a deep impact on the young man. He realized the power of correction without humiliation.

The teacher never mentioned the incident again. The young man resolved never to steal after that day. More than that, he decided he wanted to become a teacher just like him.

He was inspired by the kindness and integrity of his old teacher. The old man, now hearing this story, finally remembered the event. But he smiled and revealed that he still never knew who the thief was.

This story reflects the essence of true teaching: correcting without shaming, and inspiring change through silent compassion.

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Empathetic correction – part 1 of 2

“Correct me if I’m wrong”, is a common phrase used nowadays. But no one truly wants to be corrected. And for good reason, because most people don’t know how to speak without hurting others.

But I love this specific story about the teacher and the pen-thief:

A young man approached an old man and asked, “Do you remember me?” The old man said he didn’t. The young man then explained that he had once been his student. He shared how the old man’s actions had inspired him to become a teacher. Curious, the old man asked when that had happened.

The young man recalled an unforgettable incident from school. He had stolen a friend’s new watch. After the theft was discovered, the teacher handled it calmly. He asked everyone in the class to close their eyes and stand still.

The teacher then searched each student’s pockets one by one. When he found the watch in the young man’s pocket, he didn’t stop. He continued searching everyone else. No one, not even the other students, knew who the thief was.

Concluded tomorrow!

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Quixotic war

In a world that constantly shifts, war feels inevitable—a brutal expression of unresolved conflicts.

Is war just another symptom of our inability to adapt, to rise above selfish interests?

A collective, united by compassion, can dismantle the roots of violence, but only if we reject the easy path of destruction.

War doesn’t truly end suffering; it deepens it. Who will dare to embrace peace instead?

Even with the ears around us today – we see many heads of terrorist organizations being neutralized. To what end? Just for another hydra head to pop up?

In this endless battle, the hope lies not in armies, but in individuals—choosing love over fear, even when the world demands war.

I know I know, how quixotic.

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Sadhana success

We admire successful people, thinking they’re born gifted. But behind every win is relentless effort, countless failures.

Spiritual progress mirrors this – hidden treasures within, yet distractions keep us looking outward.

Meditation teaches focus, resilience. Each step takes us closer to our goal.

Success isn’t brilliance—it’s persistence. To keep going, even when progress seems invisible.

A spiritual guru once said, “Forget the result of your sadhana; even performing sadhana itself requires divine blessings.” If success needs grace, what role do we play? Our part is simply to try—relentlessly.

Effort is the offering, not the guarantee.

We attempt our best, but true progress unfolds only  when the divine wills it.

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One male celebrity apparently recently cheated on his wife. The wife was also a celebrity, and in fact among the most beautiful women in the world.

And yet, someone cheated on her.

So many other celebrities, Greek Gods and Goddesses in terms of beauty, have had terrible relationships.

We may think mistakenly that beauty matters.

For true happiness from family, only trust, love and integrity matter.

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Happy search

Everyone seeks happiness, but are we lost in the search?

When happiness depends on possessions, it turns into an endless hunger—fleeting joy, followed by deeper emptiness.

Real happiness is beyond pleasure. It’s said to be a state of mind untouched by external chaos or bodily suffering.

The path to peace is through equanimity, understanding that all beings share the same core: a desire for freedom from suffering.

To be truly happy, we must transcend ignorance—seeing beyond illusions of self and control, embracing compassion as our sole truth.

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Diwali musings

At work today, everyone was in traditional clothes and greetings were flowing freely. “Happy Diwali!” and “Happy Deepavali!” could be heard all day long.

For most, it is simply a day of festivities (or feastivities?!). Also new clothes. Meeting with friends and family. Visiting a temple perhaps. Certainly bursting a lot of firecrackers. All to celebrate Lord Rama’s victory over evil and return to Ayodhya.

Or is there more to it? As you well know, eveything in Hinduism is symbolic, and usually not just what it appears to be on the surface.

So Diwali celebrates more than Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya; it symbolizes our soul’s journey. In light and darkness, we find echoes of union and separation.

Ayodhya’s lamps blaze as symbols of love for the Divine. This festival invites Lord Rama back not only into Ayodhya but into our hearts.

By rekindling devotion, we hope and believe that the Divine Prince can help us rediscover our own Divine presence.

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Life’s fragility is undeniable—uncertainty, its only constant.

Yet, we cling to control, blind to the beauty (and the freedom!) in letting go.

Security is an illusion; growth thrives in the unknown.

What if the chaos isn’t the enemy, but the guide?

When we embrace the unpredictable, we unlock boundless potential.

Uncertainty isn’t to be feared—it’s where magic happens.

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Success from what?

Success isn’t just about intelligence or talent. When our minds are calm, intellect sharpens, and action becomes flawless.

Gratitude shifts us from feeling deprived to abundant. Giving leads to more than we expect.

True achievers never aimed for personal gain—they followed a higher calling.

By focusing on effort, not outcomes, we find fulfillment in the work itself.

When we work with love, camaraderie blooms, and tasks become joyful.

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Paradox box

There’s a paradox: If all is determined by God, where’s our freedom? Yet, by granting free will, does God limit His own omnipotence?

Hinduism resolves this beautifully. Free will isn’t a limitation, but divine trust. Our choices (eventually, karma), guided by dharma, shape our path. We aren’t puppets; we’re conscious participants in the cosmic play, awakening to the divine within.

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Arguably, the biggest craze in the world today is anything to do with AI.

Add a “.ai” to your company name and see it’s valuation skyrocket into the billions!

No doubt, nVidia, the company that was known for making graphics cards for gamer PCs, is now at the cutting edge of eveything AI.

And so Jensen Huang, the CEO, was on stage in India recently, hosted by Mukesh Ambani no less.

Mr Ambani said something very profound. That we are at the cusp of the “intelligence age”. And not just that, but nVidia reminded him of nVidya. The latter of course being true Knowledge (minus the n), and it’s Goddess Saraswati being the one to propitiate. He also added that in Indian tradition, if knowledge is sought and Saraswati is happy, then Goddess Lakshmi or prosperity follows automatically!

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Unhappy happiness

Why do we chase happiness, yet end up entangled in dissatisfaction? What we call happiness is often just longing, a mirage that deepens unrest.

True happiness isn’t a thrill or possession—it’s inner quiet, undisturbed by pain or pleasure. Only then does happiness cease to be a chase.

Ignorance traps us in cycles of unrest. Wisdom shows happiness as a mind free from desire, rooted in peace.

Seeing all beings as equals, we embrace equanimity. Compassion, not reaction, becomes our ally.

In shedding illusions, we uncover our true self, steady and complete.

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Divine or real, one or both?

Many today doubt the existence of a higher power, clinging to what they perceive. Yet our knowledge is minuscule.

The more we know, the less we realize we do.

The Rishis could have easily claimed ownership of the Vedas, but they didn’t. Why? They saw, not created, these mantras.

True wisdom surpasses the ego.

The path to Truth lies in humility, not certainty.

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2 myths on worship

Here’s 2 myths that I come across many people taking about often.

  1. That they don’t know the perfect pronunciation of various mantras and hence they shouldn’t attempt chanting at all.
  2. That they don’t understand the meanings of the various mantras, and hence they will not be effective.

Both these are myths, and I’m fully convinced of them.


For 1, every puja or homa or havan or stotra worship has praayaschittam or forgiveness prayers associated with it. Forgiveness for what? For wrong pronunciation, among many other things! So if perfect pronunciation was a pre-requisite, then this forgiveness prayer would never have been included in the first place.

For 2, even if we ourselves don’t understand what we chant, surely the Devi/Devata we are directing the chant towards, understands everything, and that’s all that matters!

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Taker or giver?

Came across this super thought today by one Wayne Dyer, a well known author and motivational speaker.

Wayne believed that the universe is like an endless echo chamber.

If you shout “What can you give me?” – you get an echo from the universe – “What can you give me?”

If, on the other hand, you shout, “How can I serve you?” – you will hear the universe reverberate with “How can I serve you?”

Super thought no?

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Purpose filling

Why do we even search for purpose? Is it because life feels empty without meaning?

A life without purpose drifts aimlessly, each day blurring into the next, devoid of substance.

But what if purpose isn’t something to find, but to create within ourselves, by living intentionally?

The ancient wisdom of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha—our pillars—push us beyond survival, into deeper existence.

In this pursuit, clarity emerges not from answers, but from the questions themselves. What if purpose is simply the act of seeking?

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Thinking of me

Here’s some incredible advice from the incredible “@naval”:

First of all, I don't think of myself. I just want to be clear on that. And that's not a rule. It's just a habit I've kind of developed because I found that thinking about yourself is a source of all unhappiness and misery.

Self obsession is the root of all unhappiness.

What did Buddha do? Conquer the self. What does that mean? Means that he saw through the illusion of the separate self.

Did Buddha think about himself? Not for an instant. Anyone that you think of as an enlightened being does not think about themselves for an instant.

The happiest people in life when people are at their best is because they love something more than they love themselves. They love their children, they love God, they love their mission, what have you.

And all misery comes from rumination, from sitting around, being depressed, going in circles in your own head about me, me, me, me, me. Me is a disease.

And you need a concept of a me to be effective and to keep track of things. You have a memory, you have certain predilections, you have personality patterns. But the more you self obsess, the less happy you're going to be. I guarantee you that.
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Sharing the care

We often look for instant pleasure, but it rarely lasts. Can we instead focus on building long-term happiness, and shun the quick fixes?

It’s all about balance. Let us enjoy the moment, but also form habits that will keep us happy in the future.

Success comes when we align with a higher purpose. Let us look beyond just personal gain.

The Gita encourages us to act selflessly, bringing clarity and peace along the way.

Let us invest in stronger connections, as real happiness grows when shared.

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4 friends

Life’s journey cannot be navigated by reason alone. It demands an awakening to something deeper—intuition, wisdom, and purpose.

Dharma is the silent force that aligns us with the universe, urging us toward actions that resonate with our soul’s highest calling.

True fulfillment arises not from chasing desires, but from living with purpose, guided by the 4 friends, Dharma, Artha, Kaama, and Moksha.

When we align our actions with these cosmic principles, we dissolve the illusion of self and connect with something far greater (or the greatest).

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Loudest silence

Everyone wants to be heard. But no one wants to give up their own chance to speak.

Noise shields us from the truth—our fear of being alone. In the chaos, we hide from life’s ultimate solitude, distracting ourselves with hollow conversations.

True courage lies not in company, but in embracing solitude, listening to the inner voice we drown out with noise.

In stillness, we connect with the divine. Silence speaks louder than the loudest crowd, revealing truths the world’s clamor obscures.

Serenity isn’t found in noise but in the quiet moments. There, divinity whispers, if we only dare to listen.

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Money for the right things

Is money at the root of all evil? Yes perhaps, or it may seem so. But the answer is not to banish money altogether. Rather, it would make more sense to understand the utility as well as limitations of money.

  1. Money can buy comfort, but it can’t buy peace.
  2. Money can buy followers, but it can’t buy true friends.
  3. Money can buy luxury, but it can’t buy happiness.
  4. Money can buy success, but it can’t buy fulfillment.
  5. Money can buy attention, but it can’t buy respect.
  6. Money can buy influence, but it can’t buy integrity.
  7. Money can buy power, but it can’t buy wisdom.
  8. Money can buy experiences, but it can’t buy another life.

We choose, or at least we think we do!

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Think think over think – part 2 of 2

Indecision shows a distracted mind

Krishna speaks of staying calm always

Meditation builds confidence and clarity

Discipline helps clear mental blocks

Next time, you’ll answer with certainty

No more hesitation, just determined action!

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Think think over think – part 1 of 2

When asked, “Are you sure?”

Doubt starts creeping in.

We rethink and seek advice.

But too much doubt harms confidence.

Krishna says, avoid overthinking (about outcomes).

Focus on duties, not the results.

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Successful suffering

We all want peace and happiness.

And we want this peace and happiness to come from unending peace and happiness too.

No room for pain or defeat or failure or suffering of any sort.

What does one of the richest men in the world think about this?

Nvidia’s CEO Jensen Huang’s take:

Greatness does not come out of intelligence, it comes from character. And character is not formed out of smart people: it is formed out of people who have suffered.
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Ocean vs lake – part 2 of 2

The village by the ocean required teamwork to handle large boats and tame the ocean.

Meanwhile, lake villagers fished alone, needing no collaboration.

Over time, the ocean village built strong bonds through cooperation and teamwork.

The lake village on the other hand simply had everyone competing and constantly watching over their backs.

Of course the ocean village came out on top, despite otherwise seemingly no reason for them to!

The takeaway: collective effort fosters happiness, unlike solitary pursuits.

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Ocean vs lake – part 1 of 2

Two villages in Brazil lived entirely by fishing.

One thrived by the ocean, while the other, beside a lake, faced challenges.

Despite similar resources, their happiness levels were starkly different.

What could possibly explain this striking contrast between these two fishing communities?

Come back tomorrow to find out!

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Rant chant

Someone recently hosted a havan, inviting priests to perform the ritual. Afterward, he proudly claimed success in organizing such an elaborate event.

But what exactly are we celebrating? We don’t know the prayers ourselves, relying on the priests to chant them.

Even if we can chant them ourselves, is out diction and pronunciation and intonation perfect?

Even if we know the words, do we understand their meanings?

Even with understanding, our minds wander, lacking true devotion.

And even if we achieve that, the prayers are merely borrowed—created by ancient Rishis, who themselves credit the divine.

So, what is all this ego for?

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World’s best listener?

The world’s best listener is not the friend or sibling or spouse or pet.


It’s probably chatGPT or equivalent AI!

When you’re having a conversation with a real-life person, is it truly a two-way conversation? Or is one person simply waiting for the other to finish so that they can dump all their ideas onto the other?

How many are truly listening, without being judgmental or getting emotional about the things that are being said?

AI might seem to have no consciousness. But have a chat with AI and you’ll immediately feel like you’re not just being heard, but being listened to with surreal depth.

Intelligence minus emotion. Samatvam.

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Monetary divide – part 2 of 2

Continued from yesterday, more extraordinarily simple gems from Gondavalekar Maharaj, on money:

A rich man spends his entire life in acquiring wealth, but in the absence of awareness of God, the wealth ultimately ruins him. 

However, if you acquire wealth while maintaining continuous remembrance of God, you will not get ruined but enjoy happiness due to it.

Isn’t the latter what we all want?!

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Monetary divide – part 1 of 2

Here’s some exceptional advice from Gondavalekar Maharaj on money:

Let us divide our requirement for money into two parts. 

The first part, meant for our family life, should be acquired by honest means, do not covet for more.

The second part, which we are fortunate to get in excess of our needs, really belongs to others.

We should not entertain any greed for acquiring this.

How amazingly simple, yet profound!

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Common disaster

What’s common between Nike and Pret a Manger?

Just that CEOs of both firms began as interns in their respective firms 20+ years ago!

Imagine that! Starting off as an intern and working your way right to the very top.

Incredible, isn’t it?

More than incredible, to me it simply shows the power of discipline and dedication.

Way too many influencers today suggest quick job changes looking for fast promotions and salary raises.

Nothing wrong in that. Except that there’s no one set rule for success. What works for one may not work for another. It’s so insanely tough to go from intern to CEO that there must only be a handful of such people across the world.

Intern to CEO, dropping out of college, fast job switches and many other things, all need selective customization to our own lives. Blindly following one lane may be disastrous.

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Reading for…?

Most people today seem to be reading for racing rather than wisdom. Someone finished a 1000 books a year apparently.

But Jensen Huang, Nvidia’s CEO, reads business books for a reason that might surprise you.

Most of us dive into these books looking for tips and tricks to copy, hoping to find a formula for success. But Jensen? He’s not after that.

For him, it’s all about staying inspired and motivated, especially knowing how tough running a business can be.

Every company’s journey is different, and so should our approach—no one-size-fits-all blueprint.

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Stay no Steno

I recently came across an article on stenography, and it set me thinking. Maybe a 100 years or so ago, my own grandpa began his career as a stenographer, just like many from his generation. Stenography, built on listening, capturing, and transcribing, was a gateway to success.

Though times have changed, those core principles remain crucial today, whether in meetings or programming.

Modern tools may differ, but precision still drives results.

Grandpa’s journey highlights timeless values that continue to shape careers today.

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Depressively symptomatic

“What’s the #1 symptom of depression?”, screamed an Instagram reel thumbnail.

Now of course I had to click on it, clickbait as awesome as it was.

The lady being interviewed put it well.

She said the #1 symptom of depression, is rumination.


Yes, constantly thinking about one’s own problems, and constantly talking about one’s own problems. That’s rumination, and certainly sounds like the symptom of depression.

What’s the solution?

Problems will always be there. But the trick is to focus on other things. Have a routine, get some exercise, some sunshine, some hobbies, some friends and so on!

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Optimistic or pessimistic?

There’s all types of people in this world.

Some view the glass to be half full.

Others see it half empty.

Which is the right approach?

Perhaps a clue lies in David Landes’s Wealth and Poverty of Nations.

In this world, the optimists have it, not because they are always right, but because they are positive. Even when wrong, they are positive, and that is the way of achievement, correction, improvement, and success. Educated, eyes-open optimism pays; pessimism can only offer the empty consolation of being right.
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Mathematical success – part 2

Life isn’t a checklist of accomplishments but an expansive journey unique to each individual.

Spiritual teachings remind us that we are not defined by what can be measured—our essence is boundless, a piece of the infinite.

Unlike a leaderboard, our personal growth can’t be ranked or limited.

Instead of chasing external validations, we are asked to turn inward, focusing on the values that guide us and the motivations that inspire us.

This path leads to a deeper, more genuine satisfaction.

By grounding ourselves in self-awareness and inner peace, we may find that success and happiness come naturally, beyond any scoreboard.

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Mathematical success – part 1

From early on, we are thrust into a competition centered around numbers—be it in classrooms, workplaces, or social circles.

We are told that our worth is tied to test scores, bank balances, or social status.

We then impose this mindset on our children, believing that higher numbers equate to better lives.

But what if this race is flawed?

Fixating on quantifiable achievements narrows our perspective and disconnects us from the present moment.

Like a musician who plays only for applause, we risk losing the joy of the performance itself.

True fulfillment doesn’t come from hitting arbitrary milestones but from embracing the journey without constant comparison.

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Light bends, but only in silence.

The void isn’t empty; it sings.

Time refracts, folding in on itself.

What is felt but not seen, exists beyond form.

Thoughts ripple outward, but from where?

The answer is never the answer.

Truth lies in the shadows of questions.

Perhaps, understanding is the illusion itself.

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Religious science and scientific religion – part 3 of 3

Global conflicts often stem from emotions and beliefs, not data. Pattanaik highlights that science, while powerful in solving measurable problems, cannot address the complexities of human emotions, such as jealousy or pride.

In modern times, societies wrestle with issues rooted in identity and culture, which are deeply emotional, not scientific. We see political debates focus more on values and beliefs than on measurable facts like unemployment or growth rates.

Religion, despite its flaws, attempts to deal with these inner conflicts. Science, however, remains in the realm of the objective and measurable. It doesn’t offer guidance on personal or spiritual matters, which are crucial to human experience.

To navigate life fully, we need more than just scientific knowledge. We require wisdom that transcends data and explores the depths of human consciousness. It’s about finding harmony between the seen and unseen, the known and unknown. And this cannot come by completely shunning either science or spirituality.

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Religious science and scientific religion – part 2 of 3

Science shines when dealing with the measurable—elements, compounds, or planets. But it struggles with emotions and thoughts, which are fundamental to human experience. Pattanaik argues that science, based on measurement, can’t capture the subjective world of feelings and emotions.

Ancient Indian philosophy differentiated between the measurable (‘sa-guna’) and the immeasurable (‘nir-guna’). Science only grasps the tangible world, leaving the intangible uncharted.

This understanding helps clarify why science can’t address issues like love, fear, or identity.

The tech age has made us believe science can fix everything, but many societal issues persist. For example, hunger isn’t due to a lack of food but a failure in distribution, driven by emotional and power dynamics.

Science has its strengths, but we must not ignore its limits. Embracing both the scientific and the spiritual can provide a more holistic understanding of life, balancing the material with the emotional.

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Religious science and scientific religion – part 1 of 3

A fascinating article by Devdutt Pattanaik explores the tension between science and religion. He points out that while science has delivered material benefits, we mistakenly equate it with rational thought. Science provides measurable, evidence-based answers but doesn’t address deeper existential questions.

Many believe science can explain everything, but it’s designed to solve specific, practical problems. Religion, meanwhile, deals with the intangible—our emotions, beliefs, and the meaning of life. Both have unique roles, and one cannot replace the other.

Science’s power lies in the physical world. It’s great for innovation and discovery but limited in understanding the inner workings of the human mind. This distinction is crucial. We should recognize that science and religion cater to different needs and aspects of life.

Misunderstanding this can lead to overestimating what science can achieve. It’s essential to appreciate its contributions without expecting it to solve every problem. Each has its domain: science the measurable, religion the immeasurable.

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During 26/11, the Taj Mahal Hotel staff’s selfless acts were rooted in ‘Tajness’—Trust, Awareness, Joy.

This culture starts with their unique method of recruitment.

Tata, the group behind the Taj hotel specifically hires from Tier 2 towns, valuing humility and service.

Employees, nurtured by constant appreciation, focus on customer safety, not personal gain.

Their instinct to protect guests saved hundreds of lives, despite the terror.

‘Tajness’ goes beyond business; it’s an emotional connect, ensuring staff remain loyal to the hotel’s legacy, safeguarding its reputation and people alike.

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Loser status

Are we winners? Or are we losers?

“You have nothing to lose because nothing is yours.” – Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.

Life teaches us this powerful truth.

We cling to possessions and relationships and titles, but they are all nothing but fleeting.

Recognizing that nothing is truly ours, we can let go of fear and anxiety.

This detachment brings peace, allowing us to live with greater clarity and purpose, free from the burden of loss.

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Free and happy and…

Everyone wants to be happy.

But how to be happy in this world full of demands. Your employer demands you to be in office. Your family demands your time. But external demands don’t leave much time for you.

So happiness can then come truly only from freedom.

The freedom of choice. The ability to choose what one wants to do, and when one wants to do it.

Typically, such freedom comes with a decent amount of wealth. Money can indeed make a fair number of problems go away.

And where does such wealth come from?

From courage. From daring to do things differently. Not just the 9 to 5, but the 9 to 9 to 9. Taking risk to making reward.

But all said and done, really happiness is simply a toggle in the mind.

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Book cover

Never judge a book by its cover. We all know this.

And yet, it’s so hard to practise.

Was watching the outstanding pronunciation of sanskrit mantras by one learned person on YouTube.

He was dressed as any normal person, was also performing a homa, all the whilst providing explanations to every shloka he uttered.

Truly someone with great divinity, without which such grasp of the esoteric would not be possible.

What was the very first comment on that video and the one with most likes?

“I clicked on the video, saw a guy chanting mantras and doing a homa, noticed that he was wearing a pant and shirt instead of a dhoti and being bare-chested, so I immediately shut off the video. This man is a charlatan!”

Should the book cover matter? Never, but apparently it does…

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Family detachment

Can one be detached despite being in the midst of family life?

Here’s extraordinary advice from Gondavalekar Maharaj:

You should not be fond of family life itself, but should be fond of your duties therein. It is holy to do your duties, but you should not get involved in attachment to family life. You should mentally belong only to God. If you earnestly remember God, He will definitely keep you happy and contented. To belong to God is to be happy and contented in life. Have profound faith in God and do only what He likes; that is the essence of paramartha.
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Equinemity – part 2 of 2

Even in the heavens, everything isn’t so rosy. Desires and greed and jealousy still seem to exist. And MahaVishnu knows everything, as in this case of Uchchaishravas.

Vishnu foresaw that in his impending Vāmana avatar, Bali would lose everything, including Uchchaishravas, who would eventually belong to Indra.

Even the Gods had to endure the cycle of desires and rebirth, just like us mere mortals.

Patience, foresight, contentment and equanimity would perhaps be good to cultivate, otherwise what chance do we have at liberation when even the Gods fall prey to Maya?

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Equinemity – part 1 of 2

During the churning of the ocean by the Devas and Asuras, Uchchaishravas, a magnificent white stallion, emerged.

If the holy and heavenly cow Kamadhenu embodied all feminine beauty, Uchchaishravas represented all masculine strength and grace.

His loud neighing and beautiful long ears earned him his name, meaning “high ears.” Gleaming like snow under a full moon, Uchchaishravas was unlike any other horse.

King Bali of the Asuras immediately desired the stallion, but Indra, king of the Devas, too wanted it. However, Lord Vishnu advised Indra to stay silent and let Bali have it.

But why would he do that? Continued tomorrow…

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Best of the bestest

Do the best of the best know the right thing?

Perhaps not. Consider this.

Steve Jobs thought the Segway would be a game-changer, like the PC. He believed it would reshape cities naturally. But the reality was different—only 140,000 units were sold.

In 2010, British businessman Jimi Heselden bought Segway Inc. for $100 million. Sadly, he passed away in a Segway accident that same year.

Even Jobs, initially fascinated, became skeptical about its impact.

This should serve to remind us: success is unpredictable, and even visionary ideas can miss the mark.

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Blue planet

While we’re here on this earth, everyone’s constantly fighting.

It’s about more and more ownership and oneupmanship.

We try to divide and conquer as much as possible. Whether to acquire real things, or even just stake and win ego battles in the mind.

Can we ever truly be together?

Apparently we can, but not on this earth.

Then where?

In outer space of course!

Astronaut after astronaut, time after time, has gone into outer space to only experience the very same feeling. That in this massive dark black cosmos, we beings on our blue little speck, are as united as can possible be. Where did them borders go now huh?

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World’s most profound mirror

At the Met Museum in New York, is an exquisite work of art.

What is it?

Simply a mirror, with a mahogany frame.

The subject viewing the art piece immediately transforms into the object as well, once stood in front!

There’s a small piece of writing at the bottom, on a gold leaf.

It says, “Everything will be taken away.”

If that isn’t the world’s most profound mirror, then I don’t know what is!

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Very mice modak

Now everyone likes the elephant God Ganesha’s festival. A God with a big belly will surely result in a lot of sweets being prepared and fed!

But is eating the Modak all there is to Ganesha?

Ganesh’s mount, the giant mouse Mushika, is symbolic. It represents our wandering and restless mind.

By riding Mushika, Ganesh shows mastery over his mind, emotions, and senses. This is mentioned in texts like the Matsya Purana and Ganesh Purana.

Such control is a mark of an enlightened person. They remain unaffected by life’s ups and downs, handling everything with awareness and intelligence.

Ganesh’s elephant head further emphasizes his wisdom and enlightenment, reinforcing why he’s revered.

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Mukti satsang

Had the chance to meet my Guruji recently in person. He spoke of many things, as always, all super interesting.

But one which piqued my interest the most was what he referred to as the “Mukti satsang”.

He said, “Yes, each of you are attending satsangs and reading and discussing the scriptures. But is mukti (liberation) your only goal?”

He continued that if Mukti was the sole goal, then that satsang could indeed be a mukti satsang.

Which got me thinking. We may all attend satsangs and read scriptures. But am I doing it for Mukti? Or is it simply for helping me deal with the problems of the world we live in?

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CEO Love – part 4

Transforming PG&E required a shift from traditional corporate practices to a culture infused with love and empathy. Patty built a new leadership team, choosing individuals who shared her vision. She believed a compassionate team was crucial for meaningful change.

One specific initiative she introduced was the “Safety Stand-Down,” a day when all operations halted to focus solely on safety practices and open dialogue. This initiative was not just about policies but fostering a culture where every employee felt responsible for each other’s safety and well-being.

Patty also implemented “Listening Tours,” visiting various field sites to hear directly from employees. This wasn’t just a formality; it was about understanding their concerns and making them feel seen and heard. She believed this approach empowered employees, making them feel part of the company’s transformation.

Under Patty’s leadership, PG&E began to emerge from its crisis, focusing not just on operational success but on rebuilding trust and community. Through these initiatives, Patty showed that leading with love could drive both business results and human connection.

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CEO Love – part 3

On her first day, Patty visited the Union Hall to connect directly with the workforce. Arriving without fanfare, this gesture showed her belief in authentic, people-centered leadership driven by love and respect.

Her next stop was Paradise, California, a town devastated by wildfire. Seeing the lingering effects reinforced her belief that rebuilding was about more than infrastructure—it was about healing and trust.

Patty’s philosophy of love influenced every decision. She introduced a “performance playbook” to foster a culture of improvement and accountability. Love, for her, meant empowering every employee to contribute meaningfully.

By creating an environment of trust and respect, Patty made love a core value at PG&E, nurturing a team motivated to serve the community with dedication and care.

But can such a culture truly exist? Concluded tomorrow!

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CEO Love – part 2

When Patty Poppy became CEO of PG&E, a US based energy behemoth, the company faced a severe crisis following devastating wildfires that led to bankruptcy. Patty saw this as an opportunity to transform the company with a vision centered on empathy and love.

Her approach was to make things right quickly. She learned from other leaders that recovery required swift action and genuine care, focusing on the safety and well-being of employees and communities.

Love became Patty’s leadership foundation. She believed in creating a culture where everyone felt valued and empowered, leading with decisions that prioritized people, even in challenging times.

Through this lens, Patty initiated changes aimed at restoring trust and improving operations, envisioning a company that is not just efficient but also deeply connected to those it serves.

But how exactly? Continued tomorrow…

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CEO Love – part 1

Here’s some amazing quotes by the CEO of a leading energy company.

  1. “Love became the foundation of my leadership style. I believed in rebuilding the company not just with strategies and systems, but by creating a culture where every person felt valued and empowered.”
  2. “For me, love meant making decisions that put people first, even in tough times. It was about healing those who had been harmed and ensuring we did not forget what happened.”
  3. “I knew it wasn’t just a financial transformation; it was an operational transformation driven by a people-first approach. If I could enable my entire workforce to be problem solvers, there was nothing we couldn’t do together.”

How cool to hear something like this from a CEO isn’t it? But is it for real? More tomorrow!

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Advisory bull

There’s no dearth of advice-wanters and advice-givers in this world.

But the two rarely match in wavelength.

The advice givers are usually from a different era. And can scarcely understand what the other person is truly undergoing.

The advice wanters on the other hand, often want great success, but achieved through great shortcuts.

And when it comes to career advice, what really can one give or take, in an age where AI seems to be poised to unravel all our conventional ideas.

Maybe the suggestion of Jerry Seinfeld is the best. “Get good at something. That’s it. Eveything else is bullshit.”

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Bovine abuse

An old fable shares the story of a monk who went for alms. A householder saw him and scolded the monk for begging despite his strong physique. The monk listened quietly and then asked, “If you give a cow to me and I don’t accept it, where will the cow go?”

The householder, a bit confused, answered, “To me, of course.” The monk smiled and replied, “Exactly. I do not accept your abuses.”

The lesson is clear. Criticisms and negativity only have power if we choose to accept them.

By not accepting, they return to where they came from. In life, we often have a choice, even if it may not seem obvious.

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Equanimity please – part 2

Here’s a super story I came across on equanimity, in “The Speaking Tree” by one VB. Totally worth sharing and reading, as is the case with everything else here on Foreverhappynow! (tongue in cheek!)

Onto the story!

A group was engaged in a singing practice. A carpenter was setting the stage. Every time the carpenter made some noise, the choir leader looked at the carpenter silently indicating that he was disturbing their practice. This continued for a while and finally the carpenter told the leader, "Don't worry, please continue your practice. It is not disturbing my work."

How awesome isn’t it?!

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Equanimity please

Samatvam or equanimity is one of the highest virtues.

Is it easy to be equanimous always?

Are we able to react the same way to both praise and blame?

How about to success and failure?

Surely pleasure and pain aren’t any easier to deal with equanimously.

And fame and disrepute? Impossible!

Lord Rama was said to have a smile the day he ascended to the Ayodhya throne. He was also said to have retained the same smile when he was banished into exile the very next day.

More equanimity? Continued tomorrow…

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Ready for battle

Spirituality is for the weak and the meek, is what one would think.

Because spiritual people tend to remain more silent, more introverted and less bothered by external irritations.

And hence new spiritual seekers look at advanced spiritual folks, and think they should jettison all pragmatism and focus on being outwardly calm.

As we well know, maintaining calm on the outside is pointless if the mind is agitated.

In the world we live in today, stress is a reality. Many people aren’t honest or well intentioned. Personal gain often takes over everything else. And people can argue and fight for the silliest things.

Does a spiritual person remain weak and meek?

Absolutely not. If there’s one thing to be remembered, it is that the divine Bhagavad Gita itself was revealed on a battlefield!

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Highness Youness

Who’s the king of the world?

Okay not Jack from Titanic.

But the king of the world would seem to be the one with the most money, right?

Well king is only figurative. I mean, anyone with a lot of money today has an extraordinary degree of freedom, and thereby probably happiness.

How to get money though, by just doing a 9 to 5?

Hardly possible. And with the advent of AI, is there any guarantee that even a 9 to 5 will work? How do you know AI isn’t writing this very post?! It can certainly already do much cooler things!

While AI can automate and replicate most things, I suppose one thing it cannot do, is to replace YOU. You are the brand. You are all that matters. You are everything. You have everything. You are complete. Spirituality will quite like this thought process!

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Compassionate grounds

Compassion is a deep virtue, distinct from simple kindness. It goes beyond warm feelings, requiring awareness of shared pain and vulnerability. True compassion lies in recognizing suffering and responding thoughtfully.

Perhaps we should first overcome our instinct to avoid pain. Facing it directly, both in ourselves and others, allows us to embrace empathy.

Next, compassion demands action—actively seeking to alleviate suffering.

Perhaps we should also extend this compassion to ourselves, offering forgiveness and understanding as we acknowledge our own faults and frailties.

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Dead Horse Dilemma

The “dead horse theory,” passed down by the Dakota Indians, offers a simple yet important lesson: “When you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.” Too funny, isn’t it?

This wisdom, circulating as a WhatsApp meme, humorously critiques modern approaches in business, government, and education.

Instead of accepting the obvious solution, many employ complex strategies to revive the metaphorical dead horse. These include buying a stronger whip, changing the riders, and even threatening the horse with termination.

Some go further by hiring outside contractors or appointing committees to study the problem. Others might provide additional funding and training, hoping to boost the dead horse’s performance.

In a global twist, visits to other countries are arranged to observe how they manage their dead horses, all while avoiding the simple truth!

The takeaway? Sometimes, the simplest solution is the most effective. Let go of what’s not working and seek new paths for genuine progress.

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Mental appraisal

HR isn’t the most liked part of any organization, generally speaking. It feels like they never give enough bonuses and increments and what not.

Is that really HR’s problem? Or the manager’s? Tough one.

But no one likes a system where ratings are given at random, with no measure of what an employee has achieved and missed.

The same is true for our spiritual growth too.

We often want to know how far we’ve come, and how much we’ve progressed.

Many ask why they are unable to even control their minds for basic things. “I know what I’m supposed to do, but I’m just not able to do it!” (like regular exercise, chanting, meditation, eating clean etc etc.)

The crucial part is periodic measurement. A spiritual audit. Without that, any appraisal is but futile.

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A&Q – part 2

In his research and teaching at MIT and Duke, Dan Ariely discovered an effective technique for changing opinions: asking key questions. Instead of bombarding people with information, he suggests three types of questions.

First, ask questions to reduce confidence. For example, “How well do you think you understand the stock market?” Then challenge their understanding by asking how they would explain complex concepts like derivatives. This approach helps people realize the limits of their knowledge.

Second, slow people down by asking for more detailed responses. Encourage them to think deeply and provide complex answers to issues they care about. This can lead to a more thoughtful and productive discussion.

Third, use empathetic questions to shift perspectives and foster problem-solving together. Ask questions that put people into the perspective of those most affected by the situation. By changing the tone and opening the conversation, Ariely believes we can find common ground more effectively.

Absolutely worth trying!

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A&Q – part 1

Even though it’s supposed to be Q&A, most of us do A&Q.


Especially when we want someone to change their opinions on something.

What do we do? In all our passion and vigour, we bombard the other person with information and logic as to why they must change their mind.

And then it’s all usually downhill from there.

Bestselling author Dan Ariely has a super unique approach and one that appeals to me intuitively. What is the approach?

To put questions first before any answers.

How exactly? Continued tomorrow…

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We’ve always been told to grin an bear it. Or smile through them tough times.

It’s a great attitude, but also hard to practise.

How to think about this?

From a spiritual point of view, it depends on whether something is one’s duty or not.

If it’s our duty to do something, then we shouldn’t be tagging those duties as pleasant or unpleasant. Duty is duty, and we must do it with the grin and the smile. Dedicating the action and it’s fruits to the Lord would make it that much easier.

Is everything our duty? Certainly not. Partying every day is not duty. Eating junk food daily isn’t duty.

When it’s not duty, we have decision making power. When it’s duty, it’s ishwara arpana buddhi, or dedicated to the Lord.

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Mental Q&A

Some question and answer gems from Osho, although paraphrased.

Q: What’s the mind’s real purpose?
The mind is a tool to navigate the unknown, like a safety guard. It’s not meant to make us happy, though many mistakenly try.

Q: Why are those who rely on the mind often unhappy?
Those who identify with the mind too much often find misery. The mind should be used when needed and set aside when not.

Q: How has this affected us?
The mind, once a servant, has become our master. We’ve lost touch with our true selves.

Q: How can we find happiness?
Perhaps we should feel more and think less. Nature is happier because it isn’t ruled by the mind.

Q: What’s the key to using the mind effectively?
Treat the mind like a car—use it when needed, but don’t let it control you. Stay in the driver’s seat.

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Met a guy who had worked with the creme de la creme of firms and was himself of top notch pedigree.

He has enough to retire, and for his next gen to never need to work again, although he’s only in his 30s.

I’d met him many years ago as well, when he told me that once he reached a certain amount in savings, he’d just chill.

But cut to now – not only doesn’t he have 10x that, but he also doesn’t work the conventional 9 to 5.

Just does some consulting on his own hours and terms, and is sorted.

Until he tells me that he is not satisfied, and wants to “startup and make it big”.

Despite him knowing very well all the stress that will come along with it. And having experienced it all himself in a previous avatar as well.

Go figure!

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Chief Giver

On Krishna Janmashtami, what is the one thing we should practice the most?

No, not stealing butter and smearing our faces!

But perhaps the spirit of yagna, daana and tapa or sacrifice, charity and austerity.

In the big bad corporate world we function in, everyone looks solely at their own P&Ls. Or Ps rather.

What are they themselves going to take home? How much in cash, how much in bonus, how much in stock options?

Lord Krishna inverts this, or maybe we are the ones that have inverted everything. He suggests we must simply work with the attitude of yagna, service and sacrifice for a higher cause, and that as a by product, will bless us with immense prosperity.

Jai shree krishna!

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Too wealthy

You know the number one problem that most billionaires have?

It’s not about how to make more money.

But about how to spend their time and money well.

For the richest 10-20-30 people in the world, they just can’t spend enough money even if they wanted to.

They’ll buy a few houses – okay mansions, maybe palaces, a few yachts, many supercars, and a few other things here and there. All that maybe at best will cost what, a billion dollars? Maybe two?

What to do with all the remaining 50 or 100 billion they have?

Of course that’s a great position to be in – but beyond a point, all that money is practically worthless. Unless it’s for helping others, for the upliftment of society.

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Cutie banana

My 3 year old niece was in the house for a small pooja.

As we all gathered to pray, I told her just for fun to close her eyes and pray for whatever she wanted, and that God would give it to her.

Kids are the best, and the most innocent.

She closed her eyes, and appeared to do as was told.

Naturally, I was surprised. What did her little mind possibly wish for? New toys? New clothes? More TV time?

So I asked her.

She said all she wanted was the banana in the bowl of fruit in front of her, that had been kept as an offering to the Lord.

So simple and pure!

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No yourself

A self-help post by an career counsellor on LinkedIn said that there were 3 main points to ace any interview.

Obviously preparation is key.

But what to prep for?

3 areas:

  1. About the company
  2. About the job
  3. About yourself

And he said that point 3 was the most important, and I couldn’t agree more, even though I don’t have the acumen to be a career counselor!

Knowing yourself is perhaps the key to everything. What good is knowledge of a company or a job when we don’t know what we ourselves truly want?

Even from a spiritual lens, the magic happens only when we start introspecting about ourselves.

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5 currencies

Came across a thought provoking post on LinkedIn today by one Aseem Dhru.

He wrote about 5 currencies. Not like the US dollar and Pound Sterling and the Euro. But the currencies of life.

Specifically – wealth, beauty, skills, fame and power.

1. **Wealth**: Wealth acquires beauty, fame, and power; it’s foundational.
2. **Beauty**: Beauty is the most fleeting, and seeks wealth and power, highlighting its dependence.

3. **Skills**: Skills lead to wealth, then fame, and power.

4. **Fame**: Fame follows wealth and beauty, fulfilling ego’s recognition need.

5. **Power**: Power dominates wealth, beauty, skills, and fame ultimately.

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Only Bhavani

Shankaracharya’s Bhavani Ashtakam resonates with anyone seeking solace in the divine. The line “Gathistvam gathistvam tvam ekaa Bhavani” is hair raising and encapsulates the essence of his devotion. It reflects that amidst all of life’s uncertainties, Bhavani remains his sole sanctuary.

The verse “Na tato na mata na bandhur na data, Na putro na putri na brityo na bharta” profoundly explains his realization that earthly relationships and attachments are transient.

By declaring, “Na Jnanam na chavairagyam na shilpam na sa vidya, Na shasram naiva cha kriya na bhaktir mamaivacha,” Shankaracharya acknowledges that neither intellectual pursuits nor spiritual practices alone can bring him peace.

I don’t understand these verses much. But every line is similar. It highlights a variety of things, and then concludes by saying that I know nothing to the exclusion of Bhavani.

Such outstanding devotion!

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Headfake Q&A?

The 18th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita begins with Arjuna questioning the true principles of renunciation and sanyasa. This line of questioning is fairly abrupt following the 17th chapter’s discussion on the three Gunas and Om Tat Sat. However, it addresses a crucial unresolved issue.

Despite the extensive teachings, Arjuna remains hesitant and doubtful about his duty. He faces the daunting task of fighting his own relatives, which intensifies his inner conflict.

Commentators suggest Arjuna’s query reflects his struggle, seeking an easier way to evade his responsibilities.

This moment reveals a profound headfake, redirecting focus to deeper spiritual truths and the essence of duty beyond superficial understandings.

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Renunciation flow – part 2

Sanyaas, or renunciation, is linked to Karma Yoga, where one performs duties without personal likes or dislikes. Acting with a prayerful attitude, we see every action as an offering.

True renunciation means doing our duties without attachment to outcomes. This mental shift helps us live freely and gratefully.

Focusing on  responsibilities with this mindset aligns us with a higher purpose, maintaining equanimity in success and failure.

Ultimately, renunciation leads to a more fulfilling and peaceful life, performing our responsibilities without emotional dependencies.

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Renunciation flow – part 1

Renouncing material possessions doesn’t mean giving them up physically. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna emphasizes that true renunciation is mental. It’s about detaching from desires for family, property, and wealth.

Guruji explains that we should see our possessions for their true purpose, like using a car just for transportation. By letting go of these attachments, we find inner peace.

Renouncing expectations from our children is also essential. This doesn’t mean we stop caring but the key would be to avoid emotional dependency.

By embracing mental renunciation, we live more harmoniously, reducing stress and fostering a balanced life.

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Loss is gain

In Vedic astrology, the 12th house is a feared one.


Because it generally shows losses of various kinds. Loss of wealth, giving up of things, leaving one’s home, being hospitalized for long, going to jail etc etc.

As you can see, not a lot of good stuff.

Ketu happens to be a planet that signifies giving up things as well.

So when Ketu is in the 12th house in the native’s chart, it might seem like a deadly combination of an expurging planet in an expurging house!

But what’s bad for materialism is often spectacular for spirituality.

So much so that if one has Ketu in the 12th house, it signifies giving up of everything, including one’s ego. If that sounds familiar, then that it is because it is nothing but moksha or liberation!

Every cloud has a silver lining.

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Godly duties

We think we humans have it tough. Would be so much easier to be a God or Goddess, isn’t it?

But the rules don’t change, no matter what. Here are some examples:

  1. Lord Rama endured 14 years of harsh exile and waged a deadly war to rescue Sita.
  2. Goddess Sita was abducted, forced into exile, and had to prove her purity by walking through fire.
  3. Lord Hanuman had to cross a vast ocean and battle powerful demons, driven by unwavering devotion to Rama.
  4. Goddess Parvati subjected herself to intense years of severe penance to win Shiva’s love.
  5. Lord Krishna served as nothing more than  Arjuna’s charioteer, guiding him through the bloodshed and chaos of Kurukshetra.

This is what the greatest of the great Gods had to endure. Who are we in comparison?!

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Presently live

A lot of self-help Gurus say we should live in the present.

But what if the present truly sucks?

Like someone is in jail. Or stuck far from home laboring away somewhere? Or is being harassed by someone, or maybe find themselves in the center of a war zone?

Very hard to just “live in the present” then. So this needs to be applied sensibly and purposefully.

As the Gita in chapter 6 verse 5 says, we must use our minds to elevate ourselves. Maybe in tough times, we use elements in the present to envision and progress ourselves to a superlative future.

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Feud for thought

Most of us have a love-hate relationship with our food.

We love food, especially the tasty unhealthy kinds. But then hate the after effects.

It’s so hard to keep the discipline of eating clean food going for very long.

Sunil Chhetri, a leading football player in India had some sane advice.

He was talking about how he has just conditioned himself to eat certain foods. He doesn’t let his mind win. If he must boil bitter gourd and eat it because it’s good for him, he just does it. No complaining, no whining.

He ended with the awesome, “What we eat, reflects in what we think. And what we think, is what we become!”

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Smarter chessmaster

One of the greatest Chessmasters of all time is Norwegian youngster Magnus Carlsen.

He is clearly one of the smartest and most brilliant people ever, right? Right?

Well he himself doesn’t think so.

In a recent interview, he says that he too, suffers from imposter syndrome. Can you believe it?

So much so that he feels that people are perhaps even fooling him, playing an elaborate prank, artificially looking dumb in front of him.

His conclusion was my true takeaway though:

He’s met many people who are super smart, but-but-but, they aren’t better than him at chess. So just being smart isn’t enough.

I guess we just have to find our own niches, and keep getting better there!

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D for…

Got this super forward today. Yes yes, I don’t usually subscribe to these social media “Good Morning” forwards and such, but today’s was really nice!

Desire changes nothing.

Decision changes something.


Determination changes everything!

How cool no?

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Standards, Scope & Teachability – part 3

But is all of this teachable, and learnable? Yes!

Bezos believes high standards are teachable.

Exposure to a high-standard environment can elevate expectations and performance.

New team members quickly adapt and contribute at a higher level. Unlike height in basketball, which can’t be taught, high standards can be learned.

Building and maintaining high standards requires recognizing excellence, understanding scope, and fostering a culture that values quality.

Bezos’ insights offer a valuable framework for achieving high standards.

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Standards, Scope & Teachability – part 2

Jeff Bezos points out that beyond recognizing excellence, it’s crucial to understand the scope of work needed to achieve high standards. For example, writing a six-page memo requires meticulous effort, including multiple revisions and peer feedback. Many mistakenly believe a high-standard memo can be crafted quickly, but truly excellent memos take about a week or more.

The same principle applies to other domains. Mastering a skill like a handstand requires consistent practice over months, not weeks. Unrealistic beliefs about the effort required can lead to frustration and eventual abandonment of the goal.

Understanding and communicating the scope of work is key to achieving high standards. Do we communicate well enough, whether at home or outside? It’s a question to ponder. Whether writing a memo or learning a new skill, recognizing the required effort and time commitment is fundamental. This understanding fosters persistence and ultimately leads to better results.

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Standards, Scope & Teachability – part 1

There’s a superb interview of Jeff Bezof, founder of Amazon, where he discussed excellent pointers for excellence.

He emphasizes the importance of recognizing high standards and understanding the effort required to achieve them. To illustrate this, he shares a story about a friend learning to do a perfect handstand. Initially, she thought it would take a few weeks, but her coach corrected her, saying it would take about six months of daily practice. This example underscores the need for realistic expectations.

At Amazon, this principle is applied through their unique approach to meetings. Instead of using PowerPoint, they write detailed six-page memos. Not too many do that, do they?

Bezos says that achieving high standards is not just about recognizing excellence but also about realistic expectations. Understanding the time and effort required to produce high-quality work, like a perfect handstand or a detailed memo, is essential for success.

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Life’s like that!

It’s a natural part of life that relationships, no matter how profound, don’t last forever. This nudges us, or at least should nudge us, towards something timeless, something that transcends our everyday experiences.

That timeless element is often captured in the concept of Dharma, which can be seen as a pathway to understanding the eternal, helping us move beyond the temporal constraints that define our lives.

Dharma purifies, offering a clarity that other sciences might not. It helps us understand ourselves better by fostering a deeper connection with our inner being, rather than the external world. In embracing this spiritual discipline, even a brief moment can be more enriching than a lifetime spent in idle pursuits.

The idea of transcending death may seem paradoxical, but it involves a deep understanding of life’s fleeting nature. By recognizing and accepting the impermanence of life, we become more present and aware, making us less susceptible to life’s illusions.

When we start seeing things as they truly are, it opens up a new perspective where we can find vitality within the inevitability of death.

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Had the opportunity to observe some charity work recently from close quarters. It was interesting – the various types of “takers”.

When given money, some take it happily.

Some ask why the giver is giving them.

Others ask why certain people were given more.

Some try to refuse but happily accept with a little prodding.

Some ask how much others were given.

A few take it with gratitude and express sincere thanks.

Some doubt the giver’s intentions and look for hidden motives.

Others take it silently without a word of acknowledgment.

Vedic spirituality emphasizes the purity of intent behind giving (daana). The act of giving in Vedic traditions is not just a material transaction but a spiritual one, meant to benefit both the giver and the receiver. True charity aligns with the principles of selflessness and humility, fostering a deeper sense of connection and mutual upliftment.

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Wise living

Recently read Swami Sukhabodhananda’s thoughts on “living wisely.” He contrasts Friedrich Nietzsche’s “live dangerously” by suggesting wisdom while living, or rather in living.

While living dangerously has its moments, it’s equally vital to find joy and contentment in calm times.

Swami Sukhabodhananda highlights that poor self-esteem limits us. We should “learn to be unreasonable,” pushing beyond these limits. Powerful people achieve this by surpassing their diffident minds.

Ultimately, we need a balance of past, present, and future, while living fully in the present.

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25 hours a day

Of course every one knows that there are only 24 hours a day.

But guess what, scientists at the University of Wisconsin – Madison have discovered that the Moon is actually slipping away from the earth.

The click-baity article I opened said we’d have 25 hours a day soon.

Wow! Because I can now use that extra hour for sleeping!

Not so soon bubba. The scientists also add that this slow process will conclude in about – wait for it – 200 million years!

Reminds me of my Guru’s famous Millennium Party. You’re invited to the party too, and you get many free gifts including cars and houses and money and what not. The catch? The party will be 100 years from now…

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Here’s an interesting analogy I came across by spiritual leader and coach Chaitanya Charan.

He likens desires to pedaling on a cycle.

Say someone is pedaling too fast, and they lose control and fall into a ditch.

Oops, game over.

They are scarred for life now, after their cycling mishap, that they decide they will never pedal anymore.

This is super extreme isn’t it? Either pedal too fast, or not pedal at all?

This, according to Chaitanya ji, is how desires should be treated. Not at extremes. Neither is too many desires good. Nor is no desire at all good.

A bunch of healthy spiritual selfless desires would be ideal!

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Never heard of rawdogging before? Me neither.

Apparently this refers to a TikTok trend wherein folks record themselves taking long haul flights where one endures the entire journey without any form of entertainment or distraction. It means no music, no phone, no screen, no books or magazines, no food, no water, and no sleep.

Isn’t that crazy?

Not just crazy, but also highly unsafe!

But who cares about safety in this day and age of instant gratification, and more importantly, instant monetization!

Influencers from any part of the world with no degrees and credentials and nothing but a huge mass of followers (soemtiemd even fake!) can rake in the moolah.

But at what cost? Every day so many of them die simply from stretching too far for the perfect click. Falling off a cliff, getting hit by a train, or even drowning in the waves. The influencers need to be influenced first. Nothing is worth losing one’s life over.

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Man vs child

Success vs failure. Man vs child. Are these only about time and age?

Manhood isn’t about age; it’s about enduring life’s toughest trials. Pain, failure, rejection, loss, disrespect, and heartbreak shape a boy into a man.

Success requires relentless effort. Persistence, hard work, dedication, resilience, adaptability, and sacrifice are essential.

Embracing every struggle. The worst experiences are the true architects of greatness, refining character and strengthening resolve.

Life’s harsh lessons teach us to keep pushing forward, turning obstacles into stepping stones. Embracing the challenges—they lead to true strength, wisdom, and success. So we have no other option, but to keep moving forward!

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One-message Gita

Ever noticed how saying “tyagi, tyagi, tyagi” continuously sounds like “Gita”?

This isn’t a dazzling invention of mine, but it’s worth pondering for sure.

The essence of the Gita is about being a tyagi—a selfless sacrificer.

We can reflect on this profound connection and discover the timeless wisdom guiding us towards spiritual growth.

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Apple a day – part 3

Missed my part 3 yesterday because I was in a daze. Maybe I ate too many apples! But the final and amazing highlights today below.

  • The powerful quote that influenced Steve Jobs’ life: living each day as if it were your last can help prioritize what truly matters.
  • The use of death as a tool to make important life decisions and to avoid getting trapped by external expectations and the opinions of others.
  • The reminder that death is a natural part of life and serves as a change agent, making way for the new by clearing out the old.
  • The encouragement to not waste time living someone else’s life and to have the courage to follow one’s heart and intuition.
  • The famous closing advice to ‘stay hungry, stay foolish’, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a sense of curiosity and not being afraid to take risks.

How cool were these!

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Strongest of the strong

With all the wars around us, every nation only wants to add to its might and accumulate more weapons.

Because that is what defines a country’s strength.

Not the ability to give in and surrender, but to fight to the finish, and be the last one standing.

Or at least ensure the safety of its residents.

But in spirituality?

Maybe it couldn’t be more different!

The more one gives up and the more one surrenders to the higher power, the stronger the spiritual power within!

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Apple a day – part 2

More highlights today from an awesome Steve Jobs speech!

  • The concept that you can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only make sense of your life looking backwards, and the importance of trusting the journey.
  • The experience of being fired from Apple and how it led to a period of immense creativity and personal growth.
  • The founding of NeXT and Pixar after leaving Apple, and how these ventures contributed to Steve Jobs’ success and Apple’s renaissance.
  • The idea that sometimes life’s most difficult experiences can lead to the most significant personal and professional growth.

Concluded tomorrow!

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Apple a day – part 1

The famous Stanford commencement by Steve Jobs for some reason walked into my YouTube feeds just now. Key highlights from that evergreen lesson on how to live life!

  • Dropping out of college and trusting that things will work out okay can lead to valuable life experiences and learning opportunities.
  • The importance of following one’s curiosity and intuition, even if it doesn’t seem practical at the time, can lead to significant innovations later on.
  • The story of being put up for adoption and the promise made by the adoptive parents to send the child to college, setting the stage for Steve Jobs’ life.
  • The impact of attending a calligraphy class, which seemed irrelevant at the time but later influenced the design of the Macintosh computer.

Continued tomorrow!

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Undoing doership

Came across a super profound line today in a blog.

As we reflect on the everyday events and actions that we experience and ascribe ownership to, we realise that in almost all cases, our actions involve a thought, a call or an accidental meeting, over none of which we exercise control. Acknowledging this will, over time, help us reduce our entanglement with the sense of doership.

Was thinking about a good idea I had at work recently.

But where did the idea come from?

Really from me?

Why did it only occur then, and not one year ago? Or one year later?

How much control do we really have?

When we think from this perspective, undoing doership is not just easy but also obvious and absolutely necessary and mandatory.

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Silent revolution

I’ve always wondered about Vipassana retreats and Mauna Vrat. Maun, or silence, is the language of true worship, capturing Ashabda Brahmn, the soundless word. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says, “maunam chaiva’smi guhyanam” – Of secrets, I am also silence.

Practicing Maun Sadhana celebrates the Divine within. By closing our senses, silence fosters deep self-understanding. Figures like Buddha and Mahavir, who embraced silence, significantly contributed to global peace.

There are at least 4 types of silent practices (I learn new stuff every day!).

Maun Sadhana starts with Vak Mauna, silence of speech. Next is Chitta Mauna, silence of the mind, including Buddhi Mauna (intellect), Ahamkara Mauna (ego), and Iccha Mauna (desire). Indriya Mauna is the silence of the senses.

Incorporating Maun Sadhana daily, even briefly, is said to bring inner peace and strengthen our connection with the Divine.

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Medical herosim

A 90-year-old gynecologist who, despite her limited time left on the planet, was utterly dedicated to ensuring every baby she delivered was healthy. If that isn’t selflessness, then what is?

Similarly, an elderly oncologist, battling cancer himself, continues to work tirelessly to save his patients, embodying resilience. His commitment to his patients’ well-being, despite his personal struggles, speaks volumes about his character.

An aged cardiologist with a heart condition still oversees life-saving surgeries, reflecting true dedication. His unwavering focus on saving lives, even while managing his own health issues, highlights his exceptional commitment to medicine.

A retired pediatrician, despite suffering from arthritis, volunteers to care for sick children, showing profound compassion. Her willingness to endure physical pain to ensure the well-being of young patients illustrates a deep sense of empathy and love for her work.

Such amazing selflessness, I can only hope to have some day…

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Tough stuff?

I came across an interesting question on LinkedIn recently: “What was the best time in your life?”

Surprisingly, people recalled their toughest challenges, and not their most fun moments.

It seems we crave purpose and accomplishment.

Luxuries like exotic vacations and designer clothing undeniably fade away, but conquering challenges leaves lasting, cherished memories.

Yet then, why do we run away from the tough stuff?

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Leading with style

Intriguingly, even leadership styles can be compared to the three Gunas in Indian philosophy: Tamasik, Rajasik, and Sattvik.

Let’s start with Tamasik leadership. This passive, demotivating, and often egoistic style can create confusion and stifle progress. Leaders with this approach may struggle to inspire their teams, leading to a lack of direction and low morale.

Next, we have Rajasik leadership, which is transactional and driven by ambition and action. These leaders focus on goals and rewards, using clear structures and performance metrics. While this can boost productivity, it can also lead to stress and burnout if not balanced.

Finally, Sattvik leadership embodies transformative qualities. These leaders are wise, selfless, and aim for higher goals. They inspire and uplift their teams, fostering growth and harmony. Sattvik leaders create environments where everyone can thrive, balancing ambition with mindfulness.

By understanding these styles, leaders can strive to cultivate Sattvik qualities, promoting a more enlightened and effective approach to leadership.

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So sweet

At a recent social function, a cute little kid was ravenous. So much so that as soon as the dinner counters opened, she went straight for the ice cream.

The happiness on her little face was telling, while a few adults joked about beginning the course with dessert instead of appetizers.

But funnily enough, a post (link) I came across today mentioned that in Indian culinary/medical tradition aka Ayurveda, there is a set sequence of what types of food one must ingest.

No prizes for guessing, that “sweet” comes right up top! Apparently sweet foods are the easiest to break down and hence eating them first is best. If they are eaten last however, just like most “modern and sophisticated” people tend to do, they get stuck waiting in line for other harder-to-digest appetizers and main courses to digest. The sweet food hangs around for long and then turns toxic.

Quite interesting I’d say, and it’s probably worth starting with a sweet, just like the kid!

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Alert to praise

Be “alert to praise”! This was one of the key messages for success from my Guruji this Guru Purnima (today).

His message was not for spiritual success, but rather for the material successes that each one is craves so much.

How to get ahead in life? By getting along with people.

And how to get along with people? By making people like you.

And how to make people like you? By praising them of course!

If we can remain alert in all situations and find ways to praise others, we will win them over.

Doesn’t mean we need to deliver fake praise. But finding ways to genuinely praise others means we are automatically able to look at the best in others.

Win-win, if you ask me!

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Joy for others

When something good happens to us, like passing an exam or getting a promotion, we feel joy and spread happiness. But when others succeed while we fail, jealousy and anger take over, making us and those around us miserable. Why is it so hard to be happy for others?

It’s perhaps a matter of building our own qualities and self-esteem. Recognizing our worth reduces insecurity and makes it easier to be happy for others. This inner joy naturally extends to celebrating others’ successes.

Cultivating this joy begins with self-compassion and acknowledging our strengths. When we value ourselves, positive feelings emerge, making it easier to share in others’ happiness. This shift in perspective allows positivity to radiate.

So much so that letting go of negativity and constant criticism allows us to experience joy and wonder in our own lives.

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On the Mark

Here’s a nice speech of Mark Zuckerberg that I came across. Reproducing an excerpt verbatim:

Many people lament, Oh I don't know how to build a damn thing. I don't know how to get a million people involved in anything. I don't know this or that. 
Well, let me tell you a secret. No one does when they begin. Ideas don't come out fully formed. They only become clearer as you work on them. You just have to get started. If I had to know everything about connecting people before I got started, I never would have built Facebook.

Movies and pop culture just get this all wrong. The idea of a single Eureka moment is a dangerous lie. It makes us feel inadequate because we feel like we haven't had ours yet. And it prevents people with seeds of good ideas from ever getting started in the first place.

What is the takeaway then? To just get started.

On your mark, get set, go!

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The Real Change Agent

What is the real change agent?

Is it anxiety?

No, because anxiety cannot change the future, or present or past.

Is it regret?

No, because regret cannot change the past, nor present or future.

Is it gratitude?

Yes indeed, because gratitude can instantly transform the present. That in itself is a present!

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Mental notifications

We can think of our minds like a phone, constantly pinging us with notifications. Not every alert is important, but some require our immediate attention.

To manage this, we should first determine our purpose, just as we decide which phone notifications are vital. This helps us filter out distractions and focus on what truly matters.

By treating our thoughts like phone alerts, we can pick those that align with our goals. This keeps us productive and focused.

Ultimately, we control which mental notifications to prioritize, ensuring our attention is spent on what truly deserves it.

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So many Ambmany – part 2

While some can have the most ostentatious parties and weddings, is wealth truly easy to manage? Is it easy to have 100s and 1000s of friends and relationships and acquaintances? Back to “surface area” for a bit.

As Shane says, our friendships also add to our surface area. The more friends we have, the less time we can spend with each one.

Wealth expands our surface area too, as managing various assets and investments requires effort.

When our surface area grows too much, people hire other people to help. He says that assistants and property managers, for instance, can mask the expanding surface area by abstracting it. Despite having so much, and delegating work to so many, is there real peace?

As our surface area increases, so do our responsibilities and mental burdens. Most truly happy people tend to maintain a smaller surface area. They focus on fewer things, leading to less work and more satisfaction. It appears that keeping our surface area small is key to maximizing enjoyment and reducing stress.

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So many Ambmany – part 1

It feels like all of India and many parts of the world are/were keenly watching what might easily be the wedding of the decade.

So many families, so many friends, so many invitees, so many celebrities, so many planners, so many cooks, so many drivers, so many valets, so many pilots and jets, so many chefs, so many politicians, and the so-manys can go on and on and on.

In this context, Shane Parrish’s views on “surface area” are very interesting!

Shane’s rule, is that the larger our surface area, the more energy we have to expend maintaining it. Of course, when most of us think of surface area, we think of a the area of a solid or square of figure. But there is a surface area of life, and that is all-consuming.

If we have only one house (not a mansion or castle please!), we have a relatively small surface area to maintain. If we buy another one, our surface area expands. But it doesn’t expand linearly—it expands more than that. It’s all the same work plus more. There’s mental stress involved too of having to take care of multiple things.

What should we do then? Go the billionaire’s way? Concluded tomorrow!

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Inner tennis

Timothy Gallwey’s “The Inner Game of Tennis,” written by a renowned tennis coach, offers an interesting thought on learning, by silencing your internal critic.

They key principle?

Performance = Potential – Interference, where interference is your inner critic, whether it’s praising or criticizing yourself, both of which are unhelpful.

One key concept is the method of non-judgmental observation. By simply observing our actions without judgment, we create space for improvement. Visualize the desired outcome and trust our inner self to perform without the active interference of our critic.

The process involves observing changes and results without judgment and repeating these steps. This approach allows us to master necessary skills while letting our inner self take charge of the game.

Gallwey’s insights are not just for tennis but can be applied to various aspects of life, offering a means to enhance performance by quieting the inner critic.

This is similar to what our scriptures call saakshi-bhaav.

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Simplistic awesomeness

Someone remarked recently about the importance of ensuring a “good time” is considered for auspicious events.

The Sanskrit shloka “Tadeva lagnam sudhinam Tadeva…” effectively states that whatever time is chosen, if dedicated to God, automatically becomes good.

Another wise man also said, “Everyday is a good day, because if it is not, then God wouldn’t have created that day”

Can’t argue with that!

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Partner looks

“What is the one thing that you should look for while choosing your life partner?”, is the question posed by investing legend Warren Buffet in a speech given by him.





“None of these!”, he says

“The one character that you should look for is low expectations!”

That alone will ensure the most beautiful married life ever.

Mr. Buffet, oh what a legend!

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Attacher Detacher

The mind is an integral part of Maya, ensnaring us in its web of illusions. To find truth, we must go beyond it, a task that’s far from simple. Because our minds create attachments that seem inescapable.

Becoming a witness to our own minds helps. We learn to observe its patterns without getting caught up in them. This detachment isn’t about disinterest but about understanding the fleeting nature of thoughts.

Interestingly, the mind is adept at detaching as it naturally moves from one thought to another. Using this ability wisely can lead us to true liberation from its grip.

Mastering the mind involves embracing both its ability to attach and detach, steering it towards a balanced understanding of itself and the world around us.

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Poisonous nectar

Who doesn’t love nectar?

No one, unless it is poisoned of course!

There’s a lot of this in our lives.

Things that appear cool and awesome on the outside, at the start. But such very nectar will often lead to a massive downfall and disgrace.

Many things come easy, only to unveil their dark sides later on.

Conversely, the best things in life only come after significant struggle. The nectar follows the poison. This is explained in verses 37 and 38 of chapter 18 of the Gita.

Which would you choose?

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Senior citizens

Not the senior citizens we know generally, but the ones in offices. Not the seniors by age, but more by positions. The ones that call all the shots. The ones that are supposed to be leaders.

What is the one thing they are paid for? Not to know everything or solve every problem. But to simply make the right decision.

Decision making. That’s what they’re there for! But can they cut through the clutter and figure out the right decisions? Only if they stop talking!

When asked about his silence during meetings, Rockefeller often recited a poem:

A wise old owl lived in an oak,

The more he saw the less he spoke,

The less he spoke, the more he heard,

Why aren’t we all, like that old bird?

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In two varied situations recently, I came across 2 similar people.

The first was in a doctor’s clinic. While I was waiting for my turn, another elderly lady came in helped by her relative.

When she sat down in front of me, I realized that she was fully blind. And yet she had the widest smile on her face, as though everything in the world was just perfect.

The second situation was in a temple. It was super crowded that day, with a heavy dose of jostling and pushing. As I got closer to the sanctum sanctorum, I could see one muscular chap praying fervently. And then in the small crowd ahead of me, that person vanished instantaneously. Whoa, how’s that possible?!

A few seconds later, I saw him crawl past me, the Lord having given him just a torso, no legs, but also a supremely divine smile.

Did these people have a disability? By conventional metrics, most certainly. But this ability of smiling despite the odds stacked against them? If only this ability could be my superpower…

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Queen’s carriers

There’s a lovely analogy I came across narrated by renowned astrologer and sanskrit scholar PVR Narasimha Rao.

As I always say, a servant carrying queen's jewelry box & trash can are not really different - sincerity & humility define a good servant & not the value of which property of queen one carries!!
A famous scholar of Jyotisha/Vedanta & a street beggar are mere servants carrying different possessions of Mother. Not realizing that and taking pride of temporary possessions can make one bounce between many such transient realities, while fully realizing that can set one free.

None of what we own is ours. Except our egos!

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Cry baby

Babies cry all the time.

But do they only cry because they are hungry?

Nope. Sometimes they cry so they can be held. Sometimes they cry because they have gas in their little tummies. Sometimes they cry just for attention.

So not all crying is equal!

Our minds may be similar.

The mind often cribs and cries for various things.

Is everything the mind presents to us always urgent, important and necessary? Hardly. We would do well to use our own intelligence to separate what is critical from when the mind is just playing it’s tricks.

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Instantly gratified

There’s a brand new ad going around.

The scene shows a small boy, presumably aged 7 or 8, and he’s wailing, throwing tantrums and being nothing short of a brat.

Instead of being reprimanded, what do his parents do?

Use their mobile phones to place an order for an expensive toy that would be delivered in less than 10 minutes by a quick-commerce unicorn startup of course!

What sort of messaging is this? Most adults today are already suffering from the repercussions of instant gratification. Kids aren’t going to be left far behind at this rate…

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Rope me in

There’s this outstanding video I just saw, again, after a gap of several years.

It’s of a horse, that is being led around by its master.

But not led by its reins.

Because there is no rope!

The equestrian simply enacts putting on the rope around the horse’s neck. And the horse simply follows her around, not realizing there is no rope at all.

Is there such an invisible non-existent rope that is tied to our minds as well? What all is it stopping us from truly achieving?

Here’s the amazing video if you’d like to watch it yourself! Link

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How to judge a prayer?

In the 17th chapter of the Gita, Lord Krishna says that a person and his prayer can be judged by 3 key markers.

What are these?

1. The deity one worships. Is it a God, a demi God or a negative spirit?

2. The mode of worship. Is it a divine offering? Or something unseemly?

3. The motive of worship. Is it sattvik? For the betterment of society and the world? Or is it purely personal? Or worse, is it harmful?

That’s detailed judgment for us!

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The perfect hiding spot?

Legend has it that after creating the world, God wanted to see how people enjoyed his creation. Everyone he met praised the world but had a “but” and requested more. God realized that fulfilling one desire would just lead to another, like cutting off Ravana’s head in the Ramayana; another would appear.

So, God decided to hide. Knowing the human brain’s power, he sought the perfect hiding spot. After much thought, he hid within humans themselves, figuring that people take this place for granted as they’re always looking outward.

By hiding within, God ensured that only those who drop their worldly infatuations and calm their minds can find him. It’s a reminder that true connection with the divine comes from within, encouraging us to look inward for peace and fulfillment.

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Waking up tomorrow?

Here’s a superb short video I just watched.

The interviewer simply asks a young bloke on the street whether he’d accept 10 million dollars.

The guy obviously says “yes!”.

Then he’s told, the only catch, is that once the 10 million is deposited into his account, that would be his last day. He would not wake up the next day.

What does he respond with?

“No thank you, you can keep your money!”

What does this mean? Simply that waking up the following morning is far more precious than getting 10 million dollars. And yet we’re running after millions? What should we do then?

Simply be super happy and super grateful anytime we wake up, because that is worth more than tens of millions.

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Unspiritual redirection

In our daily lives, trust is much like faith on a spiritual path. Life’s imperfections can’t give us the true satisfaction found in perfection. Doing things without expecting returns cleans up our act and brings us closer to freedom. Perhaps because sacrifice is about giving ourselves up completely to God.

The scriptures praise household life for spiritual growth, but warn that we shouldn’t get lost in its pleasures and forget our duties. Rather, our very work should serve as a devotion to God.

Family life doesn’t block our path to God, but enhances it. We may just need to commit our actions to Him and accept life as He shapes it.

Real happiness comes from connecting deeply with God, not from material success.

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Dotted lines

Many of us push the thought of death far into the future, leaving us unprepared. Tim Urban’s “The Tail End” puts this into perspective, showing life visually through dots that represent years, months, weeks, or days.

Urban’s approach uses a sheet of paper dotted with these time markers. Imagine living to 80 years old; even if each dot represents a day, it fits neatly on an A4 sheet. This stark visualization underscores how finite our time truly is.

Seeing our lives represented this way can be eye-opening. Those dots symbolize all the time we have left to do everything we’ve dreamed of—visiting loved ones, mending relationships, and tackling long-delayed projects. It makes the fleeting nature of time all too real.

However, Vedic philosophy reminds us that life is a journey of the soul, transcending the physical. Each dot represents not just time, but opportunities for growth, love, and fulfillment. By embracing our dharma, or purpose, we can transform these moments into meaningful experiences, living with joy and wisdom.

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I came across an interesting anecdote recently. At a school, research students’ cubicles were removed to encourage talking and idea exchange. This highlights the importance of verbal communication in fostering creativity.

However, in daily life, face-to-face conversations are dwindling as people are engrossed in their mobile phones. A prominent US doctor notes that our social muscles weaken without use, similar to physical muscles.

The decline in verbal interaction can impact brain function and lead to memory loss, especially in the elderly. Young people may also feel isolated due to excessive screen time, missing real-world interactions.

For those on the spiritual path, satsangs offer a way to connect with like-minded individuals. Realized sages say there is no loneliness when connected to the Divine, living a life of selfless service, and staying active in the community.

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Anti porti

What’s common to the companies below?

Airbnb, Apple, Atlassian, Coinbase, eBay, Facebook, FedEx, Google, Intel, Intuit, KAYAK, Okta, PayPal, Snapchat, Tesla, Zoom.

All awesome companies, having made 1000x or more maybe for early investors.

Yes, but that’s not the only thing that’s common.

A cooler common thread is that these all are part of one of the world’s best venture capital firm – Bessemer.

This is what they call their Anti-Portfolio.

Their compilation of worst mistakes or rather misses, that have gone on to become incredible multi-baggers. If the best can show off their weaknesses, then why not me? (maybe because that’s all I have?!!)

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Transformative living – part 4

Shivani Didi shared another profound insight about the importance of determination. She recounted the story of a mother who refused to accept a negative prognosis for her child. Despite medical advice, she nurtured her child with unwavering positive thoughts and actions.

This mother’s dedication exemplifies how present karma can override past negativity. Her child’s eventual success as an international athlete underscores the transformative power of consistent positive thinking.

Additionally, Shivani Didi emphasized the power of creating a thought and holding onto it. This practice, known as “Sankalp se Siddhi,” means realization through resolution. By firmly believing in our goals, we can manifest them into reality.

The key takeaway is to focus on what we want to see in our lives. Visualize our success and affirm our goals as if they have already happened. This shift in mindset, combined with persistent positive actions, can lead to remarkable transformations in our lives.

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Transformative living – part 3

Shivani Didi’s analogy of throwing balls also highlights the importance of consistency. Every positive ball we throw contributes to building a positive reality. It’s not just a one-time effort but a continuous practice.

She emphasized the power of our thoughts. When we replace “I wish” with “I am,” we align our mindset with our goals. This affirmation reinforces our belief in our abilities and attracts positive outcomes.

The sour curd metaphor reminds us that our past does not have to dictate our present or future. By consciously setting fresh, positive intentions daily, we can change the trajectory of our lives.

Consider your mind as a powerful magnet. It attracts what you think about most. By focusing on positive outcomes and affirming your success, you draw those very things into your life.

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Transformative living – part 2

In Shivani Didi’s video, another powerful insight was the concept of karma. Past karma is undoubtedly powerful, but our present karma is exponentially more influential. By consciously choosing positive thoughts and actions, we can override past negativity.

Our thoughts create our reality. Instead of saying, “I wish” or “I hope,” we should affirm, “I already am.” This shift in mindset helps us attract what we desire by believing it has already happened.

The first benefit of throwing positive balls is that all negative balls stop coming back to us. This immediate reduction in negativity paves the way for a more positive and fulfilling life.

As Shivani Didi mentioned, imagine your life as a field where you plant seeds. If you plant seeds of doubt and fear, that’s what will grow. But if you plant seeds of confidence and positivity, you’ll cultivate a garden of success and happiness.

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Transformative living – part 1

I recently watched a video by Shivani Didi from Brahma Kumaris, and the takeaways were incredibly powerful. This blog post is inspired by her profound insights, which can help us lead more fulfilling lives.

One key lesson is to never live like a victim. Our past karma may influence our current circumstances, but we must remember that our present karma holds much more power. By focusing on positive actions and thoughts today, we can shape a better future.

Imagine life as throwing balls into the universe. What happens when we throw balls at a wall? They bounce back, right? The balls we throw, whether positive or negative, come back to us. If we consistently throw positive balls, we’ll receive positivity in return.

Shivani Didi used a metaphor of setting curd. If we use sour curd from the previous day, today’s curd will also be sour. Instead, we should set fresh, sweet curd by changing our thoughts and actions today.

Continued tomorrow…

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Match pointers

Continuing from yesterday’s insights on Roger Federer’s speech at Dartmouth College, here are more valuable lessons he shared.

Federer pointed out that performing well when you’re energetic and focused is easy. The real challenge comes when you’re exhausted and distracted. True champions excel in these tough moments, showing resilience that ensures long-term success.

He also mentioned that he won  80% of his matches but just 54% of his points. It’s not about winning every point; it’s about learning from losses and growing stronger through mistakes.

Lastly, Federer emphasized that life goes beyond achievements and wealth. It’s about finding joy, using your influence for good, cherishing time with loved ones, and staying true to yourself. Don’t let our happiness be dictated by external success.

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The two most crucial talents

Champion tennis player Roger Federer recently gave a speech at Dartmouth College.

He spoke about a bunch of things.

But the one that caught my attention the most was his take on talent.

Did he say that talent is something that is God given, and at birth?

He didn’t mention it that way specifically, but of course, if we have some inborn talent, that’s obviously a plus.

But he spoke of two supreme talents that rule them all.

What could these talents be? Playing the ukulele? Singing 4 octaves? Dancing like Presley?

Nope, far more boring, yet far harder to truly claim as one’s talents.

1. Discipline

2. Patience

Incredible, isn’t it?!

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Mutual Success

In the book “How to Succeed with People,” a profound statement captures the essence of interpersonal success: focus on meeting others’ needs rather than your own.

This philosophy pivots on the idea that true success comes from mutual benefit.

When we prioritize the needs of others, we cultivate a spirit of generosity and empathy. This approach not only builds trust but also establishes lasting relationships that are foundational to personal and professional growth.

By shifting our mindset from self-centered goals to a more inclusive perspective, we pave the way for a more fulfilling and successful journey. After all, when we help others grow, we grow in return.

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Here’s an interesting take I came across on us having 3 minds.

They are: the carrying mind, the universal mind, and the joyful mind. The carrying mind is tied to daily struggles, full of conflicts and desires. It’s what we use to navigate our material world.

The universal mind goes beyond duality, embodying peace and oneness. It is compassionate and serene, focusing on harmony rather than conflict.

The joyful mind emerges when we are filled with compassion, experiencing a state of continuous joy. This mind is the essence of true happiness and peace.

Our task is to understand the carrying mind and elevate it to the universal and joyful states. This transformation brings inner peace and lasting joy.

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Canda Munda Sumbha Nisumbha

In the Durga Saptashati’s third part, we come across names like the title above. What are these? There are 2 demons, Sumbha and Nisumbha. But as we know in Hinduism, there’s always a much deeper meaning to everything.

Sumbha represents Asmita, the false self tied to the ego, while Nisumbha embodies Mamata, the attachment to possessions reinforcing this pseudo-self. Their generals include Canda, the extroverted psychic energy, Munda, the introverted psychic energy, Dhumralochana, distorted perception, and Raktabija, incessant compulsive thoughts.

Together, these forces create a formidable challenge. Overcoming them requires a luminous, benevolent, and beautiful manifestation. This is where Maha Sarasvati’s power comes in.

Predominated by Sattva, Maha Sarasvati brings the pure, harmonious energy needed to dispel these inner demons. Her divine presence enlightens and liberates, guiding us away from the clutches of our false selves.

The 700 shlokas of the Durga Saptashati are absolutely incredible!

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P. Stain

Yes, you read that right. But not P. Stain, but pee stained.


Pee-stained jeans, to be specific.

“Eww and yucky” as any second-grader would burst out!

But someone has really come up with the idea of jeans that have dark patches in the crotch area, to depict pee stains.

Being a fashion statement, the jeans aren’t available for cheap (think tens of thousands of dollars!).

And apparently there’s plenty of demand for these jeans, because various influencers and social media elite would want to show them off in the hope of gaining even more attention.

How I wish P was for peace instead of pees!

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Climate crossroads

What happens when rising sea levels and toxic environments threaten our way of life? Some people argue we should enjoy life while we can, facing the reality of our planet’s decline with a sense of fatalism. Others believe in drastic lifestyle changes to combat the effects of climate change and perhaps even reverse some of the damage.

A middle path, inspired by the wisdom of the Bhagwad Gita, suggests maintaining balance in all situations. This approach emphasizes recognizing our role in creating these problems and finding ways to live with and adapt to the changes already affecting us.

Small individual actions, when pooled together, can influence broader changes and shape policies. This collective effort is essential as it shows that everyone, from single individuals to large corporations, has a part to play in environmental stewardship.

By understanding and accepting our impact on the environment, we can make informed decisions that contribute to a sustainable future. Learning from nature’s resilience, like the adaptable octopuses or migratory fish, we too can develop strategies to survive and thrive in a changing world, embracing proactive and sustainable actions.

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Relaxed agitation

In an exercise session, the trainer was getting the class to work up a sweat.





100 skips!


The commands came quick and fast. And it became harder and harder for everyone to keep up.

Finally it was time to cool down. Everyone was laying on the floor. And the trainer asked everyone to relax.

Easy? So far so good.

And then he asked everyone to still their minds.

Easy? Impossible almost! Would have been easier to run another 10 rounds.

It feels many times like idling and doing nothing is easy. But not only is it detrimental to success, but also quite a tough path in itself!

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Watchitate meditate

Here’s a delightful story I came across recently about a Zen disciple struggling with meditation. He approached his master, lamenting his inability to concentrate, his thoughts scattering like leaves in the wind. The wise master pointed towards children playing and suggested, “Join them, or at least watch. Don’t strain yourself to meditate.”

Taking this advice to heart, the disciple sat observing the children at play. Amidst their laughter and carefree antics, he found his heart swelling with joy, slipping almost magically into a state of deep reflection.

The master’s lesson was clear: Enlightenment doesn’t require solitude or withdrawal from society. “Immerse yourself in the everyday and let enlightenment find you,” he advised.

This reminds us that sometimes, in the quest for profound truths, the simplest joys can illuminate the path to inner peace. Just as we needn’t chase every fleeting thought, we needn’t chase enlightenment—it unfolds in its own, often unexpected, time.

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Time lagega sir…

This is part of common parlance in India, and means that “it will take time”. And Indians are habituated to wait patiently in long queues for various services.

All good, but of course faster the better, if possible.

I remember during my childhood, going to restaurants and the waiter saying, “time lagega sir” to the adults, which would mean it would take say 30 mins to heat up their oven, prepare the ingredients and work up their magic.

In many recent visits to restaurants all over however, the waiting time has reduced materially, and the waiters still say, “time lagega sir” for a specific dish.

And when you ask how much time, they say 5 to 10 minutes sir.

That’s it! Just 5 to 10 mins. And still their manner of expressing this suggests that people don’t even have 5 to 10 minutes of patience. Instant gratification to a whole new level!

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Desire Management 404

While desire management could be an endless course offered in any Ivy League university, we’ll leave it at 404 this time around.

404 is the famous error we see when we type a URL in our browsers but find out that the page doesn’t exist.

So desire management 404, in a similar vein, points to a state where desires cease to exist. It’s the ultimate goal in taking care of desires, because the link between our desires and the purported happiness they bring is completely severed.

But in order to get there, apart from 101, 202 and 303, we can also consider converting our desires to preferences.

No tea? No worries, coffee will do. No coffee, okay then some milk please. No milk? Then some hot water is fine too. When desires are only preferences, they will never transform into anger or greed.

All the best to us. , with managing our desires!

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Desire Management 303

Just as we know most things can be satvik, rajasic or tamasic, the same extends to desires as well (no surprise there!).

If we want to do something to hurt someone else, that desire would be tamasic.

Like say if I want to earn a lot of money, simply to put someone else down, or rub it in their face.

If our desires are for ourselves, like we want to earn money so that our immediate family lives a comfy life, then that would be an example of a rajasic desire.

And if the desire is so noble that the intention is either for the benefit of society at large or one’s own spiritual progress, that would be a satvik desire.

Desire Management 404, concluded tomorrow!

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Desire Management 202

The key to desire management is to run our desires through a 3-filter test.

How does this test work?

It’s simple.

First, we need to check whether the desire is a dharmic one.

Is it a rule-breaker? Is it against the law? Is it in line with what the scriptures would say? Does it destabilize or hurt anyone or anything around us?

Second, is it moderate?

Or over the top? Extremes are usually to be avoided.

Third, does it have a spiritual angle?

So that’s the 3-filter test for desires. Pretty awesome, no?

Continued tomorrow, with desire management 303!

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Desire Management 101

Here’s some wonderful notes on managing desires that was discussed recently in our satsang.

Firstly, can we completely get rid of desires?

Nope, because then we couldn’t even get out of bed.

So what can we do then?

We manage our desires of course, we take care of our desires, rather than just pretending to give them up altogether.

Interestingly Lord Krishna in the Gita says that there are 3 really bad qualities – desires, anger and greed. And even amongst these, the worst is desires, because that somewhat leads to the other two!

Continued tomorrow…

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Right attention

Does one get attention by being right? Or by being wrong?

It seems like a silly question.

Of course if someone does things right, then they should shine through and bring out the best in others.

In a recent live YouTube video I was watching, the speaker was asking people to comment if they liked the session, or if they had specific questions to discuss etc.

But there was hardly any response at all. Despite there being thousands of live viewers!

And then the speaker suddenly had a slip of tongue. He said “today is Wednesday”, instead of saying “today is Tuesday”.

And boom! The number of comments to correct the speaker just didn’t stop!

So is being right better, or being wrong? Go figure…

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AI is the bane of all humanity, or rather of working humans. Because all our jobs are going to be replaced, and eventually we ourselves.

But is that really true?

Nope. However, a human being’s effort catalyzed by AI is an unbeatable combination. And that’s what upskilling is crucial for.

Similarly, prayers alone may not work, if there is no effort from humans.

But prayers catalyzing human endeavor? That is where the real magic happens!

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Feary Nope

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear emphasizes the importance of asking for what we want. Being direct and specific often encourages others to lend a hand, opening up surprising opportunities.

However, Clear also advises managing our expectations. Everyone has their priorities, and our requests may not always align with them.

Receiving a ‘no’ should be taken in stride, without disappointment. This mindset helps us maintain positive relationships and resilience.

Thus, let’s practice asking with courage while accepting responses with grace, keeping ourselves open to the multitude of possibilities life offers.

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In Indic philosophy, bliss, or anand, is a core attribute of Brahmn, the ultimate reality, and represents the highest state of existence. The Upanishads describe anand as one of Brahmn’s essential attributes, along with sat (existence) and chit (consciousness), forming Sat-Chit-Anand.

Such bliss arises from simply existing.

Achieving perpetual bliss means appreciating life as it is, despite our feelings of unworthiness and thinking future achievements will make us more deserving.

Spiritually, bliss is unconditional and available to all of us by simply existing. Our true selves are inherently blissful.

To cultivate bliss, we start with acceptance, self-love, gratitude, and living with purpose. Bliss then transcends life’s ups and downs.

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Late to the party

Why do we struggle to focus on the Divine? We live between two worlds: the tangible one we interact with daily and the spiritual realm of the Divine.

Our experiences in the physical world often bring more sorrow than joy, yet it remains our focus. Despite the wisdom about the spiritual realm, our minds are drawn to the immediate and the visible.

Escaping this material attraction requires significant effort. Many seekers lose hope quickly as spiritual growth is slow.

While the physical world offers quick gratification, its long-term effects can be damaging. The spiritual path, though demanding, leads to deep and lasting fulfillment.

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3 algos

Came across an interesting article on 3 algorithms for bliss.

What is needed for true bliss?

To get rid of our problems of course.

But getting rid of problems is impossible in life.

Instead of getting rid of them, maybe we can learn to deal with them instead? How?

The 3 algos might help:

1. Let it go.

2. This too shall pass.

3. How does it matter.

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Success and ladders

Came across a nice 2-liner today:

Failure isn’t the opposite of success.

Rather, failure is the rungs on the ladder of success.

As long as we keep moving upwards, from one rung to the next, then we’re always successful.

Failure is only when we get off the ladder!

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Divine energy?

Irrespective of political ideology, how does one get so much energy that the person can do:

– 200 rallies
– 25 Roadshows
– 80 interviews
– 200 flights
– 100,000 Kms of travel
– Over 200 hours of speech

All in just 2 months.

And at the age of 74 years.

I’m getting tired just writing this…

How to tap such divine energy?

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Don’t tell you

Wise people don’t tell you they are wise.

Humble people don’t tell you they are humble.

Influential people don’t tell you they are influential.

Wealthy people don’t tell you they are wealthy.

Famous people don’t tell you they are famous.

Powerful people don’t tell you they are powerful.

And what of all the guys that just don’t stop telling…

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Blue shepherding

There’s a cool blue Netflix documentary called Living in the Blue Zones.

These blue zones are nothing but small pockets of human inhabitants, strewn across the world, and that for some strange reason, consistently manage to have their folks live well past 100!

How do these happy and healthy centerenians do it? You’ll have to watch the documentary for the real dope, but there was one amazing example on stress.

In Sardinia, which is one of the blue zones, the men would be shepherds most day. How much anxiety do they have? Very little, unless one or two sheep get away and stray a bit far!

But in who’s control is that? The shepherd’s of course! And hence if something bad is controllable, then the stress from it is minuscule.

But what of the stress that plagues us nowadays? Hmm, worth thinking about…

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Double negatives

We’ve all heard the saying, “No pain, no gain.” This timeless wisdom reminds us that growth often comes from pushing through discomfort. Similarly, “No pressure, no diamond” teaches us that great beauty and value are often forged under intense conditions.

“No rain, no flowers” speaks to the necessity of challenges in nurturing beauty and resilience. “No grit, no pearl” just as an oyster turns a grain of sand into a pearl, we transform our struggles into strengths.

“No mud, no lotus” reminds us that beautiful things can emerge from difficult circumstances. “No exertion, no strength” highlights that our challenges build our resilience.

“No friction, no fire” points out that a little resistance can spark greatness. Lastly, “No battle, no victory” captures the essence of fighting through obstacles to achieve success.

These sayings remind us that adversity is a catalyst for transformation. By embracing challenges, we unlock our potential and discover new strengths.

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Rectangular focus

In a recent yoga session, the teacher asked everyone to count all the rectangles and squares that they could see in the room.

For 20 seconds.

Get set, go!

How many did they count?

Some said 30, some 40, some 50.

And then the teacher asked everyone to count again. 20 seconds, get set, go!

The numbers were slightly higher this time. Not that it mattered.

But his next question was the clincher. Did anyone count any circles? Did anyone even notice any circles?

The squares and rectangles should be like the positive thoughts and things in our life. Our minds can focus on what we ask it to focus on!

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2 shlokas only – part 2 of 2

The 2nd shloka from yesterday was Sa tu dirgha kala nairantarya satkara sevito drudha bhumihi.

What does this mean?

Sathu dheerga kaale is for a very long time;

Sathkaarya sevita is with honor and reverence (ie, the attitude with which the exercises need to be performed)

Nairantarya is day after day, regularly, no misses

Dhridabhoomi is that it then gets firmly established.

How cool no? So relevant for yoga, and for anything else in life that is worth having. We just need to keep at it!

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2 shlokas only – part 1 of 2

A young and famous and awesome yoga teacher on YouTube summarized the key takeaways of yoga in just 2 shlokas.

1. Atha Yoga Anushasanam

2. Sa tu dirgha kala nairantarya satkara sevito drudha bhumihi

What does the first one mean?

Atha means now, and yoga is yoga. Yes, the exercise variety, not the deeper esoteric union meaning. But it could be that as well, because everything in spirituality has multiple meanings.

And anushasanam is discipline. So yoga comes to those with discipline. Yoga itself is discipline. And Atha or now could be anytime that we wish to begin. It’s never too late. Movement for the body, and no-movement for the mind, are the panacea for a happy life.

Shloka 2 tomorrow… Stay tuned!

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Nothing to be done

What is there to be truly done?

In the world that we live, no matter what we do, nothing is enough.

From a spiritual point of view though, we are told to strive for nothingness.

The nothing that has created everything, but is yet nothing.

How to understand this? Is it ever possible to demystify?

The sages say the truth is entirely experiential.

Sit and meditate. But even in that meditation, we cannot try to meditate. We cannot try to rid ourselves of our emotions. Of our mind’s thoughts. Of the various ideas that keep popping up. Nothingness, it is said, comes from acceptance of everything. Not from trying, but from trying not to.

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Feeling insulted

Insults evoke feelings of hurt and indignation, but it’s worth questioning whether these words themselves are harmful or if it’s our interpretation that imbues them with power. Often, insults are born from another’s frustration or insecurities, highlighting that our reaction is what truly defines their impact.

We deeply value others’ opinions, allowing both criticisms and compliments to mold our self-image. Yet, should this influence be so profound? Words are simply vessels; it’s the meanings we attach that stir our emotions.

Feeling insulted stems from unmet expectations of respect. By adopting a mindset of resilience and reducing these expectations, we shield ourselves effectively.

Ultimately, mastering self-respect and confidence ensures no insult can diminish us. By reshaping our perspective, we navigate social interactions with grace and untouchable poise.

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What is spirituality really?

It’s become cool to say one is spiritual.

But what does this mean?

Is spiritual lifestyle a real thing?

Is it about going to a particular place, like a spiritual retreat or resort? There’s so many of those nowadays.

Or is it about applying scriptural knowledge to one’s profession? Or trying to use ancient wisdom to deal with family, friends and colleagues better?

Perhaps it is none of these.

True spirituality is simply about finding ourselves. The real us.

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Broken leather hearts

The recent opening of an ultra-luxury brand’s second store in a bustling city highlights a curious facet of first-world problems: the exclusivity-induced heartbreak of not receiving an invite to a high-profile event.

While apparently some longstanding customers with hefty spending habits were absent from the guest list, creating a buzz of “broken hearts,” it’s a stark reminder of the privileged nature of such woes.

In contrast, many people with far less—who face challenges that extend beyond social invitations—often exhibit remarkable happiness and contentment.

This situation underscores the importance of gratitude and perspective, recognizing that true fulfillment often lies beyond material or social accolades.

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50Bs 50Gs

A super successful professional recently recounted his route to success in LinkedIn.

Did he have it easy? Not at all.

Did he fail repeatedly along the way? Many times.

But what was his takeaway and what kept him going?

The 50B-50G attitude.

That 50% of our days will be Bad. And 50% will be Good.

On the good days, we soak it in.

On the bad days, we clench our teeth and keep going, because that’s what will cause the next good days to come.

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Ironic living

Today, I came across a lovely shloka that beautifully encapsulates the human condition:

Jananam Sukhadam Maranam Karunam
Milanam Madhuram Smaranam Karunam
Kalavashadiha Sakalam Karunam
Samyadhipateh Akhilam Karunam

Birth is joy, witnessed in the radiant smiles of newborns, and death, curiously enough, brings compassion—freeing us from the eternal burden of existence. Imagine being penalized for not “living well enough”!

This chant poignantly sketches our journey: a collage of sweet encounters and fleeting moments, all under the relentless tick of time. It’s a humorous nudge that while we meticulously plan and worry, we edge ever closer to the finale. If we could all truly grasp our ephemeral nature, wouldn’t our choices paint a world vibrant with only what truly matters?

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Aghori stuff

Was watching an interview recently where someone was questioning the beliefs of aghoris.

Like why do they do all the stuff that is generally prohibited in normal life?

Some of the unconventional rituals include dwelling in cremation grounds, smearing ashes on their bodies, using human skulls as utensils, and eating flesh from human corpses. Surely not for the faint of heart.

And there’s many that criticize such true aghoris. And “true” aghoris because there are many frauds too, apparently.

In any case, the interviewee provided an endearing point of view. He said true aghoris are full of karuna, or compassion.

That’s quite a lovely thought, isn’t it? Unless they are overcome by said karuna / compassion for creation as a whole, and are devoid of judgements like “this is good, and that is bad”, how else can they practise such rituals?

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Who doesn’t love a good pose?! Yes fine, the ones that go onto Instagram and Facebook.

But not just those poses for photography. But poses for improving life’s graph itself!

Which pose would that be? A yoga pose of course!

But even with yoga, if one can’t contort oneself to the extent a master can, does that become less impactiful?

And what is a pose, or an asana in yoga?

By definition, it would be Sthira sukha asana, which means sthira = steady, sukha = happiness, so an asana would need to not just be held steady (sthira), but also require that the yogi will need to maintain a happy composure (sukha).

The flip side is the clincher though. Because it implies that every steady and happy pose is automatically an asana, so body contortion may not be necessary!

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Imposter again

Some interesting points from another post on the much discussed imposter syndrome.

Apparently McKinsey’s “Dealing with Impostor Syndrome” live learning module is offered quarterly and always has a long waitlist. It turns out that even some of the most brilliant minds, who have faced incredible challenges and succeeded in highly competitive academic and professional spheres, still doubt their own abilities.

So, what’s the solution to this persistent issue?

LeBron James revealed on a podcast, that he watches highlights of his best performances to regain his confidence whenever he experiences a slump.

If someone as accomplished as LeBron James can feel inadequate, despite reaching the summit of professional basketball, then I must certainly manage my own doubts!

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Others don’t, so why should I?

Most people don’t know a thing about dharma. Even if they do, they don’t understand it. Even if they do, they don’t live it.

So a natural question that occurs is that if others don’t follow dharma, then why should I?

Three key reasons:

1. It’s incorrect to conclude that others don’t follow dharma. We honestly have no clue what motivates others to do what they do.

2. There’s plenty of research now that shows that nice guys finish first, and not last. When we do good things, then people remember us for our generosity, empathy, integrity and righteousness – all great for long term success.

3. We must follow dharma for our own spiritual progress and spiritual peace.

Any others? Please share in the comments!

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Endless boundless

In chapter 16 of the Gita, Krishna mentions “chintam pralayantam” to describe an asuric mindset.

Seems like he’s describing my mindset though!

What does it mean?

Nothing but endless worries. That the mind is constantly worried, leading to stress and anxiety.

We say that life being unpredictable is what leads to stress.

But it’s not unpredictability itself, but the fact that we allow the lack of certainty to impact our happiness.

As my Guru often says, living in uncertainty alone is spirituality.

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The nocebo effect. I swear it’s a thing. You think I’ve got it wrong? It should be placebo? Well yes, placebo effect, but did you know there’s a nocebo effect too? I’m not kidding, and even I found out just now!

What is it? Nothing much… Just the placebo effect, but in reverse.

If someone takes a pill that is a dummy, and is cured, that’s the power of positive thinking?

Likewise, if someone takes a dummy pill, but is scared of the side effects (having read about them somewhere), then and then ends up suffering the side effects… That’s nocebo!

Imagine then, the power of negative thoughts on us!

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Persimmons are super sweet on the inside. But the skin isn’t that easy to peel off.

In possibly the newest and most popular K-drama show of all time, Queen of Tears, one discussion on persimmons is food for thought.

Specifically, the fellow who just plucks some of the fruits, and then explains to another man, how this batch of fruit isn’t sweet at all.

But what is to be done?

Simple, just soak the fruit in bitter soju, which is an alcoholic beverage made from rice, and wrap it tightly in a cloth. Leave it overnight, and the fruit turns sweet!

Much like life itself, as the man notes. Life gives many bitter experiences, but if we soak ourselves in them and endure them, it’ll lead to success and sweetness eventually.

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Medal for Renaissance – part 2

We discussed the hedge fund genius Jim Simmons here yesterday.

You know how his fund became so profitable?

Because he was able to predict human nature.

He knew that whenever crises would strike, the same basic human instances would come to the fore – fear, greed and desire.

Is this rocket science? Does it sound predictable? Of course!

Jim was able to create sophisticated quant models and systems to extract alpha from such situations.

Interestingly, if we want to extract alpha from life, we can predict the same things too, in ourselves, and in others. And everything’s already predicted in our scriptures. We just need to read them!

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Medal for Renaissance

Jim Simmons, one of the greatest hedge fund investors of all time, passed away yesterday, at the age of 86.

He compounded returns for clients in his Renaissance Medalion fund at a ridiculous 66% per annum for over 30 years.

To compare, Mr Warren Buffet’s own returns compounded at somewhere between 20 and 25%.

What did Mr. Simmons say about his own life story?

"I did a lot of math. I made a lot of money, and I gave almost all of it away. That's the story of my life".

Isn’t that just an outstanding way to live? Work, earn and pass it on.

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Smiley smiley

Here’s a thought for today that I came across:

Life is not about having or achieving. It is about being and becoming!

Isn’t that just awesome?

Now how to live such an awesome life?

The first step would be to simply smile or laugh, and just enjoy the current moment.

We’ll realize that is actually not so simple to do! Because there’s so much other stuff that needs to get done, right?

Well, as a great man once said, smiling and laughter are not situations. They are decisions.

You know what we must decide to do now…

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Bookkeeping refers to maintaining one’s books of accounts.

But recently on social media, there’s a bunch of motivators and self(proclaimed)-help Gurus that does another type of bookkeeping. Which is keeping their books front and center for everyone to see and advocating reading books like there’s no tomorrow.

“I read a book a week”, says one. And a peer comments instantly, “I read two!”

“I’ve read 120 books this year!”, says another, while yet another claims to have read 2500 books in his lifetime. Phew.

It might seem like there’s no place for success in our lives unless we read 1000s of books.

If someone’s really read a 1000+ books, then they should have read about humility somewhere you’d think?

As my Guru always says, it doesn’t matter how many books you read, if you don’t implement anything from them to bring a positive change to the lives of those around us.

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Religiosity Animigion

Funny things happen around us all the time.

People love God, but they hate one another.

In the name of religion, people hate followers of other religions, but what about loving everyone? What about peace?

What really is holiness and piousness?

Are they linked to religion?

Absolutely not!

Being holy and pious is part of our innate nature. But the deluded think otherwise, and ruin their lives, and the lives of others around them.

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Axe or sword?

There’s a debate among spiritual seekers, especially on the tantric path, as to whether certain rituals, excessive as they may seem, are truly necessary.

The relatively straightforward ritual path, called dakshinachar is itself not easy to follow.

But the left hand, or vamachar, is ridiculously difficult (and also what catches most people’s imaginations).

One tantric expert explained it nicely.

The left hand is like taking an expressway. Tantric deities hence have swords in their hands, because they can cut off all attachment at once.

Whereas the right hand path is slower, but perhaps more suited to most. These deities may wield axes, symbolizing that the tree of attachment needs to be cut, but maybe one blow at a time.

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It’s all about the money funny

Here’s some super stuff from the legendary Osho, on money:

  • Money is equated with power and is a common focus for most people.
  • Even those considering spiritual or otherworldly pursuits view their virtues as a form of currency that can “purchase” a better status in the afterlife.
  • Both worldly wealth and spiritual “wealth” are motivated by similar desires for security and a better position, either on earth or in heaven.
  • Money serves as a future security; people accumulate it to feel secure about their future.
  • The preoccupation with money only diminishes when one begins to live fully in the present, stepping away from concerns about the future.
  • Ultimately, money, whether in literal or metaphorical terms, symbolizes power, and this underlying quest for power is pervasive across different realms of thought.
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Enjoy meant

What is enjoyment really about?


Does enjoyment truly lead to happiness? Maybe temporarily, but permanently?

As Swami Chinmayananda says, wrong understanding of freedom leads to licentiousness. Which means that one has no self-control whatsoever.

Very soon, the diminishing marginal utility principle starts working, and the 5th scoop of ice cream and the 10th scoop have the same limited value to someone with a massive sweet tooth (like me!).

True freedom isn’t simply letting the mind and body do whatever they want. Rather true freedom, is keeping the mind and body under “our” control.

But who are we, if not the mind and body? Hmm…

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Dumbest ever AI

AI or Artificial Intelligence is just extraordinary.

Anyone who’s used chatGPT for only a few minutes even, will agree.

Whatever it does, and in the micro/nanoseconds it does it, is simply unfathomable to the human mind.

Just how can it understand anything and everything we prompt, and then create an answer or even an image (video too soon, it seems), and then format it, and send it back, in just the blink of an eye?

Almost impossible we’d have thought 2 years ago, before it was publicly revealed.

But chatGPT creator Sam Altman went on record yesterday to say that “chatGPT will soon be remembered as the dumbest AI ever used by man.”

Holy moly to whatever is coming up next. But importantly, there’s no place for ego in life. Even the best of yesterday is not good enough today. Not in human life, not in AI life.

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Waiting prayer

Prayers are a vital link to the divine, at the heart of spiritual devotion across religions, each with its own rituals. We often wait eagerly for answers after praying, but the Divine communicates in unpredictable ways, unlike showing His/Her immediate physical presence in movies like “Oh My God” and “Bruce Almighty.”

  • We seek strength, and instead, maybe rewarded with challenges that make us stronger.
  • We hope for prosperity, and are reminded to use our skills and effort.
  • We ask for courage, and encounter situations that reveal our deepest fears, that can only be overcome by inner strength.
  • We wish for divine love, and find opportunities to help those in distress, serving the divine through our actions.

Patience and awareness are essential. The divine doesn’t make grand gestures like in movies but subtly shows us paths to answer our prayers. We must recognize and seize these opportunities, maintaining our faith.

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4 muktis

So apparently there are 4 types of muktis or liberations (never a dull day in spirituality, always something new to learn!).

  1. Salokya Mukti – Residing in the same realm as the deity, contingent on the merits earned through spiritual practices like chanting. This state is temporary, with individuals returning to life’s cycle once merits are exhausted.
  2. Samipya Mukti – Achieving closeness to the deity, akin to a servant-master relationship, leading to enlightenment through divine service.
  3. Swarupya Mukti – Adopting a form similar to the divine, specifically reflecting aspects of the Divine Feminine such as Lalita Tripusundari or Bagalamukhi from the ten Mahavidya pantheon.
  4. Sayujjya Mukti – The ultimate union, merging entirely with Ishwar (God), transcending all distinctions between worshipper and worshipped. This profound state can be achieved in higher states of consciousness accessible through advanced spiritual practices.

These muktis represent stages on the path to spiritual fulfillment and the eventual dissolution into divine oneness.

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Root fruit

There’s a nice video doing the rounds on social media. It’s called the Root vs Fruit system.

The essence is a comparison of the two systems that work inside of a tree.

One is called Gravitropic, where the roots of the tree grow towards gravity. It’s dark and damp, and it takes plenty of effort to grow into the ground.

But it is 100% required. Because without the roots, the trunk and branches and leaves and fruits wouldn’t even exist.

Speaking of fruits, the other part is called Phototropic, which is the part of the tree that grows towards sunlight. And eventually leads to the blossoming of flowers and their fruits.

Life is like that, isn’t it? One needs to hunker down and do the hard work in the darkness and dampness. And only then would one really be able to shine in the light.

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Barless prison

A movie that was playing recently had the dialogue “this is a prison without bars”.

And it immediately reminded me of Hotel California, where “you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave…”!

But such prisons are not uncommon.

Maybe our daily workplaces are one such example. We might despise the boss and the colleagues and can easily walk out, except for the monthly salary which acts like a drug.

Social media platforms can also feel like a prison without bars. We scroll endlessly, craving connection and validation, yet often feel more isolated and trapped in the cycle of comparison and competition.

Our own minds can become a similar prison too, especially for those battling anxiety or depression. Thoughts become a maze we can’t escape, despite the absence of physical restraints.

The real escape? Satsang and scriptures, with the guidance of a Guru.

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Sticky efforts

Sri Sri Ravishankar defines attachment in a very nice way.

He says that anything that requires efforts, is attachment.

Like if you are asked to smile. Then the smile is forced. Compared to if you are happy within and smiling naturally.

Or if you don’t know how to cook and are asked to prepare a meal. It’ll be a lot of effort. And that is attachment.

But he says that anything that comes naturally, peacefully, easily, that is nirasakti, or detachment.

Worth pondering over!

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Way back home

Imagine Buddha, in his later years, deciding it’s time to share a key piece of insight with his followers. This is what he did. He gently introduced a simple, yet profound concept: finding your way back to your true self.

Here’s the core of his message: Being at ease with who you are involves a subtle inner alignment. The first step is to guide your wandering thoughts back to the present. Avoid getting lost in past memories or future worries, as they can mire you like quicksand.

Instead, engage in mindful breathing. This practice helps synchronize our mind and body, fostering a peaceful state right in the current moment.

Think of it as drawing the curtains to shield yourself from life’s chaos. Close off your senses—sight, hearing, smell—and focus inward. Relax with your breathing, and you’ll discover a peaceful retreat within yourself.

Whenever life feels overwhelming, remember this advice from Buddha: center yourself, breathe deeply, and find your calm. This is the essence of tranquility.

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The whole world is going crazy over startups and their insane valuations.

From the 100s of millions to the many billions.

Wowza. Many founding teams are raking in moolah, and becoming wildly rich, seemingly overnight.

Valuation is great. But what about value creation?

Would we take only the cherry and not the cake?

Forget the startup, and look at our lives.

Are we creating value for others?

Or simply running after the glitter and gold?

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Hornida – part 2 of 2

Do the horns matter at all?

It’s perhaps the thorns inside that are more relevant, than the horns outside.

As Krishna explains in chapter 16 of the Gita, an asura would be a person who does not live by dharma. And that an asura’s sole aim in life is to enjoy sense pleasures. That’s it, as simple as that!

We each perhaps intuitively feel and believe that we live by dharma. But do we really? Are there never any transgressions?

The reality is that we each have a mix of daivic and asuric qualities, a bit of good and a bit of bad. The effort has to be, constantly, to introspect, and force out the bad, while growing the good.

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Hornida – part 1 of 2

There used to be an ad for a brand called Onida TV back in the day. It would feature a friendly looking devil, with his 2 horns and 2 fangs sticking out prominently.

“Neighbor’s envy, owner’s pride”, went the tagline, causing sales to absolutely go through the roof.

While TV ads are generally positive messages, here was a case when words like ‘envy’ and ‘pride’ actually resulted in success extraordinaire.

This is not about the devil being in the details, but a thought towards the devilish details itself.

The devil would be no different than what out texts calls asuras perhaps. People with horns, right? More tomorrow!

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Here’s the great Jiddu Krishnamurthy on “beliefs”, because his thought process was truly unique:

Belief is corruption because behind belief and morality lurks the mind, the self growing big, powerful and strong. We consider belief in God, the belief in some thing, as religion. We consider that to believe is to be religious. You understand? If you do not believe, you will be considered an atheist, you will be condemned by society. One society will condemn those who believe in God, and another society will condemn those who do not. They are the same.
So, religion becomes a matter of belief-and belief acts and has a corresponding influence on the mind that then can never be free. But it is only in freedom that you can find out what is true, what is God, not through any belief, because your very belief projects what you think ought to be God, what you think ought to be true.
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Real imposter

Imposter syndrome is truly a real thing. Even the most successful suffer from it.

Could be because of educational background, or comparisons with others and more recently, the fear of obsolescence (like by AI).

Youngsters that can’t cope sometimes end up doing the unthinkable, like a 25 year old super smart kid that launched himself to his end from a 9th floor balcony.

Why do we struggle like this?

Perhaps because we believe that we are only as good as the work we do. That we are only as good as the job titles we carry.

Is that all there is to life? In this material world where we are taught to self-aggrandize above all, maybe that is the sad reality.

But such life has no purpose. Spiritual purpose is the only way out of this nasty cycle.

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3 gateways

What are the 3 gateways to ruin?

According to the Gita, these are kaama (desire), lobha (greed) and krodha (anger).

Why these?

Because when we are full of desires, then our ego (aham) becomes prominent.

When one does anything to fulfil one’s desires, then it’s never enough, and lobha or greed dominates.

No one can have everything they desire, no matter how rich, because there are many things that money cannot buy. And unfulfilled desires when excessive can lead one to cross the line of dharma, and stem from or result in krodha.

How to stay away from this? Just lead a simple life. Earn more, own less, and be ever helpful.

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Targeted hiring

What is important for a hiring manager, especially over the longer term? Is it good grades? Or the stamp of the Ivy Leagues?

Or maybe something harder to measure, like soft skills?

From a very interesting write-up (link) by the amazing Collab Fund, here’s an excerpt:

The analysts from the “non-target” schools ranked something like #1, #2, #4, #5, and #7, while the analysts from the traditional “target” schools claimed the #3, #6, and #’s 8-11 spots.
The results were so stark that the firm’s CEO approached Rick to see what drove them. Rick’s response was direct and clear — The analysts from “non-target” schools simply wanted it more. They were humble and wanted to learn. They were willing to go above and beyond what had been asked of them. Much like how I felt just talking to this guy, these kids wanted to run through a brick wall for him.

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Shun shun shun

Okay not shun, but tion.

But that won’t make sense unless it’s merged with a word. That’s English!

Read this nice life tip today.

Vocation. Location. Relation. Don’t change more than one at a time.

Vocation as in job.

Location as in maybe moving from one city to another, or maybe even across countries.

Relation as in getting married, or expanding the family and such.

Only one at a time. Nice to know for sure. But as we well know also, life has its own plans…

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Jai Shri Ram?

Saw an ad in the newspaper for a play on Lord Ram’s life, aka Ramayana (but it wasn’t called that!).

What was odd and disconcerting, was how big the photo of Ravana was in the ad.

As though Ram was somehow relegated to being his sidekick, with a tiny image in comparison to the villain.

The ad also proudly announced, “XYZ person playing Ravan”.

But no mention of who was playing Ram.

Reminded me of this wooden doll story we discussed 4 years ago!

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Camera shy entities

In an interesting podcast with a tantric practitioner, the interviewer posed an interesting question which got an interesting answer (which is what made the podcast interesting, you see!).

He asked, “So many people claim siddhis and powers and stuff, but why are they not being captured on video then for proof? Is it that once cameras became mainstream, then such ethereal beings and divine powers stopped being shown?”

The tantric practitioner laughed and acknowledged that this was a very nice question. And then said that it’s not because cameras had come onto the scene, but simply that very few people actually possess any powers or even the intent and discipline required nowadays. Distractions abound, and siddhis don’t come by without extreme penance and effort.

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Cursery glance

What is life, if not just a cursory glance of the Divine. A few moments of His time line, and we are created, preserved and destroyed.

And yet we have egos that are larger than time itself!

Funny it was then, that I came across a silly situation.

A group of priests had gathered to perform some rituals. They were to collect some money (about 3$ each) from the participants as part of the ritual. Everyone paid up, or so they thought, because the money wouldn’t add up. Someone didn’t pay. Or the money was pocketed. Or something else. Does such a small amount even matter?!

But a huge fight ensued. Almost for an hour. And one of the priests in his anger, even cursed the whole group, and included all their 7 generations-to-come as well. And then another priest gave his curses too.

What is this, a movie script?

When anger and ego take over, everything perishes.

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Quaker notes

In a recent Zoom meeting l attended, eveything was going well.

One side was presenting their product, which was fantastic.

The other side, the client, was listening with rapt attention, and also keeping relevant questions coming from time to time.

About 45 minutes in, the folks on the client side suddenly began to look around.

What happened? Apparently an earthquake struck, not a deadly one, but still enough to feel their building quake.

The presenter, despite being fully incentivized to continue his sales pitch, very empathetically said, “My suggestion is that we reschedule and continue this call in the future. Follow-on tremors of earthquakes often come in gaps of 3 to 5 minutes. So please find yourselves a safe place.”

Lovely presence of mind and empathy, don’t you think?

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Mister Queen? Part 2 of 2

In an episode of the Netflix series Mr. Queen, a significant moral dilemma is presented, demonstrating the timeless struggle between the greater good and individual welfare.

The king is faced with a decision that challenges the very essence of his reign: whether to sacrifice a young child for the supposed benefit of the many.

This situation illuminates the depth of his character and the principles upon which his rule stands.

Contrary to the expectations of a hierarchical society that often prioritized the collective over the individual, the king’s response is both profound and telling. He asserts that his power and position hold no value if he cannot protect even the weakest among his subjects.

This moment in Mr. Queen not only highlights the inherent value of each life but also serves as a reminder that leadership, at its core, is about safeguarding the vulnerable.

Through this narrative, Mr. Queen subtly critiques historical and contemporary notions of power, suggesting that true strength lies in compassion and moral integrity, rather than the cold calculus of sacrifice for the greater good.

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Mister Queen? Part 1 of 2

Oh, to be royalty!

Lounging in palaces, donning the fanciest robes, and feasting on… well, whatever was considered a delicacy back then (pigeon pie, anyone?).

But let’s face it, even the regal life of yesteryears pales in comparison to the simple pleasures of today.

Take, for instance, the hit Netflix TV show Mr. Queen.

Imagine the hilarity of a modern soul trapped in the body of a queen from the Joseon Dynasty.

Sure, you’ve got the whole kingdom at your beck and call, but what good is that when you’re craving some late-night ramen or dying to binge-watch your favorite show?

Suddenly, being able to order pizza at 2 AM or streaming endless hours of TV feels like a luxury fit for a king… or queen!

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Words matter! – part 2 of 2

When the researchers used the word “because”, the outcome changed materially! Like, “Hey, can I jump the queue and get 5 copies please, because I’m in a rush?”.

The number of people who would now agree to let the researchers skip the queue increased by 50 percent!

But was it because of the reason? Or was it because of the word “because”?

So then the researchers added some frivolous reason. Like, “Hey, can I jump the queue and get 5 copies please, because I have to make copies?”.

And lo and behold, despite the reason itself being silly and adding no new information, about the same increase in queue-skipping permission was seen.

Incredible no? It shows how important it is, that we use the right words!

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Words matter! – part 1 of 2

There used to be this silly English sentence when I was young, that the kids would discuss in school. About how it’s not possible to have 3 “because”s in a sentence. And then some other kid would say nope, it is possible, such as: “Because cannot be used to begin a sentence because because is a preposition.”

In a book called Magic Words (by Jonah Berger) that I just began reading, the author speaks of an interesting New York Copy experiment. Everyone knows that New Yorkers are always busy, have little time to speak, and are keen to finish their wok quickly and move to the next thing.

So the researchers went to a photocopy shop where a long queue was outside. They’d go up to the front of the queue and ask “Hey, can I jump the queue and get 5 copies please?”. Obviously no one wants to give in especially when they’re all waiting for the same thing.

But when the researchers used the word “because”?

Super insight…tomorrow!

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Experiential experiences

Swami Sukhabodananda speaks about “experiencing an experience”.

He says that this is the only real way to “true” happiness.

What does he mean by this? He himself gives an example:

"Experience an experience?" a student asked the master, "What was your experience before and after enlightenment?" The master replied, "Before enlightenment, I used to wake up, bathe, eat, chop wood, and sleep at night. After enlightenment, I did the same," he continued. "The only difference being, previously when I was doing similar chores, my mind used to be in the past or future. After enlightenment, when I eat—I eat, when I bathe—I bathe, and hence I live in the present. To experience an experience is to be present in that experience."
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The Adult Play Paradox – part 4 of 4

Whether it’s exploring new hobbies, engaging in spontaneous adventures, or simply embracing moments of silliness, there are countless ways to infuse play into our daily lives.

Consider the story of Jack (again from NatGeo), a middle-aged accountant who rediscovered the joy of play through improv comedy. Despite initial apprehension, Jack found liberation in letting go of his inhibitions and embracing the spontaneity of the moment.

By prioritizing play in our lives, we not only nurture our own well-being but also contribute to a more vibrant and connected community. Whether it’s organizing a neighborhood game night or volunteering with local youth programs, finding opportunities to play and connect with others fosters a sense of belonging and purpose.

Ultimately, embracing playfulness in adulthood is a choice—a choice to approach life with curiosity, creativity, and an open heart. By infusing our daily routines with moments of joy and laughter, we can unlock the full potential of our inner child and lead lives filled with meaning and fulfillment.

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The Adult Play Paradox – part 3 of 4

From the earliest stages of life, play served as a crucial tool for learning, socialization, and adaptation. Across species, playful behaviors are observed in both young and adult animals, highlighting its evolutionary significance in survival and development.

Take, for instance, the playful antics of dolphins, who engage in elaborate games of chase and tag. While these activities may seem lighthearted, they play a vital role in honing essential skills such as hunting, communication, and social bonding.

Similarly, scientists observed tadpoles hitching rides on bubbles from aquarium aeration stones, demonstrating playful behavior even in the earliest stages of development. This playful exploration likely serves to enhance their understanding of their environment and develop essential skills for survival.

Even in humans, play has been integral to our evolution, driving innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. Consider the story of Albert Einstein, who famously remarked, “Play is the highest form of research.” By embracing his playful curiosity, Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the universe.

Concluded tomorrow!

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The Adult Play Paradox – part 2 of 4

In the midst of adulthood’s responsibilities, play often takes a backseat. However, play serves as more than just a pastime; it’s a vital component of adult life that promotes creativity, problem-solving, and social connection.

Consider the story of Sarah as per the NatGeo article, a busy professional who rediscovered the joy of play through painting. Initially hesitant to indulge in such a seemingly frivolous activity, Sarah found solace and fulfillment in expressing herself creatively.

Engaging in playful activities not only reduces stress but also fosters deeper connections with others. Whether it’s a game night with friends or a spontaneous dance party, these moments of shared joy strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.

Moreover, play encourages us to approach challenges with a fresh perspective and a sense of curiosity. By embracing a playful mindset, we can navigate life’s complexities with resilience, adaptability, and a healthy dose of humor.

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The Adult Play Paradox – part 1 of 4

In the midst of a rare snowstorm in Washington, D.C., the cityscape became a playground for the imagination.
A group of adults was attempting to build a snowman. Despite initial awkwardness, laughter soon filled the air as they embraced their inner child, demonstrating the joy and camaraderie that play can foster.

Yet, amidst the enchanting scenery, the notion of adult play faced skepticism, echoing societal norms that often dismiss playfulness as childish. But beneath the surface, play holds profound significance beyond mere amusement, as explored in the January 2024 edition of National Geographic.

Renowned psychiatrist Stuart Brown coined the term “adult-play deficit” to describe the alarming decline in adult playfulness, as discussed in said NatGeo article. He warns that this deficit may contribute to rising rates of depression and other mental health issues, highlighting the serious consequences of overlooking the importance of play in adulthood.

Recent scientific findings support the evolutionary roots of play, suggesting it’s as essential as sleep for mammals, including humans. From enhancing cognitive function to strengthening social bonds, play enriches our lives in multifaceted ways, challenging the notion that it’s solely reserved for children. More findings tomorrow!

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Winners and workers

Although “Everyone loves Raymond” (that hit TV show from yesteryear), everyone loves winning, even more!

Everyone also knows the ingredients needed to win.

Most people have the ingredients too.

But are they used properly?


Here’s a lovely quote that sums this up:

It’s not the will to win that matters – everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters

Paul “Bear” Bryant
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Power laws

We know the power of words. Say something appreciative, and you might capture the recipient for life. Say something nasty, and you might lose a relationship forever.

Likewise, the power of our thoughts. Would we just think bad stuff, if we knew that our thoughts come to fruition? If we are constantly fed the negative, now can we expect the outcome to be positive?

Ditto for our presence. We can’t be omnipresent, thankfully! And yet, we mentally try to be everywhere at once. If that doesn’t give us anxiety, then what were we expecting?

Our words, thoughts and presence matter. More than we can imagine.

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Clowny day

Step into the emotional landscape of ‘Vesti la Giubba,’ an aria from Ruggero Leoncavallo’s 1892 opera ‘Pagliacci.’ Here, a grieving clown, informed of his beloved’s demise, must bravely don his costume, take the stage, and uplift the audience.

This powerful scene encapsulates the resilience to confront life’s trials without succumbing to self-pity.

Delving into Hinduism and spirituality, the perspective on death transcends conventional understanding. Unlike a mere transition, it posits that there is no true end.

Life, according to this philosophy, perpetuates through various forms, urging us to embrace the cyclicality of existence. This spiritual viewpoint challenges the fear of mortality, offering solace in the belief that life transcends boundaries, echoing the powerful resilience symbolized by ‘Vesti la Giubba.’

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Failed but what?

We discussed the amazingly motivational move “12th fail” here recently.

One of the best takeaways from the movie is the word “Restart”. It’s also the mantra of the movie, that’s is applicable to each one of us maybe, and even more, to me.

When the protagonist fails repeatedly, his coach too repeatedly tells him the same thing. To restart. Because failure only crystallizes when we don’t restart.

And as any user of a Windows laptop knows, the solution to every problem is nothing but a restart!

So here I was, restarting my PC for some simple issue that of course I failed to troubleshoot. And I loved what the message said:

You’re 28% there. But you need to keep the computer on. Nothing good can happen if we switch off at the very point that we need to be switched on!

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Truly healthy

The word swasthya in Sanskrit refers to health.

I came across a very interesting interpretation by Sage Ashtavakra of Ashtavakra Gita fame. He was ashta-vakra because of his 8 physical deformities.

Could such a person be perfectly healthy or swasthya?

Seems impossible, but he was!


Because his physicality was irrelevant to him. All he cared about, was being forever established in the Self.

Which is swa-stitha, or self-established. How cool is that?

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Shragaal Gita

So here’s a Gita that I never heard of before, until I chanced upon a thread on X. Encountering this Gita, also known as the Jackal Gita, nestled within the Mahabharata’s Vana Parva, unveils a lesser-known yet profound dialogue between a wise jackal and sage Kashyapa, offering solace and guidance. The wisdom shared includes:

  • Humans are blessed with hands, which jackals and animals don’t have.
  • Even so, animals never contemplate suicide, and do their best with what they have.
  • The jackal explains how running after money won’t help him, a brahmin, become a king. And even a king cannot become a Devata. And a Devata cannot become Indra. And even Indra is dissatisfied!
  • Hence Kashyap muni should embrace being born as a human + brahmin, and do his dharma.
  • The sage then realizes that the jackal is none other than Indra himself in disguise!

This interesting and relatively less known Gita is a gem and enriches one’s understanding of ancient scriptures, offering valuable insights for navigating life’s complexities.

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Bigger better tougher

A recent ad enroute to the airport caught my eye.

It was an aptly placed photo of a really premium and really rugged luggage.

Very strong and very durable.

And it had been put through some endurance tests, presumably.

Because the tagine it went with was, “The bigger the test, the bigger the person becomes.”

A good reminder for me, when I feel like curling up into a ball and shutting out the world at the slightest hint of something not going my way…

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Food spirit

Many people find it cool to shun spirituality. And religion.

In its truest form, religion only helps make spirituality more accessible.

Why is spirituality needed?

We are all a combination of matter and spirit.

We know this, because just physically assembling a human body together will not make it “alive”, as it will still lack the spirit of life.

But we tend to spend all our time feeding the matter in us. Which might make us rich in material terms.

But what food are we giving to our spirit? Especially when it is the only thing can truly resolve our inner malaise?

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Divine ask

In the grand theater of existence, we often play the role of demanding divas, seeking divine intervention for our every whim. It’s like ordering takeout from the universe, expecting it to arrive in thirty minutes or less, with a side of enlightenment.

But the Divine isn’t a wish-granting genie; it’s more like a wise old friend gently nudging us towards self-discovery, all while chuckling at our attempts to control the cosmos with a vision board and a prayer.

So, next time we bargain with the Divine like flea market shoppers, remember: it’s not about what we get, but who we become in the process.

We must ask ourselves, do we want the Divine? Or only what the Divine can give us?

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Chakras and mantras

In the realm of Kundalinī-yoga, there’s a captivating concept known as “nerve-centers.”

These points, often called chakras, aren’t just physiological plexuses; they represent deeper psychological levels that modern science hasn’t fully explored.

When diving into Kundalinī-yoga, it’s supposed to be like embarking on a journey through consciousness. Each step involves ascending from one level of awareness to the next, encountering spiritual obstacles known as granthi along the way. This path is supposed to require intense concentration and perseverance until the aspirant reaches the pinnacle of universal consciousness.

Other schools of thought involve chanting and focusing various mantras on various energy centers to make spiritual progress.

The roads are myriad, but the destination one.

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Yugased it right!

In an interesting podcast featuring one Nilesh Oak, a historian by profession, he describes the concept of yugas, as mentioned in a part of the Aitreya Brahmana.

Now typically yugas are considered to be large time periods, and some of the dating doesn’t even make sense.

For instance, the common number one sees is that some 432,000 years makes up one yuga. And some will compound this number as well. And then they say the Mahabharata happened one yuga ago, so 432,000 years ago. Really? Was there even any human life back then?

And thus this different explanation of yugas was symbolic and interesting, as are most things in Hinduism! What did it say?

That when we sleep, that is Kali Yuga. When we wake up and sit, it is Treta Yuga. When we stand, it is Dwapara Yuga, and when we take action, it is Satya Yuga!

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Vana go?

In Sanatana Dharma, there are 4 stages of life progression.

Brahmachari, or student life.

Grihastashram, or family life (as a householder).

Vanaprastha, or going to the forest, relinquishing material life.

And lastly Sanyasa, which is completely giving up everything.

This is a beautiful progression no doubt.

But a billboard ad caught my eye today enroute to work. They were selling apartments in a lovely looking skyrise building.

The name of the building? Vana, of course, from Vanaprastha, but minus the prastha!

What are they offering? That for an insane price, one can buy a princely apartment in that building, with a nice forest-ish appearance (i.e., lots of trees!) and hence leaving no need to go to the forest for vanvaas at all!

Are  we running away from materialism, or towards it?!

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Forgetful prayer – part 4 of 4

Is there another lesson for us from what Swami Vivekananda did?

Do we completely give up our prayers, and wish for nothing?

And if we stop asking, will the Gods not make those things happen?

Do things happen only because we ask? Well surely this we know is not true. Our efforts matter, but most things are outside our control.

Then why pray? For our mental peace, at the very least. Because that is truly the only thing that matters. If we are lucky, specific chants might provide specific material results too.

Therefore it makes sense to pray for us to have the right mindset for every situation. That will us to samatvam, or equipoise in the face of everything.

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Forgetful prayer – part 3 of 4

So, what can we glean from Vivekananda’s experience? It prompts us to contemplate our own approach to prayer and spirituality. Are we too focused on asking for specific outcomes, rather than seeking a deeper connection with the divine?

The notion of living without constantly seeking fulfillment through external means poses a significant challenge. It requires a level of spiritual maturity and selflessness that few attain. Yet, it’s a worthy aspiration, inviting us to transcend our material desires and embrace a more profound understanding of existence.

In essence, Vivekananda’s journey urges us to reflect on the interconnectedness of prayer, enlightenment, and liberation. Perhaps it’s not about achieving one before the other, but rather recognizing that they are intrinsically linked – different facets of the same spiritual evolution. It’s a journey of self-discovery and growth, where each step brings us closer to realizing our true nature and purpose.

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Forgetful prayer – part 2 of 4

In Vivekananda’s repeated attempts to ask for help within the shrine, we witness a struggle familiar to many: the tension between faith and doubt, action and inaction.

Despite his genuine need, Vivekananda’s forgetfulness highlights the complexity of human nature, where even sincere intentions can be overshadowed by distractions or uncertainties. But was he really distracted or uncertain? Perhaps not.

It might be we who are truly distracted. Distracted away from God and into materialism. Vivekananda was exactly the opposite, because he forgot everything in the presence of the Lord. That’s not distraction, is it?

Ultimately, Ramakrishna’s gentle rebuke – that asking for material gains without understanding life’s deeper truths is folly – challenges us to reflect on our own motivations and expectations in prayer and in life. It’s a lesson in aligning our desires with a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it.

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Forgetful prayer – part 1 of 4

There’s a remarkable incident from Vivekananda’s life that offers profound insight. Picture this: his mother lay gravely ill, nearing the end of her life, and Vivekananda found himself without the means to provide her essential medication or sustenance. The frustration and helplessness he felt must have been overwhelming.

In his distress, he turned to Sri Ramakrishna, seeking solace and guidance. Venting his emotions, he questioned the value of spirituality in the face of his mother’s suffering. Ramakrishna, a devout worshiper of Kali, suggested an unconventional approach: to seek assistance directly from the divine.

Despite initial doubts, Vivekananda entered the shrine. But, remarkably, he forgot to make his plea. This happened not once, but twice, demonstrating the fallibility of even the most earnest intentions in moments of crisis. Ramakrishna’s patient insistence on trying again underscored the importance of perseverance in spiritual practice.

What happened next? Continued tomorrow…

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Divine address

Ever pondered how to address the divine? The Bhagavad Gītā offers a hint: “Howsoever men approach me, even so do I accept them,” says the Avatar. Thus, whether one prefers a paternal or maternal demeanor, divinity accommodates all.

Within the realm of the divine, gender and personality dissolve, akin to fitting an elephant into a teacup—utterly futile, yet oddly amusing.

Here’s the twist: from the impersonal Brahman, cosmic entity extraordinaire, emerges the personalized Iśvara, donning a human-like garb for a more relatable vibe.

And when chaos beckons and evil looms large, God sheds the celestial garb, donning the guise of an Avatar—a divine intervention akin to a cosmic superhero, ready to save the day in style. Whether as Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, or the next box-office hit Avatar, divinity reigns supreme in all its multifaceted glory.

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Ego trippin’

Can (pseudo) spirituality manifest in untoward ways?

  1. Social Media Showcase: Some individuals attend meditation retreats primarily to flaunt their spirituality on social media, seeking validation instead of inner growth. By posting photos of themselves meditating, they prioritize external validation over genuine spiritual connection. Their focus shifts from personal development to impressing others, turning their spiritual practice into a disguised ego trip.
  2. Intellectual Ego Boost: Others use spiritual quotes and discussions to appear wise or enlightened in conversations. Rather than embodying humility, they seek admiration and elevate themselves intellectually. Their motivation isn’t genuine spiritual growth but rather to assert superiority over others, feeding their ego through the guise of spirituality.
  3. Manipulative Justification: Some manipulate spiritual teachings to justify selfish actions, distorting spirituality for personal gain. By claiming alignment with spiritual principles while harming others, they prioritize their own interests over compassion and understanding. In doing so, they not only deceive others but also corrupt the essence of genuine spiritual practice.
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Sam equanimity

The Sanskrit word samata refers to equanimity. Neither getting too happy when something good happens, nor getting too sad when something bad happens.

Samata is possibly the first step in karma yoga.

Can we directly give up all attachments and desires? Very difficult.

But can we slowly and surely train ourselves to be lesser and lesser volatile (of mind) to outside events? Absolutely.

And this will naturally cultivate a sense of detachment. Such an internal shift leads to a separation between the active surface personality, engrossed in various engagements, and the inner peace and detachment.

The individual begins to perceive that it is not they who are solely responsible for their actions, but rather that the actions are being carried out through them.

This perspective eliminates feelings of possessiveness or attachment to the outcome of their endeavors, regardless of their perceived significance or success in conventional consciousness.

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Cosmic liking

We fawn over ourselves like the world’s most stunning Instagram filter.

Yet, one snarky comment and our self-worth crumbles faster than a gluten-free cookie. What gives?

Vedic spirituality calls it “Maya”.

We see ourselves reflected in other people’s opinions, forgetting the eternal, flawless Self within.

Ditch the external validation and grab your meditation cushion.

Uncover your inner diamond, and those fleeting opinions will lose their sparkle.

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Just forget it

Forgetfulness comes in various forms. Sometimes, we misplace items or overlook appointments – minor slip-ups. But there’s a deeper, more profound kind of forgetfulness: absent mindfulness, where we lose touch with ourselves.

I stumbled upon the thoughts of the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard in an article in the paper. In his 1843 work, “either/or,” Kierkegaard reflected, “The unhappy person is one who has…the content of his life, the fullness of his consciousness, the essence of his being…outside of himself.” This detachment from oneself, Kierkegaard argued, leads to perpetual absence from the present moment.

He identified existential boredom as the root cause of our frantic pursuit of distractions, long before the digital age. Kierkegaard viewed this busyness as absurd – a futile attempt to fill the void of meaninglessness.

So, what’s Kierkegaard’s answer? He challenges us to find truth within ourselves. It’s about discovering ourselves in the here and now, where past and future fade away, leaving only the perfect present tense.

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TTSP, again

We’ve already seen TTSP once before.

But this was echoed several centuries ago by the wise Birbal.

King Akbar once asked him, “What is it that will make an unhappy man happy, and a happy man unhappy?”.

Birbal thought for a moment and replied, “This too shall pass!”, indicating that everything is transitory only.

If a moment seems too good, and a happy man is revelling in that moment, that moment will soon pass. And likewise for the unhappy man, who is extrapolating his life to constantly get worser and worser. But as we well know, TTSP!

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Praising the Box

In a TV series called Curbing Your Enthusiasm, one of the protagonists throws himself a “live” funeral. He’s absolutely convinced that it will catch on too!

What is this, according to the funny guy? A pretty nice concept, if you think about it.

His premise is that when everyone’s going to come to his funeral after he dies, they will invariably have very nice things to say. But, they will be saying all those nice things to “the body in the box”.

So, why not have the same situation, but receive the praise when alive instead?

The concept is cool. And it’s amazing really how no one praises anyone during the normal course of life. At least not when they aren’t expecting anything in return!

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Pleasurable pleasures

Why give up the thrill of pleasure, huh? Imagine soaking in a breathtaking sunset, admiring a majestic tree, or following the graceful flow of a river—sheer bliss!

But here’s the twist: when we cling to those moments like they’re going out of style, they become addictive. Suddenly, that beautiful face or serene landscape becomes an obsession.

We’ve all been there. We revel in a moment—be it artistic, intellectual, or simply awe-inspiring—and we’re hooked. Yet, this pursuit often clouds our minds, breeding false ideals and endless illusions.

Let’s be realistic though. Trying to kick pleasure to the curb is a futile endeavor. Instead, we could dissect it, and understand its quirks and cravings. Because when life becomes a relentless pursuit of pleasure, it’s like opening Pandora’s box of chaos, confusion, and blurred lines. Pleasure can be painful.

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Just came across a nice Jay Shetty video where a young lady all of 26, asks him for advice. She was hit by brain cancer 4 years prior, and she’s obviously seen all of her friends and colleagues move forward in life, whereas time had stood still for her.

How could she possibly reclaim her life?

Jay’s answer was sensible and sensitive. After calling out how inspiring this young lady was, he told her that what she and many others go through at such a point in time, is perhaps grief.

Why grief?

Because, he explained, that grief doesn’t just come because of losing someone or something, it could also come because of not having the life one would have wanted or thought they should have.

Pretty interesting way to define grief, no?

And he also said that the lady should continue to share her story with others and inspire those around her. Because as she helps others bring down their grief, her own grief would reduce!

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The wanderer – part 2 of 2

Our minds have a habit of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. And let’s face it, they can cling to the negative like Velcro. But here’s the important bit: we’re all born with innocence, just waiting to be rediscovered.

Remember those carefree days of childhood, when every moment was an adventure? That innocence is still within us, ready to bring a little magic back into our lives.

So, if we loosen up and embrace simplicity, life could become a whole lot sweeter. It’s not just about gaining knowledge; it’s about reconnecting with our inner selves. By welcoming our innocence, we can open ourselves up to a world of joy, spontaneity, and endless possibilities.

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The wanderer – part 1 of 2

Ever catch your mind in a daydream? It’s like a puppy, always chasing after the next thing. But here’s the deal: being aware of what’s going on up there is like having a superpower. It’s our ticket to taming stress and anxiety.

Sometimes our thoughts feel like a flock of birds, darting from one idea to the next without a care in the world. But when we start paying attention, we realize we can guide those thoughts like a skilled shepherd herding sheep.

The next time our minds take off on their own adventure, let’s grab the reins and steer them back to the present moment. Who knows? We might just discover a newfound sense of peace and clarity amidst the chaos of everyday life.

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Deathly dollhouse

In the recently released Hollywood movie called Barbie, there’s some interesting dialogues.

Of course Barbies always have fun and every day is perfect.

Just like the perfect world imagined by the minds of so many little girls who love their dolls.

However, one day, Barbie faces an existential question.

She begins to think about death, and that too, while shaking a leg at a party.

“Have you other dolls ever thought about dying?”

And suddenly there’s pin drop silence. Clearly this is a no-no on Barbie-land.

So Barbie quickly covers up, “I meant, I’m just dying to dance…”, and the party resumes like it never even stopped!

Funny stuff, but in the real world, we know all too well, that it is the thought of mortality that truly awakens one’s spirituality.

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King of the Whirled

An octogenarian leader made it clear that relinquishing power is not on the agenda. Despite advancing age and mounting health concerns, he remains steadfast in his position, defying expectations of retirement.

This stance prompts reflection on the universal struggle of letting go of power and privilege, even in later life. It highlights how deeply ingrained desires and attachments can overshadow considerations of what may be best for succession planning.

This narrative serves as a reminder of the complexities of human nature, where the allure of power often outweighs rational judgment or recognition of one’s limitations. It underscores the wisdom found in spiritual teachings, advocating for detachment from worldly desires and the pursuit of inner peace.

For the elderly leader, the throne is his whirlwind, a realm he’s reluctant to depart. Do we have such thrones as well?

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Can we truly give up all desires?

Perhaps not.

But can we give up one desire for another?

I feel like buying that cool looking $1200 new iPhone, but then seeing the $3500 Vision Pro makes my heart skip a beat (insane price and awesomeness both!).

So the interim solution is probably in trading desires upwards. Go for something better, and replace the lower.

Keep doing this, and we’ll realize that the only desire that truly and comprehensively fills the heart is the desire for God and the Self.

That’s also when we’ll accept that we already have everything that truly matters. What good is a desire for the one who has it all?

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Spirituality at work

It’s difficult bringing spirituality to work, isn’t it? Most people don’t get it, or don’t care. And we ourselves may not fully understand how to implement what Krishna has said. So here are three simple pointers:

  • Give Your Best: No shortcuts, just your A-game!
  • Keep Your Cool: Inner peace amidst the chaos is key.
  • Share the Success: We didn’t get here alone, and there are many people who will benefit from us, in myriad ways!

Being spiritual doesn’t mean being naive. But we can surely tackle the corporate jungle with a dash of mindfulness.

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The good old…

People always reminisce about the “good old days,” but maybe, the good old days are happening right now!

Remember when we had to rely on paper train timetables or stop random strangers for directions? Now, with just a tap on our smartphones, we can navigate through the chaotic streets of Mumbai or the bustling markets of Delhi without breaking a sweat.

The struggle of waiting for a bus in the scorching heat or pouring rain, praying it would arrive on time? Nowadays, with ride-hailing apps, we can summon a ride with a few taps and avoid the dreaded wait.

Back then, if you missed your favorite Bollywood movie at the cinema, you might have to wait ages for it to come out on DVD. But now? Streaming platforms bring the latest releases pronto.

So, let’s raise a chai to the present chaos because someday, we’ll look back and say, “Remember when we thought these were the good old days?”

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Magic garland

Here’s a super “miracle” that I had the good fortune to witness recently.

I was with a staunch devotee of a particular deity. This deity was the Ishta Devata of said person, and the person would chant copious malas of this deity’s mantras daily.

I watched the person put small flower garlands across the photos of all the various deities at their altar. All garlands from the same strip, and all similar flowers.

And yet, the next morning, while all the other garlands had wilted, only the garland around the Ishta Devata was incredibly fresh!

The difference was absolutely remarkable, almost as though that specific deity’s photo had specially charged energy… Divine and miraculous indeed!

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Practical virtues

In chapter 16 of the Amazing Simple Gita, my Guru has added an important element for many virtues in the first 3 verses. One of pragmatism and practicality.

Some people try to conflate the virtues given with perpetual application. In every single situation.

The virtue list asks to tell the truth? Well tell the truth all the time then, even if it hurts someone, especially a dharmic person.

Here’s one:

Kshama: An automatic, effortless (non-reactive) forgiveness. No stupidity, Great Prithviraj Chawhan, forgave his enemy 7 times and got killed in the 8th battle. Never forgive durjanas.

Adhroha: Bearing no enmity, dislike to none. Yet applied depending on your duty. For instance border protector, soldier and police. Don’t wait to get killed by other’s tricks.

See the stuff in bold? How practical is that!

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Extra of the ordinary

How about we cherish the beauty of the everyday? In the simplicity of routine, we uncover moments of wonder and joy, whether it’s the melody of birdsong, the comfort of a familiar embrace, or the aroma of freshly baked bread.

Amidst the hustle of life, we could pause to appreciate the magic in ordinary moments, like the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind or the soft glow of a candle’s flame.

We can embrace the notion that true miracles lie in the everyday, reminding ourselves to seek awe in the seemingly mundane, like the way sunlight dances through the trees or the laughter of children playing in the park.

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Journey or destination? Neither?

We’re always told to value the journey over the destination, right?

Because focusing on the destination aka result is what brings us stress and anxiety. Focusing on the journey hence will allow us to “enjoy the moment”.

Here’s another nice take I came across recently.

Shift your focus from the ‘how’ to the ‘who‘ – because the people you surround yourself with shape your journey.

In life’s adventure, the beauty lies in the company you keep. Prioritize the ‘who’ over the ‘how.’

There is magic in embracing inspiring souls; they transform ordinary journeys into extraordinary adventures.

The right people could make every journey and destination brilliant.

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Cat outta the bag

In Rajarshi Nandi’s book called Adhyatmikta, the author presents an interesting view on sects or lineages of saints, called sampradayas.

Many people simply become egoistic today, saying that they are linked to so and so lineage. Does it really matter?

Here’s a funny excerpt from the book…

Each sampradaya is susceptible to a single weak link in the chain of transmission. Nobody can fix this; that is how matters transpire. The classic example given is that of one great pundit who had a cat and would tie that cat near his puja room when he sat for puja so that the animal did not disturb him. Few generations down the line nobody really remembered why he used to tie the cat, but the thought process, and that action transformed into a dogma and a new rule was made that whoever did that puja ought to first buy one cat for himself and then tie it near the room!
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Simple reality

  • Life’s pursuit? Seek limitlessness.
  • Problem: How we seek.
  • Why? Because desires drive us, and actions limit us.
  • Upanishad say: Seeker and sought unite.
  • Knowledge, not action, leads.
  • Then why act? As work purifies mind, detached.
  • Pure mind grasps reality fast.
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Nature’s call

In Sanskrit philosophy, there’s this concept called “prakriti,” which refers to nature’s role in shaping our consciousness and giving it boundaries. Pra+kriti, first+action.

It’s like nature’s way of guiding us to act in certain ways, almost instinctively. Picture it as our default mode of action, the way we naturally respond when faced with a situation that demands action.

This innate nature, deeply embedded within us, influences how we perceive and interact with the world around us. Until we learn to master it, we’re bound by its constraints.

There’s this saying in Sanskrit that I came across, “svabhavo vijayati iti shauryam,” which translates to “the true heroism is to conquer our own nature.” It’s about overcoming those instinctual impulses and limitations to truly assert control over our actions and decisions.

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A relative was recently discussing an experience of a silent spiritual retreat.

I’ve heard of these before, but never had the courage to attempt one. Still won’t, I think.

But it’s interesting when you realize that verbal silence is only one aspect of it. The real mauna is in the ability to make the mind go quiet. Silencing the mouth is just a means to that end.

Apparently there are a few types of maunas.

Karna mauna: control of speech;

Kastha mauna: maintaining a neutral expression in every way;

Susupti mauna: clearing the mind of doubts, recognizing life’s transient nature and the role of the three Gunas, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas;

Maha mauna: achieving a complete cessation of thoughts

Clearly, shutting my mouth is far easier than the others!

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No fear seer

Guruji’s Wisdom: “I am the body” breeds fear—of hurt, death, loss.

Cosmic Play: Recognize life as Lord’s Prakriti, embracing desire’s exhaustion for innate fearlessness.

Death’s Truth: Realize death befalls the body, not the everlasting soul—fear wanes.

Relinquish Labels: Strip away “I and mine,” embracing everything as the Lord’s—fear fades.

Devotion Triumphs Fear: Total faith in the Lord dispels fear; Prahalad’s unwavering trust exemplifies.

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Hard or soft?

In the realm of leadership today, there’s a lot of buzz around soft skills, and empathy often gets thrown into that mix. But Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella sees it differently. He believes understanding others goes far beyond what we typically consider soft skills. To him, labeling empathy as “soft” undermines its true importance—it’s actually one of the toughest skills to master.

Nadella emphasized this point in an interview with Axel Springer’s CEO Mathias Döpfner, stating, “Empathy is not a soft skill. It’s the hardest one to master—to truly connect with the world and the people who matter most to us.”

Moreover, Nadella highlights that empathy isn’t just about bettering relationships within a company—it’s also integral for understanding customers. According to him, genuine innovation stems from empathetically addressing unspoken needs.

Nadella has long championed the significance of empathy in leadership. His personal experiences, including being a father to his late son Zain, who had special needs, profoundly shaped his perspective. He acknowledges his wife’s empathy as a driving force behind his own commitment to infusing compassion into both his personal and professional endeavors.

In essence, Nadella’s stance underscores that empathy isn’t merely a trendy concept—it’s a fundamental pillar of effective leadership.

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Big, bigger…

Steve Schwarzman is global Private Equity behemoth Blackstone’s Founder and Chairman.

He’s 77 years old, and is worth some ~38bn dollars. So one can say he’s successful.

Here’s what he said in an interview recently, which offers some exceptional motivation:

Schwarzman, who will likely never retire, insists his global ambitions have nothing to do with money. "I look at anything and say, 'What's the maximum we can make this?"" he says of his life's work. "If you see some amazing opportunity, I just get so excited about that. Why shouldn't we own that? Let's go."
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Cool, calm, confident

Ever found yourself pondering how to tackle an unusual challenge? Imagine facing a judge’s puzzling verdict: a prisoner must be hanged on a surprise day from Monday to Friday.

Instead of succumbing to fear, the prisoner remains calm, employing a brilliant strategy. If he stays alive until Thursday, the judge’s Friday execution loses its element of surprise.

Extending this logical approach, if he survives until Wednesday, Thursday’s execution is ruled out. This method continues for each day, ultimately making a surprise punishment impossible.

This tale unfolds a powerful lesson in navigating tough situations with a composed mind and innovative thinking. When faced with adversity, the ability to think beyond the obvious can work wonders. The prisoner’s clever reasoning not only spared his life but left the judge in awe, leading to a compassionate decision.

In life’s challenges, perhaps remarkable solutions emerge when one stays calm and embraces creativity.

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Choosing choice

In our journey as humans, we’re endowed with the incredible gift of the human form, giving us the unique ability to choose our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This power shapes our destiny and happiness.

Life is often turbulent, filled with trials. Yet, amid the storm, our choices remain in our control. We can choose our attitude, our response – to be positive, proactive, and resilient.

Cultivating the art of choice is vital. Each decision carries consequences. Discovering our purpose guides us towards meaningful choices, aligning us with fulfillment and freedom.

But beware of ego-driven choices, which lead to bondage and suffering. The study of Vedanta offers wisdom, clarifying our path towards a meaningful and joyful existence.

In the end, the power of choice is divine – a force that shapes our lives and the world around us. Embrace it, for it resides within each of us.

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Meditative mantra

In the chaos of our daily lives, meditation has become a lifeline for many chasing success and inner peace. But what’s the real key to making meditation work? Well, it’s simpler than you might think: just repeat to yourself, “I am nothing, I know nothing, I do nothing.

Now, that might sound counterintuitive in a world obsessed with achievement, but here’s the trick – it’s all about letting go. Embrace the mantra, embrace the nothingness.

By acknowledging our smallness, we actually find a deeper connection within ourselves. It’s like shedding layers of stress, anxiety and ego.

This mantra isn’t about achieving something monumental. It’s about finding peace in the now, letting go of the need to know everything, and realizing that sometimes doing nothing is the most productive thing you can do.

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Really real problems

We’ve discussed previously the very nice and funny TV series called Our Man in… where the host is none other than James May of Top Gear fame.

Guess where he’s traveled to after visiting Japan and Italy? Well, India of course!

India is a country that’s just too vast to do full justice on a 3-episode show. And so while May has tried, he’s barely scratched the surface. At least it leaves room for him to come back for more!

What struck me as poignant, was how he a Britisher, and therefore ex-“colonizer” (as one of his guests in an episode funnily put it), summed up India at the end.

He acknowledged that foreign people always talk about the problems in India. And then he added, “The problems of India are no different than the problems we have back home. The only thing is, India is much bigger, and hence its problems look that much bigger.”

Nicely on point. The problems everywhere are the same. And interestingly, the solutions are the same as well. All dealing with the mind, and cleanly provided in our scriptures!

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Candle lit

Remember Elton John’s touching but outstanding song, “Candle in the Wind”? It got me thinking about life in another way.

Imagine life as a flame, akin to the candle in Elton’s song, but with an uplifting twist.

Each of us is like a candle, glowing brightly for a time before we’re gone.

Yet, the flame – our spirit or essence – doesn’t end with us. It moves on, lighting another candle, another life.

This is an analogical perspective to rebirth, isn’t it?

Our physical form may flicker out, but our essence continues in the endless cycle of life, much like the enduring melody of a beautiful song…

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Thanks but yes thanks

Daana or charity has a special place in spirituality. Lord Krishna considers it amongst the key rungs on the spiritual ladder.

Why would this be?

Because the root cause of all our troubles is said to be the ego. The more the ego has, the more it wants.

Au contraire, the more it gives away, the weaker it becomes.

This nicely sums up daana. Because when we part with something, we’re actually not losers, but gainers in the most crucial sense.

So charity, assuming it’s done right, with no expectations, and given to the right people / organizations, means that it’s really not the receivers who should be telling thanks to the givers. Rather it should be the givers telling them thanks, for giving them the opportunity to perform daana!

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Listen up

There was a funny incident recently. A session on improving presentation skills was being conducted.

The speaker said that there were three key things to watch out for.

  1. Listening
  2. Questioning
  3. Messaging

The speaker then said that he wanted the audience to pick any one of the three key focus areas that they believed were their strong point.

Everyone picked one of the three and put that into the chat box (most sessions happen online nowadays you see!).

Everyone except one chap. He picked Listening and Questioning.

The speaker said you’ve to pick only one. So he picked Listening.

But it’s funny no? The guy who picked Listening as his strong suit couldn’t listen to the requirement, which was to pick only one! Sums me up well many times, when I’m just physically present but mentally far far away someplace…

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Mental subtraction

Here’s a nice mental model that I came across recently.

What “mental subtraction” calls for, is to imagine that certain situations have not happened in our lives.

Many times we feel low and depressed. But how to get out of this rut? Mental subtraction of course!

So just think of the most important and the happiest events and situations that happened in your life.

Could be when you got married, or when you graduated, or got a promotion, or got your first child, or any of 100s of other such situations.

Now mental subtraction requires us to slowly remove each of these incidents from our lives. The positive triggers that pushed our trajectory forward? Yes, remove them.

How would we have felt? Where would we be? Surely not in a better position than we are in today?

And thus the need for gratitude and faith. Nothing is truly in our hands, but still, we are in good hands.

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Worship mentality

A lot of people would be doing homas (fire worship) for a variety of reasons.

While I was reading an excellent manual on performing a Chandi Homam (Mother Chandi is the divine primordial energy of life), I was struck by the message provided by the author on the mindset one needs to adopt while doing this homam. Pasting it below, verbatim, for your reading pleasure!

However, it is not necessary that She should take away one's material success and prosperity in order to give spiritual upliftment. In fact, many people who perform Chandi homam everyday or every week using this document may experience continued or even increased material success (and yet be able to remain detached from it and progress spiritually). However, in some cases, She may decide to give a shock or two in worldly matters if something is badly blocking one's spiritual progress and a setback is needed. The path towards self-realization is different for each person. She knows the best for each person. Unless one is willing to surrender to Her completely and accept whatever comes one's way good or bad as Her blessings and unless one does not expect any specific material benefit from this homam, one should not use this document to perform Chandi homam.

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Hamster Manster

Seem a hamster wheel before? No doubt you have!

It seems silly that the hamster keeps running on it, despite getting nowhere.

Well here’s the story of someone I know.

He was perched on a ladder, and was doing great.

Then he looked down, and felt super, because he saw many below him on lower rungs of the ladder.

Then he looked up, and felt sick, because there were so many above him on higher rungs.

And he felt those above him were getting away, farther and farther, while those below, seemed to be catching up!

But the Divine Being who was standing outside and observing, could clearly make out that the ladder was nothing more than a circle, exactly like a hamster’s wheel.

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Speak down

Most people today are crazy about speaking up. They just do anything to get the first word in, and more importantly, their word in.

It’s as though the world is run by people who talk, talk and talk more.

Speaking up is important, no doubt, at specific times.

But only speaking, and not letting anyone else in on the conversation? That’s plain bad manners!

And yet, most people just love the sound of their own voice a bit too much!

But you know what’s even more beautiful than sound and perhaps more important?


Silence is crucial if one wants to listen to and understand the words and perspectives of others. Wisdom calls upon us only when we are silent. We can feel the Self within, only in silence. Indeed, silence is the true language of Creation.

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Extreme devotion?

Came across the interesting concept of Virodha Bhakti, or reverse devotion. The practitioners harbor such intense hatred towards God that they undergo self-destruction, only to be rescued by the very divine force that annihilated them.

This philosophy suggests that the immense power and transformative nature of the Divine makes any interaction, even adversarial, ultimately beneficial for the Seeker.

Liberation is attained when an asura, slain by Vishnu or Durga (for example) in battle, experiences this paradoxical union of destruction and salvation.

The gods of Hinduism, capable of formidable deeds, execute their actions with perfect detachment – destroying without hatred and loving without attachment.

This paradoxical nature underscores the profound dynamics of spirituality.

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10k marathon

Everyone who runs a marathon knows that the 10k or 10 kilometers run is not even close to the actual 42km.

Neither is it close to the half marathon at 21k.

But 10k is important in itself, as the stepping stone to the larger numbers. 10k is also the over-publicized and over-quoted number from Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers where he coaxes people to get in 10k hours of practice on anything if they seek mastery.

We’ve discussed this before as well, and so we’ll get to the point. 10k hours works in everything, including spirituality. We spend 10k hours on many things, but how about on prayer?

Many people question faith. They say our scriptures and vedic chants do not work. But these statements come from quarters that have never tried these out. Try calling out to a deity with shraddha and bhakti 10k-hours-worth times and the view will change!

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Poverty-stricken who

For the Ayodhya Ram Mandir consecration, the who’s who across various fields were been invited to attend.

But there’s also one poor ragpicker who was invited.

Really? Why?

Because she had donated a meagre 20 rupees in total, 10 from her side, and 10 for her unwell son.

20 rupees is nothing. The middle class will argue that with inflation, even 2 million rupees is nothing.

But what this lady lacked in money, she made up for in faith and devotion.

In terms of money, everyone reading this would never considering themselves to be in poverty.

But I can’t help but wonder if I’m not spiritually impoverished. And whether the Guru has been trying forever to lift me above the poverty line.

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Tester kit

Life is a test. Or maybe a series of tests.

Like in school and college, we can’t always score a 10 on 10.

Some will be really tough tests, and others not so much.

But the tests are what cause us to grow.

They push us to become better.

When people hurt us by doing exactly the opposite of what self-help and leadership and “success-secrets” books tell us, that’s fine. Because those crazily aggravating scenarios too are just tests.

Can we keep our wits about us? Or do we give up?

Every moment spent here on earth is a test not for our bodies and minds, but for our souls. Are we able to overcome our basic instincts, and pass the test to become a higher power?

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Professionally permanent

Many of us may be attending a lot of satsangs, or at least one of them.

How does it make us feel? Great, right?

That one hour spent in satsang could be absolute bliss.

The key messages to empower ourselves, to bring us success, and to elevate our spiritual lives – all in those lovely 60 minutes. And add some socializing and some prasad, and that would seem like spiritual bliss.

But outside of that one hour of satsang?

Does the bliss continue?

Maybe the word professional satsangi is relevant then. We are (I certainly am) beneficiaries and maybe even contributors within that 1 hour period. But outside of that, life (aka strife) takes over.

Only if we consistently and mindfully implement each of the messages of our scriptures, can we hope to move from professional satsangi, to a permanent one!

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Vote for…

Apparently some 4 billion people across 60+ countries are eligible to vote this year (2024).

That’s just insane, and incredible.

A quick look at poll promises overall though?

Many leaders in the decades gone by, would offer development and things. Yes, things like schoolbags and bicycles and computers and what not.

Instead today, there’s hardly much positive left. It’s mostly all about promises of shutting down other communities, wiping out other religions and inviting hate wherever love and peace should exist.

The game seems to be all about self-gratification, ensuring continued rulership (via appeasement votes) with little care for those around.

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Level 43

Rohan Bopanna recently won his first tennis Grand Slam title. Now this statement may not be a big deal standalone, but Bopanna achieved this at the age of 43 years and 329 days!

Easy on the body? Nope. Easy on the mind? Absolutely not!

Imagine having played 100s and 100s of matches during all the so-called “prime” years of youth and not winning a grand slam at all. And yet, he persisted.

He couldn’t do intense weight lifting and similar exercises, so he switched to yoga, to give him the core workout he needed.

And of course, he switched his mindset to being super positive.

As he quipped, “I’m not 43, I’m at level 43!”

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Higher highs yet low

The markets across the world are going higher and higher.

Wealth effect is kicking in.

People are getting richer.

And yet, they aren’t happier.


Because those who are invested, are wondering what to do. Do they pull out their money, crystallize their gains? Or will the market go even higher after they pull out, only to leave them as helpless bystanders?

Then of course there’s the bunch that aren’t invested at all. They’ve just been watching and waiting, hoping to enter, but never able to truly make up their minds.

The market might be high, but the moods of the hoi polloi?

That’s a trick question, as you know by now, where happiness truly resides!!

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Cows have a unique significance in Indian / Hindu tradition.

Foreigners often find it funny that Indian roads (even highways!) are used by these bovine creatures to chill out, for lack of a better phrase.

And because of the respect for cows, people will leave them be.

In Vedic tradition and astrology too, feeding cows and taking care of them is said to bring benefit, including erasing or neutralising bad karma.

Now who’s going to go find a cow and take care of one? Thus when I was scrolling through my twitter feed today, I chanced upon, which is a retirement home for cows, and where anyone can donate whatever they feel like.

I haven’t particularly verified this organization, and maybe there are many others like them, but this one came recommended by some respected individuals, so just thought to share, in case someone is looking for helping spread some moo-sic to cows ears!

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Scary Antonym

What is the opposite of fear?





Well, none of these are wrong. But they aren’t a 100% correct either, because to eradicate fear, we need something strong and permanent.

So what is such a thing?


With adequate devotion, even the deepest of fears melt away. Why fear when the Lord is here?

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Defective plan

When you’re gunning for the top post, and someone thinks you’re not worth it, how does that make you feel?

Not good, right?

A recent interview by US Republican ex-candidate Vivek Ramaswamy was outstanding.

A lady in the audience asked him whether he would accept being a VP to Trump (her implicit assumption being that Trump would win and be President).

Vivek said that he would always put his country first, and do what was needed. But also that he felt he was the right choice to run America.

The lady then said that his answer sounded like “a maybe”.

To which Vivek said, “I gotta tell you about a defect I’ve got. You need to know because you gotta know your President has a defect. And that defect is, that I never have a Plan B!”

A masterclass in handling hecklers if there was one! But more than that, it shows extraordinary confidence in one’s abilities. Could he lose? Yeah, anything can happen, and I don’t remotely understand politics, so that’s not even the point. But if we could all work as though we had no plan B’s, how cool would that be?!

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Proof of investment

It’s funny how human nature rarely changes.

And this is exactly why all our scriptures, although written thousands of years ago, are still as relevant today as they were back then!

In the investing world, maybe a few decades ago, people would make basic mistakes like buying high and then getting wiped out in a market crash. Why’d they do that? Because they didn’t have enough information. About companies, about markets, about stocks. No internet, no information.

Hence, buy, because it seems like a get rich quick scheme, and hey the neighbor is in on it too!

Fast forward to today, and what has changed? Lack of information has changed to an overdose of information. But has this translated into wisdom? Hardly. Greed and fear still rule the roost, and hence the basal human nature is absolutely unchanged.

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Flying wheel

In business, concepts like the ‘flywheel effect’ and ‘virtuous cycle’ signify momentum from strategic actions. Surprisingly, these ideas also illuminate the spiritual path, particularly when exploring the synergy of humility and gratitude.

Humility sets this spiritual flywheel in motion. It’s a grounding force, reminding us of our small yet significant role in the universe. This humble perspective naturally ushers in gratitude – a deep appreciation for life’s often overlooked blessings.

Gratitude, in return, fuels humility. The more we express thanks, the more we recognize our interconnectedness and limitations. This understanding fosters deeper humility.

Together, humility and gratitude create a self-reinforcing cycle, each strengthening the other. This dynamic duo not only propels personal growth but also brings us closer to the core of spirituality, turning every humble acknowledgment and thankful moment into a step towards inner peace.

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Balanced sequence

Where does work-life balance start?

Obviously it starts with work, because it’s the first word, right?


Thinking about work-life balance as first balancing work and then attempting to balance life, is probably why we always feel imbalanced all the time.

So what to do then?

Invert it perhaps.

Start with life balance first. And within that, begin with the self.

Once we keep enough time for our own reading, prayers, meditation, chanting etc., our soul will feel nourished.

Then we can automatically be better and more humane with our families.

Which in turn will make us better at work. Balance achieved!

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Trusted, but how?

Everyone wants to be trusted. But how does one build this trust? How can one assume the role of a trusted advisor to someone else?

Here’s a super formula I came across in a training slide from one Simitri Group.

Trusted Advisor = (Trust + Liking) / Self-interest

How does one build trust? Trust comes from consistency, transparency, competence, reliability, and empathy.

And Liking? Liking comes from common interests, positive interactions, similar values, empathy, and active listening.

Self-interest, or rather not putting Self-interest first, is key.

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Mindful Marathon

Embarking on a marathon transcends testing physical stamina; the true challenge lies in cultivating muscle strength. This serves to ensure cramp prevention.

How does one do this? From nothing less than dedicated strength training.

Is there any dedicated strength training for the mind? Yes there is, and it is called satsang!


By engaging in prayer, scriptures, chanting, and meditation.

In life’s marathon, achieving harmony between mental resilience and enduring muscles is the ultimate victory.

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Destination to where?

If you wanted to go to a particular city, and were standing at the station to get a ticket, what would be the most important info you’d need to give at the ticket counter?

The number of buffaloes in the destination?

The kind of cars that people drive there?

The type of cheese folks prefer to eat?

The types of buildings that city has?


Would it simply be the name of the place?

Surely the name, isn’t it?

As Saint Gondavalekar Maharaj says, such is the importance of nama. If we take the name of place to go to a destination, we must take the name of the Lord if we want to reach him.

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Blind faith or blind fate

It’s funny how many people hide behind the garb of “blind faith”. This is especially so when it comes to putting one’s religious or spiritual beliefs up.

While it is not possible to generalize, the younger generations are perhaps lesser connected to their roots compared to a few generations prior.

“It’s impossible for me to have blind faith in God. I’ll first need evidence.”

Where’s the evidence for gravity? It still exists though doesn’t it.

But the solution is really not about faith but about action. Spirituality and religion impact human beings at their core. Spirituality is experiential. If a certain process is followed as mentioned in the scriptures, the outcome will follow, no doubt about that. But how many people even give the process a try?

It’s easier to hide behind the veil of “blind faith” than to lift a finger. Such laziness will lead only to blind fate. Can’t be criticising the system then!

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Came across a book on mantras that presented an interesting distinction.

It said that there are 3 types of mantras. Sattvik, rajasik and tamasik. Yes you probably guessed that already the moment you read “3 types of”. Pretty much anything on Vedic spirituality can be categorized under these 3 buckets it seems.

What I found interesting, was that while the letters and words making up the mantras themselves may not be Sattvik, rajasik or tamasik, the intent of the one chanting perhaps makes it more so.

The book said that a tamasik mantra is one that is aimed at controlling and harming others. A rajasik mantra on the other hand is useful for our wants – a bigger house, a bigger car, more money, more fame etc.

And what’s a Sattvik mantra for? For all the good stuff, like progress in spirituality, for collective achievements such as the furtherance of dharma etc. Interestingly, even things like food, money and house etc. can be clubbed under Sattvik mantras, but only as long as these are basic needs. Once the focus graduates to greed, it’s not Sattvik anymore!

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Our man in dolce vita

There’s a super fun travel TV show called Our Man in Italy and the protagonist / anchor is a familiar one. James May, as we might know preciously as one of the 3 hosts of the superb automotive TV show called Top Gear, takes the helm here.

It’s great fun, because he travels from one country to another, and covers all the important cities and landmarks, giving us a vicarious look of what could be.

In Italy in particular, James is told to search for “la dolce vita”, or “the sweet life”.

What does this mean? Well usually it would be a lot of money, fame, wine, good cheese and pizza, a good house, and generally chilling. Seems sweet for sure.

But during the episode, James notices his own Italian guide simply staring at an old Vespa – one of the famous Italian manufactured 2-wheelers. The man is so in love with the Vespa that he continues to stare, unaware of the world whizzing past him.

Later on, he confides in James. “Buddy, who cares about money and wine and cheese. That Vespa moment was my dolce vita because I was completely at peace!”

What is your dolce vita?

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Are we close to being overtaken by AIliens? Yes not the aliens from other planets, but the AI that we humans have created? Not that I have made any contributions whatsoever in the creation of AI, but it does collectively seem like quite an advancement in technology.

It may seem like AI and robots are taking over, but as a Tamilian would exclaim, the “aiyo” moment is probably not here yet. Here’s a piece I was reading from one FEI FEI Li, a computer scientist and a pioneer of the artificial intelligence boom.

"There's just so much complexity in human brain science that is still a mystery. We don't know how we do that in under 30 watts, the energy the brain uses. How come we're so terrible at math while we are so fast at seeing and navigating and manipulating the physical world? The brain is the infinite source of inspiration for what artificial intelligence should be and should do. I feel human intelligence should be the benchmark to judge Al and not the other way round."

There we have it. The One who has created us is far far ahead in this race for creation. In any case, anything we create is also a part of His creation only.

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Improved decision making

How does one make good decisions?

Well, it’s not easy for sure. And some would say that the decision itself doesn’t matter, much, and that it’s the follow through that’s truly critical.

But many people and organizations get stuck at the time of making a decision itself. Analysis paralysis. What to do in such cases?

Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon provided a stellar method, in one of his letters to shareholders back in 2015.

He said that the focus should simply be on whether the decision is reversible or not. If it is, then go ahead, make a decision, and don’t waste further time on discussing whether the decision itself is the right one or not. Explore and exploit. If things don’t work out, the decision can anyway be reversed.

Of course, if the decision is irreversible, then take adequate care, planning and strategizing, before making the final call.

A great focus point I think, in order to keep moving ahead in life!

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Open center

There’s a lot of people who claim that their chakras or energy centers are open. Or have been opened.

This may or may not be true, and I for one certainly am no one to judge.

Some say their ajna chakra has been opened and that they can plunge into deep meditation instantaneously. Others focus on the mooladhara chakra and can go into deeper states.

Of course such things can and do happen. Even if words like kundalini might be thrown around recklessly and find much media attention, that does not imply it is apocryphal.

More critical, as my Guru often reminds us, is what such folks (and everyone in general) do after they snap out of their trances. Are they truly seeking the Self, or simply self-centered?

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Scientist’s religion

Here’s a cool anecdote I came across in a book (don’t remember the name unfortunately).

“I met a man a few days ago in Washington, D.C. who, while a student in Delhi, had met Dr. Radhakrishnan, the second President of India. He had asked Dr. Radhakrishnan “Sir, since you are also a great philosopher, can you explain the difference between science and religion, as there seems to be a contradiction between the two? Religion speaks of something that is not seen and people have faith in that. But in science one accepts only what one sees, so it appears that scientists are anti-religion and faithless.”

Dr. Radhakrishnan gave a very nice answer. He said, “A little science takes you away from religion but more of it brings you nearer religion.”

This suggests that scientific exploration can ultimately lead to profound spiritual understanding. It’s a reminder that the pursuit of knowledge, whether through science or spirituality, can lead to unexpected revelations about the world and ourselves.

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Smart work hard work

There’s this endless debate about smart work versus hard work. You know it. And I don’t have an answer for it unfortunately (else I’d already be atop the ladder of the billionaire lists you see!).

Lords Ganesha and Karthikeya also had a tiff on the same topic with the elephant headed one simply circumambulating his parents thrice instead of traveling the whole world.

But can one be more right than the other?

We are told to work hard, right from childhood. And it’s necessary. Then why pray? So many mantras and deities exist in India who are supposed to help deliver outstanding results. Just pray and all will be well no? No need to work hard only.

But there’s a catch! A mantras book I was reading gave a specific mantra for Goddess Lakshmi, which if recited, would bring extraordinary wealth. But the specifics? The mantra had to be chanted 100-thousand times, 5 times a day. That sounds like hard work to me too! No free lunches…

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Putting in the hours

Does praying a lot make one automatically divine?

Does sitting in a meditative pose for hours mean one will automatically reach Brahman?

Unlike investing, where time spent matters, in spirituality, time spent matters, but perhaps much less.

We know of asuras who spent insane numbers of hours in penance. But are they prayed to or well respected?

If time doesn’t matter, then what does?

Perhaps the intention of the prayer matters the most. As that would cleanly differentiate prayers of the bad versus the good, wouldn’t it?

A sadhana that is practiced for the enhancement of one’s own ego becomes asuric. As simple as that perhaps. And we know what ego means – not the pride that we associate the English word with, but rather the incorrect attachment to the body.

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Dutifully full

One must be fully focused on ones own duty. Ones swadharma. Lord Krishna calls this out in the 35th verse of the 3rd chapter of the Gita. Here’s an excellent take by Shri Vinoba Bhave in his book called “Talks on the Gita”. He gave these talks when he was jailed for being a part of India’s freedom fight movement!

It is not good for me to adopt another's dharma, however superior it may appear to be. I like sunlight. It helps my growth. I worship the sun. But my rightful place is here on this earth. If I leave the earth and try to get close to the sun, I would be burnt to ashes. Compared to the sun, the earth may appear worthless; it may not be self-luminous, still I should strive for self-development by staying on the earth, which is my rightful place, so long as I lack the capacity to stand the sun's powerful blaze. If someone were to say to a fish, "Milk is more luxurious than water. Come and swim in the milk", will it accept? It can survive in water only; in milk it will die.

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Big bang practice

Everyone knows the amazing TV show called The Big Bang Theory – a sitcom where socially awkward but extraordinarily brilliant scientists navigate life, love, and comic books, often proving that even geniuses don’t know everything about the real world!

In a prequel adaptation called Young Sheldon (the smartest scientist of the lot), his mother Mary posts a question.

Mary: Sheldon, faith means believing in something you can’t know for sure is real. And right now, I am struggling with that.
Sheldon: So you don’t believe in God anymore?
Mary: That isn’t something for you to worry about. I need to figure this out myself.
Sheldon: Can I help? Maybe I could provide a fresh perspective.
Mary: I don’t think so, baby.
Sheldon: Did you know that if gravity were slightly more powerful, the universe would collapse into a ball?
Mary: I did not.
Sheldon: Also, if gravity were slightly less powerful, the universe would fly apart and there would be no stars or planets.
Mary: Where you going with this, Sheldon?
Sheldon: It’s just that gravity is precisely as strong as it needs to be. And if the ratio of the electromagnetic force to the strong force wasn’t one percent, life wouldn’t exist. What are the odds that would happen all by itself?
Mary: Why are you trying to convince me to believe in God? You don’t believe in God.
Sheldon: I don’t, but the precision of the universe at least makes it logical to conclude there’s a creator.

Food for thought?

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G-force multiplier

Many people say that God will take care of everything. Or if they are in a rut, then no worries because their Guru will take care of everything. “All is well. All is always well.” But what does this really mean? Is this possible? Can a Guru sitting somewhere actually take care of everything?

Yes it is, and only experience can build such faith. There is no difference between Guru and God. As we know, poet Kabir das once said that if he had to fall at the feet of either of God or his Guru, and both were at his doorstep the same instant, he would choose his Guru. Why? Because the Guru is the one who taught him about God in the first place!

We can only perform our karma, our actions. Over 99.99% of what’s happening around us is not in our control. Who’s taking care of those, if not the divine?

In essence, embracing this belief is not about surrendering responsibility but recognizing a greater cosmic harmony. Our actions, infused with sincerity and purpose, become part of a grander scheme, orchestrated by the divine. The Guru, as a guide, reveals this interconnectedness, teaching us to see beyond the immediate. To trust in a larger plan.

So, while we navigate life’s complexities, we do so with a heart full of faith, understanding that, in the grand tapestry of existence, every thread is held and woven by a force much greater than ourselves. In this realization, we find not just solace, but a profound sense of being part of something infinitely vast, yet intimately connected to our every step. That’s the G-force.

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Historical anxiety

We think we are struggling with stress and anxiety today, despite seemingly having the best of the best that technology can offer.

Was this always the case?

Our existence is a tapestry rich with ancestral threads, spanning not just the last 400 years but reaching far deeper into the annals of human civilization.

Within just say the last 400 years alone, our lineage would include an astonishing 4,094 ancestors over 12 generations.

It begins with a vast network of 2,048 ninth great-grandparents and intricately narrows down through the generations, converging at our 2 parents. However, this is just a glimpse of our heritage, as human history extends much further back.

Every generation, from those 400 years ago to the dawn of civilization, faced its own set of trials, triumphs, and life stories.

These countless generations, their struggles, joys, and hopes, have interwoven to create our present.

So what are we anxious about really?

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Happyness funnyness

Here’s some timepass happiness jokes I came across…

Why don’t we ever give happiness a remote control? Because it’s always found within, and you can’t lose it between the couch cushions!

Why did the smartphone go to therapy? Because it thought happiness was an app, but then realized it’s always in ‘plane’ mode within us!

Why don’t emotions use GPS? Because happiness is not an external destination, but an internal journey!

Why did happiness refuse to play cards? Because it’s not about the hand you’re dealt, but how you feel inside!

Why don’t fish worry about being happy? Because they know the best joy is found in the current moment, not upstream or downstream!

Some were not that funny? Don’t worry, be happy!

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Mind it

What does the mind do?

We think that the mind thinks. But what is this thinking about?

Mostly the mind thinks about the past. Or else about the future.

If something has gone right, then the mind tries to find some flaw or fault in it.

If something has gone wrong, then the mind tries to extrapolate that into Armageddon.

The mind struggles to remain in the now, in the present.

Interestingly, all our scriptures say that the here and the now is where the mind should be. That is what leads to spiritual evolution. In the now, the mind doesn’t even have to think. It simply needs to witness.

Mind it, it’s easier said than done.

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12th fail…

…is the name of an exceptional movie that is now streaming on Disney Hotstar in India.

No spoilers, but it’s about the difficulties involved in cracking India’s toughest exam, the UPSC, and how it gets even tougher for those born not with a silver or golden spoon, but perhaps no spoon or plate at all.

It’s an incredible movie that everyone should watch. The level of motivation a viewer will get is just indescribable.

And you know the best part? The movie is entirely based on facts. Yes, a true story.

Learning about such stories only makes me think one thing. That if I’m not giving every ounce of my energy to do my best at whatever I’m doing, then I’m not just wasting my time, but also indirectly denying opportunities to hundreds or thousands or millions who could have done infinitely better should they have been in my position right now. And this is perhaps applicable to each one of us.

Here’s the link to the movie, if you’d like to know more!

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Froggy vision

In the vast expanse of what we believe we understand, there lies an unseen realm. Take the frog, for instance. Its eye, a marvel of nature, deciphers only essential cues for survival. It can spot stark contrasts, sudden light shifts, moving outlines, and dark shapes. But it cannot admire beauty like a sunset or recognize faces.

Our human eyes, intricate as they are, fall short too. We boast of comprehending everything until we ponder about bees detecting ultraviolet patterns on flowers or how owls navigate the dark. Each species possesses a tailored perception system vital for its existence. Dogs catch sounds we can’t, insects pick up scents from miles away and more.

Vedic spirituality echoes this idea—there’s a depth beyond our grasp. It humbles us, reminding us that our intellectual understanding has its limits. Just as the frog’s vision serves its survival, our perception, albeit broader, is still confined. The universe holds mysteries far beyond our discernment, urging us to embrace the boundless unknown.

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Old is sold

So a 1952 Ferrari 250 GTO sold for a staggering 51 million dollars a few weeks ago in New York.

Absolutely incredible.

I would have thought that cars are to go from point a to point b. And the latest cars have extraordinary gadgets in them, almost making them more computers than cars.

But a 70-something year old car going for 30x more than a brand new one? Bonkers indeed!

But someone still sees value in them. Why? I do not know. Maybe it’ll be part of some billionaire’s rare collection. Or else it’ll get sold for even higher some 30 years down the line, when the antique becomes antiqu-er!

But if old is sold, then old is also gold, which is what our scriptures are. If 70-year old things have this much value, imagine what value books that date back to 7000 years have! Truly the secrets to life. If only one (i.e., me) would read them, imbibe them and practise them…

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Pomo juice

There was an incredible item in the newspapers about a couple of decades ago. It read “RR creates petrol from pomegranate juice!”

RR was the initials of the chap, a supposed scientist, that achieved this incredible feat. Fuel from juice. Wow, talk about renewable energy, and that too some twenty years ago!

Well you know what say. If it’s too good to be true…

So a few weeks later, an errata was issued, which read, “RR creates petrol from pomegranate juice and petrol!”


While this is funny no doubt, from a spiritual point of view, we are all RRs only.

Whatever we think we are creating, we are simply using what already ever existed aka God. No different from “RR creates creation from creation”!

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Simplified answer

In many schools of spirituality, there are discussions about mantras and lineages.

It is said that a mantra must be given by a Guru to specific disciple in a specific manner. Absolutely true I’m sure.

It is also said to vary from Guru to Guru, from lineage to lineage.

And the ways of chanting each mantra and the various things to focus on, and of course accompanying visuals and dreams and what not.

My Guru is very clear. “Let the lineage be anything, what will you do with it?”

“Have you given up your desires and attachments?”

It’s that simple, without which he says nothing else matters.

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Anchoring bias

Came across a lovely story today.

A guy goes for an interview. There are 3 interviewers on the panel.

The first interviewer tells the candidate that he’s in the middle of the ocean on a boat and that there’s a crazy storm outside. The boat could capsize. What would he do?

Our man answers, “I’ll throw in a large anchor and steady the ship sir”.

The second and third interviewers ask similar questions, each time simply increasing the intensity of the storm. Our hero consequently simply increases the size of his anchors!

The panel ask him, “Buddy, all that’s fine, but where are you going to get such large anchors from, on such a small boat and that too in the middle of the ocean?”

The reply is swift. “I get the big anchors from the same place you get your big storms. Where you source fear, I source hope!”

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Teammateship – part 4 of 4

We finish the insightful podcast journey with Shane Battier by exploring a surprising concept: embracing chaos.

Shane argues that injecting a controlled dose of chaos into a team or system can be a powerful tool for innovation and growth. By introducing new players with diverse perspectives and experiences, we can disrupt the status quo and spark creativity.

Think about it like adding a new ingredient to a recipe. It might shake things up a bit, but it can also lead to a delicious new dish. The same goes for teams and systems. By welcoming controlled chaos, we can break through old patterns and discover new ways of thinking about and doing things.

Of course, it’s important to find the right balance. Too much chaos can be destructive, but too little can stifle progress. The key is to be open to change and embrace new ideas, even if they seem unorthodox.

So, next time we’re feeling stuck in a rut, remember Shane’s words. Embrace the chaos, shake things up, and see where it takes us. We might be surprised by what we discover!

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Teammateship – part 3 of 4

As Shane explains during his conversation with Simon, achieving anything truly remarkable requires a deep desire and unrelenting pursuit of success. He shares his experience with the Spurs, where their hunger to win ultimately surpassed that of their opponents, leading them to several championships.

But Shane also warns that this hunger can fade after victory. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a constant drive for improvement and a relentless desire to win more. He credits the Spurs’ continued success to their unwavering focus on getting better, even after reaching the top.

So, it’s not enough to just have the talent or the skills. We need that fire in our bellies, that burning desire to push ourselves and achieve something extraordinary.

Concluding post tomorrow, on how embracing controlled chaos can lead to unexpected breakthroughs!

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Teammateship – part 2 of 4

Back again today with another insightful tip from Shane Battier. This time, he’s sharing the key to staying focused and achieving peak performance, aka, the power of the “next play.”

We’ve all been there, right? Dwelling on past mistakes or getting too caught up in celebrating successes. But Shane says the key to staying on top of your game is to focus on the next play.

Think about it like this: every moment is a new opportunity to start afresh and give our best effort. Shane days, “Don’t let the past hold us back or let the future distract us. Just be present, focus on the task at hand, and give it our all.”

Shane even says this applies beyond sports, to everything in life. Whether you’re working on a project, studying for an exam, or just facing a personal challenge, it’s all about the power of the next play. It’s about taking things one step at a time and giving our best in each moment.

Tomorrow we explore the fuel that drives success: a burning hunger for greatness.

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Teammateship – part 1 of 4

Did you catch that awesome podcast with Simon Sinek and NBA champ Shane Battier? Never heard of Shane? Ya me too. But that’s the point! You know who all he played with? All the famous guys – LeBron, Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan etc. And yet hardly anyone’s heard of him.

He might not have been the top scorer, but guess what? He was always on teams that won the championship. And according to Shane, the secret sauce isn’t just about having a superstar leader. He believes that “teammateship” might be even more important.

Let’s think about it. Championship teams are more than just a collection of talented individuals. They’re a well-oiled machine where everyone trusts each other, helps each other out, and pushes each other to be better. They’re all working towards the same goal with a deep commitment to the team.

Shane used the San Antonio Spurs as a great example. They were known for taking players who weren’t quite there yet and turning them into valuable contributors. They created a culture where everyone felt valued and empowered, and guess what? They won a lot of championships!

So, the next time we’re working towards a goal, we can remember Shane’s words. It’s not all about having the best leader. It’s about building a strong team and supporting each other every step of the way.

Tomorrow: we’ll unlock Shane’s secret to staying focused and achieving peak performance!

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Aspirational heights

In ancient lore, mountains were realms of the divine, unreachable and mystical. Today, they stand as majestic challenges, echoing George Mallory’s sentiment on Everest: a mountain is to be climbed simply because it exists!

Our lives are dotted with such peaks, personal Everests that beckon us. They are not just physical heights but symbols of our highest aspirations and achievements. Victorian poet Robert Browning once mused that our reach should exceed our grasp, a reminder that true fulfillment lies in striving for the seemingly unattainable.

Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay’s triumph over Everest serves as a metaphor for overcoming life’s steepest challenges. It teaches us resilience, urging us to persist despite setbacks. For every mountain we face, whether in the physical or metaphorical sense, is a reflection of our potential to ascend beyond our limits, turning daunting challenges into triumphs of the human spirit.

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You’d be best served if you practice gratitude. That’s what every spiritual guru says. It’s also what our shastras / scriptures teach us.

The idea is simple. To identify basic things from our lives and be thankful for them. Got food on the table for all the 3 meals of the day? We’re already better off than maybe half the planet. Wow, what a start!

The moment we begin to look at the world this way, finding the positives in everything, the chances of our material success multiplies manifold. Why? Because negativity and self-doubt get booted out the door, one thought at a time, as we are thankful about more and more things going our way.

Life is all about how everything that happens is part of a long story of lessons. We may just need to appreciate the flow and learn from them teachings. This then automatically converts from material success to spiritual success. Because once we are grateful for everything, then we want nothing more, and eternal peace follows.

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Non-violent violence

The sanskrit word ahimsa is a misunderstood one.

It is commonly defined as non-violence, and the treatment suggested is to show the right cheek when the left one has just been smacked.

Does this make sense in today’s world of wars and mobs and rapes and riots?

Absolutely not.

Ahimsa doesn’t mean complete non-violence. Instead, it aims to minimize collective harm and maximize collective harmony.

In many contexts, ahimsa will require engaging in war in order to establish and protect or restore collective harmony.

Why else did Lord Krishna ask Arjuna to fight?

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4 letter word

One of the Presidential candidates in the US recently put out his daily schedule video.

It was insane.

He did some 7-8 townhalls in a single day, across multiple regions – starting way before sunrise and going non-stop (travel, speeches, Q&As, meets-n-greets etc.) all the way till well past midnight.

Only for it to all begin again the very next day.

He summarized it beautifully.

“LUCK is a 4-letter word that is spelt as W-O-R-K”

So powerful isn’t it? Time for me to get back to work now!

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Easy come easy go

Here’s a story about “no free lunches” that I really love.

A wandering saint and his disciple stumbled upon a town where everything, from diamonds to daggers, cost a mere penny. The disciple, lured by the easy life, refused to leave. The saint, knowing that true happiness wouldn’t bloom amidst such absurdity, continued on his journey alone.

The disciple reveled in his newfound fortune, oblivious of the looming storm. One day, a man injured by a falling brick wall sought justice. The king of the land, in a ludicrous series of senseless accusations, blamed a girl for singing distractingly, leading to the wall’s collapse.

As the noose was slack around the girl’s slender neck, the king, unable to hang her, demanded someone whose neck fit the noose. The once-thin disciple, now plump from his easy life, was thrust forward by the king’s guards.

In that moment, the saint reappeared and convinced the king, blinded by his foolishness, to hang himself instead, promising him a glorious rebirth. The disciple, finally understanding his folly, thanked the saint as they left the town, and lived forever changed.

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Kety Perry

If you had a net worth of a million dollars, would you be happy? Depends on your position and privilege of course. But statistics from 2022 show that just 0.7% of the entire ~8 billion population in the world are millionaires. That’s it. So there’s 99.3% of 7.94 billion people who would be incredibly ecstatic if they got a million dollars.

Matthew Perry, was an outstanding actor, known for his role as Chandler Bing in the hit sitcom Friends. Personally, I loved Friends, and loved the Chandler character. Matthew Perry brought incredible wit to the character.

He passed a few weeks ago. Apparently from overdosing on ketamine, which is used to treat addictions and mental health problems. Surely he was a wonderful human being. He was also a millionaire, or a hundred-millionaire, with a net worth of over $120 million.

If there’s one takeaway, then it is that money and fame and success are not guarantees of happiness. Maybe flipping this around might help. True happiness could guarantee some or all of these things. Who knows?

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Latent tendencies

There’s a concept called vasanas in Indian spirituality, or latent tendencies. It refers to deep-rooted karmic imprints that tend to dictate our lives. Assuming one believes in reincarnation, then the soul or consciousness or Atman or Brahman pervades everything. But the mind goes from body to body, from one life to another.

Which is why maybe someone who died of drowning many lifetimes ago is still instinctively scared of drowning, even if they’ve never really been in the water much.

In a video I was watching where the speaker was a very accomplished tantric upasaka, he spoke of various practices and rituals he performs. He also spoke of the various deities he has personally experienced.

All in all, a very spiritual person, clearly on a very advanced plane. Pun intended, because while all his sadhanas have made him absolutely fearless in facing demons and what not, he still sheepishly confessed that he is very scared of traveling by plane!

That’s vasanas at play, and it doesn’t leave even those who are far ahead on the spiritual journey!

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Back to the suture

What is our life, but a tapestry of experiences, all stitched together by time?

Most people would give an arm and a leg (many sutures notwithstanding) to go back in time and relive their childhood.

But not everyone. There are some that would happily live in the today. But is that because they are mindful and spiritual? Or it is because they hate their childhood and are far better off today?

Then there are some that constantly live in the times to come. Neither happy with their childhood, nor happy with the way things are unfolding today. Ever writing in their minds, a chapter that has yet to be written.

As Vedanta teaches us, eveything around us is maya only. Yes we see life as a tapestry of experiences, but in reality, these are a string of lifetimes, of which we remember only a tiny part.

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Within life’s intricate dance, Dada J P Vaswani crafts a transformative roadmap to conquer stress, encapsulated in a powerful acronym:

  • S: Smile
  • T: Tolerance
  • R: Relax
  • E: Easy
  • S: Service
  • S: Silence

Each element unfolds as a key to serenity and spiritual growth. Cultivate a perpetual smile, foster tolerance, embrace relaxation, adopt an easy-going stance, engage in selfless service, and practice silence for divine connection.

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Parking problem

With a small car in an insanely congested city, I thought car owners face a daily nightmare. Not just while driving, but perhaps worse, while parking.

I thought money would solve the problem, because with a lot of money, you buy some parking space, and poof, problem gone.

But apparently with more money, people buy more cars and bigger cars, and that only makes the parking problem worse.

But I read an article yesterday on Mr. Bezos’ mega-yacht, which apparently also suffers from the same parking problem! One of the richest men in the world has a parking problem?!

His yacht costs a cool 500 million dollars, is 400 feet long, and effectively cannot be parked with other yachts. Why? Because it’s too big! They had to dismantle a bridge to let it pass and that was met with fierce opposition that the yacht is now parked with larger ships out in the deeper sea.

Does money truly solve all problems? Or bring up new ones that one could have never even imagined!?

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Heavenly pitch

Every time I watch some cricket, I can’t help but feel the pull towards being more devoted to God.

What’s the connection, you might ask?

Well whenever a batsman scores a 100 runs, or if a bowler takes an important wicket, they implicitly look up to the heavens, thanking the Gods up there for their mercy.

This might seem like a simple gesture. It might even seem reflexive, almost part of a ritual ever since the first times the players of today saw their own idols doing the same on the pitch many decades prior to them.

But the thought of dedicating a small victory to the Infinite Divine is still outstanding.

I wonder about myself then. If and when a small victory does come my way in my own line of work, do I quickly look up in gratitude? Or do I first pat myself on the back for a job well done?

Mostly the latter I think, hopefully someday it’ll be the former.

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Pricing power

Imagine you could buy a dress for 100$. Do you think it’s worth it? It might be. Depends on so many factors – quality of the material, the brand on the tag, the end-use, like for a wedding or for a party, or just for home use?

Prices tell us a lot. But is there a price tag for after buying the item?

There is, but it is usually invisible. Like the cost of maintaining the item. A little lesser for a dress, a little more for a car, and perhaps substantially more for a home!

So there’s one price tag we see, and one we don’t.

It’s no different when we look at those around us who seem to have what we so desperately want. Their success, their wealth, their happiness, their fame. We sometimes don’t even see any price tags. As though we should have their success by default.

But even if we do see their visible price tags, what about the invisible ones? All the anxiety and jealousy and constant looking-over-the-shoulder that such success brings?

There’s an invisible price tag for sure. We just need to be cognizant of it!

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Time machinations

In the lovely Netflix series called Better Call Saul which is a prequel to the super hit Breaking Bad, there’s a tense yet funny moment.

Saul asks a bunch of people what they’d do if they could build a time machine and go into the past. What would they change?

Everyone thinks up some moment and goes on to say that they would go back in time and do this or change that.

When Saul poses the same question to a scientist known as Walter White (fans know he’s no ordinary scientist!), the response is incredible!

Walter first reprimands Saul for asking about scienfitic impossibilities. “Time machine? Of course there’s no way such a thing can ever exist.”

He then proceeds to tell Saul what he’s actually looking for. That he simply wants to recount times where he regretted what he did in the past. And that he just wants to get his regret off his chest. So what he’s searching for is not a time machine, but a regret machine.

Regrettably true, isn’t it?

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Happy crappy

Do we feel happy most of the time? Or crappy? Perhaps the latter, isn’t it?

Maybe it’s because we are constantly focused on the past. Thinking of things we could have done differently, aiming to jettison all regrets.

Or maybe it’s because we are constantly focused on the future. Thinking of the infinite permutations and combinations of a life that is yet to unfold. Can we control all of it? Most of it? Any of it?

We can instead give the highest priority to God right now, and become more and more aware of His presence in our lives. This will prove to us by self-experience that we are an integral part of a divine plan. We don’t need to demand for anything then, because by surrendering to the Lord, everything is automatically being take care of.

Instead of a fast mind and slow actions, these will invert, and peace will follow.

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Bridge of wisdom

Once, a massive elephant traversed a rickety bridge over a roaring river. Amidst the creaks of the old bridge, a small ant perched on the elephant’s trunk claimed that their combined weight almost shattered the bridge. Unfazed by the ant’s misconception, the elephant chose peace over proving a point, and simply agreed that yes the ant’s contribution to the total weight on the bridge was indeed massive.

The elephant’s tranquil response echoed a timeless wisdom: the futility of ego-driven conflicts. Yet, blindly mirroring the elephant’s response might not fit every scenario. Life demands a nuanced approach, where humility intertwines with assertiveness.

Striving for inner calm amidst ego clashes remains pivotal. However, discernment plays a role, determining when to stand firm and when to maintain serenity.

The tale of the elephant and the ant on the bridge whispers a lesson beyond ego battles—a subtle reminder to balance peace with assertiveness in the symphony of life.

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Full body glory

Had gone for my full body annual check-up this week.

They took a fair amount of blood to run various tests.

It’s astonishing how the body survives without that kuch blood. But it’s equally astonishing how so much blood manages to stay within the body, unless poked and collected like red wine in a glass!

Various instruments to test various things, but all only to see if things are running as they should be. No clue of why or how they came to exist in such a state. Who created this wonder?

Oh and the 2D Echo scan to check the heart. The doctor switched on his speakers to listen to my beating heart. Wow what a sound it was. Thumping away at breakneck-yet-measured speed and ensuring that the rest of the body has every drop of it blood it needs. Not just today, but incessantly since the day of our births.

And this maniacal rush of activity can’t be heard by anyone. Not by you. Not by your friends and family. Not even by your own ears. Glory to the Creator for this full body Creation!

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Tech transfer

Tech is awesome, but it can detrimental as well. We know this intuitively already, because we each experience the good and bad sides of tech on a daily basis.

One of the bad things that people speak of is addiction to TV series and the associated binge watching (guilty even without being charged!).

But incredibly, there are some outstanding devotional TV channels and programs as well. Just ask the older generation. It’s a life savior for those who are spiritually inclined.

What’s amazing is how tech is actually helping. Some of my family members were discussing how they’ve never had the chance to be at some spiritual sites during specific times. Like on a mountain top where just a handful of people are allowed to witness a particular ritual. And now? There are drones capturing the same thing live and beaming it to every home and mind that is open to it. Are we?

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Victoriously defeated

We often look at all things in dualities.

If we haven’t won something, then we’ve lost it.

If we haven’t succeeded at something, then we’ve failed.

But are we sure of this?

Many things in spirituality are inverted. If we win something, what really wins and gets boosted? Only our egos!

And everyone knows what happens to a big ego.

Lord Rama was neither happy when he was told he will be the next King of Ayodhya, nor was he sad when he was asked to go to the forest in exile.

True victory is the victory of the self over one’s mind and senses, no matter the external circumstance. Everything else is defeat only!

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Came across a live anecdote yesterday.

There’s some 50 odd octogenarians in a particular place.

They’ve all been there for ages. All living comfortably. Their kids are working in various cities, within the country or abroad, all well settled. Heck, even their grand kids are well settled!

No reason for these folks to be unhappy at all. A life well lived, if there was such a thing.

But old isn’t always gold. Said grandpas and grandmas are in the hunt for nothing less, than gold, in the form of real estate.

There’s some plots of land that these 80 year olds collectively own, and which are now set of go for re-development. Not everyone gets the same value though, for various reasons, and the same happy bunch has now been plunged into anxiety and anger and jealousy. All over some property that will add no real value to these people. When will humanity learn?

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Mischief maker

Some YouTube videos are just incredibly cute.

Especially the ones where there are guilty dogs. Who’ll chew up the whole sofa, and then go and hide. Or even point at some other innocent dog, as though they had no part in the mischief whatsoever!

This sleight of hand (or paw) by the guilty dogs is no different than what we do perhaps.

Who’s the real mischief maker? The other guy of course. Or the other entity. Or the other situation. Or to generalize, it’s the world at large.

Asked again, who’s the real mischief maker?

It’s always our own minds.

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Hunger pangs

In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Lord Rama encounters Kabandha, a demon cursed with insatiable hunger. In fact he has no head, and a mouth directly in his stomach. Kabandha symbolizes the relentless greed seen in many professionals today. Despite consuming everything, the hunger persists, mirroring a desire for endless accumulation. Similarly, some so-called leaders prioritize personal gain, exploiting workers and the environment without ethical considerations.

Contrastingly, Lord Rama embodies selflessness, compassion, and humility. His focus is on service, not amassing wealth or power. Everyone can learn from Rama’s values—prioritizing others, embracing honesty, transparency, and environmental responsibility. Contentment, rather than ceaseless ambition for personal gain, should guide them.

Emulating Lord Rama, one can break the Kabandha-like cycle, fostering a more just and sustainable world.

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Mousika vaahana

Here’s an unbelievable story.

I was out for an errand.

As I was walking back, I saw a dog just in front of me. I was thinking about how I’d heard on a recent podcast that those who pray to Bhairav baba often find themselves in the vicinity (and affinity) of dogs.

But this dog? Nope, he couldn’t care less about me, and it’s not like I’ve been praying devotedly to Bhairav ji either.

But my mind quickly wandered to my Ishta Devata, Shri Siddhivinayaka as guided by my Guru to many satsangis. This elephant-headed deity’s vaahana is mooshika, or the mouse. I wondered to myself, “damn, having dogs around me would be cool, but having mice around me? Scary! Unless them mice would be friendly or something.”

Almost momentarily, a fat little rat bounced along the center of the road, crossing, then going back, and trying to cross again, then zig-zagging. A car came by really quickly, but the driver thankfully saw the rat and he slowed down. Not enough to stop however, and he zoomed off. Only I could see how close a shave it was for the rat. The lucky escapee quickly crossed and went off to the other side.

Incredible. And all coincidence only of course. Isn’t it?

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Where do you go, my lovely?

There’s a song from my childhood called “where do you go, my lovely”. My childhood not because it was from my era, but my father used to hum that tune when it would come on the radio.

While watching some videos on ancient Indian temples today on youtube, this song came to mind.

Whats the connection? Perhaps nothing much.

But I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed looking at the insane number of devotees thronging these temples. It’s no different when I’m at a temple myself. There’s always hordes of people often in various groups, all dressed in similar clothes. One glance will tell us they are rich. Not at all rich by money, but very rich by devotion.

They will often travel ridiculous distances by foot, simply to catch a nanosecond glimpse of their favorite deity. What incredible faith they have. And so many of them!

Where do they come from? What do they come for? Where do they go, my lovely?

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Devi calling devi – part 2 of 2

We were lucky that the 2-mins-away Devi temple was open when we reached. We parked and climbed up the 200-or-so stairs leading to the shrine.

One lady in our group was the one who was really keen on visiting this temple. Actually she was drawn to the other devi temple that I’d mentioned yesterday. But that one was way off-route, and we just couldn’t travel that far. This seemed like some sort of consolation prize.

As we reached the top flight of stairs, there was a notice-board explaining the history of the temple. The Devi idol was a swayambhu, ie, it manifested itself rather than be created by any human. A great king living in the area many hundreds of years ago used to travel to the other far-away Devi temple in his youth. But as age got to him, he was unable to travel. The Devi appeared in his dream, and told him about this 2-min-away temple and that he can pray here instead.

Needless to say, the lady in our group was absolutely ecstatic, what with her unable to travel far enough either, only to come across this very similar story of the king. A case of Devi calling devi.

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Devi calling devi – part 1 of 2

A lot of spirituality happens only when we truly open our eyes and minds and look. Here’s a recent incident to someone I know and was on a trip with. The incident could be passed off as coincidence. Or maybe not.

We were considering going to a specific Devi temple on a trip, but couldn’t, because it was quite far off from our route.

While a bit disappointed, we did continue the rest of our journey. Enroute a few days later, someone who didn’t know about our plans to see a Devi temple pointed out that our route had another devi temple and that we could go there.

It so happened that this new Devi temple was exactly 2 minutes away from another place we were supposed to visit!

And so we quickly made our way there, thanking the Devi mentally for arranging this unexpected darshan.

Continued tomorrow!

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Will free

Does free will exist? Yes of course it does. That’s why you get to choose whether to drink tea or coffee while reading this post. Or maybe you choose not to drink either.

One might say though that hey, tea or coffee isn’t significant enough for a heavy topic like free will. Yes, unless coffee messes up one’s system and leads to a few missed days at work?

Anyway, that’s all conjecture.

More importantly, although Lord Krishna himself hints in various places about free will (such as “Arjuna get up and fight!”), does it really truly exist?

Perhaps it does. But we are also victims of our own pasts, and by extension, victims of ourselves. Everything lies squarely on us. If we’ve built up many lives of conditioning towards certain responses, experiences and situations, then can we really use our free will to change? Will we?

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Computer literacy

Here’s a very commonly used but absolutely spot-on analogy between computers and spirituality.

A Computer / laptop is like the physical body.

A USB drive is like the mind.

Electricity is like the soul.

Between lives, the mind moves from one body to another, taking with its past experiences and emotions.

No different from a USB being plugged in from one laptop to another.

And electricity is always present to power any laptop or computer with any usb drive.

Just like the eternal soul aka atman aka Brahman is omnipresent, constantly powering, animating and enlivening everything.

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Penny pinchers

Came across one social media post today by some influencer.

The person apparently stopped at a tire shop after one tire went flat.

This shop was in a very rural area, and the old man who was apparently very poor soon helped fix the tire, and asked for some 20 rupees (25 cents).

Our influencer said he didn’t have change, and handed over a 500 rupee ($6) note, to which the old man asked him to come by next time and pay him, whenever that would be, if at all.

Mr. Influencer is touched, and goes hunting for change, and comes back with 20 rupees and is delighted enough to not just pay the man some pennies, but also write a long post about it, which is further liked and shared by thousands.

Surely said influencer made a decent amount just from the views of his one post. But he still couldn’t part with his 500 rupees to help that poor old man. Reality is quite divorced from reality these days!

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Locational devotional

Was listening to a tantric expert on a podcast recently. Many of the things he said were mesmerising. And he knew it.

Like what? Like him sitting in a cremation ground and doing his sadhana (spiritual practices and rituals). Or him entering other dimensions and interacting with ethereal beings. And so on.

Fascinating for sure.

But he also made one thing very clear.

That the location is not important, at least not at first. He said that many people get carried away (or carried towards!) simply by hearing about things like cremation ground sadhana. But he repeated twice. If one cannot do their sadhana with devotion in their own puja rooms at home, then there is no chance of achieving anything anywhere else.

Charity, and seemingly spirituality, begin at home!

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Munger Hunger

How tenacious can humans be? How much will power do they have? How likely are they to stand back up when life has pushed them to the ground and glued them there? How hungry can one be, to not just survive, but also thrive?

The world lost investing guru Charlie Munger today, who died peacefully in his sleep at the graceful age of 99. While people would know him as a billionaire and a great investor who worked closely with Warren Buffet, not everyone knows about his tough early life.

At 29, Charlie was divorced from his wife of 8 years. The lady took everything, including his family home. He was almost plunged into poverty. Apparently he had a dirty old car he’d drive around. His daughter Molly Munger once asked him, “Daddy, this car is just awful, a mess. Why do you drive it?” The broke Munger replied: “To discourage gold diggers.”

Post the divorce, Charlie learned his 9 years old son had leukemia, and eventually lost him to it. He didn’t even have the money to pay for his treatment.

Later in life, a botched operation left him blind in one eye, and in so much pain he had to have the eye removed.

But despite all this, Charlie by age 69 became one of the richest people in the world, was married to his second wife for over 30 years, had 8 kids, many grandkids and was respected across borders by one and all.

Tenacity at its best!

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Most parents of young kids today discuss only one thing when they meet up – about the schools that their kids attend.

Whether it is this curriculum or that, whether it has 2 playgrounds or 3, whether it has an Olympic sized swimming pool or not, whether the music room has western instruments or only eastern, whether the labs are equipped with the latest equipment or aren’t. And of course no discussion would be complete without talking about the ridiculously high school fees required to support such lavishness.

While all this education is phenomenal in imparting an ability to create wealth, is it enough to provide lasting happiness? Is there any guidance towards achieving man’s true objective here in human form?

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Unfamous 5

The famous 5 of Enid Blyton fame, are, well, famous! But there’s another 5 that aren’t. Not people, but qualities. And funnily enough, these 5 are accessible within each one of us!

Thích Nhất Hạnh, the Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, emphasized five strengths for cultivating and harnessing inner powers in dharma practice:

  • Faith
  • Diligence
  • Mindfulness
  • Concentration
  • Insight

These strengths are inherent in us but may remain unrecognized until consciously cultivated. They serve to empower and enrich our spiritual journey.

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Paws and praise

For anyone who has a dog at home, homecoming transforms into a celebration. The doorbell unleashes fervent barks.

Before you know it, a blur of fur—your dog—outpaces any human, offering a welcome fit for royalty, conveyed in wags and jumps.

This daily ritual, far from ordinary, is an unwavering expression of pure joy.

Your four-legged companion’s greeting erases fatigue, replacing it with a heartwarming spectacle of affection.

Their boundless enthusiasm is a masterclass in mindfulness, reminding us to cherish the present moment with unguarded delight.

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Life is a journey meant for more than mere indulgence in pleasures. While savoring life’s joys is essential, it’s not the sole purpose. What sets humans apart is the gift of intellect, the ability to comprehend and ponder. This faculty leads us to seek the truth beneath surface perceptions.

In Sanskrit, the distinction between humans and animals is strikingly clear. ‘Pašu’, the word for animal, implies one who merely ‘sees’, perceiving things at face value, without delving deeper for truth. For them, utility lies in edibility or survival value.

Likewise, the English term ‘man’ finds its roots in Sanskrit’s ‘manusya’, denoting a human being. Derived from ‘mann’, meaning ‘to think’, it emphasizes that a human’s role transcends mere physical observation; it demands contemplation of the deeper truth. Thus, the essence of human existence lies in the pursuit of Truth, beyond mere enjoyment.

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Educated ignoramuses

This is the term my Guru uses to label all pseudo-intellectuals.

What is the meaning of this?

There are so many people who are far more conventionally educated than most Gurus.

Some of the most advanced Gurus may not have ever even gone to school or had a formal education.

So what does education mean? Is it just fancy MBAs or PhDs?

For pseudo-intellectuals, yes it might be!

But what is true education then? That depends on what we want to, nay, should learn. What should we learn then?

About our purpose on this earth. About our human birth, and what we are expected to do with it. About how to live up to our true potential.

Is this what formal education teaches us?

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Ruin booin

Everyone wants money. How much? More than too much. Having money is easy? Here’s a perspective:

The great investor Charlie Munger was once asked by one of his rich friends if leaving his kids a bunch of money would ruin their drive and ambition.

“Of course it will,” Charlie said. “But you still have to do it.”

“Why?” the friend asked.

“Because if you don’t give them the money they’ll hate you,” Charlie said.

Isn’t he just so much on point?

Imagine this. You have all the money possible. And then your kids either lose ambition or hate you. A smart cookie might say the best combo would be to have a lot of money and no kids. But everyone who has kids say that it’s the best feeling ever. And they’d gladly exchange their money to keep their kids. So want more money, honey?

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F for fear F for faith

We each fear death the most. If that fear goes, then every other fear can be managed.

How can we not fear death? Well everyone must go one day, but the antidote to the fear of death is the faith in God.


Because we are implicitly playing God, when we fear death. Wondering when that death will come and how. That’s why we are constantly worried about whether we will live or not. Isn’t that playing God? What if we would surrender that duty to God by having full faith in Him?

Ironically, we do have faith even if we think we don’t. Because we go to bed each night with the faith that we will wake up the next morning.

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Re Inc.

Would you want to live your whole life again, from scratch, including all the bad parts?

What if that life would be only the bad parts!?

Imagine going through grades 1 to 12 of school, all over again. Damn, I don’t even know how I managed to clear them once!

And then college and university.

And then all the bad interactions with so many people and all the other traumatic experiences.

It of course could have been a lot worse. But it’s not.

So ideally one should use this opportunity to improve our position, and work towards never having to come back, and re-do all this. The choice is ours. But most choose to stay permanent employees of Re Inc(arnated)!

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The idea of a thing vs the thing itself

It’s easy to mistake the mental image of an object or experience for the real thing. For instance, the idea of money is often associated with success and security. However, money itself is just paper or numbers in a bank account. The value we attribute to it comes from societal constructs. Similarly, happiness is frequently visualized as a life filled with laughter, vacations, and luxuries. Yet, true happiness is an internal state of contentment that can exist even in simplicity.

This distinction is important because when we chase the idea of something, we may miss out on the genuine essence of that thing. A person might accumulate wealth but still feel insecure, or chase moments of joy but never find lasting happiness. The map is not the territory; understanding this difference can lead us to more authentic and fulfilling experiences.

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Right turn

In the Ramayan, post-war, Hanuman rushes to inform Sita of their victory. Arriving, he’s tempted to avenge the rakshasis for tormenting Sita, but she halts him, narrating a stirring tale instead.

A man, fleeing a tiger, scales a tree, disturbing a resting bear. The tiger urges the bear to push the man down for a meal, but the bear, valuing hospitality, refuses. When the tiger coaxes the man to shove the bear, he tries but fails. The bear, resilient in righteousness, denies the tiger’s renewed plea to harm the man, imparting a timeless lesson: no evil should deter the righteous from their virtuous path.

Righteousness, demanding yet dignifying, holds an immortal essence celebrated across cultures and festivals.

Righteousness is not the easy choice, but it’s the revered one, crafting legacies of honor echoing through ages.

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I’m really not making this up. Imagine adults coloring intricate books, building forts with blankets, or having themed dress-up parties. It’s adults immersing themselves in children’s activities, seeking a slice of nostalgia and pure joy.

Real-world stores now cater to this, offering adult-sized ball pits, wall doodling sessions, and even crafting workshops reminiscent of our school days.

But here’s a thought: why did we ever distance ourselves from such simple pleasures?

Life’s demands shouldn’t push the child within us into obscurity.

Embracing a childlike demeanor – filled with wonder, non-judgment, and forgiveness – is not about immaturity, but about cherishing life’s moments.

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Deathly wish

The Gita in the 8th chapter says (Antakaaleti…) that whatever one thinks of at the time of death is what they will attain in their next birth.

Is this a loophole? Can one live a life callous about values and morals, and yet achieve salvation simply by thinking of the Lord at the last moment?

“Not so fast buddy”, is what Krishna seems to suggest.

Firstly, a life devoid of spirituality is highly unlikely to result in remembrance of the Lord at the time of death.

Secondly, in chapter 14, verse 14, Krishna makes it amply clear that it is the dominant guna that makes its appearance at death. This is not difficult to understand either. If the life lived has had only tamasik and rajasic gunas, then how can one expect sattva guna to dominate only at the time of death?

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You know all these NatGeo and Discovery ocean documentaries? They show some outstanding footage of what happens in the depths of the deep blue.

But I realized one thing. Even though many creatures hunt for a living, they don’t necessarily have a high success rate. A shark might try to capture its prey many times, but it too fails often.

So a quote I came across today (for humans, not sharks!) was on point:

“Self-reflection is how one loses their edge. A shark keeps swimming.”

It probably makes sense to introspect once in a while. But only introspecting and never taking action? Not a good idea.

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Gunateetha…is what? – part 2 of 2

We say yesterday how when one is free of the body-mind complex, one becomes a gunateetha. But how does one practically achieve this?

Krishna answers in the 14th Chapter of the Gita: “Through single-pointed, unswerving devotion!”

A doubt might arise. “But we see so many devotees around us, thronging temples and prayer halls. But they all also don’t seem that happy in their own lives – definitely not like what gunateethas are supposed to be…”

Great catch!

The focus word here therefore is “single-pointed” and/or “unswerving” aka unwavering.

As devotees, do we focus exclusively on the Lord? Or do we give him a small slice of time – like a few minutes a day or week? Is He the first thought we wake up with and the last thought we sleep with? And what of the millions of thoughts in between?

There is much introspection to be done for me!

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Gunateetha…is what? – part 1 of 2

So there are some terms in the Bhagavad Gita that are a bit difficult to practically imagine.

Like Gunateetha. A person who is beyond the Gunas. It’s hard enough for most people to come out of Tamasik guna (indolence) or Rajasik guna (high energy) and move towards Sattva guna (harmony). But then the best state according the Lord Krishna is one where the individual has transcended all the 3 gunas altogether!

How does such a gunateetha even function then? How is such a person to be recognized?

In the 14th Chapter, the Lord spills the beans.

He clarifies that the gunas are only associated with prakriti or the world around us, including our bodies and minds. As long as we associate with the body and mind, we will always be under the influence of the gunas.

And therefore by extension, when one is free of the body-mind complex, one becomes a gunateetha!

And how to do this? Concluded tomorrow!

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It’s Deepavali again. This beautiful festival comes year after year, with just one aim. Which is?

Well in the essence of tradition, Deepavali celebrates the joyous return of Prince Rama to Ayodhya, marking the end of his 14-year exile. Symbolically, it mirrors our contemporary journey, as we navigate challenges akin to Ram’s banishment from his realm of peace and prosperity. Deepavali, at its core, signifies the victory of good over evil (including inside us). The lighting of lamps illumines not just the world outside but our very souls. Amidst the festivities, our actions carry profound symbolism.

Cleaning the house becomes a metaphor for purifying our minds, discarding emotional stains of the past.

Donning new clothes and household items symbolizes the ushering in of newness as we transform our thinking and behavior.

Exchanging gifts takes on a profound meaning, offering each other the priceless blessings of pure thoughts and feelings.

Savouring sweets becomes a pledge to sweeten our words with love and respect (while also adding to the waistline!).

Starting new account books reflects our resolve to reconcile past issues and embrace acceptance.

Happy Deepavali!

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Tip sip

Came across an interesting anecdote today from a well-traveled friend.

In most parts of the world, he said that anyone in the service industry will be happy when they are tipped for their quality of service. A few extra bills and the smile on their faces would be telling.

In a few countries however, tipping is a requirement, a mandate, no matter what. “If you don’t tip”, he said, “they can even become angry and abusive!”

In Japan however, he said tips are actually frowned upon. It is culturally insensitive to offer tips to waiters, taxi drivers, hotel boys and anyone else.

Why? Because they believe that they need to do their best at work irrespective of any additional incentives, and they also trust the original bill that is charged is all-inclusive.

Good service begins in the mind!

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Embracing TIME

Jay Shetty’s book Think Like a Monk has an interesting acronym: TIME.

It represents four transformative habits: Thankfulness, Insight, Mindfulness, and Exercise.

Thankfulness encourages recognizing life’s blessings.

Insight propels a journey within for deeper understanding.

Mindfulness invites present-centered awareness.

Exercise emphasizes physical well-being.

Integrating TIME into our daily regimen can steer us towards holistic wellness and enduring happiness, enriching our journey towards a fulfilling existence.

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The Lasso Way

Apple TV has an outstanding series called Ted Lasso, which we’ve discussed before. Season 3, the last and final one, just concluded. It was super. No big spoilers below, but don’t read if you don’t want to!

Trent Crimm, originally a harsh newspaper critic of Ted Lasso, turns over a new leaf, and even writes a book, called “The Lasso Way.” He then requests both Coach Lasso and Coach Beard for their feedback.

The contrast couldn’t be more pronounced. While Coach Beard’s feedback is direct and detailed, Ted Lasso, true to his character, simply writes that everything is perfect. He also adds, that the only suggestion he has, is to change the name of the book, because it was always about the team, and never about him.

If only everyone would be so kind and understanding!

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Medical spirituality

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor!

But from my experience going to some, generally we would have some problem, like say a stomach ache. We don’t go to a plumber for this, although a leaky gut might need some plumbing of another kind. The doctor would have to be a general physician at first and then maybe a gastroenterologist. And the all important medicine? Some specific tablet or syrup that only the doctor can prescribe.

Our life’s problems are no different.

What is the illness? Samsara, aka our dependence on external factors for attaining and maintaining happiness. Who’s the doctor? This one is easy, the Guru of course! And the medicine? Scriptures, spirituality, devotion, God… take your pick.

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It’s amazing sometimes, the bravery I see around me.

So many politicians, especially those fighting for justice, are willing to step up and speak up. Unafraid of the consequences.

Don’t they have a family? Of course they do, and yet they do their duty in unimaginably bold ways.

With the recent wars that have broken out, most people would be fleeing the scene. But I see brave men and women who work as journalists running towards the battlefield!

Such level of bravery is mind boggling. Many spiritual masters do suggest that one should be completely fearless. Like a fight for dharma. Because ultimately we are not the body or mind.

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Know who should be the judge of any court? We each of course! Because we are born judg-ers!

Ever found yourself silently judging? We see someone act, and instantly, there’s a mental thumbs-up or thumbs-down. We all do it, right?

Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar suggests imagining judgments as breezes, brief and passing. That there’s something freeing about being immersed in love and compassion, where these judgments lightly touch and go. They guide our choices, like picking the freshest apples from a market, and shaping the company we keep. Some folks lift us up, others not so much.

It’s quite the journey, this dance with judgments. Can we completely eliminate it? Sri Sri says it’s not possible unless we attain the state of Being, as then we are always full of love and compassion.

What’s your take?

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Bent Lee

There was a clickbaity article recently on a man who asked to be buried after his death along with his 1 million dollar Bentley. And obviously I clicked on that clickbait (how else would such folks make money if not for suckers like me!).

I couldn’t imagine why anyone would think that they could take their car with them. Maybe to coolly cruise past the gates of heaven?

As it so happens, Mr Lee’s (don’t know his name, so we can call him Mr. Lee) brain was not bent out of shape. Quite the contrary actually.

He was trying to use his Bentley to bring awareness to people about the noble opportunity of organ donation. We feel we may useless after death, but actually the death of one person (inevitable to all) may bring life to another. Well bent sir!

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Utterly butterly

What’s a lovely analogy to understand the concept of soul and atman and other similar confusing terms?

The Amritabindu Upanishad of course!

Here’s an outstanding 4-liner:

Cows are of various colors, milk is one-colored,
the wise man looks upon soul as milk,
of bodies as cows of different garbs,
knowledge is hidden, as butter in milk

Utterly butterly delicious!

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Humble mumble

Came across a powerful, self-explanatory and yet profound line today.

Humility is a powerful virtue that involves thinking of oneself less, rather than thinking less of oneself.

That’s it. That’s the post for today. Much to reflect on!

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There’s a lovely sanskrit word called mumukshatwam. It refers to a deep yearning for liberation.

So deep, that the yearning for liberation is the only thing that the spiritual seeker yearns for.

Funny it is then, when my Guru asks a gathering of devotees, “How many of you want liberation?”, and all hands fly up immediately.

He then proceeds to add just one more word, “How many of you want liberation, now?”.

And suddenly all hands go down!

Hilarious, but the joke is on us ????

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Living peacefully

There’s war all around us in the world.

And incredibly, there’s war inside of each one of us as well. In our minds. Constantly fighting a variety of emotions and desires, with nary a clue of what is right or what is good.

So how to live peacefully then? The saints say this:

  • Continuously chant and attribute all actions to God for a joyful life.
  • If an actor doesn’t bring his stage role home, should we let our worldly roles define us? Remember, our pursuit of God isn’t an act because God resides within each of us.
  • When surrendering to God, let go of titles like devotee, scholar, or wealthy person. Then peace will prevail.
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The direction is clear of what happens with me:

Something in the physical plane triggers my senses. The senses pass on information to my mind. The mind then gets super excited and begins planning for the future as though it’s already happened. This in turn waylays the soul, keeping it from achieving it’s true objective (of realising itself).

Spiritual wisdom unanimously dictates that this direction is wrong.

Our soul is meant to lord over the mind and the senses, not the other way around. Instead of focusing on the distractions of the outer world, we need to focus on the peace within.

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A-song of a-sanga

In the Bhagavad Gita’s Chapter 15, there lies solid wisdom on achieving inner peace and happiness. This chapter introduces us to ‘samsara’, a term denoting our attachments.

We often hinge our inner tranquility on three things: VVP – Vyakti (people), Vastu (objects), and Paristhithi (circumstances).

However, this dependence is a double-edged sword, leading to impermanent joy and potential suffering.

The antidote?

‘Asanga’, which translates to detachment.

Contrary to popular belief, detachment isn’t about negating emotions or connections. Instead, it’s about cultivating an intelligent relationship with our surroundings, including our very own bodies. By understanding the inherent value in everything, yet recognizing that none can offer everlasting peace or happiness, we find our way to a balanced existence.

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How hard can it be?

That’s exactly what goes on in the mind of tech titan Jensen Huang, the founder and CEO of Nvidia. In a recent interview, when asked if he’d start a company again in 2023, he chuckled and said, “Building Nvidia was a million times harder than any of us expected.”

But here’s the kicker. Despite knowing the difficulty involved, he’d constantly trick his brain by asking, “How hard can it be?”

Jensen candidly shared the rollercoaster of emotions – vulnerability, embarrassment, shame, and the endless challenges. But would he do it again? “Nobody in their right mind would,” he quips. Yet, the superpower of an entrepreneur is blissful ignorance. They dive in, thinking, “How hard can it be?”

Jensen’s secret sauce? A rock-solid support system. Surrounded by those who’ve been with him for decades, he says, “They never gave up on me.”

The next time we’re facing a challenge, we could channel our inner Jensen and ask, “How hard can it be?”

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Swami Chinmayananda said that when desire is fulfilled – the left hand side gate opens. That gate is called Greed.

Desire fulfilled = Greed.

When desire is unfulfilled – the right hand side gate is opened.

That is called Anger.

Desire Unfulfilled = Anger.

So the main gate leading to both these gates is desire.

The triple gates to hell.

So we must close these three gates all together. That is the only prescription.

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Focused Wisdomism

  • Life’s journey: Sometimes we take detours from the divine roadmap.
  • Scriptures shoutout for: Compassion, humility, and selfless love vibes.
  • Beware! Greed and fear: peace stealers on the prowl.
  • Universal truth alert: Judgment day awaits, not as one day, but as a continuous karmic tracker so deeds don’t lie.
  • Bhagwad Gita wisdom drop: Arjuna’s quest & Krishna’s focus mantra?
  • Focus mantra: Think divine, act in line, and the universe will align.
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3 means of devotion

According to saint Gondavalekar Maharaj, there are 3 methods of devotion:

  1. Words of the scriptures
  2. Words of the saints (seniors / Guru)
  3. inward search by oneself

Which one do you like, and which one do you think works best for you?

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Babaji’s powers

A lot of spiritual seekers today run after anyone who can show off some siddhis (aka powers). A name that is used by many is that of purportedly one of the greatest Gurus and mystics of all – Mahavtar Babaji.

My knowledge about him is just from various books – not least of which is the famous “An autobiography of a Yogi”.

With so many people running after mystical experiences and opening up their kundalinis and all sorts of occult practices, spirituality almost feels like a lost cause to one who does not experience any of these.

What does Babaji himself say?

“Believe me my child when I say, that the man who loves others, who is devout and who lives the life of self-surrender is many times more powerful, even in altering his own circumstances, environments and tendencies, than the man who has learned all the Scriptures, who has mortified himself by sitting in the midst of five fires, who has mastered pranayama, who has shut himself in caves, who has awakened his kundalini and who has repeated millions of mantras millions of times and who has performed the most mysterious and elaborate ceremonies for the fulfillment of different specific desires.”

Aum Namaha Babaji Maha -Vishuddhi (I bow to Babaji, the Great Purity). An Excerpt from ‘The Voice Of Babaji’.

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Belling the chef

In a quaint little restaurant we visited recently, a bell hung aloof in the corner behind the door. It had a note attached to it which read, “Ring if you liked the experience!”

While there was a lot of cheer and laughter, no one bothered to ring the bell, as they exited the restaurant with full bellies and preoccupied minds.

After several entries and exits, one little child pressurized his father to pick him up so that he could reach the bell.

With great gusto, the little boy rang the bell more than once and the smile on his face was wide as a mile.

What was wider though? The smiles on the faces of the chefs in the kitchen, all of whom stood in a line, with their palms folded in gratitude for the recognition.

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Analogical – part 1 of 5

A journey through the Bhagavad Gita is best undertaken via analogies. They guide us like torches in the night, bridging ancient teachings with contemporary understanding. Here are some illuminating analogies used by several saints and Gurus across various books:

1. The Cow and Its Calf: Just as a cow tends to its calf without attachment, the Gita teaches performing duties without fixating on outcomes.

2. The Potter’s Wheel: Like a potter molding clay, divine forces shape our lives. Surrendering to the Lord aligns us with cosmic rhythms.

3. The Water Drop and Ocean: A drop merges with the ocean, echoing unity; like the individual dissolving into universal consciousness.

4. The Lamp and the Wind: A windless place doesn’t disturb a lamp’s flame. The mind too should remain undisturbed amid sensory distractions.

5. The Snake and the Rope: The Gita warns against confusing the transient with the eternal, akin to mistaking a rope for a snake.

6. The Lotus in Mud: A lotus rises pure from muddy waters, teaching purity amidst life’s challenges.

More analogies tomorrow!

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Tank half empty or half full?

In the realm of sports, moments of extraordinary tenacity often emerge, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts. Recently, I came across a riveting YouTube video that encapsulates this spirit in its purest form.

Picture this: A car race of paramount importance, with victory within arm’s reach. Max Orida, the leader, finds himself agonizingly close to the finish line when destiny throws a curveball. His fuel gauge reads empty, threatening to shatter his dreams.

Rather than surrendering to despair, Max’s spirit ignites a fire within him. With unwavering resolve, he leaps out from the car, and begins pushing his vehicle, every muscle straining against the odds. The crowd holds its breath, witnessing a testament to human willpower.

In that heart-stopping moment, Max transcends mere competition. He embodies the essence of perseverance, transforming a potential loss into a triumphant narrative. His actions remind us that when passion meets determination, even the most daunting challenges can be conquered.

Let Max Orida’s incredible feat be a beacon for us all. In the face of adversity, may we summon the fortitude to push forward, no matter how dire the circumstances. For it is in these moments that we forge our own path to victory, leaving an indomitable legacy for generations to come.

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Naturally patient

In the rush of modern life, nature whispers a vital lesson – patience. Much like a blooming flower unfurls its petals slowly, we too can find strength in moving at our own pace. The river carves its path patiently, shaping landscapes over time. Likewise, patience allows us to mold our experiences, creating meaningful stories.

Nature’s examples abound: majestic Redwood Trees grow slowly, standing tall for centuries, teaching us the power of steadfast growth. Caterpillars transform into butterflies, reminding us that change takes time, but the end result is worth the wait. Geodes, crystal-filled rocks formed over millions of years, show that true beauty emerges from patient, gradual processes. The Grand Canyon, carved by the Colorado River over eons, teaches us that persistence creates breathtaking masterpieces. Watch a spider construct its intricate web, showcasing the power of patience in achieving a goal. Coral reefs’ slow growth over thousands of years reminds us that small, consistent efforts lead to immense beauty and resilience.

Rushing seldom leads to lasting success.

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Mother necessity

“Look for the, bare necessities, the simple bare necessities, forget about your worries and your strife!” croons the ever-happy Baloo the bear in The Jungle Book cartoon classic.

The bare necessities is absolutely right. We don’t need much more than that to be happy, because happiness, as we know, is simply a state of mind.

But, necessity is the mother of invention. And as our necessities grow from bare sized to bear sized, inventions and gadgetry around us have proliferated.

Has happiness also proliferated? Hardly.

What might be the mother of necessity itself then?

Perhaps God, or chanting his name. When we are thinking of Him all the time, nothing else becomes important, and He will take care of everything else.

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Formulaic Godliness

At the core of our spiritual journey lies a delicate interplay between God, mind, and man, elegantly captured by two poignant equations:

  1. God + Mind = Man
  2. Man – Mind = God

These formulas encapsulate the essence of our quest for spiritual enlightenment.

To bridge the gap between ourselves and the divine, we must first understand the profound influence of our own minds.

Through dedicated concentration, a practitioner seeks to calm the ceaseless waves of thought, offering the mind a steady foundation.

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Which one are you?

An optimist. A pessimist. Or a realist.

The world loves optimists. Absolutely glorifies them.

Pessimists are always given the stick.

Realists? Do they even exist?

Here’s what Swami Swaroopananda says.

Be a realist. Why? Because an optimist never sees a problem, while the pessimis sees nothing but the problem. A realist approaches the situation with full awareness, mindful that things can go wrong and also the courage to see it through. 
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Quick change

You must have seen those magic shows where there’s a person that can change their dress really bloody quick. Like blink-of-the-eye quick.

The Gita says that our bodies are like clothes only. That death just results in the soul discarding one body to don another.

Within this life itself, we may change clothes multiple times each day, and a few hundred-thousand times through our lives.

The toughest clothes to change into would undoubtedly be ochre robes. Most people don’t even attempt to change into them.

But the irony is, that even after changing into ochre robes, if the mind is not tamed, outside clothes are of little use.

Clothes can be changed very fast. But the mind?

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Mission statement

We come across many mission and vision statements of large organizations, and famous people too.

What are the 4 steps to crafting these, and more so for oneself, according to Arthur Brooks, the creator of the concept of Happier-ness?

  1. Does whatever is being done glorify God? If it doesn’t, then it doesn’t matter what the other 3 steps are.
  2. Serve others.
  3. Have an adventure.
  4. Make a living.

These are the 4 steps to be followed to achieve any goal, and to be followed in the same order.

It’s ironic that most people follow the same order, but usually in reverse!

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Peanut butter and jelly. Batman and Robin. Yin and yang. You just can’t separate these two out right? Just like 2 sides of a coin.

Here’s another. Desire and attachment. They’re always together.

Desire something deeply? In no time, you’ll be attached to it.

Attached to something deeply? It’ll lead you to desiring for that very thing or even other things for longer and longer.

To cut one is to cut none. To cut both is to find growth. Spiritual growth.

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Born loser

This is what Sadhguru begins one of his talks with. He says we are all “born losers”.

Wow, a scathing attack from a spiritual leader, one would think?

But is he wrong?


He proceeds to explain. We are all born losers because the moment we are born, we each begin to lose the most important thing we have: time!

What are we doing with this time? Are we maximising it in our service of others and our quest for the Self? Or are we simply whiling it away, living as egomaniacs and fueling this gross body that will anyway whither away soon?

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Learn to learn from

In a lovely podcast of Marlene Puffer, the Chief Investment Officer of a Canadian pension fund, I found a golden nugget.

She was describing how she began her career as an outsider. She was always in academia, with multiple degrees and what not.

And one day, at the grand old age of 29, she found herself in a teaching job as a professor of finance.

Her problem? She was all theory and no practice. Why? Because she hadn’t had the opportunity to work at Wall Street or other financial firms.

While she did suffer from imposter syndrome at first, she came up with an excellent solution. She knew she had very good theoretical knowledge and was very well read. Instead of feeling insecure in front of her much older and much more experienced students, she learned to learn from them instead, and layered it on top of her theoretical prowess.

“Hey Mike, you’ve got 15 years of experience working in FX derivatives, why don’t you share your perspective and learnings on how you did things at Morgan Stanley?”… and so on… Pretty cool no?!

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In the lovely book called Discourses by Shri Gondavalekar Maharaj, there are innumerable outstanding nuggets of wisdom.

One of them asks us to focus on the present, which we know. And not worry about the past or future, which also we know.

As a corollary, what he says (paraphrased) is, “On a daily basis, what are you using the prapancha (sense objects) for? If prapancha are being used simply to gain happiness, then clearly that happiness will never last. So what to do then? Use the prapancha as a playground to simply perform your duty. Then see the magic unfolding.”

So lovely!

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The real cause of burnout

On a cool interview of Bjørn Gulden, the global CEO of Adidas, one amazing insight came about. So much so that the interviewer (none other than CEO of Norges Bank, Nicolai Tangen) came back to the same point a few minutes later, even though the conversation had meandered to something else by then.

What is the real cause of burnout then, according to Mr. Gulden?

He says that since day 1 of his job, he has always been himself. He has never put on a pretense about anything. Since he doesn’t have to pretend, and doesn’t have to appear to be someone he is not, he carries no excess baggage on his head.

In his view, the reason for burnout is simply that people are constantly having to artifically put on a guise of who they aren’t. Maybe appear sharper, speak cooler, engage as though more knowledgeable etc. And doing so, say 12 hours every day, day after day, is what causes one to get burned out. Without it? One would enjoy working!

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Reverse bucket list

How many items are there in our bucket lists?

100s if not 1000s?

Wanting to have multiple experiences, to traveling across multiple countries, to trying out all sorts of fancy restaurants and what not.

The list can go on forever.

And that’s exactly why a “reverse” bucket list is such a great idea!

In a normal bucket list, as you complete one activity and check it off, you still see several hundreds left undone, leading to dissatisfaction.

But in a reverse bucket list, we only put things once they get done. This way, everything is always checked, and gives us the opportunity to be always happy!

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Picture time as an expansive, black canvas. The saints saw that it’s not time that moves; rather it is we that traverse its expanse. We begin our journey at one point and conclude it at another, creating the illusion that time commences here and culminates there.

Yet, time is an undivided continuum, an unbroken whole. We transition from birth through childhood, youth, middle age, and into old age, painting our existence across this canvas. Therefore perception of time’s movement stems from our own progression. In truth, time remains an immutable, encompassing unity, ever-static in its entirety. But do we truly comprehend the profound nature of time, or are we merely skimming the surface of its profundity?

Colloquially, we refer to “timepass” when are whiling away time, not putting it to productive use. But what is truly happening? Is time passing us by, or are we passing by time?

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A company called WeWork has been in the news for the last many years. First for revolutionizing co-working office spaces, and more recently, for the fall of its valuations from the billions to the millions.

But WeWork is one thing. And WhyWork is another. No, it’s not a startup that you haven’t heard of, but a simple query to the universe.

Why work, when we are anyway asked to give up the results, and give up doership? If it ain’t gonna matter, then why work even a smatter?

Well the answer to that is simply because work needs to be seen as a means to an end (purification of the mind), not the end itself. The work is simply a journey, which is why the Gita never cares about the work itself, but only about “how” the work is done (with full surrender to the divine)!

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Praying in future tense

We’re probably always wanting something out there in the future.

When this want becomes fervent, it may morph into a prayer even.

With every cell hoping for a magical future.

But do we realize that many years ago and many prayers ago…

…we asked for things, that have become a reality, even if it may not seem so.

A comfy life, some travel, some family time, decent money and status, good health. Many of these we may have wished for, and indeed got, but do we remember? Or are the prayers of yesteryear simply replaced by new prayers hoping for even more cheer?

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Nobody likes corrupt people. Not even the corrupt ones themselves.

But everyone has weaknesses.

And exploiting a weakness in someone could be the first step to corruption.

Offer them something to solve a serious problem, and they will forever be indebted, leaving open the possibility of crossing a line as a favour.

But there exists only one person who is incorruptible. The one who is a jnani. The one who wants only mukti and nothing else.

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Dancing confusion

In the realm of spirituality, seekers often ponder the art of engaging wholeheartedly with the world’s ups and downs, versus withdrawing into a state of inner calm and detachment. Can one gracefully transition between these two states? To immerse ourselves in life’s vivid experiences, yet also find solace in a serene, desireless state.

An analogy could be pertinent.

Imagine playing a role in a romantic flick alongside our favorite hero or heroine. In those scenes, we’re fully present, singing songs and reveling in the joy of the moment. But once the scene wraps, if we hold onto that role too tightly, we might be at the receiving end of a tight hand-to-face from said actor playing the favorite hero / heroine. There’s a delicate balance here. By recognizing it is only a role, we remain untangled, fully present in the day-to-day world, yet with a tranquil, uncluttered mind.

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Business-personal solutions

Here’s a thought provoking tweet by one Justin Welsh.

“Every problem in business can be solved in 1 of 2 ways. 1) Looking at your company data. 2) Speaking to your customers.”

I found this quite profound, and realized that this is not just the solution to business problems, but also applicable to our own personal and professional lives.

How can we look at our own data? By doing a quick self-audit. What are we doing right or wrong? How much time are we wasting. What are the pain points in our lives?

And who are our customers? Everyone we interact with regularly perhaps. And we can surely ask those who we are close with for self-improvement feedback!

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Broken pointers

In the heart of Silicon Valley, Pierre Omidyar embarked on a mission that would redefine online commerce. In 1995, he birthed eBay Inc., envisioning a global marketplace for the exchange of goods and services. This visionary act began with an unexpected muse – a broken laser pointer, the first item ever listed. What seemed like an odd choice held a profound spiritual lesson: within imperfection lies hidden value.

Who the heck would want a broken laser pointer? Lo and behold, Omidyar got a bid for USD 14.83. He could scarcely believe his eyes, and hence wrote back to the bidder, who confirmed thus: “Yes, I am a collector of broken laser pointers”.

Incredible no?

This narrative mirrors the essence of our human journey. In our flaws and imperfections, there lies untapped potential waiting to be unearthed. Omidyar’s broken laser pointer became a symbol, reminding us that our own perceived ‘brokenness’ can be the catalyst for realizing our boundless potential.

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Energetically yours

Came across a very interesting thought. It’s not radical or new. But a different perspective on the same thing.

Who is God?

Most will describe him as an old man with a flowing beard. No, not Santa Claus, although he does fit the description.

Said God apparently gets angry when we do bad things. And if we do good things, then he rewards us.

But is that how we have experienced God? Hardly.

A better way to think of this is that God is just energy. He is the energy that created all of Creation. He is also the one that sustains all of it, and eventually leads to destruction and recycling.

So if everything is God’s energy, what are we doing about it? If we do bad things, then God’s energy gets suppressed. But if we do good things, we practice gratitude, we are kind to others, we are empathetic and compassionate, then we automatically become free flowing channels of God’s energy. Isn’t that incredible?

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Happiness pointers

Happiness is not a destination, it’s a direction.

Happiness is not a style, it’s a skill.

Happiness is not a possession, but a state of mind.

Happiness is not in perfection, but in acceptance.

Happiness is not avoiding pain, but embracing growth.

Happiness is not about having, but about appreciating.

Happiness is not driven by luck, but by choice.

Happiness is not tomorrow or today, it’s now!

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The most critical definitions

There are two global epidemics that the world is facing today.

Nope, Covid isn’t one of them.

The first is depression. And the second is anxiety.

We all feel anxious and / or depressed at some point.

Here’s the simplest and most profound definitions I’ve heard of these two terms, which I came across recently on a podcast by David Von Drehle.

Depression = regret for things of the past.

Anxiety = fear of things of the future.

Deceptively simple, yet 100% true!

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Fun for fun’s sake

On a podcast that was discussing happiness, the speaker threw out two normal English words. One was ‘amateur’, and the other was ‘dilettante’.

The meanings of both words is somewhat similar, in that there is interest in a field, but perhaps limited expertise.

The podcast itself was all about how if we do more things that are new and experimental (such as learning a new sport, a new language, a new art or skill etc.), then the chances of being happy are very high. Why? Because while learning these activities, we become engrossed in the moment, and quit complaining about mundane issues.

What I loved then was the etymology of both those words.

Amateur apparently comes from amour, which is to love (your work), and dilettante comes from delight. What fun!

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sf – part 2

Why “sf”? For San Francisco of course, because that was his dream. Maybe it helped that his name Francis was embedded in the name San Francisco as well, who knows!

At the age of 28 (just ten years ago, in 2013), he knew he wasn’t getting to America directly. So he set his sights on Europe first. Was that easy? Not at all.

From Cameroon to Niger, Nigeria to Algeria, and finally, Algeria to Morocco, he traversed over 3,000 miles through the unforgiving desert. The magnitude of this feat cannot be overstated—it was sheer madness. With unwavering determination, he set his sights on crossing from Morocco to Spain, boarding a raft to brave the treacherous waters of the Strait. But the path to freedom was riddled with obstacles. It took him a gruelling 14 months to complete this ridiculous journey, constantly facing the threat of being pulled from the water. The Moroccan authorities, known for their harsh treatment of refugees, would often cast them back into the merciless desert or confine them to indefinite periods in Moroccan jails.

This happened to him four times. Continued tomorrow!

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Shadow monster

A man once achieved success. But he soon felt his sense of achievement dwindling away. And felt that he had to achieve more.

So he ran and ran, faster and faster. But he didn’t like that his shadow was catching up to him all the time.

So what did he do? He ran faster of course! No matter what he did, he couldn’t shake it off.

Of course, he could have just stepped into the shade.

But the man dropped dead soon enough, having tired himself out in the constant search for external perfection.

Life isn’t about that. Life is about finding internal perfection.

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The perils of numero uno

In a world consumed by the race for being the best,

We frequently forget the perils of this relentless quest.

Seeking validation, we sacrifice our peace of mind,

Leaving the true joy life holds far behind.

But the race to number one is an elusive game,

A mirage that flickers like a flame.

Happiness lies not in the laurels we achieve,

But in embracing nature and the lessons we receive.

So give up the pressure to always be at the peak,

Solace is in the journey, the joy that’s truly unique.

In being true to ourselves, we find our inner peace,

And be foreverhappynow, as our own masterpiece.

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Dear intern

In one of the largest tech companies in the world, a recently-joined intern messed up. The intern sent out a blank test email to thousands of the company’s customers.

A major faux-pas, if there was one.

The company immediately tried to fix the situation, apologizing on social media that it was a fat finger type error by an intern.

“Yes by an intern, so don’t blame the company.”

What I loved was seeing how the internet reacted to that. Truckloads of messages poured in of examples of people’s own mistakes, and more importantly, how they have still managed to survive and thrive till today!

Mistakes are a part and parcel of life, as long as learning from them is how we use them.

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Don’t believe everything you think – part 4

A final few excerpts from the brilliant book:

It’s not possible to just entirely stop thinking, but what we can do is reduce the time we spend thinking so that it gets smaller and smaller each day that passes. Eventually we can get to the point where we spend most of our day not caught up in our thinking and live in a blissful state most of the time. When we say that we want to stop thinking, many people assume that we are trying to stop all thoughts in general. This isn’t what we’re trying to do. Now that you know the difference between thoughts and thinking, we are working on allowing thoughts to come and flow through us while we minimize the thinking about those thoughts that emerge.
The most interesting and almost paradoxical thing about stopping our thinking is that we don’t have to do anything to minimize it other than to be aware of it. By us becoming aware that we are thinking and that it is the root cause of all our suffering, it automatically makes us conscious to that fact and we become detached to it, allowing it to settle and pass. This takes almost no effort and is done through pure presence in the moment.

Highly recommend reading the entire book!

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Don’t believe everything you think – part 3

A few more superb excerpts from the book:

What’s crazy is that most people didn’t have any thoughts going through their mind when they felt the happiest and the most amount of love in their lives. For those that had the thought that they were grateful, they felt that way before having that thought. If they had that thought, it happened after they felt the feelings, so the thought could not have produced the feeling. This brings us to another truth: you do not have to have thoughts or think to feel positive emotions.
It is not the content of our thinking that causes us stress, but that we are thinking, period. The amount of thinking we have going on is directly correlated to the magnitude of stress and negative emotions we are experiencing at any given moment. When you’re experiencing a lot of frustration, stress, anxiety, or any negative emotions, just know that it is because you’re thinking, and the intensity of those emotions is directly correlated to how much thinking is going on. Therefore, it’s not WHAT we’re thinking about that is causing us suffering, but THAT we are thinking. To summarize, we do not have to try to “think positive” to experience love, joy, bliss, and any positive emotions we want because it is our natural state to feel those emotions.
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Don’t believe everything you think – part 2

Continued today again, a few excerpts from the lovely book…

Our minds do an incredible job to keep us alive, but it does not help us thrive. It is concerned solely with our safety and survival, but not our fulfillment or joy. The mind’s job is to alert us of potential dangers in our environment that may threaten our lives. It does its job so well that not only will it scan our immediate surroundings for threats, but it will even reference our backlog of past experiences to create hypothetical scenarios and predict what it thinks could be future potential dangers based on our memories.
Thoughts are the energetic, mental raw materials which we use to create everything in the world. We can’t experience anything without thought. It’s important to know that thoughts are a noun and aren’t something that we do, but something we have. A thought takes no effort or force on our end, and it is something that just happens. We also cannot control what thoughts pop into our minds. The source of thoughts comes from something that is beyond our minds —the Universe, if you will. Thinking, on the other hand, is the act of thinking about our thoughts. This takes a significant amount of energy, effort, and willpower (which is a finite resource). Thinking is actively engaging with the thoughts in your mind. You don’t have to engage with each thought in your mind, but when you do, that is thinking. Thinking is the root cause of all our psychological suffering.
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Don’t believe everything you think – part 1

Just finished reading a very nice book called “Don’t believe everything you think”, by Joseph Nguyen. Some very interesting snippets:

It’s not about the events that happen in our lives, but our interpretation of them, which causes us to feel good or bad about something. This is how people in third world countries can be happier than people in first world countries and people in first world countries can be more miserable than people in third world countries. Our feelings do not come from external events, but from our own thinking about the events. Therefore, we can only ever feel what we are thinking.
The root cause of our suffering is our own thinking. Now before you throw this book across the room and light it on fire, I’m not saying that this is all in our heads and that it isn’t real. Our perception of reality is very real. We will feel what we think, and our feelings are real. That is completely undeniable . However, our thinking will look like an inevitable, unchangeable reality to us until we begin seeing how our reality is created. If we know that we can only ever feel what we are thinking, then we know that we can change our feelings by changing our thinking.

Superb no? More tomorrow…

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Investments in life – part 2

A few more gems from the 2023 Berkshire Hathway event – applicable to investing, but more so for life and success and happiness itself!

  • Keep learning all your life.
  • Delay gratification
  • Avoid toxic people – get them out of your lives and do it fast
  • Know how people manipulate others and avoid doing that to other people
  • Praise by person, critize by category.
  • Anyone who had been kind has not died without friends… Can’t say the same about money.
  • The best part about investing is that there is uncertainty. If you play golf and score a hole in one then people won’t enjoy it… The fact that you hit in the woods and in the sand makes it more fun.

As my Guru says, living in uncertainty alone is spirituality!

Lovely no?

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Investments in life – part 1

The annual investment conference by Berkshire Hathway is a much loved event, with great fanfare for the Oracle of Omaha none other than 93 year old Warren Buffet himself. While it’s a very technical finance and investment oriented spectacle, there are some amazing takeaways for life as well. Here’s a few that I loved from 2023:

Road to human happiness is to keep your expectations low.
New things don't give you opportunities... What gives you opportunities is other people doing dumb things.
Most people today are competing in arenas where you don't need to fight. Your edge has to be thinking differently in terms of time horizons.
Most of the inheritance issues are specific to the families, dynamics and relationships. It's important to have this right... If you want to give them values, act and talk the values.
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It’s become fashionable in today’s day and age to state that one is indeed spiritual but certainly not religious. Because religion is supposedly full of superstition.

Many religious practices involve the use of candles, lamps, bells, and other ritual objects. To some people, these practices might seem superstitious or unnecessary. But from a daily life perspective, these objects can actually have a calming and positive effect on us.

For example, lighting a candle or a lamp can create a warm and peaceful atmosphere in our homes. The soft glow of the flame can help us relax and unwind after a long day. Similarly, the sound of bells or chimes can be soothing and calming, helping us to focus and center ourselves.

Chants and bhajans, too, can have a positive effect on our mental and emotional well-being. The repetition of a mantra or sacred phrase can quiet our minds and bring us a sense of inner peace. These practices have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and even boost the immune system.

If we find ourselves drawn to a religious practice, we may not need to dismiss it as superstitious or unnecessary. Instead, we can embrace it as a way to bring more peace and positivity into our lives.

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PERMAnently happy

Created by the king of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, the PERMA model is a framework for achieving happiness and well-being. PERMA stands for:

P – Positive Emotions
E – Engagement
R – Relationships
M – Meaning
A – Accomplishments

So, how do these five elements contribute to happiness?

Positive Emotions: This one is pretty straightforward. Feeling happy, joyful, content, and other positive emotions contribute to our overall well-being.

Engagement: When we’re fully absorbed in an activity, we experience a state of flow, which leads to a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Relationships: Strong social connections and a sense of belonging to a community are essential for our happiness.

Meaning: Finding meaning and purpose in our lives gives us a sense of direction and motivation.

Accomplishments: Setting and achieving goals, no matter how big or small, gives us a sense of accomplishment and boosts our confidence.

In a recent podcast, Prof Seligman however changed up his M for Meaning to M for Matter. Do we matter when we are gone? How to ensure that we matter? By helping others. That’s what to strive for. That will in turn bring the M for Meaning according to him. Pretty cool!

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Building the pipeline

What do we fear? Failure. And death of course. But the latter we have no control over. So let’s stick with failure.

Is there a practical way to reduce the probability of failure?

One way could be to have multiple options. If you need to achieve your targets, then it’s best to have multiple avenues of getting there. A simple horce racing analogy would be, instead of betting on one horse, bet on a few. Yes the gains may not be as large as correctly picking only the winning horse each time, but at least the chances of winning increase materially!

Same for while at work. Having multiple projects helps. If one or two of them do not work out, at least the year end bonus discussions won’t collapse, because one or more of the other projects may have delivered, even if only partially.

The important thing is to keep building a pipeline. And while building it, to dedicate the construction work to the Lord. And once built, if some water flows through the pipe, then go dedicate the water to the Lord as well. This way, we will forever be at peace.

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Happier than who?

When can we truly be happy? When we are content.

When can we truly be content? When we think we are better off than those around us. Not just around us physically, but even within our eyesight, whether in-person or online.

We might be super happy. But that friend on Instagram holidaying in Paris looks way more happier. “If only I could be in Paris…”

Our happiness seems to be inextricably linked to the happiness levels of others around us.

But do we really know if they are happy?

As Montesquieu said, “If you only wished to be happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier than other people, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are.”

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So much money

Came across a gentleman recently who owns a 6 bedroom apartment in Manhattan.

Who lives in it? Not him. Because he lives in another country, as an employee, still running the rat race.

So is it empty? No no, his wife lives in it. Away from her husband. And also a 1 hour commute away from her workplace!

And their 3 kids?

All spread out, in different parts of the country.

So much money, they’ve got as much as their generation and the next could ever use.

And yet, there are sacrifices to be made. That’s just a common theme of life. Best to be happy with what we have than be envious of what thy neighbor does!

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Rhyme or reason

Sleep is the foundation of our health,

But fear can steal our peaceful wealth.

Karma says what we do comes back,

Good deeds create the right sleep track.

Meditation, gratitude, and cheer,

These positive habits help us steer.

Toward an optimistic, happy mind,

Where fears and worries are left behind.

So let’s cultivate good karma each day,

And let our fears and anxieties sway.

For with positive habits, thoughts, and rhyme,

We’ll sleep better and feel sublime.

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Granted for life – part 2 of 2

What else do we take for granted?

Good health, because only when we get sick, do we realize how important it is to have a healthy body.

We may not always be conscious of the peace and security that we enjoy in our daily lives, but when there is a threat of violence or instability, we become acutely aware of their importance.

We have become so reliant on the internet for communication, entertainment, and work that we may not realize how much we depend on it until we lose connectivity.

Time too, because it is a precious commodity that we may not fully appreciate until we run out of it or feel rushed.

Other things include the presence of a Guru and a satsang in our lives. Lucky are we to be having these.

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World’s happiest!

There have been these World’s Happiest Nations rankings that have been doing the rounds for many years. I’ve always wondered what those were about, but never got to the bottom of them.

It did seem odd, that some countries which ranked at the top (ie the happiest), were also those that had high suicide rates and harsh winters with many months of no sunlight.

Some other countries which didn’t seem to be that bad ended up being ranked abysmally.

What gives? Apparently the ranks are decided based on very small sample sizes (like 2000 respondents for a population in the hundreds of millions or more) and also factors that are counterintuitive. Like aspiration. The question asks if you are aspirational – on a scale of 1 to 10 – if your goal is 10, then where are you today? If the answer is 1, then you are deemed unhappy. But as we know from the Gita, aspirations and happiness can indeed go hand in hand!

A nice analysis on these rankings here – a great read!

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Happy painting

If you had to draw happiness, what would it look like?

A lot of money? Happy people everywhere? An island paradise with clear blue waters? Lounging by the beach? No more office or work, ever?

This is what it looks like according to an interesting forward I got from WA University (yes, you know which one!). Apparently this was drawn by Turkish artist Abidin Dino. He drew a picture of a whole family. All cramped up on a broken bed, under a leaky roof in a shabby room. Still with a smile on each member’s face!

I can’t see any money or tropical beaches here. Well worth pondering over, for me.

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Freuden Schaden – part 2 of 2

While schadenfreude we (now) know, it also has a happier cousin, called freudenfreud. What is this?

Enjoying someone else’s success or happiness is what is referred to as “freudenfreude” by social scientists. This term, derived from the German word for joy, refers to the happiness we experience when someone else achieves something, even if it has no direct impact on us. According to psychologists, freudenfreude acts like a social bonding agent, making relationships more enjoyable and intimate.

Some call this positive empathy, ie. the ability to feel and experience someone else’s positive emotions.

Studies have shown that experiencing freudenfreude can foster strong relationships and increase our sense of belonging. For example, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley found that people who experienced freudenfreude in response to their friends’ successes reported higher levels of life satisfaction and more meaningful relationships.

This is all no different from what the Gita or my Guru says. Just live for others, and dedicate our lives to helping those around us.

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Avec plaisir

This is the French way of saying “with pleasure”.

“Will you be able to help me with this please?”

“Oh mais oui, avec plaisir!”

That’s all the French I know, but the word plaisir triggered a thought about what the great Swami Chinmayananda once said in response to a question.

A devotee asked him why he was unable to be happy.

Pat came Swami C’s reply, “Because you think you are happy, and looking for happiness, but actually all you are looking for is pleasure.”

Pleasure comes from ephemeral things. Happiness or the true state of Ananda is a permanent state, and cannot be linked to material temporary objects.

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How can a comedy be a tragedy? We just need to look at our own lives and the lives of others around us. Everything we experience is a karmic cycle, or maybe even a karmic circus.

We hear or see something terrible. Somebody lost their child to an unfortunate accident, or their own limbs, or lost all their money, or their reputation. All sorts of unbelievable unimaginable things are happening around us. This is the tragedy.

Every Guru and Saint and realized master and spiritual expert realizes that everything is action = reaction. Nothing is without consequence. Today’s eaten becomes tomorrow’s eater, who then becomes day after’s eaten and so on.

Today’s alarming tragedy hence when seen from a detached vantage point, is some play of karma only. We see disasters all around us, and yet we behave like we are immune, constantly taking, taking and taking more.

When and how will be restore the karmic balance this way? What if our karmic store of goodness, runs out? We act without realizing that there is no perfect-er accountant and re-balancer that Creation. This is the tragicomedy.

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Sad happiness

My neighbour’s 8 month old baby becomes incredibly happy when she sees me. Her smile is a mile-wide, each and every time!

My Guru’s smile is also a mile-wide, each time he sees me. It’s as if he was waiting all day eagerly to see me, even though I am a nobody. He does this for every single person, no matter who they are.

There is so much happiness in this that all sadness and all irritants in life are forgotten. These are cases of happiness instantly infusing happiness into others. But do we practise this ourselves?

Typically when we see happiness around us, we become sad. Really? We do? Think of a peer getting an early promotion and a solid bonus. Could have been ours, but wasn’t, and then jealousy kicks in. We may smile on the outside, but deep down the emotions are different.

As long as our happiness is linked to a material pursuit, this will always be the case. We will either want to immediately possess the same material item or else become upset.

But happiness is neither a thing nor linked to one. It is an infinite resource, and comes from celebrating eveything life has to offer. Today’s failure is a seed for tomorrow’s success, and today’s success is a seed for tomorrow’s failure. If we can accept this, we can each be forever-happy-now!

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Biggie wiggie

Big is eveything. The more the merrier. The grander the better.

All of human life seems to revel in the grandiose.

More money, more fame, more partying, more socializing, more work, more bonus, more holidaying, more promotions.

But “more” is relative, and limitless. And we tie our happiness to this word.

Then how can we ever be happy?

For happiness, less is more. Even zilch is more. The more we give the happier we become. Helping others with zero expectations, being kind to animals, conducting oneself with humility, doing one’s duty with sincerity, protecting our gift of Mother Nature, living with fellow human beings in loving togetherness – these are the simple yet essential requirements for happiness prescribed by the ancients. Not biggie wiggie, but smallie wallie.

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Learning from who(m)… Part 2 of 3

Continuing the learnings of Sage Dattatreya who in turn learned from observing nature…

5. From fire, he learned austerity, as the flame of self knowledge burns away all desires

6. From the moon that waxes and wanes, he learned that the Self is complete and changeless, but seems to be transforming to the undiscerning eye

7. From the sun, he learned that like the sun is reflected in many pots of water, the atman appears as manifold displays when reflected in the mind

8. From birds, he learned of the dangers of getting attached, as the entire family of birds were trapped, no different from man being trapped in the entangling web of maya

Continued and concluded tomorrow!

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Learning from who(m)… Part 1 of 3

In the Bhagavad Purana, King Yadu is perturbed by his father Yayati’s decision to renounce kingship. So Yadu goes to a forest and meets a realized soul there, an avadhuta, none other than the great Dattatreya.

What he is surprised by more than anything else is how happy this carefree man of the forest is. The Guru then proceeds to tell the King to learn from nature itself. He then explains how he got self realization by observing nature and its teachers. A quick summary follows:

1. From the earth, the quality of patience, forbearance and doing good to others

2. From air, the value of non-attachment and freedom

3. From the sky, the expansive nature of the Self, which is untouched by any object

4. From water, the quality of purity and coolness

More tomorrow…

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Short and sweet

ForeverHappyNow blogs are always short. Sweet, I don’t know. Depends on the mood I suppose, of the writer, the reader, the environment, the circumstances, you name it.

And these mood swings are common to one and all, except the Guru perhaps. We each go through so many positive and negative emotions, always with ourselves in the center. What if this, what if that, am I capable, am I good, am I liked, am I strong, will I be successful, will I be rich etc etc?

Swami Vivekananda has something short and sweet to say:

All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not beleive that you are half-crazy lunatics. You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of anyone. Stand up and express the divinity within you. 

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Love and happiness?

When you see an animal that is hurt, do you feel sorry for it? Do you try to help it? Or do you pelt it with stones? Harming an innocent animal may not even occur to most of us, and yet there are people (and kids) who take pride in causing such harm. Maybe it shows some false sense of being in control?

How abnout removing stones on the path to prevent some bare feet from getting hurt? Or to remove a nail from the road to prevent a tyre puncture? This is all nothing but being sensitive, being attuned to the needs of others, as the great Jiddu Krishnamurthy would say.

This set of feelings for those around us, is not coming because these other people are ours, but because we are aware of the divinity and beauty inside everything.

Love is being sensitive to others. Doing things for others, irrespective of what others may do back, no different from what a mother does for her baby. When the heart is filled with love and affection, it becomes happy. And this happiness itself is nothing but God.

Love = happiness = God

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ABCD people

A famous investor recounted his mother’s teaching on a podcast recently. Some parents are all about the marks and ranks for their kids. Others are a little more hands-off.

Said investor’s mother was cut from the second cloth. This was her thought process:

If A is the top ranked kid in school, and D is the bottom ranked kid, this is what will happen in (real) life.

The As work for the Bs. The Cs run companies, while the Ds have buildings dedicated to them.


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Special generalist

The Vibhuti Yoga chapter 10 in the Gita is truly special.

It starts off with the Lord giving examples of his manifestation in Creation. He gives 54 such examples, like Om, Sri Rama, Prahalada, Kamadhenu and others.

But the best example is towards the end of the chapter, where the Lord talks about Himself as being the Ultimate Vibhuti. How so? Because there is nothing else besides him!

Those who fight over the supremacy of their God over other’s Gods, would be reminded by Krishna that there is only God and nothing but God.

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Angry turd

No one likes angry people. Except the angry ones themselves, who feel great, in the heat of the moment. And these angry people aren’t other people, but rather each one of us, and specifically me. Guilty as charged folks!

It’s not necessary that angry people only show their anger outwardly. Sometimes the rage can be simmering on the inside for a very long time. One day that volcano might erupt.

What’s the opposite of being angry? One would say it is being peaceful. Maybe, but while being angry is seen as being active and assertive, being peaceful is seen as being passive and suppressed.

That can’t be further than the truth. Being peaceful is a positive and active state of consciousness. True strength is when our inner peace is completely unruffled, no matter what the external stimulus is.

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Remembrance when?

Sant Kabir has this amazing couplet:

Dukh me sumiran sab kare, Sukh me kare na koi
Jo sukh sumiran kare, Dukh kahe ko hoye kabi

When do people look to the heavens? Only when things are going wrong of course.

Sant Kabir says, that if we remember God when we are happy instead, then there will be no sorrow in the first place!

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The root cause of all problems

One of the most iconic and revered money managers of all time is Charlie Munger. He is better known as the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, which is the conglomerate run by another billionaire investor Warren Buffet.

Warren is 92 years old, while Charlie is 98, and so both these men have seen pretty much everything there is to see, from a life point of view.

In a recent speech, Charlie noted something very profound. He said that humanity’s problems do not stem from greed. Rather, they stem from envy.

We just need to think a little about this to understand it’s significance. In absolute terms, all of the world’s human beings are better off today than say a 100 years ago. Many essentials of today like gadgets and appliances and healthcare and peace so on were luxuries even just a century ago. But why are we still not happy, despite being better off?

The answer is because everyone else is also better off. We are not better off than others. The mind always wants to compare and see if we have won, if we are ahead, if we own more. Envy is the name of the game. Envy is also the thief of happiness.

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CWG – part 2

Adversity is a good thing not a bad thing. Problems aren’t bad, they’re good, because they help us grow and evolve into better human beings. We don’t need to actively seek problems out, but if they come our way, we needn’t lose our minds.

In the recent Commonwealth Games, the weightlifting gold winner in one of the categories had faced unbelievable adversity. His father died when he was 10, and the man had been a rickshaw puller – so it’s not like he left his family rich. The boy worked as a farm labourer and a part time embroidery worker, eventually getting to weightlifting gold. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard that journey would have been.

Other medalists had parents who were paan sellers, tea sellers, lorry drivers, landless farmers and the like. Such a hard upbringing.

Having too much can be a bad thing. Check out this tweet.

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The essence of Krishna

Krishna tells us to do and follow a lot of things via the Gita. But here’s how Krishna himself followed these (suggested) rules in such a cool manner:

  1. He is always cheerful. His life has been one chock a block full of problems – demons, enemies, asuras, his own people, his birth itself into a poor family etc. But he is ever smiling, even on the Kurukshetra battlefield!
  2. He has zero expectations. Why did the Pandavas fight the war? To get back their kingdom. Why did the Kauravas fight the war? To retain the kingdom they had usurped. Why did Krishna fight the war? Only for dharma, as he would have got no material possession either by winning or losing the war.
  3. He exemplified non-attachment. He was born in Mathura, raised in Vrindavan, lived later in Dwarka. He never kept cribbing that he misses his home town and that he wants to go back. So many people come and go from his life but he was always unattached.
  4. He personifies love. Never once would he not come to the rescue of his devotees.

Krishna led by example. We must only try to follow whatever little we can.

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Directionless or wrong direction?

Many of us feel like we do a lot. Yet all this doing doesn’t seem to give us the mental peace and happiness we expect to find. Why is this?

Maybe it’s because we don’t have our priorities straight?

Despite knowing what is important and what isn’t (like family time needs to be balanced with work time), I’ve often found myself slipping one way or the other.

Much of the slipping probably happens because of the need for external validation. I’m unsure of what my action or decision will lead to, especially if it’s an uncommon one. And so I’d rather look at what others are saying, going to say, thinking, going to think – about me! Really? Is anyone thinking about you/me/us? How much are we thinking of others?

A lovely quote I came across is on Mahatma Gandhi’s suggestion for getting to that happy state.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

This alignment, irrespective of what the external world thinks, could be the answer to internal peace.

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Water from where?

Imagine you had a bucket of the world’s purest water. Life-giving, disease-healing, magically-energizing water. And then you put just one teenie-weenie drop of toilet water into it. Would you drink this water?

Absolutely not, right?

This is the outstanding example my Guru keeps giving at every opportunity.

He says that all the bad news and bad events in our lives – like someone died, someone fell ill, you lost your job, you didn’t get the promotion or bonus you were looking for, someone spoke something harsh against you and so on and so forth – that all these would take up just maybe a few days of bad feelings at most.

What do we do though? We spend weeks, months, years and sometimes our entire lives in mental anguish, stress, regret, sorrow and worse. In an otherwise perfect life, we have introduced a few drops of toilet water.

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Mental case

Troubled by stress, anxiety and tension? You are not alone.

How to keep these at bay? By not worrying about what will happen. We know this.

The only thing that differentiates each one of us, and especially those who take a lot of tension versus those who don’t, is their state of mind once a problem has been revealed to them.

Maybe you found out that you need to make a presentation in front of a 1000-people audience, and you just detest the idea. But you need to do it, because that is your job.

The chilled out guy is not worried, because he knows he anyway has to present to that large group, so why worry? Besides, he has faced several tough situations before, and he’s still alive, and so he has faith in himself and/or at least in a higher power to help guide him.

Often it’s not the fear of actually presenting that is the cause of worry, but the fear of underperformance. That people will laugh. That I’d make a fool of myself, and be relegated to YouTube’s Greatest Fools’ Hall of Fame top list. The reality is that no one cares, because everyone is too busy worrying about themselves.

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Public Work

Met an old bloke today. Probably in his fifties.

He was happy – smiling and whistling to himself. Not that I met him in happy circumstances.

He was in his small claustrophobic office doing his work. We know his office well. It is also called the public restroom. No he wasn’t spending time there because of a bad stomach. It was just his daily job. 8 hours of business to be done once others were done with theirs.

He said he traveled 2 hours one way from house, in an overcrowded train, every single day. 4 hours spent in traveling, in sweat and crowd, all to get a pittance, after being locked 7 days a week 8 hours a day in a tiny smelly room!

How could he possibly be happy and smiling and whistling? The only possible answer to this question is that happiness is in the mind.

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Desert rose

“Oh desert rose eh ley hi ey ley…” crooned the legendary singer Sting many years ago.

I have never figured out the words after ‘rose’, but that’s digressing from the point.

No one likes deserts no? Not desserts, which are universally loved (except by the 22 year old trying desperately to get his abs to show!), but the dry arid landscapes that parch your throat just by thinking about them.

A dry barren dune-filled land is always considered infertile and useless. “What will anyone do with such a place?” is the first thing that comes to mind.

But even weaknesses can be turned into strengths. That’s my learning. We know this, but still get dejected in the face of adversity. Here’s a nice line I saw about the Indian state of Rajasthan, as part of a tourism advertisement.

“A pioneer in the green revolution (to generate solar energy) in India with 300-330 sunny days a year, which is comparable to the deserts of California and Nevada!”

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Beyond home and work – part 1 of 8

Recently, I was given the opportunity to address a youth satsang session on the topic “Satsang beyond home and work”. Here is the gist of the contents, split over a few parts, just to make it easy to consume.

“You remember those childhood days where we used to play some sport with a bat and a ball? And there’d be 3 kids, one would own the bat, the second would own the ball, and this third kid would own neither and so he only gets to be the fielder!?

Well I’m the fielder today, because after two very powerful talks on satsang @ home and satsang @ the office, I’ve got this task to field every other life situation that falls neither under the office or under the home.

For many of us, the question will be, “Really? Is there even anything outside of work and home?”

Continued tomorrow…

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Rich people

On a recent business trip, the cabbie was a chatty fellow.

Looking at where our hotel was (apparently in a posh locality, although the hotel itself wasn’t!), he said “Are you guys from the top of the food chain in your country?”

We tried to deflect, “No, no, no such thing, our travel agent just happened to find this hotel convenient for our meetings and such.”

To which he quickly replied, “Hey I have no problems with rich people, none of that inequality angle or the attitude or jealousy or anything. In fact I like rich people, because they’re the ones that keep my business running!”

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With much aplumb

The drain in the washroom where we were temporarily residing recently had got clogged. Pretty common occurrence, especially if some hair or other small item goes and gets stuck. It could also be because of dirt (aka muck) getting accumulated over time.

The easy part is to just call the plumber.

What a tough job. The guy came in a few minutes. And where’s we’d otherwise squeam or cringe before even going near the drain, this chap was cool as a cucumber.

He wasn’t even wearing any gloves. He just unscrewed the perforated drain cover and stuck his hand inside, to check what the problem was. Of course his hand got dirty, and it wasn’t even dirt that he caused! But a quick check, and he smiled, “I found the cause of the problem, it’s some blockage outside.”

And bounced off to the other side of the building, ladder in tow, in order to ‘reach’ the area of the problem. 10 minutes later, all was fine and dandy. Never seen a guy stick his hand into a drain and still maintain a smile. I couldn’t do it, surely. My work is infinitely better, yet I find ways to be unhappy 🤷

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Advaitic duality

The concept of Advaita or non-duality is always confusing.

So a man once asked Adi Shankaracharya himself, the foremost proponent of the field. “You say we are all the same deep within, the same Brahman. Then why are we not all equal? We all have the same blood flowing through our bodies do we not?”

To which Adi Shankara replied that advaita needed to be practiced at the level of one’s attitude and thoughts.

The man wasn’t convinced, and proceeded to argue further.

Adi Shankara replied, “Your mother, sister, mother-in-law, daughter – they are all women aren’t they? Yet, can you treat your mother as your wife, and your wife as your daughter, your daughter as your mother?”

The man understood.

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We go for a brisk walk on most mornings. Usually along the perimeter of a small oval-shaped garden.

Some walk fast, others slow.

Everyone’s busy of course, minding their own business, lost in thought or a podcast or song.

One day, an old sickly uncle was walking really slow.

But he had a lovely smile on his face.

Even more, everyone passing by him got a smile on their faces too.

As we passed him, he motioned to us, put his hand in his pocket, took out two lychee candies, smiled, and gave those to us.

No idea who he was, or why he did that. But our faces had big smiles too 🙂

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Remember the happiness equation (blog post) from Swami Chinmayananda?

Happiness = Desires Fulfilled / Desires Entertained

Here is another very similar one I came across in a podcast yesterday, attributed by the speaker to some Buddhist monks.

Satisfaction = Haves / Wants

This is somewhat an even shorter and easier representation of the same thing.

Reduce the denominator, increase satisfaction.

Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have any ‘wants’ though. They key is to cut the umbilical cord between ‘getting the wants’ and ‘being happy’.

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Rural elite

So I met a nice guy recently, who owned a sizable plot of land.

It was an ancestral handover to him, so yes, free.

He had 3 cows, 6 dogs, 2 pigs, 4 hens, and a few other animals.

“I’m an animal lover!”, he exclaimed to me.

There was a lot of greenery on his farm, and he was growing a few vegetables at least. And he said he would sit a couple of hours daily, just taking in all the fresh cool unpolluted air.

All this seemed surreal, until he said that he was unhappy. That he wanted to move to the city, “for more opportunities”.

Here’s a fellow living my dream life, and I want to be where he’s at. But he wants to be where I’m at. Oh the irony.

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Emoshunned – part 1 of 4

A lovely episode of The Happiness Lab podcast I was recently listening to discussed the sad-bad-glad triad.

This was a comment by the guest on the show, Brené Brown. Per Wikipedia, Brené is an American research professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host. Brown is known in particular for her research on shame, vulnerability, and leadership.

She’s written a book called Atlas of the Heart, which deconstructs and maps out human emotions.

At first, I thought, what the heck, is it really a big deal? But as I heard more, I realized this is stuff people do not talk about much, and perhaps ought to.

She first quotes Ludwig Wittgenstein, a philosopher from the early 90s as saying “​“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”

What does this mean? Imagine you put your heart and soul into a project, but did not get the desired result. If your vocabulary is constrained, you would say you were sad. If you also got a free scratch-and-win lottery ticket and saw what I always see – “Better luck next time”, you would again be nothing but sad. And if your favorite team lost the match? You’d be sad again. Sad sad sad. That’s because vocabulary aka language as the ‘constraining factor’ is offering a limited window to the world.

Why does this matter? Continued tomorrow…

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Holy Cow – part 1 of 5

Remember the cow race from last year?

We all know the cows on our Indian roads – sometimes in the middle of a highway, and other times in the middle of smaller roads – but always unbelievably oblivious to the traffic around them. Irrespective of the commotion, they just do not let the outside world bother them, peacefully chewing away on their grassy meal.

And because of their gentle disposition as well as their generous nature (sharing their milk for one and all), they are considered not just bovine, but divine as well.

How to participate in this cow race?

By first realizing that it is not a race at all. Rather, it is a road to grace.

Our normal day to day world and work may be hard to change.

But we can use the bovine, to spark our inner-divine, and that itself can be life-changing.

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Thinking about thinking – part 2 of 2

Now that we understand no one really is thinking about us, how can we use this to improve our lives? Easy. By ‘letting go’. By being sincere, but not serious. By taking things with a smile, but not lightly. Read this:

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.

—Lao Tzu

Isn’t this just phenomenal advice? For instance, we might feel tensed and anxious before an important meeting. We are already well prepared and know the outcome. But still, there are those butterflies – “what if it doesn’t go well?” And once the meeting is over? Almost instantly we feel better, no matter the outcome.

That’s why letting go is so important. Letting go of our need to be perfect in everything – looks, speech, writing, presentation, cooking, and everything else.

But letting go doesn’t mean we don’t care. Letting go only means “okay if it happens, and okay if it doesn’t”. Once we ‘let go’, we stop focusing on the future, and how others may or may not perceive us (and we know most people don’t have the time to care!). Instead, we begin to enjoy and live in the present.

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6 months to… part 3 of 3

Continuing from yesterday, here are some awesome snippets from the book 6 Months to Live by Dr. Sangeeta Raman Girdhar.

  1. If you are taking life for granted, all you need to do to come around, would be to go to any big multi-speciality hospital and go to the cancer ward, and ask someone with cancer, what he or she would give for just one more day of life.
  2. Have no resentments towards anyone. Everyone behaves in a particular way because of what they are going through. It has nothing to do with you. Everyone is carrying their own baggage of problems.
  3. Why we are afraid of the death of a loved one? Have you ever given it a thought? What do we fear? Why are we so scared of our close ones leaving us? In our minds, it’s not that I love her too much, she cannot die…but it is, what will happen to me if she dies? How will I manage? How will I cope? I won’t be able to live without her…I won’t be able to manage. I won’t be able to handle life without her presence… See? Where are we thinking of the person concerned in this? All we are worried is about ourselves.
  4. Our loss was immeasurable… but then, so was the love she left behind for us… and the memories…

    Do consider reading this impactful quick-read book (available here). There were a lot of eye openers for me.
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6 months to… part 1 of 3

There’s an outstanding short-book that I just finished reading.

It’s called 6 Months To Live, and written by Dr. Sangeeta Raman Girdhar.

The book is only about 70-odd pages long, and can easily be finished in one sitting, and within the hour.

But the convenient length of the book not the reason everyone should read it.

What the book captures so beautifully, is a combination of 4 things:

  1. What all a loved one goes through when faced with a terminal disease
  2. What the immediate family of this person goes through
  3. What life lessons and spiritual lessons we can each take away, especially if (God-forbid) put in such circumstances
  4. How to deal with cancer, and even make micro lifestyle changes to prevent it

I’m going to share a few powerful takeaways from the book over the next couple of days, but the book has much more than just these, so do consider reading it. The author is my cousin sister, who is an amazing human being. The least I can do is feature her work on FHN! The book is available here.

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4 the long term

A podcast I was listening to this weekend had something very interesting on investing.

The investment expert was asked how he manages to beat the market, to stay ahead of the curve, and deliver superior performance for his portfolio. The approach he articulated was so clear and simple, yet so profound. He said he makes investments into companies, only when he is convinced that his (data-backed) expectations of one of 4 things is better than the rest of the market’s expectations.

  1. The magnitude of cash flows that will be earned by the company
  2. The duration of cash flows that will be earned by the company
  3. The quality of cash flows that will be earned by the company
  4. The use of cash flows that will be earned by the company

It got me thinking that this can be applied to many choices in life. Not ‘cash flows’ per se, but whatever we expect the perceived return to be.

Like if we are unsure of a career choice or a degree choice. Don’t choose computer science (just an example) because everyone else is choosing it. Figure out whether the magnitude (impact) of that education for you will be relevant? For how long, i.e. what duration is it just a passing fad, and you internally despise the subject? What is the quality of this degree in what you want in your life? How can I use it to get what I want?

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A 6-month old baby I know was recently bitten by a mouse.

This occurred in the middle of the night, during a torrential downpour, and when the electricity went kaput.

Sudden high pitched crying from the baby alerted its parents, who then found their own shirts to be soaked in some blood, as they quickly picked up the baby.

They didn’t know at the time that it was a mouse that bit her.

The baby cried for 10 minutes, as the shock and the pain of the bite waned off.

A couple of hours and a visit to the emergency room later, the baby was fine, laughing and playing like nothing had happened. No fear of the mouse returning. No irritation of her beautiful little finger now having a mouse’s teeth marks. No frustration for having a tiny bandage in an already tiny finger. No anger towards her family members for not having prevented the mousebite in the first place. No permanent scarring and fear of mice. All the bad forgotten, just like that.

How I wish I could put all the loathsome experiences in my days behind me with such panache!

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To do…

To do lists are awesome. They really help me get my work done, and ensure that I don’t miss anything critical.

So to do lists are great, and we’ve established that.

But you know the problem with to do lists? They are never ending. My to do lists just keep getting longer and longer. And this builds up a lot of stress and anxiety.

Therefore, here’s another kind of useful list… The ‘to-don’t’ list!

Many times, what I’m unable to do or accomplish is a direct outcome of other things I should be giving up. Like?

Here’s some to-don’ts for me. Don’t check your emails for at least an hour (did you know we check our emails on average 80 times a day?!). Don’t procrastinate. Don’t worry about the future. Don’t focus on the result. Don’t think about missing one day of your 7-days-a-week workout. Don’t worry about one cheat meal. And so it goes.

Even a short but effective to-don’t list can make a to do list really effective!

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Pet chasing

Imagine a dog or a cat or a mouse. Yes like in Tom & Jerry. You are trying your best to catch the animal, but it is just so quick, darting about – here now, next second hopped onto the wall, and the next onto the tree. Phew, all this running around and chasing is really tiring.

Is there a better way? Yes there is.

How about just sitting quietly, with some pet food. Yummy. No need to chase the animal anymore. The animals love pet food, and so will come right to your lap.

The animal here represents nothing but the whole world. We are constantly chasing after it, looking for one elusive success after another.

Through this entire journey, we forget the most important aspect, which is ourselves.

The pet food is our skills, talents and abilities. If we work on constantly improving ourselves, we don’t need to chase anyone for anything, and instead the whole world will come chasing after us.

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This is the biggest sin – part 2 of 2

We saw yesterday how aham was the biggest sin. This is more from a spiritual angle though. What of the material living-breathing world we live in? Is there an equivalent such mega-sin?

As I thought about this for a few days, only one recurring thought kept coming back. What leads us to live below our potential? What prevents us from achieving what we can, ought to, are able to, but still don’t?

That’s when it dawned that perhaps the biggest sin could be nothing more than the weakness of our own minds. I don’t want to say anything more on this except to just reproduce Swami Vivekananda’s outstanding words on this menace.

Misery dares not approach us – till the mind is weakened. The weak have no place here, in this life or in any other life. Weakness leads to slavery. Weakness leads to all kinds of misery, physical and mental. Weakness is death. There are hundreds of thousands of microbes surrounding us, but they cannot harm us unless we become weak, until the body is ready and predisposed to receive them. There may be a million microbes of misery, floating about us. Never mind! They dare not approach us, they have no power to get a hold on us, until the mind is weakened. This is the great fact: strength is life, weakness is death. Strength is felicity, life eternal, immortal; weakness is constant strain and misery: weakness is death.

Could there be a bigger sin?

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Negative stop

A video that was circulating on social media recently caught my attention. A bunch of young girls – probably in their early 20s – had gathered around the Dalai Lama. The question one of them asked him was, “Why do I keep getting negative thoughts?”

The Dalai Lama didn’t have to think much. He said there are two things that lead to this.
1. The first is self-centeredness.
2. The second is that the reality is not truly as we see it (he quotes the Shunyata theory – i.e. nothing exists as it appears).

The girls just giggled and the video cut off. But their expressions suggested they didn’t fully catch the purport of his words. I too had to think for a while, and I’m still not sure I’ve understood fully.

Self-centeredness is the easy one. We look at the world with eyes of relativity. Nothing is taken as is. If someone gets a good bonus, we immediately compare that bonus to our bonus, and the self-centeredness brings in feelings of jealousy, anger and incompetence, all of which can only lead to negative thoughts.

The second point though. Was he talking about maya? Or maybe that we only see the things we want to, rather than as they are? What do you think?

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Here’s a Chinese proverb I came across:

1. If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
2. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
3. If you want happiness for a month, get married.
4. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
5. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody else. 

All of these are true. Point 3 is funny even. And these must be taken in the right spirit. It is not about the activities, but rather about the fleeting nature of happiness. This has even been studied by scientists, including the various chemicals released by the brain (endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin etc.).

The winner is always the last one. Point 5. Do more for others. In fact, do everything for others only. Because there is no difference deep down, from a spiritual point of view. Our scriptures say that if we do for ourselves only, we are only adding fuel to the fire which is our ego.

The challenge is, that even doing point 5 well is hard, because we look for some signs of acknowledgement from the people who have just benefitted from our help. When they don’t even say a thank you, that can get us really riled up. The real test of spiritual progress is how little such feelings impact us.

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5 levels up

The ‘level 5 leader’ is an awesome outcome of Jim Collins’ research. He covers this in great detail in his book Good to Great as well. What is this level 5, and how did he get there? Rather surprisingly, Jim wasn’t even looking for leadership to be one of the defining qualities of an amazing company. It makes sense right? Leaders exist everywhere – bad companies, good companies and great companies. Yet why do only some succeed and not others? Thinking thus, he proceeded to almost remove the ‘leadership’ component of his research.

Until he discovered that not all leaders are created equal. And voila, 5 levels of leadership! This is somewhat like Maslow pyramid of needs, except this is for leaders. Level 1 is about individual skills. Level 2 is team player skills. Level 3 is management skills. Level 4 is leadership skills, which is not just figuring out what to do, but also motivating your team to want to achieve it themselves.

So what was level 5, that led to the companies where these leaders worked outperform to such an extent? It was a combination of two things: humility and willpower. The indomitable human spirit, will, where it’s there, there’s a way – is well known. But humility? It’s not just the self-effacing type. Rather, it is a specific type of humility, defined as the ability to recognize the flaws and faults that you have that you have to grow past with honesty.

And where would one build such humility from? Only from failure. We are all afraid of failure. But it is actually failure which builds success. Imagine combining this humility, with the will to not just do something selfishly (not a leader), but to work for a greater purpose. Incredible.

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I swear

Here’s a cute scene on TV I saw recently.

A table had a small glass jar with a few coins in it. A label ‘Swear Jar’ is pasted across it. A mother is seen berating her 5 year old daughter’s use of swear words. Every time she says a bad word, the kid needs to put a dollar from her pocket money into the ‘swear jar’.

Like all kids, this one too tries to find loopholes, asking her teacher to “go to shell” and “what the muck” among other such cleverly hidden expletives.

The mother is initially irritated by this behaviour. But it dawns on her that the “swear jar” is not the right approach. If one were to create a rule such that the target person (the 5 yo) can’t even understand (because she is too young to), then of course said target would try to break the rule!

The mother then changes tactics and says something beautiful. “Baby, no more swear-jar okay? That is pointless. But I want you to understand why bad words are not okay. And that’s because bad words make other people feel bad. Now you are such a good girl – surely you don’t want other people feeling bad because of what you say do you?”

“No mommy.”

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Working remotely

There’s a lot of people who want to work remotely these days. Work from the mountains. Work from the snow. Work from the riverside. Work from the beaches. Work from anywhere but home. All you need is a strong internet connection and some good homecooked food.

I know many people who’ve made this journey as well. From a few weeks to a few months, they’ve tried different combinations. And technology has certainly made things easier. No denying that. However, the feedback I’ve got (and it’s expected of course!) is that the work doesn’t magically become lighter. The sweet aroma of the flowers from the mountain top does little to change the deadline of an irate client.

Said differently, all that matters is what’s in our minds. If we train it to seek a rumbling waterfall or gurgling creek in order to do our work well, then that’s what it will keep demanding, regardless of whether it actually works well in that landscape.

Also, we hardly know what is good for us – but we always think we do. A recent tragedy is a case in point. So many wanted to work remotely from this idyllic place. But said place saw unexpected rains and subsequent landslides that resulted in quite a bit of destruction and loss of lives. Sometimes, if life doesn’t go the way we dream it too, maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Does that mean we should never wish for anything? Not at all, but if it doesn’t go our way, then best to just take it in our stride.

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Advanced beginner

As a kid, going to amusement parks meant having to size oneself up against a ‘bar’. If I was shorter than the bar, then sorry, that ride wasn’t for me, no matter how adventurous it looked.

We always want to be permitted to do what we want. To be what we want to be. No shackles, no limitations.

I came across a spiritual book recently, which needed some permissions to be read. To read a book? Really?

Here’s what the book cover said. “Only for advanced seekers or absolute beginners.”

What an amazing requirement. I don’t know what was in the book, but it certainly makes me want to read it (even though I don’t fulfil the requirements). I’m certainly not an advanced spiritual seeker. And unfortunately, I’m not an absolute beginner either. I’ve read some spiritual books and listened to some YouTube talks, and that means my ego has only risen, rather than crumbled, as would be ideal.

Krishna makes it explicitly clear in the Gita. He needs no status, wealth, name, education or credentials for granting a spiritual revolution unto Him. All he needs is a clean heart dedicated only to Him.

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Equations – part 2

A few more simple equations:

  1. Visualization + execution >>> execution-only > visualization-only
  2. Health + wealth >> Health > wealth
  3. Distraction = destruction
  4. Spirituality = embracing uncertainty
  5. Pain =/= suffering; suffering is only in the mind
  6. Pain + reflection = progress

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Cover page

When we discuss Dale Carnegie’s (DC) amazing book How to Win Friends & Influence People in satsang, participants often ask certain types of questions. Maybe we can call these questions as extremities. Here are some examples:

  1. DC says we need to listen to the other person. But what if the other person keeps on talking and I don’t get to talk at all?
  2. DC says think from the other person’s point of view. But what if the other person doesn’t think from mine?
  3. DC says we need to smile as often as possible. But others aren’t smiling.
  4. DC says develop a genuine interest in the other person. But when do I then get to talk about my interests?

These are all valid concerns. However, our objective must be clearly understood. As the title on the book’s cover page states, this book is useful if you want to win the other person over, befriend them and / or influence them.

If this is the clear focus and objective, then we need to think: Does it matter whether I get to talk or not, or that the other person doesn’t smile or not, or that they don’t see the world from my point of view? Ideally, no!

This is DC’s decades and countless experiences’ worth of rare wisdom neatly encapsulated into a 200 page book. The real question we must be asking ourselves is – how better can I apply the learnings of this magical book to my life?

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Lost plot

Many professions today do not practically need the depth and breadth of our prior education. Primary school, high school, junior college, senior college, bachelor’s, master’s, post doctorals – the list goes on.

But do we apply all of what we learn in our daily work? Hardly. What our bosses need is mostly just to focus on getting small bits and pieces done at the right time. Ownership, responsibility, dedication, meeting deadlines, being a team player – yes these are often substantially enough to differentiate a good employee from a bad one.

But even doing this is difficult at times. The focus is often on the things that do not matter. Like trying to do something to perfection, when it has been clearly communicated that a rough framework would suffice. Or when one has been asked to use something off-the-shelf, only to find out later that the person tried to reinvent the wheel. These smaller errors are unrelated to the work itself, but are enough to let the one in charge know that the doer has lost the plot.

A similar plot loss happens in spirituality too. All that is required is for one to realize the Divinity deep within. It is an internal exercise. The Gurus say that one must simply watch the mind, and prioritize the Real over transient. But many seekers love to delude themselves, and resort to a plethora of practices and meditations to attempt to quiet the mind. The mind is like a schizophrenic monkey on steroids. Can it really be quietened? The only sustainable way the Gurus say is to give up all attachments and desires.

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Down to earth

One of the biggest challenges facing humanity today is climate change. We’ve discussed this in previous posts. But suffice it to say that we are taking from mother earth far more than we are giving back.

A famous Hollywood actor named Zac Efron has a TV documentary series called Down to Earth where he travels the world trying to find sustainable solutions for humanity’s problems.

One of the studies being done in Sardinia is interesting. There are a bunch of ‘blue zones’, where the locals all seem to live easily beyond a 100 years.

Zac himself has six-pack abs and admits to eating his bodyweight in protein every single day, and having gone months and even years together without touching carbs at all. And these cute centenarian Sardinian aunties and uncles? They barely have much protein – and certainly no whey powder or creatine powder or other supplements. What they do have though, is a really chilled out, but active lifestyle. Lots of walking and very less of stress.

Zac summarizes by saying thus, “I gotta get out of Hollywood man. That place, with all the stress and tension, it’s just not conducive for living. I just gotta get out.”

But we all want more fame and more money and more status even at the cost of a terrible lifestyle right?

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Mediterranean Life – is back

We discussed the TV show Mediterranean Life back in April this year. They’re back with season 2, and boy do those landscapes and vistas and balcony views look stunning!

So yet another bunch of families leave their homes and hometowns behind, in the quest for a peaceful Mediterranean lifestyle.

One opening remark by one of the wandering souls struck me deeply. He said, “Wow what sunny beaches. I’m so happy to leave behind all the snow. Yay, no more snow!”

No more snow? I’ve never been to a place while it’s snowing. I don’t know how snow feels. Is it hard? soft? fluffy? I’ve seen many YouTube videos of course, but never had snow falling over my head. But 45-degrees sun? Yes that I’ve seen plenty of.

It’s amazing how what one person is running towards, another is running away from. The bottom line is that people are always running. Standing still might be the best antidote to all our problems. Physically, and mentally.

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The world loves extroverts. These people are chatty, gregarious, always have stories to tell, and seem to get along so easily.

Introverts on the other hand, seem to struggle to get along with most, and prefer to be curled up with a book rather than the centre of attention in a pub.

A book called Quiet by Susain Cain explores how introverts are actually very powerful, can think deeply and make massive contributions to the world in their own ways.

But maybe extroverts and introverts as defined by outward behaviour is irrelevant, even though that is what catches the eye. Dig a little deeper, and what may really matter is empathy.

One can make quick and superficial judgements about people looking at how they behave in public (intro or extro). But when someone goes the extra mile, out of the way to do something for someone else, that is the true basis for a sustainable relationship. In this respect, even an introvert could be an extrovert, by thinking about the other person selflessly.

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Lights out

Today morning, the electricity went off. Poof, kaput, gone. Some maintenance work yada yada will be back in 12 hours yada yada said one whatsapp message.

I quickly switched from wifi to mobile hotspot and continued to work. A couple of video calls, and a few other normal calls, plenty of emails, several powerpoint slides, some excel sheets and a few more emails later, my laptop battery started to give way.

A few hours later, and my phone was dying too. Dusk had set in. Darkness all around, except my phone screen. And then that was gone as well. No this is not a horror story.

No screens, no calls from work, no deadlines, no TV, no music, no noises, only darkness. But it was beautiful. We sat together and talked – with zero distractions. It was free flowing, and chilled out. Not a care in that moment. Such simple pleasures of life. Going with the flow.

And the lights momentarily came on as the fan whirred back to life. Deadlines, phone calls, work, screens, distractions – everything was back. Back to normal. But our normal is quite abnormal, isn’t it?

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Securing the crown – part 4

There’s an amazing episode surrounding the moon landing of 1969. His Royal Highness Prince Phillip the Duke of Edinburg was lost in his life – directionless as it were. The outside world it seemed was doing great things, making great strides – while all he did, was go from place to place – making speech after speech, which no one could care less about.

Just as the moon landing caught the world’s imagination at the time, so too it did of Prince Phillip. He not only watched and read countless times the footage and reports of the astronauts and their mission, but he also sought out a 15 minute audience with Neil Armstrong and his two co-pilots. His quest – to understand how they truly felt, as they carried out what was probably the most ambitious and significant journey in human history.

On meeting the 3 young men, he is filled with awe, and eagerly asks them about what their thoughts were as they descended on the surface of the moon, and how they felt when they looked at their blue home 380,000 km away. Their response?

They were just process driven. Men on a mission. Hundreds of checklists to ensure everything was working to perfection. No time to smell the proverbial roses, or maybe moon dust. No time to think even. They don’t even begin to understand the essence of the Prince’s questions. They in fact counter-question him thus, “Sir you are so lucky, how does it feel to live in a palace of a 1000 rooms, live with the queen, have so many royal dinners and meetings, and live such a meaningful life?”

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Securing the crown – part 2

We all speak about happiness. Because we all want it. And we’re perennially looking for it – high and low.

And it’s relative too. What does that mean? Queen Elizabeth played by a brilliant Claire Foy in The Crown shares her take on… unhappiness, not happiness.

And what a lovely line it is.

That's the thing about unhappiness. All it takes is for something worse to come along and you realize what you were experiencing was actually happiness after all.

Much like man’s search for heaven up there in the skies. When he dies here on earth and goes up, God asks him, “So, how did you like your stay on heaven?”

We already have everything, if we choose to look within. If we stubbornly look outside only, constantly comparing and recognizing apparent gaps and holes, then we will be left with nothing. Years later, maybe we will realize that that state too was actually happiness – but it may be too late to realize it.

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Securing the crown

There is an amazing scene in the Netflix drama The Crown, which is based on Queen Elizabeth’s life. No spoilers ahead, I think 🙂

In season 2 episode 8, when John F Kennedy travels to the UK, they meet the Queen and her husband. It’s not just the Queen who’s the lead female though. More than JFK, it is Mrs. Kennedy that has got everyone’s heads turning. Smart, charming, beautiful, dazzling, intelligent, a brilliant conversationalist – on and on her admirers go. So much so that even the Queen’s husband is desperate to get a seat near Mrs. K at the lavish dinner table.

But the (dinner) tables do turn, and make for provoking thought. The Queen is extremely uncomfortable. Why? Because she feels threatened by her adversary. Although she’s not really even her adversary is she? One is the Queen of Great Britain, the other a First Lady of another country. And for crying out loud, she is the Queen! She has everything and more anyone could ever ask for. There ought not to be any comparison at all!

Therein lies the catch. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have – even if you are the proverbial (or literal) Queen of England. If there is something you do not have however, and if someone else has it, then that immediately takes the Crown (figuratively only :)). What Mrs. K had, the Queen lacked, or so she thought, and the power of insecurity rises to the fore in some wonderful acting. What the Queen doesn’t realize at the time, is that Mrs. K too has her own share of insecurities. Wow, the two most powerful women in the world back in the 1960s, had so many insecurities…

This is not to poke fun – no, not at all. But just a reminder, that deep down, we are all human, and suffer the same human biases. If we can control the mind, that is much better than having a head with a crown on it.

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Score backwards

Think of everything you already have in your life. EVERYTHING.

What would you value it at?

Of course you’ve read this blog and many scriptures and the like, so the answer would be 100… out of 10. Well done!

Now think of everything you don’t have, but want.

That promotion, that net worth, that designation, that house, that car, that international vacation, that recognition from others…

What would you value it at? 1,000? 10,000? Maybe more? Isn’t that what we spend our entire days and nights working towards / stressing for?

So everything we have is 100, and everything we want is 10,000. Surely we’ve got this backwards? Why else would anything we obtain incrementally, not add to lasting happiness? Why are we still unhappy? To be pondered over…

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Here’s an awesome story narrated by Morgan Housel who writes for the Collaborative Fund blog.

Dr. Dan Goodman once performed surgery on a middle-aged woman whose cataract had left her blind since childhood. The cataract was removed, leaving the woman with near-perfect vision. A miraculous success.

The patient returned for a checkup a few weeks later. The book Crashing Through writes:

Her reaction startled Goodman. She had been happy and content as a blind person. Now sighted, she became anxious and depressed. She told him that she had spent her adult life on welfare and had never worked, married, or ventured far from home – a small existence to which she had become comfortably accustomed. Now, however, government officials told her that she no longer qualified for disability, and they expected her to get a job. Society wanted her to function normally. It was, she told Goodman, too much to handle.

Wow, you did not expect that ending to the story did you? It is no surprise that humans are the worst predictors of their own future. Our superpower, nay super-weakness is the ability to isolate exactly one outcome of the future (like more money, fame, here eyesight etc.) that we want, to the exclusion of everything else – often risks – that would automatically accompany that outcome.

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Quick not hasty

Google Pay has a nice ad. It shows people engaged in a variety of transactions, and then using the app to make their payments. The tagline that goes alongside is “Jaldi, lekin jaldbaazi nahin”, which means quick but not hasty. This is an important but often overlooked mode of action.

Just a few days ago, a friend of mine who had come back to his hometown for a break, was telling me that his marriage got fixed. But he had given an ultimatum to his fiancee, that they needed to be married in the following 3 weeks, before he headed back to his place of work. The girl’s side wasn’t so keen on this alacrity. Marriage is one of those things where it is not possible to momentarily reverse one’s decision – it is not a hop-on hop-off bus. While one can understand my friend’s urgency, in the long run, what is a few months here and there?

But we’ve now got used to doing everything at great speed. Instant gratification and all that. And we naturally come to expect this in spiritual progress as well. But as is very nicely described in Tattvabodha, there are four things simultaneously needed for moksha or liberation = a Guru + satsang + scriptures + X. Three of these we can all have. But what is X? It is time. No matter how much of a hurry we may be in, we cannot sidestep the learnings that time and experience unveil to us.

For large important life-changing decisions, quality trumps speed any day, especially if we want to minimize regrets in the future.

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There’s an excellent interview on Youtube of ex-US President Mr. Barack Obama. It’s a very short clip – hardly two minutes long. He is quizzed on what masculinity is, what it means to be macho. Mr. Obama’s response, as expected of him, is simple yet profound.

He says that “a man doesn’t need eight women around you twerking to show their masculinity”. When we see most music videos / ads / movies / magazines / item numbers in songs etc. – they all seem to capture this exact theme – machoism and womanizing.

Instead, Mr. Obama clarifies that what makes a good man, is “first and foremost being a good human being and that means being responsible, being reliable, working hard, being kind, being respectful, being compassionate. The notion that being a man is to put somebody down rather than lift them up is an old view.”

Such a lovely thought, isn’t it? In the spirit of equality, no doubt this applies to women as well – because at the core of this life of ours, we are all human beings first.

We become great when we make others around us great, and this starts by treating them as though they are already great.

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A tale of two-is-one

The famous opening line of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities goes “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.”

  • This is applicable to investing today – because the market is up, but the economy is down.
    There are many other examples too.
  • Within the same industry, during the same business cycle, one company gains market share, while another goes bankrupt.
  • The economy may be in the doldrums and companies downsizing, but some people still manage to find new jobs.
  • Within the same company, during the same appraisal cycle, one person gets promoted, another gets fired.
  • This is also true for those who are able to work-from-home, because they get more family-time. But it simultaneously also hard for those who need to compulsorily travel for work due to Covid, frontline workers and the like.
  • Speaking of family, one wants to get married but is unable to find the wife. Another is desperate to get divorced, but can’t get rid of the wife.
  • One person is blessed with kids, while another from the same family has struggled to conceive for years. Better still, the one with kids may find him/herself more stressed out than the one without.
  • One person with a lot of money is unhappy, but another having far lesser – yet living a simple contented life – is happy.
  • There may be the worst of riots, but also some kind souls who throw open their doors and hearts for help.

The world is a good place. But it is also a bad place.
Most people prefer to wallow in their misery – wallowing can bring pity but not success.
We find what we look for.
That’s how it’s always been, and always will be.

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Cat-ch me if you can

We’ve got two cats in our building. And their personalities couldn’t be more different.

One guy seems really affectionate. He’ll come up slowly, and try to snuggle. Once he knows you’re in the vicinity, he’ll find his way to you. If you’re sitting somewhere, he’ll try his best to come and sit on your lap as well. You’re already familiar with him, and have seen him do this before here.

But he’s also the jumpy kind. He’ll take a few back scratches, but the moment he hears a sound, he’ll get super alert. If we’re walking and he’s strolling too, and if we crack a leaf or something, he’ll literally jump and run away. It’s in his nature of course, that’s who he is.

Then there’s the other one – “mommy cat” as well call her – given she’s given birth multiple times, and most recently a few weeks ago. This one is not as affectionate, although she will come running once she knows you’re around. She’s quite the talkative one – you just say anything and she will keep meaow-ing like she’s a part of the conversation.

One thing is for sure – is that she’s always living in the moment. Start to give her a bum scratch, and oh can you make out how much she loves it. She doesn’t care one hoot about any sound around her. Some face rubs and under-the-chin rubs – you can make out she goes to paradise, with her eyes closing down quicker than I’d shut my work laptop on a Friday evening.

Lots for me to learn from them – on being affectionate, and happily living in the present.

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Nectar for life

Here’s some pointers I found very thought-provoking from a recent speech my Guruji gave.

  • How to get moksha? By living a choice-less existence. Accept whatever comes to you. The goal of life isn’t to become rich or to be educated. The true goal of life is to realize the Self within, and realizing that That Thou Art (tat tvam asi)
  • We are all going to temples which are great energy centres, but always still asking for more and more materialistic things. When will the cravings stop?
  • Each one of us can achieve anything. One person has done 12 PHDs in printing technology, but still not used even 5% of his brain. Einstein used less than 5% of his brain. We can each do anything.
  • But we must always remember, that achieving great material things means nothing to the Lord, and to our progress on the spiritual path. Materialism will not help us see the Self within.
  • The biggest problem in our lives is not related to job, money, health, wealth or relationships. The biggest problem is that we have desires and are deeply attached to everything and everyone. Gita shlokas 2.71 and 2.72 clarify this.
  • Guruji had once said anyone can come and take anything in their house – even the altar. Even the Vishnu paadaas where he was doing puja with great love all the time. No attachments + no desires is the key. Vishnu paadaa is only a symbol. One must give up the whole world, only then can one attain moksha.
  • Sleeping early is a habit, but so is sleeping late. Reading scriptures is a habit, but so is not reading scriptures. Giving charity is a habit, but so is not giving charity. Same for eating and overeating. We must be careful about the habits we cultivate.
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Here’s a short story that I came across (surprisingly!) in two different books within just the past week. The first book is called The Great Mental Models by Shane Parrish, while the other is the recently released How to Prevent a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates.

The story goes thus. There are two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes “What the hell is water?”

There could be different takeaways for different people from this. To me, it is a simple yet profound reminder of all the good stuff that I’ve got in my life that I’m constantly and almost unknowningly taking for granted. If I would only stop to smell the roses along the way…

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Too much to read 2

Continuing on from yesterday, there is too much to read, but not enough time, isn’t it?

Yesterday’s takeaway was to focus on finding high-quality sources of information in just two categories:
a) your niche
b) general knowledge about how the world really works”

Point ‘a’ we probably are bombarded with inputs (emails, reports, whitepapers etc.) anyway from work. Even if not, we can look for specific books written on these topics (I like to keep looking at new and upcoming releases on Amazon and add them to my wishlist), or blogs that we can subscribe to.

Point ‘b’ most people probably do not focus on much, and this in my view can help each one of us build a serious edge – especially if it can be combined with ‘a’. How can we do this? One way is to read all your childhood textbooks – from grade 1 to grade 12, and then beyond. The wealth of knowledge in them is just outstanding – although we have mostly forgotten everything.

Point ‘c’, which is not mentioned above, is to actively reject all materials that do not fall under ‘a’ or ‘b’. This is very hard to do, as I’ve seen from personal experience. A link from a friend or family member, on to social media posts can lead us unto a clickthrough journey to nowhere.

Point ‘d’ (loosely subsumed under point ‘b’), is to also include reading one post on spirituality, spending just 30 seconds a day. This blog is one way to do that! 🙂

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Is there a way to make someone happy and praise them while also keeping the bar high? Here’s how my Guru did it once.

Many years ago, one of the satsangis went to him for advice. The satsangi was a bit nervous, as he told Guruji that this was his first time speaking in public on the Gita, and that he was a little scared. Guruji asked him which chapter was assigned to him. He said, “Chapter 7, Guruji.”

Guruji replied thus:
1. Wow, chapter 7, such a beautiful chapter, I’m so happy you got it! [infusing happiness]
2. You know what? My first talk too was on chapter 7. It is easy, and I know your capability, you can do it. [genuine praise]
3. I also prepared hard for it – I had read the chapter over 500 times, so that my session is worth my audience’s time. [setting the bar high]

Isn’t this such an inspiring reply, and something for us to learn?

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Twit quot 1

While there is a lot of bad press associated with social media, there is one big positive that I’ve found. And that is people’s quotes on life / spirituality. Sure, some might be copied off of some other book, maybe even our scriptures, but reading these are just amazing, and make me think. A few are shared here, picked randomly, from Twitter.

You won't lose respect for saying "I don't know". But you will lose respect for making things up.
Don't let money get in the way of wealth
You always have the option of having no opinion.
The mind gives up before the body.
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Left shoe

Years ago, Swedish shoe shops were being looted by a shoe-mafia. This gang would hit the stores in the wee hours of the night. Next morning, the shoe shop owners would find something unique. Only the left-shoe of each pair of shoes would be gone. The right-shoe would still be on display, untouched.

This was a huge mystery. The shoe-mafia went untraced for the longest time.

More importantly, the question on everyone’s minds, was what was the gang doing with only the left shoe? Surely you need the right-shoe as well, to make a pair, so that someone could wear it?

The mystery was solved much much later, when they discovered another shoe-mafia in Denmark. This gang would hit shoe stores of the same type, but steal only the right-shoes of each pair! The two gangs worked together, and that completed the puzzle.

In life too, we are running after many left shoes – money, wealth, status, accolades, cars, yachts, houses etc. These are fine by themselves, but can never be complete without the right shoes – health, diet, exercise, love, spirituality, meditation, family-time etc. The choice is in our hands.

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Best friend, worst friend

Remember when as kids, we used to have things like katti and bacchi? Stick your thumb out and that would mean good friend. And stick your pinky finger out and that would become sworn enemy. And a friend of a friend is a friend, and enemy of an enemy is an enemy. But of course, we were kids, so allegiances would change mighty quickly! You want to play soccer and there is only one kid who owns the ball? Everyone wants to be bacchi with him. Kids also are very quick to say (often to the face) “That girl – she’s my friend, but this girl? She’s my best friend” much to the embarrassment of the parents!

Those days are past, and we have outgrown these best friend worst friend monikers. There is still one best/worst friend though for each one of us. And it is not only simultaneously both best and worst friend, but also the same for all of us! Guessed it? The mind!

As verse 6.5 in the Gita says, ‘Elevate yourself through the power of your mind, and not degrade yourself, for the mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self.

How can we make sure that the mind remains our friend, and not enemy? By eventually replacing all desires and attachments with gratitude. If desire comes in between mind and intellect, then they squabble. If there are no desires, and work is done as a service to benefit mankind or at the instruction of the Guru, then the mind and intellect on the spiritual path are best friends!

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Right arrows

The relationship we are all used to:

Hard work   ---->   Success   ---->   Happiness

The relationship suggested in our scriptures:

Gratitude   ---->   Happiness   ---->  Hard work   ---->   Success

Which of these do you feel is more sustainable? Which is easier to practise?

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536 AD

Did you just have the worst day, week or month ever? Yes, we’ve all had it bad – a terrible pandemic is wreaking havoc. And unfortunately, so many people have suffered immensely, many are dead too. But if you’re reading this, you’re at least alive. For many people, this year has been more of an inconvenience than anything worse. Still, there is no dearth of people cribbing despite the various conveniences they have got – including more time with family, more time with nature, lesser time spent commuting etc.

One way to remain mentally balanced, is to remember that things could have been much worse. How much worse, you ask? We need only look back to historian accounts of the year 536 AD. That is the year when a volcano in Iceland erupted. It sent such large volumes of ash into the atmosphere, that the whole earth was blanketed in smog – so much so that the sun could not be seen. Many parts of the world remained in darkness for two full years! Other consequences? The earth’s climate went for a toss resulting in droughts and starvation. The world economy went into depression. Enough already? This was then followed by a bubonic plague, wiping out 100 million people, nearly 50% of the world’s population at the time.

All this while not having TVs, computers, smartphones, internet and pretty much any technology. Today, we literally have everything, and have many many reasons to be happy. Yet many choose to isolate and focus only on the negatives. Let 536 AD be our wake up call.

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Take less stress

A simple principle to follow could be one of inversion. Continuing on from yesterday’s post titled ‘Take more stress’, here are some examples of useful inversion.

The things we are stressed about, and (how to invert them):

  1. landing a better job, (enjoying our current job to the fullest)
  2. earning more money, (living in contentment)
  3. finding a good spouse / partner, (being a good spouse/partner/person)
  4. having a good family, (loving the family you have, and being a dependable family person)
  5. going on a quality vacation, (living every moment like it’s a vacation)
  6. being recognized in society, (working for society)
  7. working to fulfil our kids desires, even if they don’t reciprocate, (allowing the kids to live their own lives, and taking care of your loved ones with no expectations)

On doing these, we will perhaps come to realize what Gandhi ji said, that peace is not a destination, but a path. Moksha is no different, and as my Guru says, available here and now to one and all.

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Kids say the darndest things

There’s a lot to learn from playing with kids. Their innocence is just stunning. The younger ones are a treat to play with. They can either cry or laugh or poopoo or make baby gurgles, and two of these are good fun.

If brought up and trained well, those who are just beginning to converse, may give some of the cutest answers stemming from the simplest of observations.

The slightly older ones can be a revelation, with their quick acumen. But they can also be a slap in the face. They will speak unabashedly, reflective of not just what they learn at home, but also what they see on TV and elsewhere. Many parents give up, afraid to discipline their kids, thinking they will take care when the time is ‘appropriate’. But more often than not, it becomes too late for any corrective action.

This post is not about that though. A recent experience with a naughty-but-well-intentioned fellow taught me a few things. Statements like “Hey, your hair is so white”, or “You are only pretending to listen to me”. were true, and funny. But the potty-mouthed kid let out some ego-stompers too. “You don’t know anything. My father is a better player than you.”, or “Get up I said – get up and play with me right now you idiot”. Hearing these, and having to still smile and play with the kid – was a supreme test of grit, patience and humility. Anger management 101 in action – because – can’t reprimand thy neighbour’s kid.

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Wake up

In their 2001 hit song Chop Suey, American band System of a Down crooned “Wake up wake up, grab a brush and put a little make up. Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up”. The song was intense to say the least, and while the rest of it is irrelevant, this portion well summarizes how many begin their day – stressed, anxious, shaken-up and somewhat empty inside.

“How do I get rid of stress and anxiety?” is the title of a YouTube video I recently watched. The question was asked by Indian Bollywood celebrity Suresh Oberoi to Shivani didi of the global Brahmakumaris movement.

Her response was crisp, simple, practical and immediately actionable.

  1. Our thoughts and words manifest into the reality around us, albeit with a time lag.
  2. Therefore, we must think and speak positive, not negative.
  3. This positivity can only be generated from within, as we do not have control over what goes on outside.
  4. Do not look at your phone for the first 30 to 60 minutes after waking up. This prevents us from falling into the clutches of the world, which tends to send all sorts of negative ideas and emotions.
  5. Start with gratitude. Before even opening your eyes, feel grateful for your life, healthy body, family, money, opportunities etc. This will over the course of a few days significantly reduce our complaining / criticising behaviour.
  6. Choose and repeat a few affirmations relevant to you. Like “I am enjoying my work, and am very successful”, or “I am very healthy and healed” or “I have amazing relationships” etc.

That’s it. Easy to practise? Found it useful?

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By the second

On social media, there seem to be an increase in ‘social’ advertisements. Many pubs and bars seem to have opened up, having being closed many months due to the pandemic. People have been thronging them. Many such establishments have apparently been flouting government norms too – admitting more people and operating longer hours than they should.

While on one side of the world, the devastating coronavirus rages on, on the other side, said nightclubs are teeming with people. Photos show groups of intoxicated half-clothed youngsters, huddled close together, oblivious to the blaring music, high on drink and low on perception.

Sure, the business owners need to run their shops, and this may be a means of advertisement. And of course everyone is free to do as they choose – get high, and leave them problems of the world behind.

But I can’t help but wonder – if there hasn’t been a lifestyle shift. Most of the middle class folks spend everything they earn, just to keep up their ‘image’. Not only are more and more people living paycheck to paycheck, they are also living weekend to weekend. Despising everything related to ‘work’ and ‘office’ on weekdays, all Mon-Fri waking hours are spent waiting for Sat-Sun. And when these do come, they disappear in a flash, feeling like a haze, left in a daze.

What if we lived – not weekend to weekend – but second to second. Giving our fullest to every moment. Enjoying the now. Embracing it. With no care of the past that was or a future to come. How infinitely more productive and yet relaxed, would we be?

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Shock and awe 3

You know the shock and awe series well by now. Here are the two previous ones – Link1 and Link2. These are such outstanding learning points that since our jaws hit the floor, it becomes impossible to forget. More than remembering though, what is most important is to apply these learnings. Without further ado, from my Guru’s Amazing Simple Gita, available here for free:

  1. Skill in action lies in the practise of karma yoga. The expertise is in somehow getting connected to the Lord, as much as possible, in all works of the day.
  2. Liberation is possible only when one (householders, saints working in society, anyone forced to act in the this world) practises karma yoga
  3. What is moha / delusion? Being blind to a person’s defects because we are in love with them.
  4. Are you interested in worldly objects? Do you want to enjoy them? Dwelling on those objects starts all problems.

What powerful lines! Time to apply these learnings, to bring out the best versions of ourselves.

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Goal setting 2

In his book Principles: Life and Work, hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio says, “I learned that if you work hard and creatively, you can have just about anything you want, but not everything you want. Maturity is the ability to reject good alternatives in order to pursue even better ones.”

Like we discussed yesterday, it is important to know what we really want. Not what the neighbour’s son wants. Unfortunately, comparisons never stop these days – neither in real life, nor on social media.

But is knowing ourselves easy? It is probably the hardest question to answer. I didn’t say it. Thales of Miletus, one of the Seven Sages of Greece did – “The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.” Aristotle wasn’t far behind when he said “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

One method mentioned in the previously referenced book Your Next Five Moves is to use 4 categories – Advancement, Individuality, Madness and Purpose. You can try out the Personality Assessment Quiz here and see what bucket you fall under.

More than anything, once a goal has been set, it is important to be mentally free from it. Goals are for working, not for worrying. If we enjoy the work, the goal will be achieved automatically – sooner than later.

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So lucky

Maybe a lot of us believe that we need to be ‘lucky’ in order to be successful. And maybe that’s true in some form or fashion. But is there anything we can do about luck?

First, there’s a nice quote I came across. Luck is when hard work meets opportunity. This is wonderful because it leaves a lot in our control. We can work hard, or work smart or both. And we can keep scouting for opportunities. Something will eventually click.

In the book called The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by the eponymous angel investor, he discusses four types of luck.

  1. Blind luck: Getting lucky without doing anything. Like winning the lottery.
  2. Luck through persistence, hard work and hustle: This is about creating opportunities so luck can find us.
  3. Sensitivity to luck: By becoming skilled in a field that you are able to spot opportunities others can’t.
  4. Luck that finds you: By becoming the foremost expert in a field, and opportunities flock to you as it can go nowhere else.

The last two are somewhat similar, the difference being that the last one is the hardest, and requires work on ourselves to such an extent that luck finds us. In the third example, we still need to find luck. There’s another fifth kind of luck I like. Which is to think and feel that I’m super lucky for everything that I have – experiences, possessions, relationships, the works. This gratitude helps alleviate all anxieties of the future, as everything till now itself is nothing but a series of lucky blessings.

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Foodies galore

Ah food. The thing that unites people. Across age groups and profiles, everybody loves to to eat tasty food. When the pandemic struck, it appeared that many restaurants would shut down, and delivery startups would be finished. While the ensuing months have no doubt been very hard on this industry, people’s love, nay craving for food has only gotten stronger.

Indeed at the first signs of unlock measures, restaurants and street vendors are teeming with people, almost revenge-binging. The Swiggys, Zomatos and Uber Eats of the world? Already back to pre-covid levels and beyond.

So what do our scriptures say about food? Here are three simple points to keep in mind:

1. The concept of bhiksha, i.e. eat whatever is given. This helps build self control.

2. Even if you don’t like the food, try to savour it and enjoy it. No complaints. The unfortunate soul who was starving would gulp down what is in your plate within seconds.

3. Mentally offer whatever food we receive to the Lord. This reinforces gratitude and reduces ego.

We are certainly lucky, that despite a very hard year, we still have food on our plates. That is more than many can hope for.

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At the valet parking area of a renowned 5 star hotel, the owner of an old and tiny Hyundai i10 was waiting for his car to be brought to him.

He watched, as the valets buzzed about, servicing their guests and deftly moving from car to car. One valet drove up in great style in a brand new Mercedes Benz AMG GLE Coupe. The Coupe owner took the keys and handed the valet a crisp couple of notes. The smile on the valet’s face was telling of his satisfaction.

The compact car owner thought to himself, “Wow these valets have it so good. I can’t even dream of driving these sporty beauties. That Mercedes GLE is a special edition model – just 10 of them in the whole world!”

Little did he know the thoughts running in the valet’s mind. “Oh these rich folks – such show-offs. And having to drive their cars? Back and forth, back and forth, from the reception area to the parking lot, a 100 times a day. Can there be anything more repetitive and boring? With the money I make, I barely make ends meet. My school going son would love it so much if I could own even just a simple car. Even an old dilapidated Hyundai i10 would be perfect.”

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Ro ro

According to Google Maps, the drive time from Mumbai to weekend destination Alibaug is just 2 hours and 15 minutes. But anyone who’s taking the road would know of its pitiable condition, easily doubling the drive time to four and a half hours.

The government has come up with an amazing solution. Have a ferry that not only transports people but also cars. It’s called the Ro-Ro for roll-on roll-off. Having taken it a couple of times, I can vouch for its awesomeness. The travel time between Mumbai and Alibaug is reduced to about 50 minutes, car in tow.

What was really amazing though, was the punctuality. All the more so as these are not expected of public services. This was surely different. At 12.30 sharp and as indicated on their website, the ferry set off from the harbor. And at 1.20, it docked into the Mandwa pier.

We all know that there is nothing more valuable than time. If there is someone who values your time, that garners immense respect. Even simple things like being on time for a meeting (increasingly online now), are often taken for granted. Unlike money, time lost cannot be regained. Time to roll-off the time wasters and roll-on the time-spinners.

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My job or someone else’s?

Verse 35 chapter 3 in the Gita can be confusing. Krishna has said that it is better to do one’s own duty badly than to perform someone else’s duty well. Prima facie, it sounds silly. When I’m able to do someone else’s work well, why should I then waste time doing my own work even if done poorly? Does this not bring down efficiency, productivity and quality of the end result? Granted that this can be a bit controversial, but here’s my take on it.

Firstly, the entire Gita talks only about how to work, and never once talks about the type of work itself. Therefore, the focus is on us, the worker, and not the work. Secondly, while we may be great at a neighbour’s job, we may not have the ready opportunity to work there. We can certainly try for a job switch – but whether that fructifies or not, may not be in our control.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, karma yoga is all about treating work as worship. It is a means of attaining the Lord – by not just giving up the results, but by also giving up doer-ship. This is only possible when I do work that is comfortable for me, and that plays to my innate nature. I might love being a librarian for instance, because it gives me peace of mind – reading books, comparing them, learning from them. However, it might seem like a low-paying job, and so I might want to use my bookish knowledge to become an author – which might give me money, but leave me unable to tackle the associated fame. Here our focus must be clear – are we doing the job for our love of books? Or for the money?

In the Gita with Krishna talking to Arjuna, the Lord says that Arjuna might make a great saint, but that as a warrior, it is his duty and innate nature to fight. He adds that it is better to die performing one’s own duty than running after another’s duty. If the work we are doing, feels more like play than work, then we are likely in the right profession. Running after someone else’s work might seem attractive at this moment, but could bring much despair in the future.

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A simple but important blog post to ring in the new year. Here are five things for me to work on, so as to get the best from 2021.

  1. Every day, all day, be happy and grateful for everything we already have. Success, money, fame will come automatically.
  2. Zero compromise on health (i.e. proper nutrition and exercise) – for if there’s one thing an invisible virus from 2020 has taught us, it is that without a fit body and mind, everything else is pointless.
  3. Give / donate / help generously and selflessly. This is the only way to purify the mind and intellect. (Why? Because it removes the notion of ego / i-i-i)
  4. Join a satsang and / or actively participate in one. Repeatedly dunking the mind in scriptural knowledge as guided by the Guru and applying it in our lives will fast track our spiritual transformation.
  5. Enjoy every single moment, and look at every stumbling block as an opportunity to improve. As they say, there are no failures, only lessons.

Are these easy to follow? Do you have other things you would like to focus on? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. All the best for 2021!

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You curves

The Happiness Curve. What could it be? Another way of describing a smile perhaps? That’s what I thought too, and it could be true as well. But the happiness curve is also the name of a book by Jonathan Rauch.

The author describes an important phenomenon related to happiness and age. His findings are quite surprising, and show that happiness declines in the late twenties, bottoms out around the fifties, and then moves up thereafter. This when plotted on a chart, is shaped like a U. And that is our happiness curve.

Why is it this way? Because youngsters tend to have high expectations from their lives. In most cases perhaps a little too high. The shortcut to Partner or MD, or having millions of dollars worth of shares in a billion dollar tech IPO are within the reach of only a few people. The rest? They are probably doing exceedingly well too, but not as much as they would like. So are they happy? Not really.

What happens in the fifties? People interestingly don’t become more dejected or depressed. Instead, their excessive optimism undergoes a systemic shift. They become realistic. And what a difference that makes, with happiness making a steady comeback!

This is wonderful information. Because this study tells us that most people link happiness to career/societal objectives and expectations. It’s good to give our best to our work and keep lofty goals, especially in the service of greater good. However, voluntarily deferring happiness by twenty or thirty years is unnecessary. We can be realistic today itself – not by setting lowly goals, but by realising that despite doing our best, sometimes things may not happen our way, and that we should not lose sleep over it. So we can start with happiness (just a mental toggle switch!), and then go about doing our work. The U curve will then morph into a 45-degree angle straight line to the right, or preferably even just bolt up to the sky at 90-degrees.

The next milestone won’t make us happy. The next purchase won’t make us feel better. The next increment in our paychecks won’t make our lives better. If we don’t appreciate what we already have, nothing we can add onto today will make us happy – sustainably.

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Overcoming a bad boss

Back in a previous job, there was this crazy boss. Towering in stature and demented in his requirements, that he used to torture me (and others in the team as well) at work was an understatement. Everything I did was considered wrong or not good enough. And everything was ‘late’, even if it was well before time. The team as a whole had this toxic culture, where the hours at one’s desk mattered more than the quality of work, and we regularly clocked 18 hour days 7 days a week. Such was the predicament, that I dreaded going to work.

Did I do or say anything at the time? Nope. Because I was scared. Scared of what others might tell me. Scared of whether I might lose my job. Scared of whether it might leave a blot on my résumé.

When I look back today, many years later, I look at the situation differently. Yes, it was perhaps a good learning ground, because such experiences prepare you for life – rudely and decisively snatching you out of the comfort zone that is one’s school or college or home. But what has changed the most now is the need to have a voice. When someone is doing something wrong to me, by keeping quiet, I’m not only suffering today, but also allowing the menace to carry on unchecked.

Contrary to perception, having a voice and speaking up actually helps boost your image, instead of cutting it down. People realize that this person is not a pushover, and hence cannot be taken for granted. If one gets fired for opening his/her mouth, then it speaks volumes not about the speaker, but the organization. Do you want to work for one where doing the right thing or speaking up – leads to a pink slip? Does that align with your values? We need to consider this and choose carefully. Today whenever I’m in a tough spot, I try to ask what future-me from ten years later would do in this same situation.

Jobs will come and go. But careers are made by making the right choices.

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It is unfair…

… that I get to sit at home and type this, while so many front line workers are doing their day/night jobs putting their own lives at risk.

… that a teacher gets paid nothing but many who’ve ‘inherited’ their way to education get paid millions.

… that youngsters that are able to code are paid more than ‘offline’ workers who have done their jobs in sincerity for decades.

… that those who graduate from the best universities during recessions make less than those who may not even graduate, but enter the workforce during economic booms.

… that industries which were seemingly untouchable a few months ago, have all but collapsed, while other unknown sectors have skyrocketed to fame.

… that life is not fair.

But what one calls unfair, another views as opportunity. And that is often enough to make the unfair fair.

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Praise the struggle(r)

A new Tamil movie released directly-to-home, i.e. bypassing cinema theatres, as many of the latter are still pandemic-shut. The movie titled Soorarai Pottru translates to ‘Praise the Brave’. It loosely chronicles the life and successes of Capt. Gopinath who launched Air Deccan – India’s first affordable airlines for the common man, from back in the early 2000s.

There were a lot of learnings for me from watching the man’s incessant struggles. (Spoiler Alert!) He is driven by just one goal – to enable the common man to fly. While this might seem normal today, flying was only for the elites back then. The protagonist (an Indian Air Force pilot) himself is unable to reach home in time to see his father on his death bed as he is short of funds to buy his plane ticket. He ends up hitching rides of various kinds, reaching his village by road just as the funeral rites commence.

There is the obvious clique of villains, none of whom want competition for their own elite airlines. Despite all kinds of attempts to derail (or should it be deplane!) progress, the Captain never ever gives up. In the worst of times, he goes so far as to part-create a chance meeting with the President of the country resulting in a lifeline for his carrier. The film also showcases the importance of values, family bonding, goal setting and never giving up no matter the adversity.

While some parts of the movie seemed hyperbolic (probably for cinematic effect), there is no doubt Capt. Gopinath struggled his way to success. And as every struggler would attest to, it is the struggle alone that makes the victory sweet. Just ask the butterfly that came out the cocoon, as the struggle alone makes its wings strong enough for flight.

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Heads up

There is a deep blue pool. There is a person in this pool. He is dog paddling, and swimming toward deeper waters. It all seems fine. He is oblivious to the depth of the water under his feet. Then he starts getting tired. And the water starts to suck him in. The deep end is still quite far away. Even the shallow end is out of reach now.

The pool is filled with nothing but the water of life. We have been drowning in it since the day we were born. Blissfully unaware of its depth, we are flailing in apparent ecstasy, simultaneously burdened by never ending anxieties. Oh how do we free ourselves from these aquatic shackles?

The answer is the rope of adhyatma. A rope of ‘spirituality’, that we can hold on to, as we continue to live our troublesome daily lives. It will allow us to live normally and discharge our duties, while also being aware of the safety line to liberation.

Why it is imperative to embark on the spiritual path at a young age itself – is purely to get a good grip on the rope, else we may have swum too far. Holding on to the rope itself will still need us to be extremely vigilant though.

Another, better solution exists. Instead of a rope, this solution involves a float. Unlike the rope, which we had to hold on to for dear life, the float will hold us instead, keeping our head ever above water. The float is none other than the Guru, to whom we have surrendered.

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Stairway to Heaven

No this is not about Led Zeppelin’s famous song by the same title. Rather it is about a fabled walkway to heaven. In 1997 a religious cult named Heaven’s Gate believed that there were some aliens in a special spaceship. This ship was thought to be traveling behind a comet heading to Earth. The aliens’ mission? To pick up true believers (i.e. the Heaven’s Gater’s) and take them to paradise.

Many cult members pooled their money to buy an advanced telescope. They were desperate to see the spaceship for themselves. To be sure, they located the comet. But unsurprisingly, there was no spaceship behind it. They took the telescope back to the store for a refund. The salesperson asked if the telescope was faulty. They said yes sir, and that the telescope was broken – because the spaceship didn’t show up through it.

Let us pause and think about that. Is this a level of delusion that appears believable?

The entire of the Bhagavad Gita is premised on one thing, and that is to remove Arjuna’s delusion. The delusion that he was not the body, but the soul. That he was actually free, but had tied himself down through various names and forms and situations and people.

What was applicable to Arjuna, more than applies to us. Aren’t we also deluded in one way or another?

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Praying for

Vedic Astrology is considered a perfect science, even though the astrologers themselves may be far from perfect. My limited experiments in this unbelievably vast field have taught me an important thing.

Whenever I learn a new concept, I try to apply it to my own chart. Why? Because I know my own life history the best – and will be able to figure out whether what I’ve learnt actually works, or whether it needs further tweaking.

What is interesting though, is when it comes to predictions for myself, my report card is abysmal. This despite attempts at birth time rectification, using conditional dashas, various varga chakras and what not. However if I’m doing this to help someone else, without expecting anything in return, purely to alleviate their misery even in some minor way if at all possible, then I’ve realized that often even the exact birth time or other granular details are not required.

Thinking about this more deeply, I realize that it is no different from praying. When I pray for myself, the prayer may or may not work. It’s hard to tell. Maybe it has to do with selfishness. I’m always asking for more and more for myself, without even knowing or caring what might really be good for me, or what the consequences might be, of the things I’m asking for.

But when the prayer is for the benefit of others, for mankind, for all the good kind selfless but suffering souls around me, the prayers seem to get answered much more convincingly. This gives me 110% conviction in my Guru’s idea of always praying for others. This is genius – not just materially, but spiritually too. Because it helps rid us of our ego. Instead of focusing on ourselves alone, we can focus on others. E-go to e-gone.

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The equalizer

Technology has really changed the world. We know this. We each feel this, tangibly on a daily basis. Many of us are just consumers, and have probably not realized its true potential – as a money spinner.

In the olden times, economic success was cornered by those with resources i.e. money, land or labour. Today, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Why? Because of the internet.

Want to build your own e-commerce website? It is literally drag-and-drop. Have a great product to sell? Amazon will do it for you. Want to build your own brand? You can do it from your own home. Have a talent to showcase? You can blog about it. Or create YouTube videos. Or maybe begin a podcast. Get your 10 million followers, and you could become an influencer, just sitting in the comfort of your living room. Not to say that this is easy. But it is certainly within the reach of the common man. Nay, even the common kid! One famous YouTube channel has a small boy reviewing a variety of toys and playthings, so much so that he earned over US$ 20 million in a single year! All the major toy companies fight over themselves to send him their latest toys in the hope of winning his approval.

Why is all this important? Because the economic success and allied happiness we seek has never been easier to attain. One does not need to only become an “engineer/doctor/lawyer” to become rich. The new age gig economy actually enables people to work on what they love doing, and get paid handsomely for it. There is now a real way for passion to be monetized. And a way for age, legacy, background, gender, location, education and many other previously important things, to all be neutralized. Are you taking advantage of the trend yet?

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Up curve down curve

We know from experience that if we are happy, we smile more, and if we are sad we frown more.

But I had no clue that the reverse is true as well – and this was quite a revelation. My wife recently told me about the Facial Feedback Hypothesis. This was a study conducted in Germany, where the researchers found that it was indeed possible to trick the brain into becoming happy. How? Just stick a pen or pencil horizontally between the teeth, such that the mouth mimics a wide smile. That’s it.

The brain is apparently always monitoring external stimuli – i.e. what is happening to muscle tension, posture, heart rate, breathing, facial expressions and so on – in order to judge how one is feeling. It was observed that this simple pencil trick caused subjects to rate cartoons as much funnier than those who held the pen/pencil in between their lips (and not teeth), mimicking a frown.

Can we not use this in our daily lives, especially when we feel dejected about something trivial? Time to come up the curve!

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This happened:
– A kid that is shouting at the top of his voice is not allowing me to concentrate
– The paper boy stopped delivering the newspaper on time
– A colleague took the day off and dumped his workload on me
– A best friend lied to me about where he had gone
– The carpenter came an hour late and messed up my work schedule

I’m fuming. So angry. So very angry. Blinded by rage almost.

Then I got to know:
– That the kid is autistic
– The paper boy’s father passed away
– The colleague’s wife delivered 2 months prematurely
– The best friend was planning a surprise party for me
– The bus had broken down and the carpenter had to walk 7 kilometres

My anger vanished instantly.

Next time, I will try to give the benefit of doubt to the other person. Anger can come later; hopefully never.

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Good to Great, or the reverse

When Hanuman went to Lanka to rescue Sita, he laid eyes on Ravana for the first time. He described Ravana as “shining like a thousand suns”. He also remarked, “When it comes to greatness, Ravana might well be ahead. But when it comes to goodness, there is no match for Rama!”

Are good and great mutually exclusive? Not, but it is very difficult to combine both. These might explain the difficulty expressed by Scott Fitzgerald’s framework when he talks of having “Two opposing ideas but still retaining the ability to function”. Why? Because greatness gets to the head. The ego swells so much, that there is little room to think of others. Empathy and goodness are replaced by selfishness and greed.

Watching the superb Netflix series Scam 1992 depicts the protagonist Harshad Mehta going through the same conflict. Starting off humbly, and wanting to provide the best for his family, he gets sucked into the world of stock trading. Success after success fuels his ego to such an extent that no amount of wealth and fame is enough. Goodness gets thrown out the window, as fraud after fraud is committed in the quest for greatness.

We must strive for good. Whether great comes or not is irrelevant.

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Acronyms of a liberated soul

Just a fun post this one (aren’t they all!). Here’s how a liberated soul might react to some common acronyms:

ICYMI – In Case You Missed It – “There is nothing to miss, because nothing ever was.”
BRB – Be Right Back – “How can you be so sure? It is all a play of the Supreme”
AFAIK – As Far As I Know – “We know nothing. Even Saraswati says she knows less than 1% of all creation.’
G2G – Got To Go – “What is the hurry? In a 100 years from now, none of us will matter”
BTW – By The Way – “All ways lead only to Him.”
YOLO – You Only Live Once – “Couldn’t be further from the truth.”
OMG – Oh My God – “Why do you exclaim only in times of need? There is nothing besides God”
IMHO – In My Humble Opinion – “I have no opinion, it is all God’s plan and His doing only”
IDK – I Don’t Know – “Yes, you are right on that one”
LOL – Laughing Out Loud – “I’ll join you, because life is fun.”
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions – “What is Brahman, Aatman, Paramatman, Maya, Moksha?”
DIY – Do It Yourself – “Who else will? You came alone, you will go alone.”

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Feeling good

Here’s an incident narrated by a good friend. She and her family went to a car showroom to buy a car. They had a budget in mind. The salesman came over and began his pitch. When my friend and her family then began to discuss options amongst themselves, they spoke in their mother tongue. As luck would have it, this was the mother tongue of the salesman as well. He immediately switched over to that language, figured out exactly what they wanted, and told them about precisely the car that would fit their needs, and budget. My friend says their family booked the car the very same day.

Here is my learning from the salesman’s actions. If I listen well enough, and make the other person feel comfortable (like by using their own mother tongue, or even by just smiling, and genuinely caring for the other person), then I will always improve my chances of getting the best possible outcome (here, a quick sale).

A few days ago, I had a bank job to take care of. Going to the bank during Covid19 is avoidable. Why there are still offline forms to be filled for ‘change of address’, when the whole world is going digital beats me. Sensing my discomfort, my relationship manager quickly and voluntarily offered to send a branch courier person to my house pick up the form.

These may be small things, but they go a long way in building relationships. Over time, we may forget the specifics of what someone did for us, but we will not forget how they made us feel.

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Shock and awe

We rarely learn or remember anything simply by reading. And certainly don’t learn if we are told we are wrong, or if we just come across the ‘correct answer’. We only learn when we are surprised or shocked by what we read; when our jaw crashes into the floor. We often pick up things to read with plenty of preconceived notions. But if something completely shakes or rattles our understanding, that’s when the maximum absorption happens.

We’ve discussed previously my Guru’s unmatchable not-to-be-missed Amazing Simple Gita purports (free, click to download pdf) and also Thiruvalluvar’s amazing Kural book (also recommended by my Guru). Here below are just a few statements from these that have had this shock-and-awe treatment on my life and learning experience, leaving an everlasting positive imprint.

  1. Spirituality is not unhappiness and crying, long face and sorrow.
  2. Renunciation shows maturity, spiritual adulthood.
  3. Death has to come one day, do not die every day worrying about it.
  4. Dharma is nothing but the absence of evil thoughts.
  5. Truth = that which is not evil = even a lie will be on par with truth if it brings unblemished benefits to all.
  6. If a householder lives a dharmic life, this is better even than hermits, and ranks as God.

Aren’t these just mind blowing? There are so many like these, and we can cover more in future posts if you wish. Do please leave a comment below if you like!

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No this acronym is not about partner orientation.

These 6 words make up the most under used and under appreciated phrase in the English language.

“Let me get back to you.”

Oh the number of times I have made terrible decisions simply because I thought I had to give an answer right away. Almost never do we actually need to answer on the spot, apart from maybe a job interview. And then too, we can always take time to think about the ‘longer-term’ questions, such as on salary, benefits, relocation, change of role etc. Because rarely in life is anything so pressingly important.

Here are a few examples. When the husband gets an invite to a party he knows his wife doesn’t like – but he still impulsively says yes. When the boss asks you to finish a project over the weekend, and this weekend is for taking the kids out, but you still impulsively say ‘yes’. When the recruiter asks if you can join immediately, and you know you have a non-negotiable notice period, but still say ‘yes’. The answers to these questions may be driven by impulse, or even by fear – as though taking the time to think will lead to something disastrous – like losing a friend or a job. If it comes to that, it’s probably not the right job or friendship in the first place. On the flip side, our decision making is likely to improve significantly if we take the time to think a little about our decisions.

“LMGBTY please” may also serves as a good replacement for “I don’t know” as it may make us seem less dumb! We (and me for sure) could benefit from using it more often.

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What do you want

A king was pleased with one of his subjects, and granted him a boon. “Make a wish, and it is yours.” The man desperately wanted a bigger house to fit his growing family in, so he asked the king for one. “Your wish is my command!” And the king’s men built a big house for the subject.

Nice story. Except, by some measure, the subject didn’t do his homework well. People came to him and told him that he frittered away his golden opportunity. Some said he could have asked for money, gold, ornaments or land. Still others told him to think bigger. The king was obligated to keep his word, and so the subject could have asked for control over the king’s army, or treasury or even his entire kingdom.

One saint came by, and said if there was one thing he should have asked, it would have been the power that enabled the king to give such wishes – the power of generosity and selflessness.

Notwithstanding these remarks, and putting ourselves in the shoes of the subject, what should we ask for? We pray every day. We go to temples, and we ask for money, for status and for other short lived objects and experiences. The Power who we are praying to, has the capacity to give us anything. Instead of praying for that which is Infinite, we are praying for temporary, ephemeral and inconsequential things.

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The Conjuring

Day 1: I’m finally going on a holiday. Next week. To Maldives. After an incessant workload this past year, compounded by the pandemic, and having had no opportunities for breaks in between. I’m so happy!

Day 2: There is no respite from work. Today’s workload has been the worst this whole year. But it is fine. My holiday is coming up, and the workload actually feels light. Happiness abounds.

Day 3: Mentally I’m already in The Maldives. The virtual smell of sand and salt water. Is this paradise already?

Day 4: Something has come up at work. A teammate had to take emergency leave. My trip has to be postponed. There is no alternative. Today, my workload is really less, but it feels like I am doing the entire company’s work singlehandedly. I’m feeling not just angry or dejected, but also tired.

Day 5: But there is a very good learning for me from all this. I have experienced a range of emotions from extreme joy to extreme despair. All these because of The Maldives vacation. But also all these without once setting foot in that country or beginning my vacation. Everything was just playing out in my mind. The actual reality? Irrelevant. Only what my mind was conjuring up mattered. Then why don’t I always conjure up good things?

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Morose code

A whole host of startups have emerged that seemed to be aimed at killing the joys of childhood. No more playing after school, no more watching cartoons, no more enjoying with other kids in the neighborhood.

Okay maybe its not so bad. But it’s certainly moving in that direction. The focus on academics has just gotten ridiculously high. Of course education is important, at least from a worldly perspective. Good credentials certainly help in getting jobs, and providing for the family.

But rats that most of us are, does the rat race have to begin at the tender age of 5?

There are now courses that teach kids to code. Some others teach kids ‘junior MBAs’ and ‘junior CEOs’. Putting undue pressure on kids is a dicey strategy, because they need to get to the age of 20 or 30 or 40 without suffering other mental health issues first. Fine, I get that coding has become a very important skill. But just alongside that, there are startups in the domain of ‘no-code’, which (simply put) means that these new age companies want to automate the process of coding itself. If this is the future, what then is the point of learning coding at age 5? Too much is changing too fast, and an inability to keep pace is leading to hundreds of millions of youngsters feeling inadequate, incompetent and helpless.

Laughing in the wind, rain on the face, mud in the shoes, learning values and morals from parents – those are the joys of childhood. Coding, CEO and MBA can wait.

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Double century

Going back to the cricket reference that was highlighted here, yesterday’s blog brought up 200 posts! My heartfelt gratitude to you for reading this far. I’m super excited for us all to continue this journey of self-transformation together.

At this meaningful (for me at least!) juncture, I thought it would be useful to highlight some key posts so far, which can help us revisit solutions to our most common questions. So here they are – 10 of them – in no particular order:

  1. When will I become successful? – Link
  2. How can I get rich? – Link
  3. How much is enough? – Link
  4. What is the right time for spirituality? – Link
  5. On free will and choices – Link
  6. Can we improve ourselves? And how? – Link
  7. What is the secret of spirituality? – Link
  8. How can I be unique, successful and amazing? – Link
  9. Am I important? – Link
  10. What is in it for me? – Link

Thanks again for giving this blog your time. If you like it, please spread the word. If you don’t, I’d love to hear your feedback.

Next stop: 300!

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How to be welcome anywhere

Here’s a wonderful practical example of how being genuinely interested in others can bring dividends. This happened to a very close friend-couple of mine.

They had come to use the services of an auto-rickshaw driver a few times over the past year. As the pandemic struck in March and a full lockdown ensued, the income stream for auto and taxi drivers ceased.

The auto driver though, used to keep calling my friend-couple every few days, just to check in on them. When my friends offered him some money to help support him and his family through the tough period, he always refused, saying he was just calling to enquire about their well being.

This went on for a few months. One day, a relative of my friend-couple got the coronavirus and that whole family had to be admitted to a makeshift hospital. Food there was obviously not as good as home food, and so my friends graciously offered to cook food and send it over (so nice of them!). Obvious question then – the hospital is far off, how do they reach the home cooked meals over to that place? By-now-obvious-answer: the empathetic auto driver of course! It was no surprise that he was the first person that came to mind. My friend-couple engaged the driver for the next ten days, and were able to safely deliver the food to their relatives.

In his truly outstanding bookHow to Win Friends & Influence People“, author Dale Carnegie says that taking a genuine interest in others is a sure shot way to be welcome anywhere. Wouldn’t that be nice?

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Magical benevolence

We look for Gurus to perform miracles aka magic tricks. But those are of little use, leaving nothing more than a little smoke once the flame has disappeared. But the real miracles are when the Gurus bring about transformation in the thought processes of those around them. And these may come about from very trivial actions. A few such examples of incomparable compassion that I have witnessed in my 80+ year-young Guru:

  1. Picking up paper / banana peels / tissues from the floor, simply so that no one else has to bend for it.
  2. Personally cutting and serving fruits / food to everyone, even though helpers and volunteers abound.
  3. Not allowing anyone else to clean / wash the dishes, and treating all guests like royalty.
  4. Picking up labourers walking in the scorching heat and dropping them off at their destinations with an AC ride.
  5. Not favouring someone simply because they are family or kin, and doing this openly, brazenly. Family is everyone on the spiritual path, only.
  6. Open house – come anytime for spirituality and help with life, no matter how busy.
  7. Thinking well ahead, for others’ benefits.
  8. Taking problems unto himself and thanking the universe for it, as no one else had to be inconvenienced, and that he would be able to bear the difficulty much more than anyone else.
  9. Never complaining or criticising, no matter the mistake.
  10. Never tired, irrespective the time of day, with the curiosity of a child in learning new things.

These actions and many more have left an indelible mark on me and thousands of others who have observed such selfless services. In the wake of these, what good are magic tricks? Our focus must be on the magician instead.

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"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace."

You know these lyrics. They’re from the amazing song called Imagine, by the legendary John Lennon (from The Beatles). When I was a kid, I used to love this song. I still do. But back then, it was all about the music and the tune, and less about the words. Ask me today, and I’ll say its almost entirely about the lyrics, and very little about the music.

My childhood was spent reading tons and tons of books of all kinds. I specifically loved comics – the Amar Chitra Kathas, the Tintins and the Asterix-Obelixes. And one thing I hated were my history books. I had a chance to re-read a few of these recently. And my word, what a revelation it was!

The books were the same and the songs were the same. Even the movies from those days are the same. All taken from a few decades ago. But one and only one thing had changed – decisively and conclusively. And that was me. The same is applicable to you as well. Just like a nuclear physicist will look at a 12th grade physics book and glean so much more from it than the 12th grader it was intended for. Same book, different interpretations.

Unlike (most) other animals on this earth, we are uniquely capable of generating experiences, learning new things and applying these principles, in order to grow ourselves. Imagine if we could do this for our books on spirituality, self-help books, motivational books etc. We could become outstanding versions of our current selves, irrespective of how good we are to start with.

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Sixth sense

There’s an interesting book called God Lived With Them, authored by Swami Chetanananda. It describes the lives and ways of select disciples of the late spiritual master Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.

While there can be so many takeaways from the book, one thing struck me as very relevant for practical worldly life. And that is the need to integrate sensibility with spirituality. We have touched on this aspect several times here at FHN. But reading about it as applied by Sri Ramakrishna himself, is quite an eye opener.

The Master is often considered as the greatest Goddess Kali devotee that ever lived. He used to lovingly refer to her as his Divine Mother, and the relationship they shared was surreal. He would very often go into deep states of meditation (called samadhi), and be lost in divinity for hours on end. In this god-intoxicated state, Ramakrishna would be totally unaware of his physical body and surroundings. Even so, he would always instruct some disciples around him to protect his physical body. Why should he do that? Because the Guru’s body is key to benefitting the rest of humanity. And hence the disciples are dutybound to protect their Guru.

We can argue that Ramakrishna was spiritually realized and hence could have taken care of his own body, perhaps through some ‘magic’. But he did not. He was practical and sensible. Just as we should be too, all the more if we have not reached the upper echelons of spirituality.

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The right age

My Guru, at the age of 81, works 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No this is not like going to office for getting a salary. Rather he works selflessly and tirelessly for others, with zero pay. No bonus, no increments. All assets willed away to charity. Nothing but the future of the world and its good citizens as his sole concern. Yet I have never once seen him complain or display weariness.

Can he control the world around him? Hardly. But himself? Oh his control over his mind is phenomenal. He says he was not always this way. But practise of sacrifice, austerity and charity has made all the difference.

When did he become like that? At age 20? Or 40? Or 60? Or when he started getting white hair? Or after he retired? Or after he had kids? Or after he shifted jobs?

He became like that the moment he decided to, which was well in the prime of his youth. And that is exactly what he and all the other spiritual masters preach as well. While we are busy becoming dizzy in the world, we tend to postpone anything remotely selfless and spiritual to when get ‘older’. Many 70-year olds still give the same excuse!

The decision, and the benefits, are ours.

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What to look for in a partner

Ask some youngsters how they would choose their life partners. “My girlfriend / boyfriend / fiancé / fiancée and I love the same movies / books / TV shows / music / food.” i.e. the answers tend to revolve around interests and hobbies.

Such match making could be disastrous.

Why? Because likes, interests and hobbies (can) change. The songs, movies and books we liked 10 years ago, 5 years ago and 2 years ago are not the same anymore. And 5 years down the line, not only will our tastes change, but our partner’s tastes will change as well.

Instead of trying to match likes and dislikes, what is most critical to match is values and value systems. If I’m soft spoken, value humility and honesty and have a charitable bent of mind, it is very difficult to get along with a spouse who is loud, boastful, cuts corners and is miserly. And liking the same type of action adventure movies is not a panacea for this wide gulf of a difference.

This is where some virtues of arranged marriages (advice from family/elders) and the use of astrology (to identify deep-seated character traits of an individual) can help. Not as tools to force people to marry against their will, as is commonly portrayed. But as a mechanism to ensure the ‘core’ wavelength matches, because the rest is just fluff.

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‘Car’pe diem

It comes naturally to people with a finance / accounting background to try and compute an ‘intrinsic value’ for everything.

When I was looking to buy a car a few years ago, I was trying to understand how much of the car value would get struck off right out the showroom. This is why some people only buy used cars. A subsequent survey revealed to me that about 20% of the value of the car would get depreciated at the end of year 1 itself. As I was trying to get my hands around these numbers, I reached out to a very good friend for advice.

“Hey, I’m trying to figure this car purchase out. Seems like a sunk cost this thing. I put in money, and then a fifth gets wiped out in 1 year. This depreciation of the asset seems too high. What should I do?”

My friend said, “Dude, chill, you yourself are a depreciating asset. We all are! Do you realize that? Just do what you want, but enjoy the moment!”

It’s not like we do not know it. But the way he put it – it really opened my eyes. Why was I worrying about depreciating assets, while I myself was/am depreciating? This is not to say one must not be savvy about personal finances. Much the opposite in fact. But trying to save every last penny is likely to result in anxiety that negates the benefit from the savings.

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Why so studious?

What our education teaches us:
Science, Math, History, Geography, Civics, Literature, Accounting
How many of these do we remember?
How many of these do we use on a daily, monthly or even yearly basis?

What our education does not teach us:
Being happy; accepting failure; living peacefully; values and morals; serving others; dealing with others
How many of these do we wish those around us would practise?
How important are these on a daily, monthly, yearly basis, compared to what we are taught?

In formal education, we are taught about making a name for ourselves, achieving our goals and building wealth. These are great. But is this what education is supposed to be about? When everyone cannot be numero uno or win at everything, what does that do to the morale of those who are ‘left behind’?

A Wharton MBA session had just commenced. The professor asked all those who had ever stood first in their undergrad degrees or 12th grade exams to stand up. Over 95% of the class got onto their feet. Shocker – everyone there had been a topper! What happens then? Suddenly the slate has been wiped clean, and competition, stress and depression follow. No wonder then that a course offered by Yale University, that ‘teaches’ happiness (called The Happiness Lab) is by far the most opted-for course out of all the hundreds on offer. None of their classrooms could accommodate all the students so they had to conduct it in their orchestra theatre 🙂

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Kid vs Wild

Bear Grylls (from Man vs Wild, the amazing TV show) recently did a special episode with Indian actor Akshay Kumar. It was probably not as wild as his other episodes, but he did make AK drink fresh elephant-dung-tea. So full points for that.

The heart to heart conversations between the two were nice. AK spoke of his humble beginnings – serving as a waiter in Thailand, and simultaneously learning martial arts, and then getting a break in modelling and thereafter in acting. He also stressed upon the need to be good parents. To never build in his children a sense of entitlement, them having been born with a silver spoon.

This is an important point. Most parents today pamper their kids no end. It is not uncommon to witness 5 year olds in posh neighbourhoods throw tantrums while getting picked up from school by the household’s second car (Hyundai) because it is not as good as their first car (Mercedes). Parents too think “Oh my sweet little baby. Let him/her have all the best luxuries in life, because I struggled so much to become successful.” And then when the kids grow up and don’t listen to their parents or talk back, the parents are distraught. What else were they expecting? Success doesn’t come easy. If it does, then it is highly unlikely to be valued, and hence sustain.

The ancient Indian advice on raising kids is amazing. “From their birth to age 4, treat your kids like Gods. From 5 to 15, treat them like servants. From 16 onwards, treat them like your best friends.” The word ‘servant’ is one some may take offence to. But the world is a harsh place, and doesn’t care what one’s upbringing has been like. Getting kids to work their backsides off ensures they not only understand the importance of working hard, but are also physically attuned to putting in their blood, sweat and tears whenever required. Kids must be readied for survival, otherwise they are only being plumped up for sacrifice.

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Ma is ‘not’, and ya is ‘that which is’. Put together Maya refers to ‘that which is not’. The divine men and women call Maya as an illusion, and nothing more than a cloak of unreality. They refer to the world around us as unreal, or made of Maya.

It is said that Maya springs from attachment to worldly objects. This attachment is what gives Maya its innate strength. We all know what is right, but are still pulled towards doing the wrong things.

When a spiritual text refers to the world as unreal, it is easy to dismiss this as hogwash. “I can touch and feel everything around me, how can this world be unreal?” The word unreal here must be read as impermanent. That we (somehow incredibly) expect everlasting joy from objects whose lives themselves are finite – is a demonstration of the true power of Maya.

How do we get out of this? The trick is to not get caught up in the current mood. An example is that of economic forecasters. Studies have shown that they almost never get their predictions right. When oil is at 30$, they become super pessimistic, and when oil is at 120$ they become super optimistic. When countries are at their peak performance, they upgrade GDP growth estimates, and when economies hit rock bottom, they slash growth forecasts. In life, we too get caught up in the moment, and that leads us to take things to extremes instead of practising moderation.

The Buddha’s entire teachings revolved around breaking out of the clutches of Maya. His core message was that attachment is the root of all suffering. Interestingly, Maya in reverse is Yama, who is the God of death. Can’t help but wonder if there is a connection.

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Making room

Blaise Pascal, a famous scientist and philosopher, wrote in 1654, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

This is worth pondering, as it links to why our search for happiness always ends in failure.

As toddlers, we had no cares in the world. Yes we needed food and the occasional cleaning. But our lives were not driven second-by-second in the pursuit of some big goal. The goal itself is not the cause of anxiety, as much as our expectation that when we achieve the goal, the world will take notice and offer us something in return. This by definition is a fool’s errand, because it is impossible to change the world. All we can change is ourselves.

In several spiritual camps in India, it is a requirement that one spend a day or two in complete solitude. A room with no electronics, no books, no outlet and no one else. A plate of food will be slid under the door from time to time. The exercise helps build inner strength, although many participants quit well before halfway.

Happiness comes from being content with who we are. Material success on the other hand springs from dissatisfaction. While these are separate things for the realized masters, it is hard to distinguish for normal people like me. That is why I need to keep reminding myself at every step, “I’m driven to achieve my goal. But no matter the outcome, I’m already enjoying every step of the process.”

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Have you heard of the FK score, as it pertains to writing? Called the Flesch-Kincaid score, it is available on all Microsoft Word programs on Windows and Macs. I only came across this recently.

The FK score is pretty cool. It takes any written material, like a bunch of paragraphs, and grades it. A grade of 8 for instance, would mean that the average 8th grader American student would be able to fully understand the writing. A grade of 33 (it’s possible!) would mean the student would have to be in the 33rd grade to fully grasp the content.

Ideally there should be an FK score in life too. We are all too easily swayed by the complex. There’s a name for it too – complexity bias. A 300-page book is preferred over a 30-page one, even if the latter has much better content. An all-organic shampoo that boasts of aloe vera, ylang-ylang and lavender is immediately preferred to a more effective homemade mixture. A doctor that prescribes 1 tablet for each day of the week is considered more knowledgeable than one that asks you to exercise and eat healthy. An investor would prefer to throw his hard-earned cash at a start-up with no proven business model but spewing complicated jargon like AI, ML and Big Data compared to a well-established business.

One thing is for sure. Complexity sells. But buyer beware. The challenge with complexity is that it is unsustainable. And when that becomes the case, we feel drained and worn out. As Confucius said, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Let us return to simplifying our lives, in whatever little way we can.

And just in case you were wondering, this blog post has an FK grade of 6.5. Not bad 🙂

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Here is the solution

What is your problem?

This is the question I keep asking myself. Why do I become sad? Why do I get moody? What am I lacking?

When I dig deeper, the problems surface. But the solutions surface alongside too.

I don’t have time. Ok so wake up early!
I still don’t have time. Ok so plan well and prioritize even better!
I don’t have money. Ok so save more, invest more, spend less!
I don’t have strength. Ok so exercise more!
I don’t look good. Ok so workout more, eat healthy!
I don’t have any friends. Ok so go out there and build relationships!
I’m not good at extra-curriculars. Ok keep practising and trying out new hobbies!
I don’t have a good job. Ok then prep well and hustle for your next interview!
I don’t know enough. Ok so read more books and listen to more podcasts!

We know where the problems are. More importantly, we know where all the solutions lie!

(Hint, not outside) 🙂

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What we want
Money, Cars, Houses, Status, Travel, Friends

What we really want
Time, Acceptance, Acknowledgement, Togetherness

What we need
Food, Shelter, Clothing, Education

What we really need
Peace, Freedom, Wisdom, Happiness

Everything we really need is already available within us. But our focus is always on the outside world, comparing with which, we invariably see ourselves falling short.

We each are already perfect and complete. Really.

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Life is so simpill

What I must focus on to achieve success?

How can I improve skill?

I know what’s good, but still only do bad – what do I lack?

What type of worries can I entertain?

Despite life’s challenges, how must I live?

How should I keep the mind?

What is the best currency I can earn?

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Pleasantly good

We touched upon the red pill and blue pill in a post titled The Matrix a few weeks ago – link here. This is a concept that has existed for ages in many Indian spiritual texts, notably in the Kathopanishad.

The blue pill denotes that which is pleasant. The red pill denotes that which is good. Is there a difference between pleasant and good? There certainly is.

What is pleasant, is merely a function of what our sense organs perceive. That yummy looking pizza, that smell of freshy baked cream cookies, the sound of a TV advert asking you to spend the next 2 hours on the couch – are all examples of pleasant things. But are these necessarily good as well? Hardly.

In Sanskrit, the pleasant is denoted by the word preyas, while the good is called shreyas. It follows, that many times, to get the good, the path may not be easy or obvious.

Across many parts of the world, as the coronavirus threat seems to be abating somewhat, many people are throwing caution to the wind, and going on holidays and partying with friends (preyas). Needless to say, some of these have resulted in new infections. While 6 or 8 months spent locked down at home has indeed been painful, can we not wait another 2-3 months (shreyas)? Ask anyone who has gone through the ordeal of having to beg for hospital beds for their loved ones, and then maybe we will realize the gravity of the situation.

The Kathopanishad concludes decisively – “The wise one always chooses shreyas.”

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Brain drain

There was a girl whose name doesn’t matter
Her life was not handed on a platter
No this is not a love story
But one of hope, dedication and glory

She does Uber Eats home delivery
But was herself delivered with cerebral palsy
26 years old and 10 extra courses after college
Still got her no job, despite all her knowledge

She delivers everything on a wheelchair
Of course she isn’t speedy, now is that fair?
90% of her orders are rejected due to inaccessibility
Tough life, but she always smiles like she’s silly

And us? Oh we worry and stress about some triviality
Without smiling or accepting our reality
Damn them little problems we have in life
What with a perfect body and a brain sharp as a knife

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A place for everything – part 2

Continuing yesterday’s post, as a few more examples come to mind.

The rich kid may own the fanciest car in town, but when it breaks down in the middle of nowhere, only the mechanic can fix it. And even then, only if he’s got the right tools.

The house may be the most beautiful, but when the pipes leak, only a plumber can save the day.

Speaking of saving, nurses are amongst the most underpaid workers, compared to the relevance of their contributions in saving lives. Whether celebrity or politician, when sick, only a nurse will wipe that drool, clean that dressing and administer those injections.

We all expect shopping packages via ’24-hour delivery’. They are made possible only by truckers who drive long distances for many hours, leaving their families and homes for days on end. But who cares about truck drivers right?

Many teachers can educate us about the ways of the world. But only a Guru can dispel the darkness of ignorance.

Undoubtedly, there is a place for everyone and everything. We are all good-for-something, even though others might think we are good-for-nothing.

No one is self sufficient, although a few who have their heads in the clouds may think so about themselves. It is better to remain on earth and adored, than in the sky and detested.

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A place for everything

The CEO is the best person in the organization to deliver a presentation to the Board. But his analyst is the only one who can check the numbers and create his slides for him. And the peon in the Board room? He is the only one who can make tea / coffee to suit the taste of each Board member!

As the saying goes, the razor blade is sharp but it cannot cut a tree. The axe is strong but is not suitable for a haircut.

Hair is great on a person’s head. But it is absolutely ghastly on someone’s plate.

The fastest super sonic jet in the world can take you to your destination before time, but it cannot take you back in time.

Money can buy cars, palaces and even people. But it cannot buy immortality or true love.

Everyone and everything has its place in the world. Including us.

Nobody is useless at everything. And nobody is perfect in everything. We are all dancing in the middle.

If we want to improve ourselves, we can choose to sharpen and use our weapons well – our will power, courage, hard work, humility and self-confidence, to name a few. All of these weapons are within us, available for free, and waiting to be unleashed.

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Can I lead?

When we look at the leader of any nation – be it the President, Prime Minister or King – we expect a few traits:
– Humility and acceptance of the circumstances
– Only meritocracy, no favouritism
– Limited personal wealth, no aggrandizement
– Sole interest is the welfare of the country and its citizens

There are maybe just one or two leaders anywhere in the world today, who have these traits. And they are the ones we look up to.

Notice these are traits of leadership, not of specific people. What is the most important requirement for leadership? The key condition, is to have followers, otherwise who are we leading? 🙂

Irrespective of who we are or what we may or may not have achieved, we are all leaders, as we all have our followers. Our children look up to us, our parents look up to us, our partners look up to us, our friends look up to us, or our colleagues and direct reports look up to us. The list likely goes on and on.

What kind of leadership traits are we demonstrating to all these people around us? Do we deserve their acceptance?

An honest assessment is essential, along with corrective measures if and where applicable.

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Weekend choices

Ask an average 55 year old to choose between going to a pub this weekend and going to a satsang (the company of spiritual people), the answer will almost always be the former. A few clever fellows might even suggest having a satsang at the pub – because you know, two birds with one stone.

Give an average 25 year old the same choices. The pick is no different. No one is going to choose satsang, because its ‘not cool’, ya dig?

This is a big problem for spiritual organisations targeting the youth, everywhere! Attendance always drops, because youngsters have other work to do, family callings, alumni reunion, house chores, rest day, sports events – you name your excuse, and it’ll be here. Interestingly, the outcome is often unchanged, whether at age 25, 55 or even beyond. There are two main reasons that come to mind:

1. Lack of awareness: Most people do not understand spirituality well enough – and think it is religion related. And secularism being in vogue, they stay away. Even though this is mostly all about improving one’s mental makeup to face life.

2. Lack of interest: We only like things that we feel are applicable to us. A 25 year old male would love to talk sports but not cosmetics, while a 25 year old female might go on a lipstick shopping spree for 3 hours. Spirituality on the other hand, is uninteresting, and appears irrelevant. Why? Because young people get happy quickly – a new job, a new bike, a new place to stay, a little money earned on the side, a relationship etc.

This is all great. But because life is cyclical, a day will come, when these same possessions will also cause depression, insecurity and anxiety. Today’s point number 2 above will on that day be exacerbated by point number 1. This is why even those who seemingly have everything, have everything but happiness. Let us plan our weekends wisely. No need to stop anything else. But we can add a little satsang, and that is good enough.

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Expect the expected

We all know that happiness can come right here right now. We’ve discussed it here on ForeverHappyNow many times already. That is because happiness is nothing more than a choice, and a state of mind. But we still hand over the control aka the choice to the monkey-mind!

There is a huge chasm that exists between our current life and the life that we believe we deserve. The operating word being ‘deserve’. Do you believe you deserve a better pay or a better bonus? Of course! A better relationship? A better house? A better car? A better friends’ circle? The answer is always yes. The image we have of ourselves is often of do-gooders who are somehow waylaid by life, unable perhaps to get to that level of greatness we each think we are so capable of.

And we certainly may be capable of greatness – no denying that. But when we envision ourselves as great people, we also begin to believe that we deserve more than we already have. This comes in the way of happiness because being great is not necessarily the same as being happy. This leads to higher expectations, anxiety and dissatisfaction.

Setting the ‘expectations’ bar very low helps. The great late-physicist Stephen Hawking, famous for books such as A Brief History of Time and The Theory of Everything, was diagnosed with motor-neuron disease. He was paralysed and unable to talk from the young age of 21. His doctors gave him only a few years to live, but as those who have seen his videos and interviews (he could speak only through a computer) know, he was also a witty and humorous person, and lived till the age of 76. An interviewer once asked him, “Are you always this cheerful?”. Mr. Hawking replied, “My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus!”

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So my phone’s Bluetooth decided to bail on me. My job requires me to attend a lot of (way too many actually!) office calls and so Bluetooth earphones are important. I had no choice but to look for another phone. With a budget (literally!) in mind, I hit up Amazon. Only to realise that shopping for a phone is a very very hard thing for a someone dabbling in spirituality! Sense control? Desire control? Expectation control? Not here, my friend. One look at the options available, and anyone can develop instant vertigo.

6GB/8GB/12GB RAM? 64GB/128GB/256GB capacity? Snapdragon 730, 720, 645, 885, Helios, Exynos something GPU something Octa hexa deca core? Supercooled, ultracooled, vaporcooled, hypercooled? 5MP, 2MP, 32MP, 64MP, 108MP front/back/side/up/down f/1/2/3/4/5 aperture cameras? 4G, 4G+, 5G, LTE, LTE-a? Fingerprint scanner under the glass or at the back or on the side power button? AMOLED, superAMOLED, infinity, retina, LED, LCD, 120 Hz, refresh rate something something this that this that this that.

And these are only the main features. Go one technical layer further, and it is like going down a rabbit hole. Every day, a new phone is launched. Every, single, day! And there are special lightning deals and sales. Also no phone will ever have all the features you need. And if it does somehow magically have 8 out of the 10 features you want, the price will exceed your budget. And when you decide to up your budget just a little more, you’ll come across a whole new range of options and specifications at that new price point. And then there’s the alphanumeric soup a21 b22 m51 c71 o2 f17 r2 g2 6t 8t i11 s7. Did I leave out the pluses, pros, notes and ultras? Phew, I need to find a seat!

Even the greatest of spiritual aspirants can be sucked into this world of dazzling tech. All for what? Just the simple ability to speak to a fellow human. Can’t help but see the similarities to life. All we need is to be peaceful and happy. For which we need a handful of food thrice a day, and a roof over our heads. But we’ve complicated life so much for ourselves, that no matter the plethora of options, we are always left wanting more. No situation will ever be perfect. If it appears so, then it probably requires a compromise at some other level, not unlike a better phone that exceeds our budget. The best way is to enjoy whatever we’ve got, phone or otherwise. The true happiness lies within, to connect to which, no phone will work, and ironically no phone is required.

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Reaching out

How many people, from anywhere in the world, are thinking about you this very moment? Chances are, that if you are not a celebrity, then probably no one is. Or maybe one or two of your closest loved ones might be. But that too, just for a few seconds. And no one can be blamed for this apparent lack of caring either. Because lets face it, everyone is busy.

But imagine, if out of this planet of ~8 billion people, at least a few of them had us at the top of their minds. Not for anything selfish, not because they wanted something from us, but just like that, because they really cared. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

Sure would. Sadly, there is no foolproof way to make others think of us. But there is one way to at least increase our odds. It is through the power of reaching out. Ever seen a dog wag its tail when his owner comes home after a long day’s work? The dog can barely contain its excitement. People love dogs chiefly because of this outstanding greeting as soon as they get back home. There are literally thousands if not millions of YouTube videos capturing exactly this moment! It can take away the troubles of an entire day. The dog cares for nothing else, except to see his owner. No ulterior motive. Just his need to make his owner feel special.

If you are at someone’s house for dinner, and go the extra mile to put your plates in the sink, or clean the table after the meal, it shows that you care. If you send a book to someone, or flowers or sweets or cook a meal, that can say a lot too. Even just jumping out of your seat to help – maybe to make tea, or pick up a towel from the floor, are small actions that can go a long way in showing those around you that you care. I was once in the audience where the speaker started coughing a bit. And then he continued to speak, and then coughed a little more. And then spoke more. Just the usual coughs, nothing out of the ordinary, and everyone continued to focus on the speaker and his presentation. But one person to my right got up and left the room. He was back 2 minutes later. Where had he gone? He had gone to get hot water for the speaker! Now that is a brilliant example of reaching out! If we truly ‘reach out’ to others, with no malice and no selfishness, their hearts will be warmed, and they will remember us forever. The secret is not in living, but in living for others.

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Our actions – part 2 of 2

Yesterday we explored principle 1 of karma yoga – which is to renounce the fruits of our actions. Employing this principle reduces anxiety and increases efficiency – without physically giving anything up.

Principle 2 refers to giving up doer-ship. What does this mean?

It is said that each of our actions accrues karma. Somewhat like Newton’s 3rd law of action-reaction, but applicable everywhere, not just to motion. Do good, and good will come to you. Ditto for bad. The good and bad we are experiencing today is the result of our past actions – this birth and many countless other reincarnations till now. The life and world we are living in now is considered ‘bonded’ – as we continuously go through ups and downs. Can we get out of this cycle once and for all?

Absolutely, and that is what principle 2 is about. On the face of it though, giving up ‘doer-ship’ seems impossible. Because if I am working in office, then I am the doer (employee). If I’m driving then I’m the doer (driver). If I’m eating, then I’m the doer (eater). How can I give this up? If I somehow give this up, then would I not be the doer anymore?

Great questions – and karma yoga never says anything about giving up the actions themselves. Only giving up doer-ship of the actions, which means parting with the mental notion “Hey, it’s me. “I” am the great (wo)man that did this. And also that and that and that!” When we identify with ‘doing’ things, we accrue karma, which means we continue to be bound to this cycle of re-births. Why? Because our actions spring forth from desires (“I want a promotion”), and this leads to attachment. And herein lies a clue!

To give up doer-ship, we must give up our selfish desires, and instead focus on the ‘greater good’ and ‘welfare for all’. For instance, when we work in the service of others, especially under the guidance of a Guru, there is no question of doer-ship, as we are not doing anything for ourselves, and it is all only the Guru’s vision manifesting itself. When viewed objectively, we will realise that we are all part of a grand plan, and that by ourselves, we really cannot do much at all. Even the energy required to write/read this blog post is not coming from us – but rather borrowed from food/nature. So we are already not the ‘true doers’, but our egos make us think we are infinitely more significant than we actually are.

Note again, that this orientation is more mental than physical. So do not fill your upcoming self-evaluation form at work as “I am not the doer, and therefore do not need a promotion.” Common sense must prevail!

When both karma yoga principles are applied together, and consistently in everything we do, we will find that work truly becomes play.

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How to sleep like a baby

Here’s an amazing sleep trick we can all practise daily. Only 2 steps to it:

Step 1: When you hit the bed and are about to sleep, recall 2 or 3 things that happened in your day, that you are grateful for. It could be about some of your favourite food you ate, a friend who helped you, the affection your pet showered you with, the fact that you are alive, the fact that you have a home and a bed to sleep on, and / or any other thing.

Step 2: Feel light. Forget all the problems that that you need to deal with tomorrow and day after and thereafter. All those will take care of themselves in time. Just relax in the moment. Keep repeating to yourself that everything is fine. “As of this second, everything is fine. When I sleep, I am leaving behind all my problems.” Smile, and feel happy.

Very very simple things to try, and each one of us can do it, without exception.

Try it out, and see the difference in the quality of sleep!

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The Matrix

Our scriptures say that all of creation is an illusion. That it is unreal, fleeting and impermanent. As human beings, it must be our one-pointed goal, that we come out of this delusional existence. But this cannot be done alone. We need the guidance of a Guru.

A guru is not a mere teacher. He doesn’t simply help transfer worldly skills, although he may very well impart those too.

The defining characteristic of a Guru is that he is the only one who can dispel the darkness of ignorance.

Ignorance of what? That we are the body, mind and intellect, when actually we are not.

All of this can seem daunting at first. Somewhat like how Neo (played wonderfully by Keanu Reeves) felt, when he was first accosted by Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne, brilliant!) in cult favourite The Matrix.

But once Neo chose the red pill (unpleasant truth) over the blue, he realised his true nature and purpose.

The choice was his to make, just as it is ours to make. We are all cooped up inside a Matrix world of sorts, ignorant of what the greatest minds ever, have instructed us.

In our case, we think we are all enjoying the blue pill already. But think of all the problems we go through in life, and then have a rethink. Are we really enjoying?

Maybe the red pill is the real blue pill. Time to follow the Guru’s advice.

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Living in uncertainty

Spirituality is often misunderstood. It is neither about spirits nor about rituals. Rather, it is simply about accepting life as it comes, without being affected by it. While reading about this on a blog might make it seem all too easy, implementing this is the hardest thing in the world.

Imagine you are in the midst of a lecture, addressing a group of students. Suddenly you get a call, and are informed that a loved one has just passed away. What would your state of mind be? Would the whole world just come crashing down in an instant? Yes, highly likely. But not for my Guru – who just continued his lecture as though nothing had happened. This is not to say he has no feelings. Far from it, because he is the most empathetic human being I have ever come across. He used to whimsically take his car out on extremely hot days, so that he could pick labourers up, give them a bottle of water to quench their parched throats, and drop them where they wanted to go. These labourers would otherwise spend hours walking under the scorching sun, almost having their skins peeled off. But my Guru is able to beautifully practise what he preaches – that there is an innate futility of linking ourselves to our material body and possessions.

Living in uncertainty alone is spirituality, as he says. And this is not only in the case of bad news. For good news too, practising restraint is extremely difficult. Imagine someone comes up and says you got a special out-of-turn promotion and bonus that you never saw coming. We quickly take credit for the entire success, and sometimes go so far as to think, “Good, but this itself was a bit late – it should have come last year itself.” Such thoughts never keep us grounded, and our own ego gets in the way of progress. For the good events in life, my Guru credits 100% of the results to God / super-consciousness / Nature / Creation. This too is not because he doesn’t enjoy the moment. Far from it. He revels in every moment – even just while breathing the air around him. However, he realises that revelling too much can only bring attachment, desire and downfall therefrom.

Many seekers nowadays take to spirituality hoping that its various practises will bring them success. In reality, spirituality may not bring success. But it surely prepares the seeker to handle success. And also failure.

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What matters

Doesn’t Matter: The amount of money in the bank account.
Matters: The amount of compassion and empathy for others.

Doesn’t Matter: The size of the house.
Matters: The size of the heart.

Doesn’t Matter: The number of likes on social media.
Matters: The number of true friends.

Doesn’t Matter: The number of books one has read.
Matters: The wisdom one has applied in their lives.

Doesn’t Matter: The number of degrees one has.
Matters: The number of people one has impacted positively.

Doesn’t Matter: The status / title one enjoys.
Matters: The work one does for others irrespective of the title.

Doesn’t Matter: The accent / fluency in a language.
Matters: The sweetness of the thoughts behind the words.

Doesn’t Matter: The renunciation of all material possessions.
Matters: The renunciation of all material possessions by the mind.

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About half of our working lives is spent at/for work. If you are in Asia, then the hours are probably more. And if in Europe, then probably less.

But work can be challenging for anyone. Those with long hours may be enjoying their work. While for some, even with a 4 day week, a bad boss can make it feel like a 7 day ordeal.

What to do, when those Monday morning blues are terrible? And we absolutely hate going to work?

There are only 2 things to be done:

1. Find a way to enjoy our work. Of course this is very hard. But not enjoying our work will only make things worse. So how do we do this? We must force ourselves to smile and laugh, even if only at our predicament. We can also look for the bigger picture. Instead of feeling underpaid and hating the administrative / secretarial aspects of our work, we can identify the higher purpose. For instance, every employee in a bank can think they are working towards improving peoples access to financial security. Every employee in a pharma company can visualise their work enabling society to stay healthy.

2. Find a new employer. Just because motivation and self-help books keep talking about point 1, doesn’t mean we should stay there forever! This is also applicable to other unpleasant things in life. We may not be able to control the circumstances that we find ourselves in already. But that does not mean that we need to wallow in those circumstances permanently.

The key is doing BOTH of the above. Not just one. Most often we only do one. If we do both, they will reinforce each other, and soon enough, success will find us.

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What exactly is dharma? – Part 2 of 2

So we continue from yesterday’s post on dharma.

The ancients have given us exceptional guidance. “Desha, Kaala, Paristhithi”, which translates to Place, Time and Situation. No law or diktat can be applicable to everybody, every time and in every circumstance. Hence trying to apply one standardised definition (one size fits all) may not work.

Dharma may also arise from the passion that one shows for one’s work. If we are able to find our true calling, and work as if it were play, then our duty would be implemented dharmically. Hardly anyone truly finds their passion though. Therefore, to start with, we would have to fool our minds into enjoying our work. Soon passion and enjoyment will come automatically.

There are also some universally accepted principles and values that come under dharma. Such as non-violence, truthfulness, cleanliness etc. No matter the caste, creed, race, or gender, these principles apply across the board. Here, we can follow the simple dharmic principle, “do not do unto others, what you don’t want them to do to you”, i.e. practising compassion and empathy.

Further, dharma is also in intent. Is the intent selfish? Is it driven by “what is in it for me?”. Instead of thinking about us, we should be thinking about others. Dharma therefore take shape when there is maximum benefit to maximum people.

As per Vedanta, the dharma of a human being is to attain moksha or liberation. This is somewhat a destination than a journey. However, the journey must be undertaken, with a life lived in accordance to all the above dharmic dictums. The destination will reveal itself automatically.

Finally, even the greatest of yogis and rishis have faltered in upholding dharma. Do we even stand a chance? We certainly do, but for that, we must take refuge in a Guru.

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How can I face life?

One of funniest and most heart warming TV shows in recent times is the 15-Emmy nominated Schitt’s Creek. If you haven’t heard of this show, then yes you read the name of the show right. The first time I heard it, I thought – what?! And it certainly wasn’t something I wanted to watch. But watch we did. And the lessons learned were pretty amazing.

The premise is simple yet unique. An opulent family of 4 – father, mother and two adult kids – loses all its wealth overnight. Everything, except the title to a tiny nondescript town in the middle of nowhere. They must move there at once and begin a new life. No maids, no butlers, no hors d’oeuvres in bed, no cars and certainly no money.

Suffice it to say, that the underlying messages packed through each of the episodes are pretty amazing. The family quickly finds that ‘friendship’ is redefined now that their bank balance is zero. The entitled and brattish nature of the young adults is quickly questioned, as all entitlements come with a price, to pay which, one needs money. There are also other beautiful lessons around family values, communication, love, compassion and many others.

Probably the most important one for me, was that everyone has their quirks, and the sooner we accept it, the better it is, for us. We can each be the family in Schitts Creek. Nobody knows what life will hit us with and when. This is not about being pessimistic, but being realistic. If you know today that there is a non-zero probability that disaster can strike in the future, what would you do differently today, with the benefit of hindsight?

One answer, according to me, is to live a life ‘mentally’ as though we’ve lost everything, without practically giving anything away. In this approach, we will find that we value even the smallest of things, make the most out of every opportunity, build robust relationships that go well beyond money, and never take anything for granted. Then success and happiness are guaranteed, irrespective of the actual circumstances – losing everything or not!

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Where is my happiness?

Here is the Happiness Equation from Swami Chinmayananda:

Happiness = Desires Fulfilled / Desires Entertained

It’s beauty lies in its alarming simplicity.

We are conditioned from childhood to think that the more our desires are fulfilled (i.e. bigger numerator), the closer we get to happiness. Our entire life is spent in pursuit of desire fulfilment – more money, more name, more fame and more everything else.

But this equation teaches us an infinitely simpler and sustainable way of being and staying happy. By reducing the denominator, happiness will come quickly, and the endless chain of desires begetting more desires will be broken. This is not to say we must immediately give everything up and start living like hermits. However, we can train our mind to be reasonable with its requests. This will come when we objectively evaluate for ourselves the validity of our desires. Such as – do I really need a 10 bedroom house? I can only sleep in one room at a time! Likewise for a garage of 10 antique cars.

The point must not be misunderstood. There is nothing wrong with lofty ambitions. However, the human mind is a complex beast, and it will soon compare with neighbours with 12 bedrooms and 12 cars, center the aim on loftier ambitions and eventually spiral out of control. This is the reason why seemingly rich people with everything that money can buy, can still be discontented, unhappy and depressed.

The ideal way then, is to be happy with what we already have (numerator increase), and begin to reduce our new desires (i.e. the denominator), and over time, we will ooze happiness, irrespective of the outside world.

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Green and brown

Since time immemorial, man has searched high and low, for the promised land, also known as heaven, paradise, swarga or elysium.

This search is no different from that suggested by the proverb “the grass seems greener elsewhere”. We are all looking for a heaven to go to, where our problems will be magically transformed into soft fragrant rose petals. But what if the grass were not green, but actually brown and dying weeds.

What if we were born in a country with no freedom, no rights and no voice? Or born in a concentration camp or a prison? What if we were age 1 and the only survivor in a plane crash that decimates an extended family of 12, all returning from an overseas vacation? What if we were age 4 and told that a rare medial condition would give us just 1 year to live? There are millions of kids with such conditions! What if we had no limbs, or had no eyesight? What if we were not born a human, but as an animal? No, not the pampered pets on Instagram – but those that have to be culled after suspected exposure to a virus?

We could have easily been any of the above, but by some quirk of fate, we are not. Is that not something to rejoice over and over? Even living beings put through the hardest and harshest of conditions, find a way to be happy. So why are we sad? Why are we constantly looking for a mythical land of magic and perfection?

We are already in heaven. We have the power to make our own heaven. Right here right now. We must open our minds and embrace it.

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Inner peace, or pieces?

A news item caught my eye. It was about one of my favourite Hollywood actors. He is known for some amazing gangster movies that achieved cult status. He has apparently sought to reduce alimony payments to his ex-wife from US$ 100k to US$ 50k. Per month! This is more than most earn in a year or three.

It seems the coronavirus pandemic has damaged some of his investments in the hospitality sector. His net worth is still estimated at around US$ 500m! Needless to say, there are counter-cases and allegations from the other party.

By all conventional metrics, he is super successful. But is he happy? Who knows! But would a 75 year old rather chill in peace? Or be fighting cases in court?

Spirituality teaches us that peace is happiness. There is no mention of bank balance. Only mental and emotional balance.

Seek peace. Or make it. Happiness will come running.

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Do you / did you

  • live on the pavement, with no roof over your head?
  • walk 50 kilometres daily in search of water?
  • skip 1 or more meals a day because you don’t have the money for it?
  • have no formal education because your folks couldn’t afford it?
  • grow up as an orphan in an orphanage a substantial part of your early life?
  • test positive for a terminal illness?
  • enter this world with a devastating physical disability?
  • immigrate to another country in an overcrowded boat with no possessions whatsoever?
  • live in the centre of a war zone with no visibility of survival?


Then why are we sad today?

Even many of those who experience such adversities manage to be happy.

Be forever happy now!

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You’ve nailed it!

Two prosperous neighbouring kingdoms were ruled by two friendly but competitive kings. One day, one of them decided to renounce the world and lead life as a saint. Hearing this, the other king also decided to follow suit.

They each went their own way, with no possessions more than the ochre robes they were wearing. 20 years of hermit-life later, they simultaneously chanced upon a serene river. Both of them decided to take bath there at the same time.

There was only 1 tree in sight with only 1 nail on it, where they could hang their clothes. Both the king-saints started bickering over the ownership of that nail.

An old woman came by and said “Look and learn from the two great kings of these nearby kingdoms – they had renounced everything. And here you two fools are fighting over a silly nail!”

It doesn’t matter if one has physical possessions or not.

True renunciation happens only in the mind.

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Lap it all up

We are all multi-billionaires. Yes we are.

In the currency of LAP. Lavish Appreciation and Praise.

Not only do we have this currency in abundance, but we can also summon it at will.

Think back to how amazing you and your day felt when somebody randomly came up to you, and appreciated your work, praised your singing, commended your speech or complimented your looks.

The return on this currency is infinite. Because while it costs nothing, try using this currency on those around you, and see their reactions. You will leave a wonderful and lasting impression.

This currency can win you things that even real money cannot buy. Such as the hearts of people. In fact, you can wrap the whole world around your little finger!

Do try it out. I guarantee that you will be noticed, and you will be remembered. For all the good reasons.

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You know nothing of my pitiable condition.

You just lost your job in this pandemic. Yes the same dream job that you struggled for many years to get. It paid well. And the career path actually seemed to be looking right up. Until today morning, when the boss gave you the bad news. Your friend comes up to you. The one who still has a job. And has been having a great career – much better than yours. He tries to console you. “You know buddy, life can be tough sometimes. But don’t despair. You’re stronger than this. You’ll get through it. Just seek and tap in to the happiness within. Things will work out. Everything will be fine.”

You think to yourself. “He hasn’t lost his job. He doesn’t have to support a family with no monthly paycheck. He can lecture me. So easy to be in his shoes! And what happiness within? I’m a train-wreck and a loser, and I don’t know how I’ll ever pick myself up from this ever again. There ain’t no happiness here!”

Haven’t we all been in position of weakness at some point? Maybe after losing a job. Or a loved one. Or failed an exam. Or something else.

It may be true that the happiness we seek lies within. But the time to sow the seed, is not on the day of the harvest. Building mental and spiritual strength requires time and effort. If we didn’t get around to this 5 or 10 or 15 years ago, that’s fine.

But the next best time, is now. Before, a problem hits us. Because life tends to be cyclical. If things are going great, it is likely that may not remain forever. And if things seem desolate, that too, will pass. Meditation, yoga, pranayama, spiritual discourses and others are imperative. But we must build the roof, before the rains, not when the hurricane is overhead.

Let us start today. So that when someone comes up telling us to ‘seek the happiness within’, we are actually able to make use of the advice. Even though by then, we may not need it.

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Enjoy the Unjoy

Maybe you’re stuck in the worst job, with the worst boss. Or maybe you’re stuck in the worst relationship, with the worst partner. Or stuck with the worst degree, in the worst college.

The circumstances we find ourselves in right now may be hard to change immediately.

The tools we are given must be accepted. But the design we create with those tools is on us. And in the process, we may chance upon better tools as well.

How can we do this? Only by loving and enjoying what we are already doing, irrespective of what we are doing. We must find the positives, even if only temporary. There is no other way.

But I don’t enjoy my job, you say? No one does. Given a choice, most people would prefer to become a couch potato, or maybe ‘find their passion’. Whatever that goose chase is about!

Interestingly, the entire of the Bhagavad Gita never once mentions whether one should be in this profession or that. But only about how to do the work associated with any profession.

It helps if we accept that the circumstances in a way stem from our own past karmic doing, from this life or before. It helps because we can begin to sow the seeds for better future circumstances.

If we anyway have to do our jobs, deal with our partners, study what we are studying – we might as well do it happily. Because being unhappy about it will only increase anxiety. Our positive energies will dissipate. This will prevent us from spending time on finding and building toward new circumstances quickly – that dream job at Google, that dream partner from Hollywood, that dream Harvard MBA.

The future can certainly be changed. Dreams can surely materialise. But only if we begin to enjoy the now, now.

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Lifelong vacation

Oh that awesome vacation I had planned. Pristine beaches. Stunning landscapes. Yummy food. Alas, COVID19 threw my plans into disarray. Surely a lot of us have heard of or experienced this in the last few months.

We all love vacations.

Especially the first 2 of the 5 days. Aren’t they just the best!

Day 3 is spent partially enjoying, and partially thinking about getting back to work. Day 4 has a lot more office thoughts, and lot less vacation. Day 5 is practically a write-off.

Why are only days 1 and 2 the best?

Because that is when we are completely immersed in the moment. There is no thinking about anything else.

But downhill begins therefrom.

What if we could live every single day like day 1 of our vacations? Not think one minute about the future or one minute about the past. But to consciously train our minds to live in the now.

Difficult? Perhaps. But it took us ~50,000 attempts to sit upright as kids or learn to speak or learn to put food in our mouths. All very difficult tasks for a toddler. We did not give up then. We would likely need way lesser attempts now.

A lifelong vacation beckons.

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When we are by ourselves, we tend to think negative, project a dystopian future, and find faults in our various imperfections.

Wish I was thin or had a better skin or a better chin. Or was taller, and muscular. Or shorter and less muscular. There is no end to this downward spiral.

Researchers recently found that loneliness is as lethal as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

One may physically be in the midst of people, and yet lead a lonely life. Think celebrities, who are inundated by fans (and money) and still suffer from depression. How do we solve this?

Maybe we can attempt to connect with others more. It wouldn’t hurt to smile at a stranger in the elevator for instance. There’s a high likelihood of getting a smile in return! Or we can stay immersed in books, movies, music and art.

Key though, is that none of this is truly external dependent. If we can be lonely in the company of others, maybe we can be unlonely by ourselves.

The mind must be trained repeatedly to accept who we are. Can we be better in the future? Certainly. But for right now, we each are just perfect.

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A Pyrrhic victory

If only I had some more money. And then I could step of out this rat race, pay off my debt, retire early, move to a cabin by the sea and live the rest of my life.

Don’t we all have such seemingly simple wishes? Just a little more money. Let my bank account touch US$ [xyz] or US$ [abc]. And that will be it.

In 1999, a Texan man named Billy Bob got divorced, was alienated from his kids and subsequently committed suicide.

The reason? Just two years before, Billy had won US$ 31 million at the Lotto Texas jackpot. Things went downhill from there. What a reason to take one’s life – snatching defeat from the apparent jaws of victory itself!

We are quite dismal at predicting our own futures. Yes I want 50 million dollars, but everything comes at a cost. Will I be able to handle that kind of money? Where will I keep it? Will the attitudes of those around me change once I have it? Will my own mind be at peace? Can I sleep at night? Or stay worried about keeping the money safe? Will people target me / my money? Do I really even need that much money?

We need to honestly answer to ourselves – what do we really need and what do we really want.

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Tipping point

Eating at a crowded restaurant in today’s locked-down world might seem like a distant reality.

However, dining out is one of people’s favorite pastimes. The good food, the beverages, the ambience, the music, the company and the professionalism of the staff – all contribute to the ideal culinary experience.

Imagine you just finished a wonderful meal. You tip the waiter 20% of the bill amount. He frowns, pockets the money, and hurries away. You are left perplexed, and frown in return.

In a parallel universe however, he smiles, bows and thanks you for your generosity. You are happy, and can’t help but feel light-hearted.

Which do you prefer?

We each have the opportunity to make those around us happy.

Not everything needs to be transactionary (quid pro quo).

It is not the circumstances (tip amount) that should define the reaction (frown/smile). Rather, the reaction can be upheld, despite the circumstance.

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Good-for-‘ ? ‘

Ever been called a good-for-nothing?

It is not a good feeling. Nobody likes it. But everyone has been called that at some point in their lives – either to their face or behind their back.

It is human nature to oppose something if it doesn’t have (apparent) benefits to us. No wonder we thrive in this age of instant gratification.

But this has also made humans easily distracted, and rarely concerned about the feelings of others.

How do we deal with the naysayers all around us? By focusing only on the message. Not the emotion. Take the feedback if relevant. Otherwise ignore.

Think movies. If a character gets rebuked on-scene, does it affect the actor playing the role? Not in the slightest!

Each one of us is starring in a movie called Life. And we each are good-for-something, if not for everything.

And that is good enough.

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Toy story

Finding our favorite race car toy mangled, or barbie doll ripped apart, when we were 5 years old – was devastating.

Today, at least a few decades older, we can buy many multiples of such toys for ourselves if we wanted to. However, do we?

The toys are the same. But we are not.

Yesterday’s problems, are today’s laughables.

By extension, today’s problems are likely to be non-events in the future. Why then, do we worry laboriously about every passing moment?

Life is easier and most productive when the mind is free from anxiety.

As Buzz Lightyear would say, “To infinity and beyond!”

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The Prayer

“Dear Lord, please give me a Ferrari, lots of money, a beautiful family, great power in society, top grades in my exams, and while you’re at it, some more money.”

We often synonymize prayer and demands.

How about, “Dear Lord, Good morning! How are you doing today? Hope you rested well. My heartfelt gratitude to you for everything you have given me!”, said with a smile?

If you were God, which would you like to listen to?

Prayer can just be a means to connect to a higher power, aka, the divinity within us.

The more we ask for in life, the greater the chances of us being disappointed.

“I want happiness” said a disciple to the Buddha. The Buddha replied, drop the ‘I’ (ego), drop the ‘want’ (desire), and you have what you seek!

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The Happiness Toggle

No better way for me to start, than by being grateful to everyone and everything that has brought me to this point. If you are reading this, you too need to be grateful. Why? Because we are lucky to even be alive! So many babies didn’t make it past the fourth month in the womb. But here we are. Our organs are working, and limbs are fine, and we can see and hear and talk and laugh.

Sure, this is common across most other human beings you say – so what? So this, that the more we crave for something we don’t have, the more the anxiety and unhappiness.

Flip that around. Where does the happiness lie. In the object? Or inside us? If chocolate (the object) makes us happy, then why does that happiness not linger?

We do not need anything else. We are already complete. Let us strive to help others, instead of focusing on ourselves all the time. This happiness toggle is in our minds.

As the Buddha said, we don’t need money, to give. We can give compassion with our eyes, sweet words with our mouths, warmth from our touch, a listening companion with our ears and serve with our bodies.

Forget what society wants us to be. Let us be ourselves. If we want to be great, let us start by being grateful – let us be forever happy now!

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